What a spooky Halloween filled week we have had !!!

Welly Wednesday was great fun on the Spooky Welly Walk, children had such an adventure hunting for Pumkins and running around in the leaves. Thank you all so mush for your support in this fundraiser for the Nursery. Could we please ask that sponsor forms are returned by the 14th of November.

Children had fun dressing up in the nursery all week.

   We even had a visit from a black cat !!!

 Pumkins were carved for our Halloween Party.

 The party was great fun!!!



MONDAY – Carwyn first day in PM session.

TUESDAY – LIBRARY 10.30 and 2.30


                               PARENTS APPOINTMENTS – 5-8 PM (times will be handed out on Monday).






P3 Weekly Round Up!

Wow! This week has gone by in a flash!

Some highlights of our week have included…

Our Achievement assembly! Mr McCurdy presented this very special whole school assembly on Wednesday to tell us all about our schools fantastic achievement of our School Sports GOLD award! Our very own Sophie was included in this assembly too for a fantastic swimming achievement! Please remember to send in any of your child’s achievements from outside of school.. these can be for anything your child has learned to do or anything they have taken part in that has made you proud of them!

We are VERY proud of P3 for their enthusiasm for our Enterprise stall – the lollipop tombola! We spent the week getting organised for the Christmas fair on Thursday night – with everyone in the class having a part of the creation of our lollipop stall! We did everything from scratch – and our stall was run completely on donations from our parents and carers! A huge THANK YOU from us to you 🙂

We started by making posters to entice people over to our stall – bright colours, only a few words and phrases – we hope you were impressed when you seen them! Next job was painting the donated shoe boxes – they looked fab by the time they were finished! We counted the prizes, then split them across our four table groups. Two children from each group were responsible for colouring the ends of 31 lollies for their table – to correspond with their 31 prizes! The prizes were added to boxes of shredded paper for the special lucky dip factor. Two helpers from each table took responsibility for making holes in their tables box by using a hammer and a nail! This was very exciting and the safety conscious pupils made sure they were wearing safety specs and high vis vests! Once this was all done it was time to fill the holes with lollies and get the boxes ready for the fair! A fantastic enterprising experience for our children and one which made around £58 on the night! Well done P3!


Unfortunately as the weather has taken a turn for the worse (thanks Storm Diana!) we have had to adapt our daily mile routine! We enjoyed following a Body Coach schools workout on Wednesday – raising our heart rate and boosting our fitness… And on Friday we enjoyed a Go Noodle workout, finishing with a great breathing exercise to calm us into being ready for Number Talks!


Our usual timetable had to alter slightly this week due to preparation for the Christmas fair and the completion of our Oral Book Review solo talks – we are looking forward to business as usual next week… especially quality time with our reading groups! 🙂

Thank you for your continued support! 24 sleeps until Santa 🙂

Nursery News

What a wonderful week in the nursery!

Monday was whole group photo day.

On Tuesday we had a trip to the Library,  where we got to take the book back to nursery! We have been drawing pictures from the story and recalling events in the book ‘The Best Present Ever’ and ‘The Royal Dog who Chews Shoes’.

On Wednesday we prepared chocolate crispy cakes for our coffee morning/afternoon the next day.

Thursday’s McMillan coffee morning was such a success. Why? Because we have such support from our families and staff. Thank you all so much for the support and giving for this event. Together we have raised £249.87 and the total is still rising !! Absolutely magnificent !!

On Thursday we also had an Assembly for our ‘wee Jannies’ retirement, the children in the afternoon were able to attend and sang him ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ as he was a star to us. The morning children prepared him his favourite snack of a roll and sausage today. John sat with the children drawing pictures and sharing stories of his time at St Ninian’s.

We will miss you John!!

Have a great weekend everybody !!   from the Nursery Team x

NEXT WEEK IN NURSERY – nothing to report (yet) 🙂




Nursery News

What a busy week!!

This month we have been learning about keeping our self ‘safe’,  children take our register to the office each day. They wear high vis vests and keep themselves safe on the journey through the school.

We all wrote invitations this week for our McMilllan coffee morning next Thursday 27th of September. It is in the morning at 10.30 and the afternoon at 3.15. Donations of baking would be most welcome. A monetary donation box will be in the hall on the day for McMillan. Please come along and support such a great cause with a cup of coffee and a cake with your child.

Over the weeks the children have embraced the open ended resources. They take items and make their own toys or experiences in learning from them for example, in the picture you can see children working together to build a tower with the crates. They used their problem solving skills to try to figure out how to reach the top. Working together they were able to risk assess for themselves and reach their end goal.

