P3 Weekly News

Learning Overview


This week we have continued our learning in multiplication by using the strategies of ‘repeated addition’ and ‘known facts’.  Everyone loved creating their own number problems for their learning partners and recording their answers once they had carried out investigations using concrete materials.  We’re all looking forward to beginning work on division next week.


This week’s boost words are – sink, wreck, consult, rattle, havoc and advice.  In writing we created book reviews of our very favourite books on World Book Day and we have worked on the skills of analysing and evaluating in reading.  Our focus in handwriting has been capital letters and everyone did a great job of self-assessing their work and identifying strengths and next steps.  We have also loved listening to audio books on the World Book Day website as part of our World Book Day celebrations.


One of our highlights this week was drama when the children worked in groups to create instant images.  We worked on using facial expression and body position, with fantastic results. We have improved our fine motor skills through sewing activities, which everyone loved and we began to develop typing skills using the BBC Dance Mat

Parental Involvement

Encourage your child to develop their typing skills using the BBC Dance Mat typing activities

Set a challenge to use boost words at home –  sink, wreck, consult, rattle, havoc and advice.

Next week we are learning about Viking shields so you could do some research on Viking shield designs at home.

Improve multiplication skills with this Topmarks game  –  Coconut Multiplication game.  

Pupil Voice


Joshua – I loved celebrating World Book Day.  We brought in favourite books to write about and you got to bring a book to lunch.  We listened to Cookie and the Bolds and I Want My Potty on the World Book Day site.

Victoria – I loved writing this week.  We wrote about our favourite books. My focus was capital letters and full stops.

Dylan – I loved celebrating World Book Day. I loved writing about my favourite book.  I wrote about the Christmasaurus.   My target was to write in paragraphs.

Kayla- I loved it when Father Kenneth came to visit and we all talked about Reconciliation.


P2 Weekly News


This week we enjoyed starting fractions and celebrating World Book Day and Fairtrade Fortnight. P2 wrote all about Fairtrade and continued learning a new spelling pattern. Today we enjoyed some time in our garden and read our story there.

Parental Involvement

Try the word problem below at home:

You should eat five pieces of fruit or vegetables a day. How many fruit or veg should you eat in 10 days?

Pupil voice

Michelle – I liked our boost words. One of them was scoop.

Amelia – We did writing about Fairtrade.

Scott – It was an exposition type of writing.

Roma – We had tennis. It was so fun.

Emilie – We did drama with Mrs Kerr and got to pretend to jump over a river.

Logan – We did the ‘ill’ ending in spelling.

Liam – I liked PE with Mr Cumming. We were throwing and catching.

Amelia – For throwing first you swing. Then you step and after you throw.

Shea – To catch you have to reach, catch and pull.

P6 Weekly News

Learning Overview



This week for our Writing lesson we each wrote a discussion about whether paper maps should be replaced by electronic maps. We talked about the advantages and disadvantages of both types of maps.

As part of World Book Day we all read our books and we also had an Author and Illustrator Masterclass where we were able to see Jamie Littler and Laura Ellen Anderson talk to us and they both read us some extracts from their books ‘Amelia Fang’ and ‘Frostheart’.

We also took part in a giant quiz with 3 other classes. We had to answer questions about the title and author names of different books.

Numeracy and Maths

We worked on our fractions, decimals and percentages to help Mrs Reeves decide what she was going to teach us next.


Health and Well being

In P.E. we have started to do Basketball by practising our Basketball skills and playing a few games.

We have made a kindness box for our class. If someone is kind to us, we now write their name on a piece of paper and say how they have been kind to us and put this in the box. At the end of the day the acts of kindness are all read out and the people who have been kind get their names put on our recognition board.

World of Work

We are all taking part in a World of Work survey to help us find out our different work skills. So far we have started to do a quiz which tells us what type of animal we are.


Pupil Voice:


I really enjoyed going to the hall to take part in the Cahoot quiz. We talked about World Book Day and Mrs Conway read us all a poem.


