P2/3 Weekly Update on our Learning Adventure.

Another busy week in P2/3.

In our outdoor learning we were nature detectives and used magnifying glasses to look at a variety of things in the school garden. We had to work in teams and draw the object as it looked with our eyes and then draw it after using the magnifying glasses. It was amazing what we found and as it was frosty it was even more exciting.


In Literacy this week we read Hiccup The Viking which was our Word Boost book. We had to listen out for the following words ocean, spine, shriek, ancient, immediately and peculiar and remember if they were nouns, verbs or adjectives. In our reading we worked on our higher order thinking skills of Remembering where we had to write down the setting of our story, the main characters and what happened at the beginning of the story. We also worked on Understanding using our word boost knowledge of adjectives we had to write three adjectives to describe the main character, think of the main idea of our story and describe why the title was appropriate to our reading book.

We continued to work on our addition and counting in Numeracy and are becoming super at our number talks.

Here is a link to a game we used to help us with our addition.


In our number talks we sometimes use ten frames and we can come up with lots of strategies of what do we see and how do we see it. Here is one you can try at home and you can post your strategies too!

In P.E. we are working on a fitness block and this week we became teachers and worked alongside P1D in a fitness circuit. We followed our school rules of READY, RESPECTFUL AND SAFE. We really enjoyed working with them and want to say a big thank you to Mrs Davenport for inviting us to join in.


In Digital learning this week some of us have logged onto Glow and we will continue with this next week. This will also be part of our Homework for next week and we are excited to be digital learners.

We have also been working very hard  during our Smart start in the mornings with lots of focus and great collaborative learning.



Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan.

Nursery News

The children have had a wonderful Halloween week in nursery. Dressing up and dookin on Tuesday then a Halloween hunt on our fundraiser sponsored walk on Wednesday. New pipes and hoses in the water tray caused great interest on Thursday and we ended the week with a fantastic assembly all about kindness and how our kindness can colour the world. I’m sure your children colour your world, but they most certainly colour ours. Thank you all so much for your support during our Care Inspectorate inspection this week. We are delighted with the feedback given and will share the news when we get our final report.

Have a great weekend everybody!! from the Nursery Team xx



School photos, siblings can be included from nursery in these.

Can we please ask for any Sponsor forms to be back in today x.

Tuesday – Library Visit at 9.30 am and 1.30 pm.

Wednesday – Breakfast Blether at 8.30 with Mrs Mushet and Noon Natter at 12.00, any parent is invited to come along and have a chat about the nursery and our vision for the future.

Thursday – P.E.

Friday – Ladies Night.

Nursery News

Welcome back after the October break!! I hope you’re all noticing the changes to the lay out of the nursery room. We are focusing on our Froebelian approach to learning in Early Years by providing breadth and challenge through discovery and independence in each individual child’s interests. Natural resources foster the child’s imagination. Open ended resources create opportunity for multi purpose scenarios in learning e.g. a block can be numerous things from a phone to a plate, all according to the child’s imagination.

What a week it has been too! On Monday we launched our ‘Word Boost’ Initiative, each week the children will be read a book in nursery with a focus on some new words to learn. This week the words were; Ashtonished, Creep, Brave and Creatures.

Welly Wednesday started back with a great adventure to the local woods to investigate and explore Autumn and it signs in our local community. This area will be used every week so the children can experience seasonal changes and become familiar in their surroundings to be able to investigate and risk assess on their own.

Next weeks Welly Wednesday is Witchy Welly Wednesday, our first fundraiser of the year, the children will go to the woods on a Halloween hunt and have a Halloween story.



TUESDAY – Halloween activities in the nursery, the children can come in fancy dress, but no masks or face paint please. We will be dookin for apples and donut catching.

WEDNESDAY – Today is our Sponsored Witchy Welly Wednesday, children will be going to the woods so will need to be in appropriate outdoor clothing. We will be having a Halloween hunt and a Halloween story in the woods.

THURSDAY – P.E. 10.25 today and  no P.E. in the afternoon.

FRIDAY – PEEP sessions start back with Mrs Beattie.

Please also see in the pictures the new snack menu for the next term beginning on Monday with week 1.

Have a great weekend everyone !! From the nursery team xx

Nursery news

What a wonderful outdoor week we’ve had!!

Children are encouraged to build their own play equipment using open ended resources. This develops not only their gross motor skills, but their imagination and personal risk assessment. The area changes constantly from bridges to railways, robots to boats. Such great fun and friendship building through play x

Have a great October break !!

From the nursery team x

GIRFEC theme for October – HEALTHY

Our House Captains and Vice Captains led fantastic assemblies this week by promoting healthy lifestyle messages. They reminded the children about healthy packed lunch choices and the importance of getting regular exercise. They had also recorded a special video message from Mr McCurdy who was so proud of our 2 PE lessons each week and the numbers of children attending after school clubs.

