The Amazing P3 Weekly Update!

Abu Bakr chose our title today as he felt we had been amazing and we had!

Learning Overview.


This week we learned more facts about the Sun and the Moon. We then decorated a Space picture and had to recall a fact we had learned and write this on our sheet.


In our P.M. writing we have been learning about Explanations. As a class we produced a shared writing explanation of the life cycles of a Red Admiral butterfly and a frog. We looked at the different sections of an explanation.

We are continuing to listen to our class novel of The Eejits and finding it so funny!


In numeracy we are continuing to learn how to add and subtract two digit numbers and this week we looked at using an empty number line to work out where a number would lie between two given  numbers.

Health and Wellbeing.

In P.E. we have been working on different types of balances and working cooperatively to help each other. Next week we are going to do partner balances. In our Resilience work we have been learning the importance of taking some time to relax and concentrate on our breathing.


We have been revising the days of the week in Spanish and noticing how they don’t start with a capital letter as they do in English.

Pupil Voice -Our Highlights.

Victoria ” I love listening to The Eejits. The words are so funny!”

Malakai ” I enjoyed eating the sweets when we were talking about washing our hands.”

Mati” Gymnastics was my favourite as I loved doing the balances.”

Kayla” I liked playing the find the number on the number line game.”

Home Learning Opportunities.

In Numeracy we played the find the number game. Here is the link for you to try at home.

Have a lovely weekend. P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan.


We hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend!

This week in nursery found us outdoors having great fun using open ended resources to create risky play and fun experiences to develop our gross motor skills, social development and our thinking.

Tyres and drain pipes were very popular. Some piling them high to make a” Tyre chimney”. This provided a great way of experimenting with sound and echo.

Others used them to roll and crawl inside for fun. The tubing was a great media to experiment with size and measurement. The children found items small and big to fit inside the tubes and roll down to the bottom.

Inside the nursery children were making “pizza” this week using the magnetic triangle shapes. Great discussion then started as to what they like on there Pizza and what shapes were created whilst adding them together. This was a great mathematical experience for the children including counting, fractions and shape recognition. The children then had the experience of going out into the community to buy Pizza for snack from the local shop. We had to keep ourselves safe on the walk there and look around the shelves for what wee needed. We then gave money to the cashier to pay for our items.

The children were gathered around to discuss the shape and how many pieces we would have if we kept cutting it into slices. The best part had to be getting to eat it !!

Invitations were given out this week for our McMillan coffee morning next week. You are all invited back to share a coffee and cake to raise money for this great cause on Thursday at 11.30 for AM children and 1.15 for the PM children. Full day children cn come along on either of the session that suit best.


If you have any concerns or questions relating to this please contact a member of the Nursery Team who will be happy to assist.

Have a lovely weekend everybody from the Nursery Team!!




TUESDAY – LIBRARY VISIT- am and pm. Please come dressed in clothing appropriate for the weather conditions.


THURSDAY – McMILLAN COFFEE MORNING, all families welcome at 11.30 am or 1.15 pm in the Nursery. Any donations most gratefully received.

FRIDAY – PEEP SESSION 1 at 11 am with Mrs Beattie.

Nursery news

What a fabulous week !!

Tuesday was our Sports Day 🙂 the sun shone and we all had the best time. Our buddies joined us as well as our parents and great fun times were had.

On Wednesday we had our last visit to our pond to see the Swans and Cygnets. Only 3 left, but they are bigger than the ducks now!! We found some feathers in the grass and tried to fly back to the nursery 🙂

On Thursday we tried some hot food for snack and played with the parachute.

Friday was great fun playing party games in the hall and learning the Hokey Cokey !

All finished off with a PEEPs party.

• Next week is jam packed in nursery.

Monday- as normal.

Tuesday -our leavers ceremony at 10am and 2pm  for children moving up to P1 this year.

Wednesday- party in the park, children and parents are all invited to join us at the park in Murieston beside the scout hall for a picnic and fun. We aim to set off at 9am and 12.30pm. We will provide a small snack, but you can bring your own too 😊

Thursday- garden party for the children. Pm children’s last day of the session. 