I enjoyed drawing the different characters as part of the World Book Day author’s challenge.


I loved playing Basketball this week.

I  liked making up our own characters and drawing them in our Learning Journals.

Home Learning

Help your child to keep practising telling the time and ask them to convert the time into 12 hour and 24 hour time.  See if you can have a look at some timetables together to work out different journey times.

Ask your child to talk about the different characters they created on World Book Day.


We will be visiting Torness Power Station on Monday to support our learning in science about energy and electricity.
All pupils should bring a snack and a packed lunch.
Pupils should not bring devices. Devices are not allowed on the tour. I suggest devices are left at home on Monday or left at the office as there will be no one in the classroom.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P6


P4 Weekly News!

Learning Overview

Literacy – We celebrated World Book Day on Thursday. We watched Pamela Buchart’s masterclass and did the challenge which she set us. The challenge was to write a class story where everyone said one line! We also made bookmarks and completed share a story bubbles.

HWB – In PE we have started Basketball. We practiced dribbling using our fingertips.

Maths – We have started to learn about time. We timed our partner stacking cubes in towers by marching on the spot and seeing how many marches we did in the time in took for them to build the tower.

IDL – On Wednesday we learned about the food on board Titanic. We made menus which looked a bit like the ones they had in first, second and third class. Today we watched a documentary about 10 mistakes that made Titanic sink.


Pupil Voice – Our Highlights!

Our lead learners this week are Rafay and Marcel. Here are some comments from them:

Marcel – I enjoyed PE this week. We got to work on our own to practice dribbling the basketball.

Rafay – I enjoyed going to the Fairtrade tuck shop to buy a snack. We have been learning about Fairtrade and it is good to buy Fairtrade snacks to support the farmers and workers.

Next Steps – Home Learning Opportunities

Literacy – Share a story at home with someone in your family. When you have done this for at least 10 minutes you can add a tally to our chart in class.

Maths – Practice using a clock to time something at home. For example how long it takes you to get ready, how long it takes to cook your dinner.

HWB – This month’s GIRFEC theme is responsible. Think about what this word means and share with someone something which you do to be a responsible citizen.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Mrs Brown 🙂

P2 Weekly Update


This has been a short week and an exciting one for P2. The class have welcomed Mrs Kerr as our new teacher on a Wednesday. P2 have learned body parts in Spanish and are focusing on the exposition genre in writing.

Parental Involvement

We have been focusing on spotting ‘igh’ in words in spelling, such as night and might. Ask your child what letters make up this sound and try to think of words with this sound in it.

Pupil voice

Liam – I liked using my robot to help me with times tables.

Michelle – We drew pictures about loving your neighbour in RE.

Mara – I liked playing with Scott and Igor. We played a game with cars and airplanes.

Paul – We put dye in water and made it green. We changed the temperature of the water too.

Connor – I liked Spanish body parts with Mrs Kerr.

Lucy – We had real life word problems with multiplication.

Anna – We worked out change for money in maths.

Emilie – We did bear time reading and I like it because we spend time with cuddly animals and read a book.

Shea – We had a reading challenge and we had to follow instructions to colour in ice creams.

Primary 3 Weekly News

Learning Overview

We have started our new topic on the Vikings and have worked together to create some exciting learning plans!

We finished our Science topic by writing reports on Alexander Fleming and did a great job self-assessing our work.  Capital letters have been the focus of our handwriting lessons and we’re trying hard to keep our letters neat.

In numeracy we have begun to explore multiplication by multiplying using skip counting and in maths we have investigated measure through weighing a range of objects.

Pupil Voice

Mark – I liked planning our Viking topic.  I really want to learn about the dragons at the front of the Viking ships.  I also enjoyed doing gymnastics in PE.  I liked swinging.

Seren – I liked writing about Alexander Fleming. He was a scientist who discovered penicillin.  We used pink and green highlighters to self-assess our work.

Riley –  I liked coding during Smart Start.  I used digital technology skills.  I also liked skip counting in maths.  We used skip counting to help us multiply.

