P2/3 Health Week News

Wow! What a super busy week we have had. Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan are exhausted never mind the children!

Here are the highlights of health week in P2/3.

Rafay ” Golf was my favourite.”

Aiden ” Tough Mudder was the best.”

Rutendo ” I liked Parkour.”

Blake ” I liked dance with Miss Stryke from St Margaret’s.”

Daniel ” Capture the flag with P 3 was my favourite.”

Paul ” Tough Mudder was the best.”

Mark K ” Taekwondo was my favourite.”

Wiktoria ” Dungeon keep fit was the best.”

Isla ” Parkour was fantastic.”

Seren, Mirren, Oliver ” We liked Parkour the best.”

Poppy ” I loved Tough Mudder because I got all messy and wet!”

Abigail ” I loved everything.”

Freda ” Tough Mudder was my favourite as it was really tough!”

Lloyd ” I loved Parkour because I liked hanging off the really high bars.”

Marcel ” I loved doing Fit and Flex.”

Casper ” I loved capture the flag.”

Mark D ” Tough Mudder was the best.”

Joshua ” I loved everything.”

Bernice ” I liked doing capture the flag.”

Abu Bakr ” The golf was really cool.”

Abby ” Dancing was my favourite.”

Nathan ” Parkour and football were my favourite.”

Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan and P2/3.


This week gave the children opportunities to discover different celebrations of the world. This week it was Chinese new Year. We watched a movie on the smart board that gave us lots of information about it and let us see what they do in Celebration. This gave us lots of ideas to get creative in our nursery and to extend our learning further. On a map in an Atlas we discovered it was only 44 steps to China!.

We could see that Chinese writing was straight lines, Regan copied this onto paper using straws.

The children made a Dragon for Chinese New Year, the AM children made one large Dragon and the PM children made individual Dragons. The AM Dragon was paraded around  to ward of bad luck and bring good luck.


Tuesday was also Safer Internet Day and we had a discussion with the children about being safe in our choices when we are online.

Wednesday  brought back our Welly Wednesday Adventures!!!! the children had great fun trying to scale the bendy tree and remembered how to keep themselves safe on the walk. We stopped to talk about the ice that had formed on the pond and how to keep ourselves safe beside the water. In the afternoon the rain didn’t put us off our walk, but it did give us the most colourful rainbow for us to admire and see it’s reflection in the water.


Thursday gave us P.E with Mr McCurdy on the large apparatus as we strengthened our core strength and balance skills.

The week was finished off with a taste of the show the p.3-5 children are performing next week as we listened to them singing on the stage.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!!!! from the Nursery Team


Next week in nursery we are celebrating the nursery values and relationships we have with our families through come back and play sessions and activities planned around our four core values; LOVE, HAPPINESS,FRIENDSHIP AND KINDNESS. Their are still spaces available if you haven’t signed up for this valuable insight into your child’s day at nursery.

MONDAY COME BACK AND PLAY              10.15am      12.00pm, focus on LOVE.

TUESDAY COME BACK AND PLAY             10.15am      12.00pm, focus on  KINDNESS.       MARVELOUS MATHS and BIG BEDTIME READ BAGS SWAP.


THURSDAY  COME BACK AND PLAY       10.15 am      12.00pm focus on HAPPINESS.           P.E


THIS IS OUR February holiday weekend we will see you all back on Wednesday 20th of February.


Nursery News


What a beautiful end to a fun filled week in our nursery. The Nativity performances from our children were just wonderful. All their hard work and learning all came together on the day and they all did us proud. Beautiful memories to cherish forever and remind them of as they get older. Maurice the Mule will never be forgotten !! Fantastic effort from each and every one of our children x Thank you for your continued support this year. Have a fantastic weekend and we will see you all on Monday for the last week of 2018!!

Love the Nursery Team xxx



MONDAY- Fun in the nursery.

TUESDAY- MAGICIAN at 11.15 am, PM children should arrive early today at 11.10 am and the AM children will be picked up later at 12.00.

WEDNESDAY- we hope to have a visit to the local Care home to sing our Christmas songs to the residents, am and pm sessions.

THURSDAY- CHRISTMAS PARTY DAY!!! come dressed for the Christmas festivities and we might even get a visit from Santa!! Parents please come back early at 10.30 and 2.30 to see your child with Santa.

FRIDAY- our last day for AM children.



Nursery News

What a wonderful week in the nursery!

Monday was whole group photo day.

On Tuesday we had a trip to the Library,  where we got to take the book back to nursery! We have been drawing pictures from the story and recalling events in the book ‘The Best Present Ever’ and ‘The Royal Dog who Chews Shoes’.