Apples from a tree were brought in from a garden. We had a great learning experience investigating where these came from and what was inside. Children want to plant the seeds to see if we can grow ‘ a new apple tree’.



TUESDAY– LIBRARY VISIT 9.30 am and 1.30pm.





Nursery News

Och aye the noo and lang may yer lum reek!


The nursery has been alive with thoughts of Scotland this week! Tartan, haggis and highland dancing – what more can you want!


Mrs Beattie tested the power of many a families washing machine this week after ‘ball painting’ with the boys and girls to make a lovely tartan shawl! The laughter and engagement in this activity was fantastic with many of our boys and girls choosing to join in. The end result of rolling balls covered in paint in lines across a large bit of paper definitely resembles tartan – a tartan shawl was created, which is now hanging on our learning wall!


Welly Wednesday was postponed due to high winds – but the PM group managed to sneak out for ten minutes in between the worst bouts of wind and rain.. Mrs Hogg made ‘kites’ with the boys and girls out of plastic and string to see what effects the wind had – their strength was certainly tested as they flew about in the gales! We are glad no-one ended up flying away!


Thursday brought our Burns night celebration! It was lovely to see so many Scotland items brought in and worn on the day! Mrs Conway had four handy helpers during each session to prepare the Burns supper of Haggis, Neeps and Tatties – which we discovers included Scottish words for turnip and potatoes! We talked about where turnips and potatoes come from, what the feel like and smell like – and how to cook them.. we said the Selkirk Grace and sat down together to enjoy our traditional Scottish meal!

The PM group then had a wee ceilidh led by Mrs Macdonald – who has some serious Scottish dancing skills! We dosey-doed and skipped together, counting, clapping and keeping the time.


Mrs Martinek’s yellow group had a fantastic challenge at group time when they had to dress themselves for winter from a bag full of different clothing items! One of our assessment focuses this month involves looking at how much support the boys and girls need when getting dressed independently – some boys and girls are there already, some at the beginning of their learning journey.. our job is to support and encourage – maybe you could challenge your child to get their own clothes/pyjamas on one day, if they don’t already?


Mrs Mushet was delighted to relaunch the Big Bedtime Read on Tuesday, joined by a sea of onesies, pyjamas, house coats and slippers! Our boys and girls LOVED coming to nursery in their pyjamas! Mrs Mushet is looking forward to the return of the Big Bedtime Read bags on Tuesday to swap them for new ones! She has lots of lovely feedback to work on and will be on the lookout for parents to come in and share stories with their children in nursery!


Our ‘Ladies Night’ fundraiser was a rip-roaring success! Thank you to Mrs Beattie, Mrs Martinek and Mrs Mushet for supporting this event and ensuring our lovely ladies were well looked after and entertained! We were delighted to make £258 from this event to add to our funding pot.. this money will come in handy to subsidise the costs of trips and resources in the coming term! We have had many requests for another and are hoping to organise this for June. Keep your ear to the ground 😉


we hope you have had a restful weekend and are ready for another busy week ahead!

Nursery News

This has been Cool to be Kind week in both school and nursery.  In Nursery we had two special visitors arrive to help us think about how we could be kind. They were called the Kindness Elves and they had even sent us a letter! The letter said that they would be setting us challenges and looking to see all the kind things we could do in the nursery and we can also write them letters too! We all had a discussion about what rules we could have in our Nursery Charter and wrote some ideas in our talking book. The Kindness Elves are going to help us next week to decide which rules we will put up on our charter which is next to where the elves are going to be staying as they liked being in our nursery so much. There is a picture of the elves on our Facebook page and you are also more than welcome to come and see them in their little house. The children would be delighted to show you😊

As part of this special week’s focus we had an achievement assembly on Thursday and Miss Smyth got a surprise in her office when a letter appeared from the Kindness Elves with the names of the children who had tried really hard this week to be kind and they had even left special certificates for them.

Our AM children were Seren and Isabelle and our PM children were Mark D and Jiya.Well done for being our stars of the week.

We have also started practising this week for our Nursery Nativity which is on Tuesday 6th December at 10 am and 2pm save the date for what will be a very special event😊

To finish off our week we celebrated Children in Need by wearing spots or pyjamas. We made spotty headbands and pictures and danced to Pudsey music. We collected 80 pounds which was fantastic. Thank you to everyone for their kind donations.

We have also been continuing in PE  with improving our fitness and have been working with both Mr McCurdy and Primary 7 to go round different fitness stations. It was great fun but hard work!

This week it is the turn of our PM children to share their learning.