Home Learning

Keep working on skip counting to 100 at home.  This TopMarks activity is good for developing digital skills whilst the children work on number strategies https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-squares .

In maths we have been exploring measure by using scales to weigh objects.  Try following a recipe and weighing ingredients to bake or cook.

In Literacy we are working on writing capital letters.  See how many capital letters you can spot when out and about.  Try painting capital letters, drawing capital letters with chalk, making them with pipe cleaners or beads etc.

In Health and Well-Being we are continuing to develop strategies to help us to build resilience.  We know that everyone encounters a wide range of emotions every day.  We have been thinking about ways to help us cope such as breathe in, breathe out, blowing bubbles, going for a walk and art/ colouring in.  Try some of these activities at home and record your learning in your OneNote profile.

Have a lovely weekend.

From P3, Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

P3/4 Weekly News

Teacher Voice

We have had a very short week this week but lots of great learning!


We have been learning about a new writing genre this week called ‘explanation texts’. We have been learning about the structure of an explanation text and the important language features. We have planned our writing for next week using research to help us. We will be writing about ‘What does the Captain of a ship do?’.


We have continued to develop our understanding of multiplication using arrays and repeated addition.

Some of us were learning to multiplying a 3 digit number by 1 digit using tower sums. This was quite challenging, however we used our prior knowledge of multiplying a 2 digit number by 1 digit to help us.


We have been learning about Fairtrade in preparation for ‘Fairtrade Fortnight’. We will be joining P4 class to attend the ‘Fairtrade’ cluster assembly to share our learning with other schools. We worked in groups to research obscure Fairtrade foods and present the information in an exciting way.

Health and Wellbeing

This week we have been talking about some difficult feelings that we might have experienced e.g. sad, scared, angry. We discussed different coping strategies that can help us to deal with these feelings and make us feel more positive. We created coping strategy wheels to display in our class so we can use these if we experience any difficult emotions in class.

Pupil Voice

“I liked PE this week doing gymnastic routines.” – Yasmin

“I liked PE too because we got to create our own routines and share them with the class.” – Brooke

“I enjoyed working with a group to prepare for the cluster Fairtrade assembly next week. We had to find the most unusual fairtrade foods.” – Klaudia

“I enjoyed doing Lent stained glass windows for art this week.” – Lucy

“I enjoyed multiplying 3 digit numbers by 1 digit in numeracy.” – Ephraim

“I liked preparing for my First Holy Communion this week.” James

“I liked doing art this week too.” – Amber

“I liked learning about Fairtrade this week and drawing strange Fairtrade foods.” – Dexter

“I enjoyed learning about explanation texts and doing my plan for my writing next week which is about what the captain of a ship does.” – Dawid

“I enjoyed using the spinning wheel to choose children to answer questions in the class.” – Jarred

“I enjoyed learning about explanation texts in PM writing this  week.” – Kerr

“We were talking about coping strategies in Health and Wellbeing. I enjoyed giving children in the class hand massages.” – Kyle

Home Learning

Literacy – Can you create sentences using conjunctions so, but, because, and, although?

Numeracy -P4 – Can you teach someone in your family how to multiply a 3 digit number by 1 digit using a tower sum?

P3 – Can you use something at home to create arrays? (cheerios, beads, pebbles etc)

IDL – Can you look in your cupboards at home to see if you have any fairtrade products. You will know it is fairtrade when you see the fairtrade logo.

Health and Wellbeing – Share some of the coping strategies that work for you with a friend or family member.  Ask them what coping strategies help them when they are experiencing difficult emotions.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs Wassell and P3/4

Primary 6 Weekly News

Learning Overview:

Numeracy: We have been continuing to learn about finding percentages using our knowledge of fractions. We have also been interpreting simple timetables.

Literacy: We have been focusing on writing discussions and we have written a discussion about the use of mobile phones in school. We have also prepared and performed a scripted piece of drama.

Health and Well being:

We have been discussing  the Rights Respecting Article  5 and thinking about the  best piece of advice we  have received.


