P3 Weekly News

Learning Overview

Our Wordboost words this week have been ocean, ancient, spine, immediately, peciliar and shriek. We listened to the story of Hiccup the Viking who was seasick. We were very good at recognising the boost words and also putting them into WOW sentences. In P.M. writing we have been learning how to write an Exposition and understanding what a statement of position, a series of arguements and a concluding statement are. We then wrote an Exposition as a class on exercise and drinking water. We came up with fantastic arguements for both of these.

In Maths we have been learning about Time and and applying our knowledge of time facts to help us solve word problems.

As it is now the season of Advent we learned about the Advent wreath and the different meanings behind the candles and how we need to get ready for the birth of Jesus.

Our WOW walls on our one note profiles have been getting lots of fantastic and WOW work put on them. There has been lots of collaborative learning and model making with the Kapla and also in the Play room. Please log in and have a look at the amazing work that has been done.

Thursday was busy making posters for our stall at the school fayre and we were delighted that we sold all our sweetie cones!

Pupil Voice

Christopher has enjoyed learning Spanish this week.

Oliver loved hearing about schools in the past and he is glad he didn’t go to school then.

Evie and Hanna enjoyed learning about Time in Maths.

Malakai really liked making posters for the school Fayre.

Next Steps Home Learning Opportunities

We have been learning colours in Spanish. Here is a game that you can play at home to consolidate learning.


We are also looking forward to hearing the childrens’s solo talks next week.

Have a lovely weekend from P3, Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan.


1+2 Languages Family Fun Event

Please click on the link below to find out more about a family event taking place on 8th September from 10am – 12noon.

Learn to dance Flamenco and enjoy a croissant in the French café!
Please register your interest with your school by Monday, 3rd September to book your place! Cost per family: £1

1+2 Family Fun Morning Flyer


Busy, busy, busy in Primary 2/3

It has been another busy, exciting week in Primary 2/3 and the children would like to share their highlights with you.

Marcus – I liked making pizzas.  My pizza had sweetcorn and ham.  It was delicious.

Wojciech – I liked doing Superhero spelling and we learned about bossy ‘e’.

Leo – I liked playing with my friends at lunchtime.

Abigail – I liked counting to 100 in maths.

Patryk – I liked making the Enormous Crocodile using lots of kinds of green paper.

Josephine – I liked learning about Whole Body Listening and making a poster for our door.

Bernice – I liked playing ball games in PE where we had one ball then two balls.

Paul – I liked working on listening skills with Mrs McGonigal.

Nathan – I liked making cube towers in numeracy.  Mine was really really big.  I had to count to 84!!

Rafay – I liked writing about making pizza.

Alice – I liked planning our Spain topic for next week.

Zoe – I liked decorating the Enormous Crocodile.

Hayley – I liked making pizza.

Our first class Lead Learners were Ana and Paul and they did a wonderful job.

Food Technology was a popular lesson this week and everyone loved making pizza.

In Spanish we developed our talking skills and worked on saying hello and goodbye.

We’re all looking forward to Maths Week next week.

Have a good weekend.

From Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3.

Primary 2/3 Weekly News

What a busy week of learning it has been in Primary 2/3!

Everyone took their new reading books home and worked really hard on their literacy skills.

On Wednesday everyone was so excited to work with Mrs McCabe and Mrs Stewart to make fruit kebabs. We tried so many different fruits including greengages and pomegranates. We’ve already planned toppings for our pizzas next week – you can read our ideas in our talking book.

Writing was a focus for us on Thursday and we wrote about how we made fruit kebabs in Food Technology.

In IDL we continued to read The Enormous Crocodile and then thought about healthy and unhealthy foods for the crocodile.

In numeracy we have been working on numbers to 10, 100 and 100. Today we thought about how each of us learns best to help us plan our maths learning for the term. Some children like to use technology, some like to use counting cubes, some like to play games. We were all amazed by the range of ideas.

We were so excited when the UN Ambassadors arrived in our class today to share the fantastic news that we have been awarded the Level 2 RRS Award. Well done everyone!

In PE we worked on co-operative skills and learnt two new games – Video Games and Capture the Treasure.

Our Spanish focus this week was asking our friends what their name is in Spanish then telling them our names. We were so confident in our language skills!

Welcome to Primary 2/3

Hello and welcome to the Primary 2/3 blog.

We have had a super first week of term and the children have all settled in really well.  We have done lots of ‘Getting to Know You’ Activities’ and the children created wonderful self –portraits. We also used our Spanish skills to introduce ourselves.

We have read The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl and have had lots of fun writing our own sentences about the story and creating chalk illustrations in the playground.

