Primary 6 Weekly Round up!

What a busy week!

Some of our highlights have included;

Jan; I’ve enjoyed learning how to make good iMovies!

Vanesa; I enjoyed missing number sums in maths

Marcella; I loved sprinting at PE!

Zayah; I found PE tricky because I got tired…

Ryan; Aidan P’s mistake of the week made me think…

Joshua; I think it was writing about Our Lady of Fatima (that was my favourite too – Jospeh)

We were delighted to welcome so many of our parents and carers to our Global Goals showcase this week! We will be working next week to upload the videos to our One Note profiles so you can access these at home if you weren’t able to make it on thursday!

P6 talked today about being connected – as we learn about Building Resilience Mrs Purdie has asked that all children bring in a photo or drawing of their ‘champion’ – a family member who looks out for them, helps them etc 🙂

Enjoy the long weekend!




P6 News!

A busy week in P6!


On Monday we enjoyed some athletics games for PE including ‘rock, paper, scissors, chase’ – we are building our skills in movement and will be looking forward to our P6 cross country event later in the month!


In Number talks, we have been looking at multiplication. Mrs Conway has been learning so many new strategies from the class – her mind has been blown! We are spotting patterns and simplifying problems to help us find our answer. This will continue over the next few weeks.


In Word Boost we made connections through creating posters which gave a description of selected words using words and pictures. Can you child remember any of our boost words?! Are they starting to use any advanced vocabulary at home? Leave a comment to let us know:)


We are really excited about our Global Goals showcase (Thurs 16th May) and spent lots of time this week working with our groups to come up with ideas for our imovies! If you want to chat about the global goals at home a good starting g point t is to watch this video as a family;

As we reflected on our week some of the class shared their highlights;

Sean – our global goals work…

Jan – learning about divisibility in maths…

Sam – athletics, high jump with Mr mccurdy

Mrs Conway – that we managed to clean the filter on the projector and it stayed on for longer than ten minutes at a time…..


Next week (short week!) we are going to be working on finishing our global goals presentations and updating our OneNote profiles! We will also be saying cheerio to Mrs Kerr as she finishes on Thursday for her maternity leave 💚

Awesome P3!

Another very busy week for Primary 3!


The whole class showed their resilience and ability to cope well with change on Tuesday when our Shelter Building Activity was postponed at the very last minute. This was unavoidable due to the weather but we are delighted to announce that it will now be taking place on Tuesday 20 June in the afternoon (P1-P3 Sports Day in the morning)… watch this space!


Primary 3 also discussed the importance of having enough sleep, rest and exercise each day. They were very good at explaining how they feel when they are tired and how this can impact on how well they concentrate in school.

In Maths, we were consolidating our understanding of Measure as well as looking at timetables and durations of time then combining this with some interpretation of diagrams. The boys and girls enjoyed using Mr McCurdy’s Health Week timetable to do this where they had to interpret the information to find out which day P3 were doing a particular activity, where the activity was being held, the time the activity started/finished then working out how long it lasted.

GLOBAL GOALS – Clean Water and Sanitation

Primary 3 have been really thinking hard this week about the availability of clean water in school (or at home) and clean toilets which flush – things we all take for granted. They saw images of poor toilets in some African countries for schoolchildren and had to imagine what they would do if they didn’t have access to either taps or toilets – not pleasant but the children were really engrossed and engaged in considering these situations. In writing they had to suggest reasons as to what might happen if there were not taps or toilets in St Ninian’s – ask your child to explain what they wrote about!

READING – Primary 3 have continued to develop their independence at making sense of what they read  by accessing non-fiction texts  and finding information from the texts to answer questions.


BIG TALK homework next week

Would you rather be the Three Little Pigs or the Wolf? Give your reasons!

Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Scott and Primary 3!

Global Goal 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation

Message from UN Ambassador’s:

There are many easy ways to join in.
*Take a Global Goals Selfie and help to spread awareness.
*Like and follow along at the Global Goals Facebook page.
*Follow along on the Global Goals Instagram feed.
*Follow the @UN and the @TheGlobalGoals on Twitter and search for the #Globalgoods and #SustainableDevelopment hashtags

Help our kids become the generation that changed the world: ending poverty, reversing climate change, and promising girls get educated. Talk to your kids about the #GlobalGoals with this fun guide:


Good afternoon from Primary 3!

We have had another really busy week and here are some of our highlights!


Primary 3 were learning about the Feast of the Ascension and behaved beautifully during our Mass at the Lanthorn on Thursday. They really enjoyed listening to the Primary 4s who shared their special Communion hymn with us.

Jack – ‘It was perfection!’  Emma – ‘It was good because they all tried their best.’