On Wednesday we prepared chocolate crispy cakes for our coffee morning/afternoon the next day.

Thursday’s McMillan coffee morning was such a success. Why? Because we have such support from our families and staff. Thank you all so much for the support and giving for this event. Together we have raised £249.87 and the total is still rising !! Absolutely magnificent !!

On Thursday we also had an Assembly for our ‘wee Jannies’ retirement, the children in the afternoon were able to attend and sang him ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ as he was a star to us. The morning children prepared him his favourite snack of a roll and sausage today. John sat with the children drawing pictures and sharing stories of his time at St Ninian’s.

We will miss you John!!

Have a great weekend everybody !!   from the Nursery Team x

NEXT WEEK IN NURSERY – nothing to report (yet) 🙂




Nursery News

Another week has flown by in nursery. First of all we welcomed another member to our St Ninian’ s family. Khyla has joined the AM session. We hope you enjoy your time with us. On a sad note we said goodbye to Liam in our PM session who has gone to another nursery nearer his new house. We wish him well and will miss him.

The transition programme for our children going into Primary 1 continues with the nursery children working together with the children in both Primary 1 classes on Numeracy and Literacy carousels . This gave the nursery children an opportunity to see how they will be working when they come to big school. They were all excited and again were a credit to us. Well done everyone. In nursery we also listened to a song about the letter  ‘m’ and we tried to think of things that began with this sound. As a home link activity we would love it if the children could bring something in beginning with this sound and also if you are out and about have a look and see what you can find that begins with ‘m’. Next week the nursery children will be going out for a short playtime with both their buddies and the Primary 1 pupils. This will be in the nursery outdoor area and the following week it will be in the school playground. If they wish the nursery boys and girls can bring a snack and drink with them which they can have at this time. It is only 15 minutes so something small to eat will be great. As they will be outside we would ask that the children come in appropriate clothing and shoes. Thank you for your support in this.


The children also received a lesson on personal safety this week when we had a fire drill. Both sessions had to stop what they were doing and leave nursery quickly and safely. All the children were amazing and we were very proud of them.

Outdoor learning has been very busy this week with lots of  exciting adventures in their learning. The children have been using their skills of curiosity and inquiry when using our natural open ended resources. They have been on the bikes, making lots of yummy recipes in our mud kitchen, sitting in the sand pit and role playing at schools! We hope the sun keeps shining for us next week. A wee reminder that children should come to nursery with suntan cream already applied and proper clothing for the sunshine. Please check out our Nursery Parents Facebook page for some photographs of our outdoor learning.

Mrs Beattie’s PEEP classes continue on a Friday and this is what they will be doing this week. The first group will be working together choosing different size balls and finding ways of rolling , bouncing and throwing them to each other while singing songs. They will then enjoy snack and a story together. The second group after nearly being blown far far away on top of their large parachute quite literally and having so much fun doing so have decided to go outside again! Hopefully they will find other ways that they can use and play with the parachute together and also use stop watches to time themselves going over the school assault course which they had tried last week for the first time. Another exciting PEEP session ahead!

It is the turn of the PM children to share their learning with us.

On Primary 1 transition.

Liam ” I made a snake ” ( this was linked to our shared topic of The Gruffalo)

Riley ” It was good”

There was lots of chat at the snack table.

Martin” I like to have  this at home” ( yoghurt)

Emilie M ” I ‘m tidying up ”

Outdoor learning

Scott ” I like to play with the train”

A little reminder that there is a information meeting on Monday 15th May at 6 o’ clock in the school for new Primary 1 parents.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery Team.




Nursery News

Its been a very short week in Nursery but we still packed in lots of learning experiences. Transition continued this week with both nursery sessions joining the Primary 1 classes to take part in either a numeracy or literacy carousel. The children got the opportunity to join in with a reading carousel listening to a story on the smartboard then moving onto working with a Primary 1 friend on a literacy app on the iPads . They also got a chance to make a Gruffalo story wheel which we will use to retell the story. In the numeracy carousel the children learned about time and made their own watches. All the nursery children showed a great attitude towards learning and were little superstars. Next week the children will be joining in with more carousels.

The children have continued to enjoy The Gruffalo topic and they got the chance to make their own Gruffalo masks. We will continue with this topic next week as the children have came up with lots of super ideas which are written in our talking books. Please feel free to have a little read when you are in nursery.

In P.E. with Mr McCurdy we have been concentrating on athletics. We enjoyed improving our running and jumping skills and next week we will be working on our throwing skills.

