Primary 2/3 Weekly News

What a busy week of learning it has been in Primary 2/3!

Everyone took their new reading books home and worked really hard on their literacy skills.

On Wednesday everyone was so excited to work with Mrs McCabe and Mrs Stewart to make fruit kebabs. We tried so many different fruits including greengages and pomegranates. We’ve already planned toppings for our pizzas next week – you can read our ideas in our talking book.

Writing was a focus for us on Thursday and we wrote about how we made fruit kebabs in Food Technology.

In IDL we continued to read The Enormous Crocodile and then thought about healthy and unhealthy foods for the crocodile.

In numeracy we have been working on numbers to 10, 100 and 100. Today we thought about how each of us learns best to help us plan our maths learning for the term. Some children like to use technology, some like to use counting cubes, some like to play games. We were all amazed by the range of ideas.

We were so excited when the UN Ambassadors arrived in our class today to share the fantastic news that we have been awarded the Level 2 RRS Award. Well done everyone!

In PE we worked on co-operative skills and learnt two new games – Video Games and Capture the Treasure.

Our Spanish focus this week was asking our friends what their name is in Spanish then telling them our names. We were so confident in our language skills!

Welcome to Primary 2/3

Hello and welcome to the Primary 2/3 blog.

We have had a super first week of term and the children have all settled in really well.  We have done lots of ‘Getting to Know You’ Activities’ and the children created wonderful self –portraits. We also used our Spanish skills to introduce ourselves.

We have read The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl and have had lots of fun writing our own sentences about the story and creating chalk illustrations in the playground.

We even worked in teams to do a ‘Who Am I?’ challenge using the characters in the story.  In maths we created pictures of the Enormous Crocodile using 2D shapes and Primary 3 were able to label their shapes as well.  We also talked about the feelings of the Enormous Crocodile and wrote labels for our class display.

Another highlight has been creating our Class Charter.  The most difficult part was choosing which of the many wonderful ideas we would use.

We all agreed that we would like a Superhero theme for our classroom door then completed Superhero identity cards to show our special powers including kindness, perseverance and friendship.  What fantastic qualities to have in our class!


P2/3 Weekly Update

It has been another fantastic, busy week in Primary 2/3.

The children would like to share some of their highlights:

Angel and James – I liked looking at our Local Area.  We thought about how land is used in our local area and made maps.  We used Google Maps to help us.

Alishba and Aaron  – I liked  Big Writing because we wrote about how milk comes from cows.  We made posters in groups too.

Andrew and Jakub – I liked PE because we played a game with the parachute.  It was really fun!  We played another game called Sharks and Lifeguards too.  When you’re a shark you have to pull someone under the parachute and they become a shark.  Then the lifeguard has to save you.

Harry and Matthew – I liked playing dodgeball in PE.

Zuzanna – I liked creating a character in literacy. I named my character Teresa.

Maeve – I liked making a character description.  I called mine Yana.

Brooke – I liked the assembly when we found out the results of the elections for house captains.

Chloe – I liked the P1R assembly because it had Spanish songs.

Levente, Annayah and Pawel – I liked learning about Global Goal #6.  We learnt about a school in Kenya where they didn’t have clean water and we listened to a song about clean water too.

Oma and Calvin  – I liked doing Sumdog because I got more coins and a pet and I completed in the West Lothian contest.

Carly – I liked Spanish because we were learning high numbers up to 30!!

from P2/3, Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan.



Hard at work in P1R

Another week passes with lots of learning and fun!

Fractions was our new topic in maths and we learned about halves, quarters and sharing fairly and equally. We started the learning with some chocolate! Mrs Roy gave us a challenge to cut a mini roll into halves then quarters, we had to be very accurate with our slicing. As we did so well we then got to eat the pieces, if only maths could always involve chocolate!!! Our learning continued when we learned about sharing fairly and equally. Mrs Roy was very naughty and shared sweets with all of us but it wasn’t fair! Some children got 1 bag, some got 2 bags and some got 3 bags! So we had to use our thinking heads and solve the problem,we came up with lots of good ideas and tried them all out. We decided the best way to do it was by giving each person in turn 1 bag then another bag and so on until all the sweets has been handed out. We have a good understanding of fair shares and as a reward got some Haribos which we shared fairly.

We continued to discuss the Gruffalo story and this week worked on sequencing the order of the story in preparation for making our own Gruffalo storybooks to share with the nursery,this was Dexter’s idea from our learning wall. Everyone worked really hard on these and when Mrs Scott popped in we took pride in sharing them with her. In Art we made ‘big’ Gruafflos which again was another idea from our learning wall. We used coloured sugar paper to do this, we made connections in our learning as we folded paper in half and then in quarters, we made also made different 2D shapes for our Gruffalo.

As it is the month of May we have been learning about Mary our Mother. As a class we started to make a special altar for Mary at the front of the classroom and discussed the meaning behind the different symbols. We will add to this next week. Then we all shared our thoughts about Mary and wrote them down.