Pupil Voice:

Maths –  In Numeracy we did fractions and percentages. We were converting  fractions into percentages. We all enjoyed doing this.

P.E –In P.E we were doing gymnastics and performing routines on the equipment. We all really enjoyed this activity.

Art – In Art with Mrs Conway we were learning about fair trade and how if you buy something with a fair trade sticker you know you are helping less fortunate people. We were drawing and colouring the fair trade logo.

Music – We were learning about our voice box when we sing and we watched an ‘Operation Ouch’ video which told us about our voice and how gasses can make our voice sound funny.


Home Learning:

Look at all the food packaging in your house or at the shops and see if you can spot any Fairtrade logos.

See if you can find any timetables for trains or buses etc. and see if you can work out the times between different journeys.

Continue to practise learning your times tables to help with fractions.

P4 Weekly News

Learning Overview

IDL – We have been preparing for Fairtrade fortnight by doing different activities. In art we made a Fairtrade sign. We could either scrunch up tissue paper or leave it flat and make a collage.

HWB – We watched a video about stress and how we can resolve this feeling. We talked about some coping strategies such as doing activities, talking to someone and popping bubble wrap!

PE – We got to share some gymnastics skills with Mr Cummings!

Maths – We have been learning how to do the written method of multiplication which we know as tower sums.

Pupil Voice – Our Highlights!

Our lead learners this week are Freda and Nathan . Here are some comments from them:

Freda – I liked using conjunctions in my writing. A conjunction is a word which joins 2 sentences together.

Nathan – I enjoyed PE this week. I liked using the monkey bars in gymnastics.


Next Steps – Home Learning Opportunities

Literacy – Try to think of a sentence using a conjunction. Some examples are: and, because, but, so, if, then.

Maths – Teach someone in your family how to do a multiplication tower sum. Remember the steps to follow.

IDL – Have a look at the food you have at home and see if any of it has a Fairtrade logo on it!

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Mrs Brown 🙂

P6 Weekly News

Learning Overview

Maths and Numeracy

This week we have been continuing to reinforce our learning of fractions and decimals, whilst making comparisons to percentages. We have been looking at equivalent fractions and then trying to identify the perentage. We shall be continuing with this next week. Also we have been learning about time and we have been converting analogue times to 24 hour times. We shall continue with this and start looking at using timetables next week.


We have been focusing on the structure and the importance of planning to write an explanation of how energy from the sun can be transferred. We have also been focusing on different spelling patterns to reinforce our spelling skills. This week our focus is on the spelling pattern:  -ed.


We have been learning about electricity and we have been drawing and making electric circuits using the following components: a switch, a battery, wires and a bulb. We have also carried out some experiments by testing different items with our electric circuits to determine which substances are conductors or insulators.

Pupil Voice

Art: In art we made pendulums with paper cups and string. Then we added paint and put a big piece of paper on the bottom of it.  We spun it, pushed it or whatever we wanted and my group’s second one looked like a shoe!

 RE: In R.E. someone pretended to be St. Paul in our hot seat activity.

 Sky: We made story boards in preparation for our Sky Studios trip on Monday.

 Writing: We wrote an explanation about how energy comes from the sun.

Maths: In maths we did fractions, decimals and percentages, but mostly percentages. We talked about them and then discussed how confident we felt about percentages.

P.E: In P.E. we did gymnastics with balances and rolls. We also went on the vault and we did jumps, shapes and front flips.

 Posters: We made posters which were about what we wanted to do when we were older. In the middle of the paper we wrote the name of what job we wanted to have and then we had to write a skill connected to that job for each letter.

 Mrs Reeves lost her voice then Mrs Quinn aka Jack had to ‘step in’ to save the week for Mrs Reeves!

Home Learning

Next week we will be focusing on internet safety. Please take this opportunity to discuss staying safe online with your children, especially safe and responsible use of social media. There are resources available here: https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/advice-centre/parents-and-carers/resources-parents-and-carers

A reminder that next week we will be visiting Sky Skills Studios on Monday.




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