PEEP classes continue with group 1 learning about stopping, getting ready to think and go. They then got to take red, amber  and green plates to take home to reinforce this learning. Group 2 have been working on their numeracy skills. They have had fun making their own skittles and using different sized balls to knock over huge tins and working with each other in order to listen and take turns. What fantastic fun they are having!

It is the turn of our AM children to share their learning experiences with us this week.

Dylan”  I like being outside at Nursery.”

Carter” I played with the bricks and made a tower with my brother.”

Liam ” I was playing with the bricks and the magnets and I made a rocket. It was easy!”

Sophie” I played with the wee girl Celine.”

Micha ” I liked playing the bricks with my friend Oliver.”

Roma” I played with my friend Lucy”

Blake ” My favourite was playing outside with my friends.”

Just a little reminder that as the children are outside every day and hopefully the sun may shine can we please ask that suntan cream be applied before coming to nursery and that appropriate clothing is worn eg sun hat, long sleeve top.  Thank you for your support with this.

For parents of preschool children a letter has been given out detailing parent meetings to provide you with important information before your child starts St Ninians. Please let any of the team know if you have not been given one of these letters.

Snack money is now due either £1 per week or £11 till the end of this term. This can be paid by iPad impact. If you are unsure of your payments please ask any of the team and this can be checked for you.

For more photographs please check our Nursery parents Facebook page.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery team.

Nursery News

This week our learning has centred on our shared transition topic with Primary 1 ‘The Gruffalo’

The children discussed what they would like to learn and do within this topic and their ideas were written and drawn in our talking books. We drew our own gruffalos and made some mice. These are on the wall and they look amazing. We have  also started to put up  the childrens’ ideas on our learning wall.  We will continue with this topic next week taking forward the other learning adventures that the children have come up with. Please feel free to have a look in our talking books and at our learning wall and any other ideas you have we would be delighted for you to add these.

In outdoor learning the children went bug hunting and were very independent at making their own resources for this. We have also seen great cooperative play. As outdoor learning is every day we would appreciate it if the children could come to nursery suitably dressed for the outdoors.

On Monday we had our monthly visit to the library and Mrs Campbell read us a story about robbers trying to steal a prize cow. We enjoyed making the animal noises and after that we all did a funny dance!  It was great fun.

Transition events continued this week with our pre schoolers visiting the Primary 1 classes where they all sat at the smartboard in a circle with their Primary 1 friends and Mrs Roy and Miss Meechan showed them the talking book. This book is full of pictures of all the experiences the children will encounter when they come to school and has audio telling them all about the picture. Each pre school child will be given an opportunity to take this book home for one night to give them a chance to discuss it with their parents.  The nursery children were all excellent and ready for this next exciting adventure in their learning. The transition activity  next week will be the nursery children joining in with a Numeracy and Literacy carousel with the Primary 1 classes. We would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Roy, Miss Meechan and all our Primary 1 friends for inviting us to visit them.


The PEEP classes with Mrs Beattie are now up and running. We are in week 2 of a 5 week block. Group 1 are focusing on Health and Wellbeing and Group 2 are engaging in fun numeracy activities which can be then be followed up at home. All the children and the adults are having great fun in these sessions.

A little reminder that Monday 1st May is a holiday and Thursday 4th May is an In service day for staff , the children do not attend nursery on this day.

Have a lovely holiday weekend. See you all on Tuesday.

The Nursery team.

Outdoor learning

This week we tried to take a lot of our learning outdoors and everyone had great fun.

In literacy we did some spelling work outside using the large chalks then played outdoor Frys word bingo. It got a bit messy but we all agreed that it was a fun way to practise our Frys words. Well done to Paul M for being our bingo winner!

In maths we were learning about positional language and directions. We played lots of fun games to help us, eg. Stand beside the door, sit on top of the table (don’t tell Mrs Purdie we were on top of the tables), sit under the table, stand beside the gate, etc. We also used hoops outside and had to follow more instructions, eg. Jump in the hoop, stand behind the hoop. Then Sahara had a great idea to help us remember left and right, she taught us all how to dab then we had to sing,” dab to the left, dab to the right”. We also used this song:

For our science learning we focused on seasons and went on a spring scavenger hunt. We had to use our senses to see,touch, hear and smell things. We all set to work and recorded our findings on our clipboards.

