Money, money, money

This week we have continued to celebrate Catholic Education Week in our school and discussed how we are developing as a community of faith.

We thought about how we could develop as a faith community at home, school and in our parish. We also made a beautiful display ‘Recipe for a faith community’ then wrote our very own recipes. We finished the week with a whole school faith assembly.


Real life contexts have been the focus in maths as we have started learning about money. We have learned to recognise coins from 1p to £2, ask us what colours they are or to find some in your purse! We have also been working out different ways to make totals, Paul M knew that 100 pennies makes £1 and Ephraim knew that 200 pennies made £2 – aren’t they clever!! Our pirate sweet shop opened this week which has allowed us to use money in a real life context and we have been sorting coins in the emergency money banks. Mrs Roy also let us look in her purse to identify what coins she had, this was great fun. She taught us about notes and bank cards too.

In literacy the sounds are getting harder, this week we learned ‘qu and j’, everyone worked really hard to learn these new sounds through our carousel activities – letterjoin magic words on the ipads, choice and challenge tasks, making jellyfish, qu bingo and lots more! Ask your child what challenges they chose this week in literacy and how they self-assessed themselves.

Mr McCurdy tried something new this week, you had to use a large stick and a ball… was hockey. We all impressed him with our dribbling skills and keeping our eyes on the ball when moving around the hall. Nathan really got the hang of this and earned an extra dojo point.

Mrs Purdie asked to see some of our jotters this week, she was really pleased to see how hard everyone had been working and how busy everyone had been.  Thank you to the families who came along to Ninian’s Natter to have some learning conversations in the classroom, the children were really proud to show off their learning!

Next week we will be welcoming some visitors to our school and are looking forward to them visiting our classroom to join in with our learning.

Primary 2/3 Weekly News

It has been a short but really busy week in Primary 2/3. Our highlights included celebrating Catholic Education Week by creating recipes for our Community of Faith and making jelly then writing instructions to help others make jelly too.  Everyone loved the Daily Mile today as we saw lots of signs that spring is coming.

These are some of the children’s thoughts:

Maeve ‘We made jelly as part of our Anniversary celebrations.  We wrote instructions for how to make jelly then we ate the jelly.  It was very tasty!’

Harry ‘Yesterday we had a maths carousel.  I was learning how to subtract by playing Sumdog, using the iPads, playing games and figuring out tricky sums.’

Rachel ‘I liked writing instructions for how to make jelly.  I was thinking about using openers and connectives.’

Brooke ‘We had a lovely assembly with Father Kenneth and he told us all about his visit to Jerusalem and where Jesus was born’.

Chloe, Carly and Brooke ‘I liked setting goals for the rest of the term.  It helps me to remember to focus my learning.’

Levente ‘I liked playing Hit the Button with Kuba in maths’.

Kuba ‘I liked writing a recipe for a Community of Faith.  We wrote instructions and I’m good at instructions. ‘

Oma ‘We did check ups in maths.  It helps us learn.’

Michelle ‘We learnt about the River Nile in our Egyptians topic.  We made notes in our Learning Journals and made signs for the wall.’

Pawel ‘I liked running the Daily Mile when I was running fast’.

James ‘I wrote my name in hieroglyphics.  I felt really happy.’

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Keegan, Mrs Howley and Primary 2/3


Talking about learning

This week the children decided to write their own blog post and share their views about their learning this week. I managed to have my say too!

Klaudia – I enjoyed dressing up at Goldentime.

James – I’ve learned about subtraction.

Rafay – I was playing sumdog on the ipads.

Amber – I enjoyed Fr Kenneth’s assembly.

Dexter – I enjoyed Big Maths Beat that on Friday.

Brooke – I enjoyed phonics this week.

Bernice – I liked dressing up at Goldentime.

Isla – I liked learning about pirates.

Abigail – I enjoyed everything!

Dawid – I enjoyed playing the car game and sumdog on the ipads.

Lloyd  – I learned 5 + 4 = 9.

Ephraim – I enjoyed playing the car game and the maths apps.

Lucy – I liked topic work.

Mark – I enjoyed lunch!

Paul M – I liked playing with my friend Isla.

Sahara – I liked using the maths apps on the ipads.

Mrs Roy – Catholic Education week has begun in school and we have been learning about the life and work of Mother Teresa. We watched a short video about her and then wrote 1 thing we had learned for our RE display.

We also started talking about what a ‘community of faith’ should look like, what would be the key ingredients. Next week we will continue our lessons on these themes. We also went to a very special assembly led by Fr Kenneth, he shared photographs and stories from his recent visit to Jerusalem.

Catholic Education Week 2017

Catholic Education Week 12th to 18th February 2017

THEME: “Developing as a community of faith and learning”

“What makes the Catholic school distinctive is its attempt to generate a community climate that is permeated by the Gospel spirit of freedom and love.”

This theme has been inspired by the Charter for Catholic schools and the work that school communities are currently embarking on as they “Develop in Faith”. All classes will be involved in lessons which focus on the above theme looking at different characteristics of the charter for Catholic Schools. There will also be a mass offered for the St Ninian’s family at 9.30am on Sunday 19th February in St Philip’s, all welcome.



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