Friday- last day of term x



P2/3 Health Week News

Wow! What a super busy week we have had. Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan are exhausted never mind the children!

Here are the highlights of health week in P2/3.

Rafay ” Golf was my favourite.”

Aiden ” Tough Mudder was the best.”

Rutendo ” I liked Parkour.”

Blake ” I liked dance with Miss Stryke from St Margaret’s.”

Daniel ” Capture the flag with P 3 was my favourite.”

Paul ” Tough Mudder was the best.”

Mark K ” Taekwondo was my favourite.”

Wiktoria ” Dungeon keep fit was the best.”

Isla ” Parkour was fantastic.”

Seren, Mirren, Oliver ” We liked Parkour the best.”

Poppy ” I loved Tough Mudder because I got all messy and wet!”

Abigail ” I loved everything.”

Freda ” Tough Mudder was my favourite as it was really tough!”

Lloyd ” I loved Parkour because I liked hanging off the really high bars.”

Marcel ” I loved doing Fit and Flex.”

Casper ” I loved capture the flag.”

Mark D ” Tough Mudder was the best.”

Joshua ” I loved everything.”

Bernice ” I liked doing capture the flag.”

Abu Bakr ” The golf was really cool.”

Abby ” Dancing was my favourite.”

Nathan ” Parkour and football were my favourite.”

Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan and P2/3.


What a final week to this term !!

Monday was fun filled and children were (amongst lots of other experiences) practicing their fine motor skills. Little fingers had to manipulate keys and padlocks to find which key opened which lock.

Tuesday was our Special person and Grandparents Day. The children loved singing to the audience and sharing learning experiences around the nursery.

We also said farewell to Mrs MacDonald today. We will all miss her in the nursery, but wish her all the best in her new adventures xx

Wednesday was Welly Wednesday, not only did we have snow, but an Easter egg hunt too!!

Thursday is P.E day and today we had a lesson with Miss Ford as Mr McCurdy looks after his new baby at home. I the morning we played duck duck goose and in the afternoon we sat in the nursery and practiced some stretching to the hungry caterpillar story.

and then it was Friday !!!

Block play, magnetic shapes, Easter collages and crackers for snack all finished off with a run around in the garden 🙂






P2/3 Weekly Update

This week the children in P 2/3 want to share their highlights of their learning adventure.

Wiktoria” I liked playing football in P.E.”

Mark D ” I liked doing handwriting this week”

Poppy ” I liked doing my bidding prayer at our Class Mass.”

Blake ” I liked doing multiplication in maths.”

Abigail” My favourite this week was P.E. and maths.”

Rafay ” Playing with my friends at break was my favourite.”

Abu Bakr ” This week I liked doing maths and spelling.”

Paul ” I loved Free Writing Friday.”

Isla ” Learning my times tables was my favourite.”

Casper ” Free Writing Friday and using the magnets at Smart Start was brilliant.”

Bernice ” I liked everything this week.”

Mark K ” I love FUN 31″

Abby ” Going out in the garden to learn about plants as this is our new topic.”

Aiden ” I liked Mighty Writer at Smart Start as I wrote a fabulous story with Bernice.”

Joshua ” I liked construction and magnets at Smart Start.”

Freda ” I liked P.E. and Free Writing Friday.”

Daniel ” My favourite was P.E. and FUN 31.”

Rutendo ” My favourite was P.E. and R.E. this week.”

Oliver ” I liked learning about all the parts of a plant.”

Lloyd ” I like going to the park after our Class Mass.”

Mirren ” I liked every single thing this week.”

Marcel ” My favourite was learning about multiplication and doing the Daily Mile.”

Nathan ” I loved the magnets.”

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan were very proud of the class at their Class Mass on Tuesday. They behaved so well and sang beautifully.

Have a lovely weekend.

Nursery News

Fun filled freezing week, but what have we learned this week?

Children have been investigating the properties of water. They found a block pf ice in the garden and we brought it indoors to see how it would melt and break up. Children used their problem solving skills and curiosity to explore different ways to melt the ice. Some tried scissors, others’ tried sticks or our plastic dinosaurs. We then decided to do an experiment. What would happen if we put some items in water and left them outside? Great discussion and investigation on Friday as we found our items frozen in the ice!! The afternoon children will find their items on Monday.