The Captains have challenged the whole school to start Fruity Friday by bringing in a piece of fruit for snack each Friday. We look forward to seeing everyone’s healthy snack this Friday!

Well done to our Captains. #stninianskidscan

Nursery News

What a great start to October in the nursery. The GIRFEC focus this month is ‘HEALTHY’, ask your child what some of our answers and ideas were.

Each week on a Monday the children make their own play dough. We have taken photos to make a new ‘how to make play dough’ book with our new friends in it. This experience lets them plan and make choices for themselves whilst building confidence and following instructions, not to mention lots of mess and fun!!  When we come in each morning we discuss the day of the week the month and the date, E wrote the date this week, she was able to write the number 2 on the paper for our wall display. A simple math experience through play.  L was learning some math too this week, she was able to identify the numbers on the frogs and match them up with the correct lily pad. The creative table has been very popular too, K made ‘a parrot’ complete with a plume of feathers on it’s head and a perch!!

Fantastic fun had by all  !!  Have a great weekend from the Nursery Team!!


Parents are welcome to come back during the nursery session to see the fun the children have each day. Please see the sheet in the nursery there are still some spaces left.

MONDAY – Come back and play for parents who have signed up 10.15 and 3.15

TUESDAY- Come back and play 10.15 and 3.15.

WEDNESDAY- Come back and play 10.15 and 3.15.

THURSDAY- Come back and play 10.15 and 3.15.


P7 Active Girls Festival

Today our P7 girls went to JYHS to participate in an event to promote girls fitness and participation in sport. Miss Burns took some photos for us and had this glowing report for them:

“So there was 5 groups & 5 activities – each group got a shot at every activity. Everyone took part in everything! Amazing behaviour! Really gave it thier all and done st Ninians proud!”


Nursery News

In St Ninians Nursery Class our vision statement is;

‘Where Adventure Nurture and Learning go hand in hand’

This week in nursery we have witnessed beautiful evidence of this through children at play. We are embracing loose parts and open ended resources in the nursery, children are using their imagination to use these resources to create their own learning environment. In the garden they built their own climbing frame and a road from crates and wooden blocks as they went on different adventures. The children are learning the routines of the nursery as they go about their day, staff ensure they feel comfortable and foster a nurturing relationship with each individual child to enable each child to feel secure and free to investigate. The children made their own paint this week and have been preparing their own snack each day. The PM children had ‘Teal’ paint made by Kian and you can see what a social time snack is in the picture. Every child is an individual and they learn at different paces. In St Ninian’s Nursery, it is in a free flow environment where children are learning as they play.


Monday –

Tuesday –

Wednesday – Ninians Natter 6-7 pm, come and meet the staff.

Thursday –  P.E.

Friday – All break for Holiday, children back Wednesday 18th September.

Have a lovely weekend from the Nursery team!!

September GIRFEC theme – SAFE

Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)

GiRFEC is the national approach in Scotland to improving outcomes and supporting the wellbeing of our children. To help make sure everyone – children, young people, parents, and the services that support them – has a common understanding of what wellbeing means, we describe it in terms of eight indicators. (see wheel)

Each month we focus on one of the indicators in class and at assembly. This month we will focus on SAFE.

In school some of the activities we will do the develop this theme are:

  • House Captain assemblies to look at being safe in school 
  • Fire alarm drills to make sure children know what to do in the event of a fire 
  • Every child will identify 5 key adults they can talk to – at school or at home

Working together at home is a really valuable part of this topic. Below are some ideas for family learning around this theme. We would love you to share how you get on!

  • Repeat a road safety routine whenever you are out and about.
  • Introduce your child to people who help us in the community.
  • Discuss how to make an emergency call and the dangers of doing this when there is no real emergency.
  • Make a list of people and their phone numbers your child could contact in an emergency and display it in your house.
  • Discuss the best way to react/respond to this situation with your child – a stranger makes contact with your child online and asks for their personal details. What should they do?


Nursery News


Welcome to our first Blog post of this session!! We have had such a busy first two weeks with new children starting and new friendships being built. What a joy to witness. The children have enjoyed investigating and choosing from our new resources around the room and have had great fun outdoors in the garden. We started off the week on Monday with new children in the morning and the afternoon. Tuesday we has Chloe’s birthday celebration in the morning, we had more new children on Wednesday and  Thursday was our P.E day with Mr McCurdy and Eva’s birthday too!!. Friday saw us out most of the session making friends and investigating all the garden had to offer.



Monday-  3 new children PM

Tuesday  –

Wednesday – New Parent Helper’s meeting 9am in school.

Thursday –  P.E.

Friday –

Have a lovely weekend from the Nursery team x

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