During nursery transition we flipped it around and we went to the nursery instead of them coming to us. We went out into the nursery playground and buddied up with a nursery child to play and have fun with. We are being really responsible and helping the children prepare for coming into P1.

We also had a visit from the UN Ambassadors and they talked to us about Global Goals. They asked some of us to have our say by writing a tweet for our new Global Citizenship display in school. Have a look when you are here next week for Parent’s Evenings.

P2/3 Weekly News

What have we been learning in P2/3 this week?  Here are some of the children’s highlights.

Carly, Annayah and Dominic – I liked planting seeds.  I had to follow instructions and think about what plants need to grow.

Alishba – I liked making salad and it was yummy!

Harry and Calvin – I liked PE when we did the high jump.  I jumped really high.

Rachel – I liked designing my own fidget spinner.  It had to be symmetrical!

Matthew – I liked doing symmetry in maths when we designed symmetrical fidget spinners.

Michelle – I liked rounding numbers to the nearest ten in maths.

Chloe and Brooke  – I liked making the salad because I got to learn different holds for cutting and it tasted good!

Kuba – I liked the Achievements Assembly.  I was proud of James and Harry when they had to stand up because they brought in their new belts and certificates for Kicking Kids.

Zuzanna – I liked writing to Mrs Purdie because we could write about what we like at St Ninians.

Maya – I liked slicing the food when we made salad.

Pawel – I liked teaching my friends the Polish words for our salad ingredients.

Levente – I taught everyone how to say salad ingredients in Hungarian.

Hasan – I liked doing the CEM test.

Andrew – I liked eating the salad we made!

James – I liked the Achievements Assembly because I was an achiever!

Oma – I liked doing PE because we did the high jump and I could jump really high.

Angel – I liked rounding numbers to the nearest ten in maths.  It was quite hard at first but I kept trying and it got easier.

Maeve – I liked doing number talks because they were quite tricky but they got easier when we shared our strategies.

We have also been thinking about Global Goal No. 3 and talking about what it means. Look out for our posters!

If you would like to try making our layered salad at home, here is the recipe



Symmetry has been a big focus for us in maths this week.  This is one of our favourite websites to improve our skills

We’ve also been working hard on our Spanish conversation skills. Our phrase of the week has been ¿Cómo estás?  Try and ask us this question and find out how we are feeling!

We hope that you all have a lovely long weekend.

from P2/3, Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan





Our weekly news

What a great week we’ve had in P1R this week, where shall we begin…

In literacy we have now learned all our P1 Sounds so have been focusing on revising the ones we found tricky, eg. Digraphs and oa/oi. Some of us even learned about alternative spellings of the vowel sound ai/ay. We played games in pairs, used letter join on the iPads, did some cut and stick word tasks, did a team task in our Talking Book and practised spelling in our journals. Lucy and Isla wanted to share this funny video with everyone:

In reading we are all progressing well and are quickly getting through different books. We enjoy our paired reading on a Tuesday with P7 and Mrs Docherty is now joining us for reading too which has been lovely!

Maths has been good fun as we continued to learn about time using little clocks, matching digital to analogue times, Stop the Clock (Dexter was our champion) on the smartboard and time bingo. We are all reminding Mrs Roy about lunchtime-12 o’clock and hometime-3 o’clock! You can download the Stop the Clock app onto your tablet or iPads at home if you want to try and beat your fastest time!

The Gruffalo continues to be our topic and we worked with the nursery to share our favourite characters, we all drew a picture and labelled it for our display while listening to the Gruffalo song. During Art we got out the paints and then created paintings of our favourite characters for our Art Gallery. We also finished our Gruffalo collage, we can’t wait to share it with you at Parent’s Night.

In writing we wrote a recount of our trip to the woods,congratulations to James and Klaudia who were our star writers.

As the sun was shining we took some learning outdoors for PE and Structured Play. We are all enjoying Athletics and are preparing well for Sports Day.

P2/3 Weekly Update

In Primary 2/3 this week we have been really busy in lots of areas.  Thank you for all the pictures that the children have sent in of their cress plants.  Their growing skills are very impressive!

We’ve continued our learning about Food and Farming and had some super discussion in pairs in Science about the parts of a plant and what plants need to grow.


Read on for some of our highlights.

Harry – I liked changing tables because I’m a Whizz Kid now and it will be my last table in P2/3 before I move to P3.

Hasan – I liked painting a butterfly.  Mine looked good and I learned symmetry.

Oma – I liked doing learning about the month of Mary in RE.  We used paint to decorate the word ‘Mary’.

Maeve – I liked sorting living things into different categories.

Levente – I liked playing the symmetry game on the smartboard.  I played it at home too.

(In Maths we have been exploring symmetry.  Try this activity at home to help reinforce learning

Alishba – I liked writing to Farmer Jess to thank her for coming to visit us.

Brooke – I liked being outside for PE and playing jacks and boules.

Rachel – I liked learning about empathy and learning challenges in class dojo.

Kuba and Andrew – I liked PE because we were jumping over the hurdles. I was good at the hurdles.

James – I liked running fast in the Daily Mile.

