P3 Weekly News

Learning Overview

Our Wordboost words this week have been ocean, ancient, spine, immediately, peciliar and shriek. We listened to the story of Hiccup the Viking who was seasick. We were very good at recognising the boost words and also putting them into WOW sentences. In P.M. writing we have been learning how to write an Exposition and understanding what a statement of position, a series of arguements and a concluding statement are. We then wrote an Exposition as a class on exercise and drinking water. We came up with fantastic arguements for both of these.

In Maths we have been learning about Time and and applying our knowledge of time facts to help us solve word problems.

As it is now the season of Advent we learned about the Advent wreath and the different meanings behind the candles and how we need to get ready for the birth of Jesus.

Our WOW walls on our one note profiles have been getting lots of fantastic and WOW work put on them. There has been lots of collaborative learning and model making with the Kapla and also in the Play room. Please log in and have a look at the amazing work that has been done.

Thursday was busy making posters for our stall at the school fayre and we were delighted that we sold all our sweetie cones!

Pupil Voice

Christopher has enjoyed learning Spanish this week.

Oliver loved hearing about schools in the past and he is glad he didn’t go to school then.

Evie and Hanna enjoyed learning about Time in Maths.

Malakai really liked making posters for the school Fayre.

Next Steps Home Learning Opportunities

We have been learning colours in Spanish. Here is a game that you can play at home to consolidate learning.


We are also looking forward to hearing the childrens’s solo talks next week.

Have a lovely weekend from P3, Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan.


Nursery news

What a quick week !!

This week was the first week our full day children joined us. They’ve all had great fun meeting the morning and the afternoon children.

The children learn through play in our nursery and they have had great fun exploring and investigating all of the learning experiences available to them both indoors and outdoors.

Roleplay  in our mud kitchen 

Gross motor and balancing skills 



Quantity, measurment and weight in the sand.

Have a great weekend everybody!!

from the Nursery Team xx

Nursery news

Welcome Back !!!!

What a fantastic fun filled beginning to our new term we have had this week. Lots of stories and fun adventures to be shared! Some people had a visit from Santa!! We shared together what he had brought us and some children have drawn wonderful pictures of their favourite present in our talking books.

We have been looking  and talking about fractions, how many pieces can you cut a pancake into?

Dinosaurs have visited our nursery and the children have created ‘Dinosaur Land’, this has lead to mathematical and language experiences as we compare size and learn the names of the Dinosaurs.

We have begun to learn about rhyming words too, please ask your child around the home which words sound the same. See if they can answer you and let us know how they got on!!

Sorry no pictures this week computer says no …..

Have a wonderful weekend!! from the Nursery Team xx


MONDAY- Anaiya’s birthday celebration PM.

TUESDAY – Library visit 9.30 am and 1.30 pm, please come dressed for the weather conditions.

WEDNESDAY – no welly Wednesday yet but we hope to start this next week x



Nursery News


What a beautiful end to a fun filled week in our nursery. The Nativity performances from our children were just wonderful. All their hard work and learning all came together on the day and they all did us proud. Beautiful memories to cherish forever and remind them of as they get older. Maurice the Mule will never be forgotten !! Fantastic effort from each and every one of our children x Thank you for your continued support this year. Have a fantastic weekend and we will see you all on Monday for the last week of 2018!!

Love the Nursery Team xxx



MONDAY- Fun in the nursery.

TUESDAY- MAGICIAN at 11.15 am, PM children should arrive early today at 11.10 am and the AM children will be picked up later at 12.00.

WEDNESDAY- we hope to have a visit to the local Care home to sing our Christmas songs to the residents, am and pm sessions.

THURSDAY- CHRISTMAS PARTY DAY!!! come dressed for the Christmas festivities and we might even get a visit from Santa!! Parents please come back early at 10.30 and 2.30 to see your child with Santa.

FRIDAY- our last day for AM children.



P3 Weekly Round Up!

Wow! This week has gone by in a flash!

Some highlights of our week have included…

Our Achievement assembly! Mr McCurdy presented this very special whole school assembly on Wednesday to tell us all about our schools fantastic achievement of our School Sports GOLD award! Our very own Sophie was included in this assembly too for a fantastic swimming achievement! Please remember to send in any of your child’s achievements from outside of school.. these can be for anything your child has learned to do or anything they have taken part in that has made you proud of them!

We are VERY proud of P3 for their enthusiasm for our Enterprise stall – the lollipop tombola! We spent the week getting organised for the Christmas fair on Thursday night – with everyone in the class having a part of the creation of our lollipop stall! We did everything from scratch – and our stall was run completely on donations from our parents and carers! A huge THANK YOU from us to you 🙂

We started by making posters to entice people over to our stall – bright colours, only a few words and phrases – we hope you were impressed when you seen them! Next job was painting the donated shoe boxes – they looked fab by the time they were finished! We counted the prizes, then split them across our four table groups. Two children from each group were responsible for colouring the ends of 31 lollies for their table – to correspond with their 31 prizes! The prizes were added to boxes of shredded paper for the special lucky dip factor. Two helpers from each table took responsibility for making holes in their tables box by using a hammer and a nail! This was very exciting and the safety conscious pupils made sure they were wearing safety specs and high vis vests! Once this was all done it was time to fill the holes with lollies and get the boxes ready for the fair! A fantastic enterprising experience for our children and one which made around £58 on the night! Well done P3!


Unfortunately as the weather has taken a turn for the worse (thanks Storm Diana!) we have had to adapt our daily mile routine! We enjoyed following a Body Coach schools workout on Wednesday – raising our heart rate and boosting our fitness… And on Friday we enjoyed a Go Noodle workout, finishing with a great breathing exercise to calm us into being ready for Number Talks!