During the month of May we have also continued our learning about Our Lady and the importance of saying the Rosary prayer regularly.  We now know that she appeared to St Bernadette in Lourdes, France and the three children in Fatima, Portugal – Mrs Scott has promised to bring in special photos from Fatima because her oldest son Matthew was there for the 100th anniversary celebrations recently!  The children have also been able to use their individual Rosary beads, received as a special gift this week – practising moving along one bead at a time to say the different prayers.


Writing –  ‘We loved writing about Humpty Dumpty because we got to use our imagination and we could all write different stories about what happened to him. It was up to us to decide what he was doing before he went on the wall, why he was on the wall, how he managed to fall off the wall and what happened next!’ – Emily & Niamh.

The children had some fantastic ideas about why Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall – they really entertained me on Thursday!

He was trying to fly; He was pulling his socks up and fell over; He was trying to catch a butterfly: He was watching a parade and was leaning forward to see more closely; He was reaching for an apple from a tree. Brilliant aren’t they?

Reading – ‘It was fun getting to read two books on the netbook then find the answers to the questions all by myself. One of them was about Chameleons and the other one was about a type of hippo!’ – Orla; ‘It was good to do this on my own because I wouldn’t normally read those kinds of books.’ – Emma; ‘They were non-fiction books.’

GLOBAL GOALS – Having a  Quality Education

Thank you for all the foodbank pictures as our class collage is now complete.

Cameron – ‘We were learning about schools in Africa this week and some schools don’t even have any fences around them.’ Teegan – ‘I liked seeing how happy the children were when they got a better school.’ Kate – ‘They didn’t have any classrooms and had to do their work outside.’ Michael – ‘The country in Africa we looked at was Ethiopia.’ Orla – ‘When they got new toilets they were outside.’


Sophie YM – ‘I learned that the Earth spins round and round. When the sun shines on one side of the Earth, it means that it is daytime there and where it doesn’t shine that means it is night-time.’

Maliha – ‘It takes 24 hours for the Earth to spin around and that is why we have 24 hours in a day.’


Emma – ‘It was really interesting making my McCoo Highland Cow. I hadn’t used oil pastels before.’ Richard – ‘We learned that we had to use different colours for the stripes and draw them from the top to the bottom.’

EVERYONE –  ‘We learned that the man who made these pictures is an artist and his name was Steve McCoo.’


‘I’ve learned in Measure that you can use different things to measure with.’ – Emma; ‘You use scales to measure weight and we were reading kg.’ – Daniel; Emily – ‘We were reading different scales about kg.’ Richard – ‘When the arrow is in the middle of two numbers it means ½.’

Enjoy what is left of the sunshine!

From Mrs Scott and Primary 3.

Global Goal 4


Our discussions focus on Global Goal 4 this week – Quality Education. As a school this is an extremely important goal for us and this reflects in our school Vision and Values and our Curriculum Adventure Rationale.

This goal is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and the promotion of lifelong learning opportunities for all.

“In some parts of the world, students are going to school every day. It’s their normal life. But in other parts of the world, we are starving for education… it’s like a precious gift. It’s like a diamond…”

Malala Yousafzai

Hard at work in P1R

Another week passes with lots of learning and fun!

Fractions was our new topic in maths and we learned about halves, quarters and sharing fairly and equally. We started the learning with some chocolate! Mrs Roy gave us a challenge to cut a mini roll into halves then quarters, we had to be very accurate with our slicing. As we did so well we then got to eat the pieces, if only maths could always involve chocolate!!! Our learning continued when we learned about sharing fairly and equally. Mrs Roy was very naughty and shared sweets with all of us but it wasn’t fair! Some children got 1 bag, some got 2 bags and some got 3 bags! So we had to use our thinking heads and solve the problem,we came up with lots of good ideas and tried them all out. We decided the best way to do it was by giving each person in turn 1 bag then another bag and so on until all the sweets has been handed out. We have a good understanding of fair shares and as a reward got some Haribos which we shared fairly.

We continued to discuss the Gruffalo story and this week worked on sequencing the order of the story in preparation for making our own Gruffalo storybooks to share with the nursery,this was Dexter’s idea from our learning wall. Everyone worked really hard on these and when Mrs Scott popped in we took pride in sharing them with her. In Art we made ‘big’ Gruafflos which again was another idea from our learning wall. We used coloured sugar paper to do this, we made connections in our learning as we folded paper in half and then in quarters, we made also made different 2D shapes for our Gruffalo.

As it is the month of May we have been learning about Mary our Mother. As a class we started to make a special altar for Mary at the front of the classroom and discussed the meaning behind the different symbols. We will add to this next week. Then we all shared our thoughts about Mary and wrote them down.

During nursery transition we flipped it around and we went to the nursery instead of them coming to us. We went out into the nursery playground and buddied up with a nursery child to play and have fun with. We are being really responsible and helping the children prepare for coming into P1.

We also had a visit from the UN Ambassadors and they talked to us about Global Goals. They asked some of us to have our say by writing a tweet for our new Global Citizenship display in school. Have a look when you are here next week for Parent’s Evenings.

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