Annayah – I liked praying the ten rosaries.

Aaron – I liked designing pictures of Mary.

Matthew – my cress is growing really fast at home.

Michelle – I liked maths because I learned loads about symmetry.

Carly – I liked the literacy carousel because I made my words in playdough.

Maya – I liked when we were painting symmetrical butterflies and I liked learning lots of new things to say in Spanish. I liked High Five Spanish.

In Spanish this term, the children have planned their learning to develop their skills in asking questions and answers. Do ask your child what’s hey learned in Spanish this week. There are lots of great activities on the BBC languages website to help wth these skills.

Sneak preview! Next week in writing we’re writing to Mrs Purdie to tell her about all the things we like best at St Ninian’s. Have a chat with your child about this and they can share their ideas in Big Writing on Thursday.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Primary 2/3, Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan







Primary 2/3 Star in Egyptians Assembly!

Well done to Primary 2/3 for all their hard work in planning and performing in their Ancient Egyptians assembly and to all the parents and grandparents for coming along and providing a fabulous audience.


Some of our highlights this week have been:

Kuba – I liked rehearsing for our assembly.

Annayah – I liked singing songs in the assembly, especially the mummy song.

Alishba – I liked when we were drumming in music and keeping the beat.

Levente, Aaron and Andrew – I loved the mummy song in our assembly.

Pawel – I liked Big Writing and making props for our assembly.

Carly – Farmer Jess told us about crops that grow in Scotland and she showed us lots of pictures.

Chloe – I liked doing the Daily Mile because I’m getting fitter and faster.

Harry – I liked going on a walk and looking at the land around our school then finding out what it was used for.

Zuzanna – I liked Big Writing because we wrote about our walk.

Rachel – I liked our assembly because I loved the songs.

Angel – I liked it when Farmer Jess came to visit and showed us oil seed rape seeds and we got to hold them.

Oma – I liked rehearsing for our assembly.  We used our singing skills and our listening and talking skills.

Matthew – I liked doing Sumdog because I got lots of coins. Sumdog helps me get better at maths.

Maeve – I had great fun when Farmer Jess came to visit because she talked about lots of animals and we found out about wee and poo from cows!!

Have a great weekend!

From Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3

Outdoor learning

This week we tried to take a lot of our learning outdoors and everyone had great fun.

In literacy we did some spelling work outside using the large chalks then played outdoor Frys word bingo. It got a bit messy but we all agreed that it was a fun way to practise our Frys words. Well done to Paul M for being our bingo winner!

In maths we were learning about positional language and directions. We played lots of fun games to help us, eg. Stand beside the door, sit on top of the table (don’t tell Mrs Purdie we were on top of the tables), sit under the table, stand beside the gate, etc. We also used hoops outside and had to follow more instructions, eg. Jump in the hoop, stand behind the hoop. Then Sahara had a great idea to help us remember left and right, she taught us all how to dab then we had to sing,” dab to the left, dab to the right”. We also used this song:

For our science learning we focused on seasons and went on a spring scavenger hunt. We had to use our senses to see,touch, hear and smell things. We all set to work and recorded our findings on our clipboards.

We then shared this learning with the PM nursery when we all joined together to go for a walk to the Dedridge pond and woods. It was a lovely afternoon and we were super excited to see lots of squirrels, ducks and 2 swans, we think the mummy swan was sitting on her nest guarding some eggs, we will go back in a few weeks to check how she is getting on. We also spotted some bat boxes and different types of flowers and trees.

To finish the week off we decided to stop off at the park for some fun and games. It was lovely to see everyone playing nicely together, seeing lots of smiles and hearing lots of laughter!

Welcome back P2/3!

It has been a busy start to the term in Primary 2/3 and we have thoroughly enjoyed using the outdoor environment to develop our learning during Outdoor Week.


Read on for some of the children’s highlights:

Carly enjoyed planning our Food and Farming topic with her elbow partner.

Harry enjoyed PE outside with Mrs McMullen, especially playing tig.

Maya enjoyed doing our alphabet challenge outside where we had to use all of our senses to find something for each letter of the alphabet.

Brooke enjoyed our full stop hunt in the playground – you won’t believe how many full stops we found!

Aaron liked everything!

Andrew enjoyed writing about his trip to London during Big Writing.

Kuba enjoyed today’s assembly.

Oma enjoyed making a graph in the playground to show what we collected in the garden.

Chloe enjoyed Big Writing because she wrote about her friend and her holiday.

Maeve enjoyed Big Maths Beat That and our alphabet challenge because she even found a holly tree for the letter H.

Alishba enjoyed finding out about the vision of Jesus in RE.

Rachel enjoyed our full stop hunt in the playground.

Calvin enjoyed information handling when we sorted out information about food.

Levente enjoyed our Sumdog assessment.

Angel enjoyed collecting leaves and stones so we could make a graph.

We’ve also been busy working on our assembly for next Friday. We hope that you can join us at 9am.  We’re especially looking forward to sharing our Egyptian songs with you!

from Primary 2/3, Mrs Keegan and Mrs Howley.

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