We then shared this learning with the PM nursery when we all joined together to go for a walk to the Dedridge pond and woods. It was a lovely afternoon and we were super excited to see lots of squirrels, ducks and 2 swans, we think the mummy swan was sitting on her nest guarding some eggs, we will go back in a few weeks to check how she is getting on. We also spotted some bat boxes and different types of flowers and trees.

To finish the week off we decided to stop off at the park for some fun and games. It was lovely to see everyone playing nicely together, seeing lots of smiles and hearing lots of laughter!

Nursery News

What an exciting and busy week we have had in Nursery! We have been very busy practising for our Nursery Nativity which takes place this Tuesday 6th at 10am and 2 pm. We are really looking forward to showing all our families our singing and drama skills. There will also be a bake sale half an hour before each performance and any donations of cakes would be greatly appreciated for these.

Our planning wall has changed to Christmas and the children have given lots of  super ideas for this. Please feel free to add any other thoughts or ideas that may come from your child at home.

On Thursday something very strange happened in both sessions. We came into Nursery to find lots of glitter on the carpet and we all wondered how this had happened! It was a very special visitor he was the Elf on the shelf! He brought along with him a very special story which we listened to. We were asked to give  him a name. The AM children decided on Sparkle and the PM children thought of Max. He explained that he was going to be in our nursery till Christmas and every day he would be watching us all to see who was being kind and he would whisper their names to the teachers who would write a letter which he would take back every night to Santa! Every day when we came into nursery we would need to look for him as he wouldn’t always be on his shelf and he might be doing something naughty! The kindness elves are his special friends. Look out for him when you are in the nursery.

Its the turn of the PM children to share their adventures with us this week.

Courtney ” I painted and used glitter.”

Mark ” I like the Artic animals”

Emalie B” I like drawing pictures at the drawing table.”

Kayla ” I made a bed in the brick area.”

Emilie M ” I like playing in the house area and looking after baby Jesus.”

Scott ” I like the trains”

Riley ” I helped make Christmas decorations.”

As well as our Nativity plays on Tuesday we have our Christmas Art Galleries on Thursday 15th at 230pm and Friday 16th December at 1030am where you will get the opportunity to buy your child’s special and individual Christmas art. Any money raised for this will go towards purchasing new nursery resources.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday!

The Nursery Team.

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Nursery News

First of all we would like to say a big thank you to all the parents and carers who came along to our Stay and Play or Come back and Play sessions over the past two weeks. The children loved being able to share their learning experiences with you and show you round our nursery .

On Monday there was a spooky atmosphere in nursery as we had our Halloween parties. We all had a great time dooking for apples, trying to eat doughnuts and listening to a spooky story. We even managed to visit the library and pick some spooky stories to bring back with us.

We have been making firework pictures this week using paint, glitter and cardboard tubes. They look fantastic. We have also been discussing what we like and don’t like about fireworks and putting our ideas into our talking books. These books are on display and you are welcome to have a look at them at any time. We have also been having great fun in our leaves sensory box where we can walk on the leaves and listen to the sound we are making and look at the patterns  in the leaves.

This week it is our PM children who will share their learning with us.

Mark, Riley and Luke ” We liked painting the Firework pictures”

Robert ” I liked playing in the sand.”

Courtney ” I liked playing in the water with the spiders! ”

Kayla ” I liked playing with the trains.”

Emileigh Rose and Lilly  ” We liked playing in the kitchen and house corner ”

Emilie M and Jiya ” We love building things with the magnets ”

Szymon ” I love snack.”

Next week is National  Nursery Rhyme week. We will be looking at a different nursery rhyme each day and there is a quiz which you can take home and try with your child. These will be given out on Monday. Good luck.

Parental appointment times have now been given out for either Wednesday 9 th November or Thursday 10th November. If you have not received a time and would like to talk to your child’s key worker please just ask any member of the nursery team who will be happy to help you.

We are also wanting to update our Nursery Behaviour Policy and we would really appreciate your thoughts and ideas. Please join Mrs Purdie and some of the Nursery team on Tuesday 8th November for Breakfast Blether at 10.30 or Afternoon tea at 2.15 to have a chat regarding this. We will also be asking for the children’s ideas and we have some exciting small visitors who will be coming to our Nursery to help us. Watch this space!

As you know the children also experience outdoor learning at Nursery and we are looking  to build on the resources we already have to enrich further learning opportunities. If you have any of the following  items to spare we would really appreciate it if you could hand them in to any member of the team.

Nuts and bolts, nails and screws, bricks, small hammers, saws and screwdrivers, pieces of wood, curtain hooks or rings, jars with lids and pieces of material. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe with Firework and Bonfire night.

The Nursery Team.

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