Tooth brushing started on Monday each child has their own toothbrush and follows the Childsmile programme, they are learning to identify their own name on the list to be able to find their own brush.

From our Chinese New Year display in nursery children have been attempting to write in Chinese .Parker could see that the writing has straight lines and tried to copy them himself.

P.E this week was Gymnastics. The full hall gym equipment was out as the children developed balancing skills, climbing skills, jumping skills and remembered to have squashy knees as they jumped down onto the mat.

Have a great weekend everyone !! from the Nursery Team xx






FRIDAY – PEEP block 3

Nursery News

What a lovely start to Advent in the nursery this week. We have been busy decorating our room and learning about the story of Christmas. Nativity is soon and we are so excited to show you all!!

Children decorated the Christmas trees themselves. We shared the  St Ninian’s Nursery tradition of reading the Dick Bruna story ‘ The Christmas Book’ and characters are displayed depicting the Nativity scene.

Literacy was being developed through the excitement of writing letters to Santa.

Mathematical skills were observed through loose parts and natural resources as we tried to complete the number line 0-10.

And finally lots of Health and Well being as friendships are built and selfies taken on Mrs Mushet’s iPad !!

who can’t smile looking at that picture??


Monday – Nativity full dress rehearsal 10am and 2pm (children  only).

Tuesday –

Wednesday –

Thursday – Nativity performance for parents and family 10am and 2pm.

Friday – Christmas Jumper Day.

P2/3 Weekly Update on our Learning Adventure.

Another busy week in P2/3.

In our outdoor learning we were nature detectives and used magnifying glasses to look at a variety of things in the school garden. We had to work in teams and draw the object as it looked with our eyes and then draw it after using the magnifying glasses. It was amazing what we found and as it was frosty it was even more exciting.


In Literacy this week we read Hiccup The Viking which was our Word Boost book. We had to listen out for the following words ocean, spine, shriek, ancient, immediately and peculiar and remember if they were nouns, verbs or adjectives. In our reading we worked on our higher order thinking skills of Remembering where we had to write down the setting of our story, the main characters and what happened at the beginning of the story. We also worked on Understanding using our word boost knowledge of adjectives we had to write three adjectives to describe the main character, think of the main idea of our story and describe why the title was appropriate to our reading book.

We continued to work on our addition and counting in Numeracy and are becoming super at our number talks.

Here is a link to a game we used to help us with our addition.

In our number talks we sometimes use ten frames and we can come up with lots of strategies of what do we see and how do we see it. Here is one you can try at home and you can post your strategies too!

In P.E. we are working on a fitness block and this week we became teachers and worked alongside P1D in a fitness circuit. We followed our school rules of READY, RESPECTFUL AND SAFE. We really enjoyed working with them and want to say a big thank you to Mrs Davenport for inviting us to join in.


In Digital learning this week some of us have logged onto Glow and we will continue with this next week. This will also be part of our Homework for next week and we are excited to be digital learners.

We have also been working very hard  during our Smart start in the mornings with lots of focus and great collaborative learning.



Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan.

Nursery News

The children have had a wonderful Halloween week in nursery. Dressing up and dookin on Tuesday then a Halloween hunt on our fundraiser sponsored walk on Wednesday. New pipes and hoses in the water tray caused great interest on Thursday and we ended the week with a fantastic assembly all about kindness and how our kindness can colour the world. I’m sure your children colour your world, but they most certainly colour ours. Thank you all so much for your support during our Care Inspectorate inspection this week. We are delighted with the feedback given and will share the news when we get our final report.

Have a great weekend everybody!! from the Nursery Team xx



School photos, siblings can be included from nursery in these.

Can we please ask for any Sponsor forms to be back in today x.

Tuesday – Library Visit at 9.30 am and 1.30 pm.

Wednesday – Breakfast Blether at 8.30 with Mrs Mushet and Noon Natter at 12.00, any parent is invited to come along and have a chat about the nursery and our vision for the future.

Thursday – P.E.

Friday – Ladies Night.

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