Milena, Hanna and Jiya ” We love playing with the magnets”

Emilie M ” I like drawing pictures”

Mark D and Kayla ” We like building with the big bricks”

Syzmon” I like the sand”

Emalie ” I like doing jigsaws”

Some events coming up soon. This Tuesday 22nd November both AM and PM will be recording Christmas songs which will be put onto a Christmas C.D which will be available to buy at our Christmas Fun Day in school on 2nd December. Every class in the school will also be singing a song for this C.D. On Thursday 24th November will be family and individual photographs.  For parents of new Primary 1 children coming to school next August there will be an information evening on Thursday 1st December at 6p.m.

We are always looking for ways of improving our Nursery and we really appreciate your ideas and feedback. In the entrance of the Nursery we have put up pink and green pieces of paper along with post it notes of the same colour. Pink for things you think we are doing well and green for any ideas you may have for us to take forward. Please write up your thoughts on the post its the Nursery team would love to hear your feedback.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above information please ask any member of the Nursery team who will be happy to help you.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery team.😊

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Nursery News

Another week has flown by in the Nursery. Our school corner continues to be popular with the children practising their writing and mark making. We have also had lots of role play with the fire station and house corner.

In the creative area this week some of the children made masks to be super heroes and some banners were made for our Sports day planned for next week.

Robots and astronauts popped up at the construction area and in the library we have been reading “Elmer” which is our book of the week.

Today it was the turn of AM children to have a bake sale along with Mrs Roy’s class and the fantastic total of £172  was raised. This will be split between the two classes and we will discuss with  the children what they would like to  buy for Nursery with this money. A great big thank you to all the parents and carers who very kindly donated lots of delicious and yummy cakes. We really appreciate your support.

We also celebrated our last Achievement Assembly of this session today and a big congratulations to our successful learners and confident individuals Casper from AM and Poppy from PM. Well done to you both.


Just a little  reminder that we will be having our Nursery Sports Day on Tuesday 21st June at 10 am and 2pm (weather permitting).  If possible could the children wear a top the colour of their group and wear appropriate footwear. It will be fun races and there will be a race at the end for the parents and carers. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. Our Nursery Graduation for our preschool children  is planned for Wednesday 29th at 10am and 2pm. More details on this will follow next week.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery Team.

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Summer Fair


Our Summer Fair is on Saturday 7th May 10am till 12noon. Pupils were issued a leaflet in school bags this week.

The event needs a large number of volunteers to man the stalls and we really struggle to get people to help. May be you could help for 1 hour or may be 2 hours? Volunteers can be parents, carers, grandparents, aunties/uncles – all family members are welcome to lend a hand. Get in touch via facebook or leave your contact details at the office – WE NEED YOU!

Message from Fundraising/Parent Council

Christmas Fair

Thanks to everyone who came and supported the Christmas Fair – ho ho I think it was a great success! We hope you enjoyed seeing Santa, listening to the choir, playing our festive games and winning some lovely prizes as well as snapping up some festive gifts for friends and family. Here are a selection of pictures we took. Thank you all so so very much for your generous donations – we can’t thank you enough…! And finally, thank you to all the helpers and staff who manned the stalls, wore silly outfits and made the whole event such a success.

We raised a whopping £1,231!!!. This is a great amount of money which will go towards making further improvements to the school playground.

Now the count down to Christmas begins….!

Message from Fundraising/Parent Council


Nursery News

Firstly we would like to thank everyone who came along to our Art Gallery this week. We made the fantastic amount of 200 pounds which is all going to Yorkhill  Children’s Hospital Christmas appeal which is going towards a new heart scanner. This appeal is special to the St Ninians family this year. We really appreciated your generosity and the children were so proud to show their amazing Art work. They were all superstars.

On Wednesday morning we were very lucky to have a special visitor. Marcus’ dad who is a postman came in to talk to the children about his job and how busy he is just now getting ready for all the letters to Santa. A big thank you goes out to him especially as he had been working all night. All the children were very focused and asked lots of relevant questions.

Some of our PM children have been busy making salt dough decorations and they plan to finish these next week.  In both sessions next week also we plan to bake our Christmas cakes after discussing all the ingredients.

In our new heuristic area the children have been using their curiosity and creativity to make binoculars and games from the natural resources on our Treasure table.

As well as making things for our Art gallery this week the children have started practising for the Nursery Nativity. Next week will be very busy with lots of rehearsals.

Just a small reminder that the Nursery Nativity is on Tuesday 8th December at 10am and 2pm. Tickets costing 1 pound each can be purchased from any of the Nursery team. It is also our school Fayre tomorrow between 10 and 12.

Lastly we love to get your feedback on our Blog so please feel free to comment. Thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend.


The Nursery Team.

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