Our usual timetable had to alter slightly this week due to preparation for the Christmas fair and the completion of our Oral Book Review solo talks – we are looking forward to business as usual next week… especially quality time with our reading groups! 🙂

Thank you for your continued support! 24 sleeps until Santa 🙂

Nursery News

A busy week in the nursery this week. In early years we observe using the Curriculum for Excellence framework. Four of the capacities in the early level are Health and Well-being, Language and Literacy, Mathematics and Numeracy and Technology. The children are learning through play and here are some wonderful examples of literacy, math and well-being in pictures. Using sticks and beads to recreate shapes, using different media to write or create their names, counting using conkers and using a cardboard box to make a bed to read and make friends in. We are so pleased to announce our EXCELLENT grading from the Care Inspectorate!!! Thank you to each and every one of you for your continued support.

Have a great weekend from the EXCELLENT nursery team !!!



Monday – The school road safety officers coming in to talk to children.

Tuesday – Some children will be visiting our local care home.      Parent council meeting 6.30.

Wednesday – Welly Wednesday.

Thursday –

Friday – peep session.

Nursery News

What a busy week!!

This month we have been learning about keeping our self ‘safe’,  children take our register to the office each day. They wear high vis vests and keep themselves safe on the journey through the school.

We all wrote invitations this week for our McMilllan coffee morning next Thursday 27th of September. It is in the morning at 10.30 and the afternoon at 3.15. Donations of baking would be most welcome. A monetary donation box will be in the hall on the day for McMillan. Please come along and support such a great cause with a cup of coffee and a cake with your child.

Over the weeks the children have embraced the open ended resources. They take items and make their own toys or experiences in learning from them for example, in the picture you can see children working together to build a tower with the crates. They used their problem solving skills to try to figure out how to reach the top. Working together they were able to risk assess for themselves and reach their end goal.

Apples from a tree were brought in from a garden. We had a great learning experience investigating where these came from and what was inside. Children want to plant the seeds to see if we can grow ‘ a new apple tree’.



TUESDAY– LIBRARY VISIT 9.30 am and 1.30pm.





Nursery News


Here’s some evidence of the children discovering mathematical language and skills through play in the nursery this week. Maths Week in the nursery ran alongside every other experience and we’ve all had great fun along the way!! Fractions in the play dough, problem solving and measurement with the blocks and a number song with bears at the Smartboard.







Have a great long weekend !! See you all back on Wednesday x from the Nursery Team.

Nursery News

In St Ninians Nursery Class our vision statement is;

‘Where Adventure Nurture and Learning go hand in hand’

This week in nursery we have witnessed beautiful evidence of this through children at play. We are embracing loose parts and open ended resources in the nursery, children are using their imagination to use these resources to create their own learning environment. In the garden they built their own climbing frame and a road from crates and wooden blocks as they went on different adventures. The children are learning the routines of the nursery as they go about their day, staff ensure they feel comfortable and foster a nurturing relationship with each individual child to enable each child to feel secure and free to investigate. The children made their own paint this week and have been preparing their own snack each day. The PM children had ‘Teal’ paint made by Kian and you can see what a social time snack is in the picture. Every child is an individual and they learn at different paces. In St Ninian’s Nursery, it is in a free flow environment where children are learning as they play.


Monday –

Tuesday –

Wednesday – Ninians Natter 6-7 pm, come and meet the staff.

Thursday –  P.E.

Friday – All break for Holiday, children back Wednesday 18th September.

Have a lovely weekend from the Nursery team!!

Nursery news

We can’t believe this is the last blog post of the session. What a quick year it has been full of exciting learning adventures.

Both sessions enjoyed our Gruffalo party on Tuesday. It was a pity about the weather but we didn’t let it dampen our spirits. We enjoyed party games including pin the tail on the mouse. Mrs Mushet did some fantastic face painting we had our own Gruffalos! Our party food included Gruffalo crumble, Gruffalo cake and purple grapes as his spikes. Both Primary 1 classes joined us to share our learning with each other and we were amazed when we looked in our talking books that we had actually thought up lots of the same ideas.

It was a very emotional end to the week on Thursday when we said goodbye to our fantastic pre school children  who are moving on to their next exciting step in their learning. We were super proud of them all and we wish them lots of luck in Primary 1. As we were so busy we didn’t get a chance to take photographs so if  you have some and are happy to share please post on our nursery Facebook page where you will see the photographs taken of the children and what they wanted to be when they grow up.

The whole nursery team would like to say a huge thank you to all our families who shared kind words, lovely cards and very generous presents. We have been so touched by this. We are so thankful for the wonderful support we receive from our families.

Just a little reminder of staffing in the nursery next session. Both Mrs Mushet and Mrs Martinek will take on new leadership rolls as Early Years Officers and Mrs Conway will continue as the nursery teacher. Mrs Mushet will now work all day Monday and Tuesday with Mrs Martinek continuing to work all mornings. Mrs Beattie, Mrs Hogg and Mrs McDonald our Early Years Practioners will continue to work their usual mornings or afternoons with Mrs Conway in on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Caskie ( teacher) will continue to work in the nursery on a Tuesday providing direct literacy and numeracy teaching as part of our Pupil Equity Fund arrangements. Full details of all these changes are detailed in Mrs Purdie’s Headteacher headlines given out at the beginning of this week. Any questions regarding these changes please ask any member of the nursery team.

We would like to wish all our families a lovely summer holiday and look forward to welcoming back our returning children on Tuesday 22nd August and we are excited about all our new children who will be joining our nursery family. We would also like to say good luck to some of our children who are moving onto other nurseries after the holidays.

Happy Holidays 😊😊

The Nursery Team.




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