We even worked in teams to do a ‘Who Am I?’ challenge using the characters in the story.  In maths we created pictures of the Enormous Crocodile using 2D shapes and Primary 3 were able to label their shapes as well.  We also talked about the feelings of the Enormous Crocodile and wrote labels for our class display.

Another highlight has been creating our Class Charter.  The most difficult part was choosing which of the many wonderful ideas we would use.

We all agreed that we would like a Superhero theme for our classroom door then completed Superhero identity cards to show our special powers including kindness, perseverance and friendship.  What fantastic qualities to have in our class!


P2/3 Weekly Update

It has been another fantastic, busy week in Primary 2/3.

The children would like to share some of their highlights:

Angel and James – I liked looking at our Local Area.  We thought about how land is used in our local area and made maps.  We used Google Maps to help us.

Alishba and Aaron  – I liked  Big Writing because we wrote about how milk comes from cows.  We made posters in groups too.

Andrew and Jakub – I liked PE because we played a game with the parachute.  It was really fun!  We played another game called Sharks and Lifeguards too.  When you’re a shark you have to pull someone under the parachute and they become a shark.  Then the lifeguard has to save you.

Harry and Matthew – I liked playing dodgeball in PE.

Zuzanna – I liked creating a character in literacy. I named my character Teresa.

Maeve – I liked making a character description.  I called mine Yana.

Brooke – I liked the assembly when we found out the results of the elections for house captains.

Chloe – I liked the P1R assembly because it had Spanish songs.

Levente, Annayah and Pawel – I liked learning about Global Goal #6.  We learnt about a school in Kenya where they didn’t have clean water and we listened to a song about clean water too.

Oma and Calvin  – I liked doing Sumdog because I got more coins and a pet and I completed in the West Lothian contest.

Carly – I liked Spanish because we were learning high numbers up to 30!!

from P2/3, Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan.



P2/3 Weekly News

What have we been learning in P2/3 this week?  Here are some of the children’s highlights.

Carly, Annayah and Dominic – I liked planting seeds.  I had to follow instructions and think about what plants need to grow.

Alishba – I liked making salad and it was yummy!

Harry and Calvin – I liked PE when we did the high jump.  I jumped really high.

Rachel – I liked designing my own fidget spinner.  It had to be symmetrical!

Matthew – I liked doing symmetry in maths when we designed symmetrical fidget spinners.

Michelle – I liked rounding numbers to the nearest ten in maths.

Chloe and Brooke  – I liked making the salad because I got to learn different holds for cutting and it tasted good!

Kuba – I liked the Achievements Assembly.  I was proud of James and Harry when they had to stand up because they brought in their new belts and certificates for Kicking Kids.

Zuzanna – I liked writing to Mrs Purdie because we could write about what we like at St Ninians.

Maya – I liked slicing the food when we made salad.

Pawel – I liked teaching my friends the Polish words for our salad ingredients.

Levente – I taught everyone how to say salad ingredients in Hungarian.

Hasan – I liked doing the CEM test.

Andrew – I liked eating the salad we made!

James – I liked the Achievements Assembly because I was an achiever!

Oma – I liked doing PE because we did the high jump and I could jump really high.

Angel – I liked rounding numbers to the nearest ten in maths.  It was quite hard at first but I kept trying and it got easier.

Maeve – I liked doing number talks because they were quite tricky but they got easier when we shared our strategies.

We have also been thinking about Global Goal No. 3 and talking about what it means. Look out for our posters!

If you would like to try making our layered salad at home, here is the recipe http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/attachments/eb941dd0-5377-4c95a2df64fd.pdf



Symmetry has been a big focus for us in maths this week.  This is one of our favourite websites to improve our skills https://www.topmarks.co.uk/symmetry/symmetry-sorting

We’ve also been working hard on our Spanish conversation skills. Our phrase of the week has been ¿Cómo estás?  Try and ask us this question and find out how we are feeling!

We hope that you all have a lovely long weekend.

from P2/3, Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan





P2/3 Weekly update

In maths we have been using coins to 99p then using our number skills to pay for items up to 99p.  We’ve had to use our skills in counting in tens too.  We enjoyed playing this game to practice using and counting money http://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money

We have also been working on our counting skills, counting forwards and backwards from any number up to 100.  This is a good one to work on at home.  A handy activity is http://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=NumberSequences  We’d love it if you leave a comment to let us know how you get on!

In Spanish we’ve been working hard to learn the months of the year now that we’ve mastered the days of the week.  We’ve had great fun playing this game http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primarylanguages/spanish/my_calendar/games/magic_cards_months/  Try it at home and see if you can beat the magician.

Everyone worked really hard in our Literacy Carousel on Wednesday.  One of our highlights was reading in pairs then giving each other feedback. We also worked on spelling using pipe cleaners, improving our handwriting skills and finding interesting vocabulary in our reading books.


Pupils from P2/3 and P3 paid a visit to St Philip’s chapel on Thursday for their Sacrament of Reconciliation rehearsal. Some of the children have been a little worried about the format so it was really helpful to have the opportunity beforehand to go along. All of the children have worked really hard completing their Sacramental lessons in school as well as their homework tasks. They know their prayers and the hymns well, so we have been reassuring the children not to worry about anything at all!

Some of our other highlights include:

Michelle – I liked writing about my friend.  I used lots of connectives.

Matthew – I liked doing Sumdog because I got lots of coins.  My maths skills are improving.

Kuba – I liked the maths carousel because I worked hard with number lines.

Oma and Maya – I liked the Health and Well-Being committee because we went outside today.

Alishba – I liked singing with Mrs Steele.

Chloe – I liked it when Mrs Smith came to do maths with us.  I learned how to find the difference between numbers.

Levente –  I liked learning about responsibility in Health and Well-Being.  We thought about it in the school and in the community.

Brooke –  I liked the STEM committee because we worked on the laptops to design eggs.

Carly and Angel – I liked preparing for my First Reconciliation on Saturday.

Maeve – I liked learning about Cleopatra and looking at her face so we can draw it in art next week.

Aaron – I liked Technology when I switched on the netbook, logged on, found a website then played a maths game.  I used loads of skills.

What a busy week in P2/3.  We’d love it if you would leave us a comment.

From Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and P2/3.



Nursery News

In Nursery this week we had lots of Chinese New Year celebrations! On Tuesday Miss Pan a Mandarin teacher from the Confucius Hub in James Young High school visited both sessions. She told us all about China and taught us some Chinese phrases and explained about the twelve special animals in Chinese culture. We found out that this is the year of the Rooster, red is the colour of good fortune and giving a mandarin orange is a symbol of a strong friendship. We were lucky enough to get a chocolate coin in a special red envelope and an orange to take home.

We also listened to traditional Chinese music and joined in by dancing using ribbons and musical instruments. In our creative area we made huge Chinese dragons which we were able to carry round the Nursery and use percussion instruments to create our own dragon dance. We also had the opportunity to make dancing dragons.

For snack we were given the chance to try Chinese noodles with soy or spicy chilli sauce which we tried to eat with chopsticks.

Our bird watching area has continued to be popular and Miss Brien one of our students made some bird cakes with us. We are planning on hanging these outside in our garden next week and then hopefully we will see more birds arriving!

As part of the 40th Birthday celebrations for the school we were asked if we would contribute to the time capsule. We discussed our favourite songs, films and hobbies.

We finished off the week by having our Wellie walks. Both sessions were lucky with the weather and we all looked for signs of nature and listened for the birds. Thank you all so much for your generous donations. We made £170 which is fantastic and we will discuss with the children the resources they would like to buy with this money.

Just a little reminder that we have our February break next week. Nursery will be closed on Friday 10th February and we look forward to welcoming children back to nursery on Wednesday 15th February.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery Team😊

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Primary 2/3 News!

What a busy week it has been in Primary 2/3.  We rounded off the week with a lovely farewell assembly for  Miss Smyth.  We’ll all be so sorry to see her go and wish her lots of luck in her new job.

Everyone has participated so well in International Week and we loved drawing pictures and introducing ourselves in Spanish to our friends in a school in Spain. We hope that they write back to us!

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Some of our highlights have been:

Brooke ‘Learning a song for Miss Smyth from the Trolls movie’.

Andrew ‘Learning about pyramids in Ancient Egypt’.

Hasan ‘Maths carousels were my favourite’.

Levente ‘I liked writing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk because I used lots of connectives’.

Aaron ‘I liked learning about the pyramids  and the River Nile in Ancient Egypt.  I can’t wait to make a pyramid next week’.

Rachel ‘I liked drawing a picture of myself and writing in Spanish to send to our friends in Spain’.

Oma ‘I love our Ancient Egyptians topic and I’m excited to learn about mummies’.

Chloe ‘I liked scribble spelling because I like writing my words in different colours.  It helps me learn my words’.

Carly ‘I liked handwriting because we are getting faster at joining letters’.

Our writing focus next week is the Story of ‘The Snail and the Whale’. It would be really helpful if you could share the story with your child. You can access it at https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B0kSTA-ma90 When we are writing, we’ll be concentrating on spelling common words and using different openers for our sentences.

Have a lovely weekend!

From Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3

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