P5 News

This week some of our P5’s had a trip to the Cathedral in Edinburgh with Mrs Thomson.  The children found this a very interesting experience as they were given access to areas which they would not normally be allowed to go in the Cathedral.  The children who did not attend this trip were involved in the Travelling Tube performance in the school.  Again this was a very informative, as well as enjoyable, experience as the children participated in a workshop where they created their own music.

This week we also had our Class Mass in St Philip’s small chapel.  The children were impeccably behaved and participated well in all aspects of the Mass.  Our thanks to Father Paul who helped to prepare us for this.  Many members of the Parish commented on how impressed they were with the children.  Everyone earned an extra Dojo point, well done!

We still had that sinking feeling in our writing this week as we continued our theme of “Floating and Sinking” as part of our Wonderful Water topic.  We studied the sinking of the Titanic, learning facts and timelines.  We then used this to create a newspaper report about the incident.  Here are a few examples,


Well done P5.  Next week we will move onto investigating dissolving and have our first attempt at writing a scientific report.

An Awesome week in P4!

We have had a great week of learning this week. We are coming to the end of our topic and we thought we would finish off with an exciting experiment. We wanted to see how plants absorb water to stay alive. We have put celery into a cup of food colouring to see what is going to happen. We made some predictions.

Ethan – I think the water level in the cup will go down.

Bea – I think the celery will turn blue.

Beth – I think water will come out of the celery when we cut it.

We are looking forward to Monday to find out what will happen.

We had a great day on Wednesday when travelling tuba came in to perform for us. They were Fantastic. Chloe thought it was “awesome” and Preston found it very “interesting”

tuba1 tuba2 tuba3 tuba4

Also over the last few weeks we have been focusing on “Anti-Bullying” week and friendships. We looked at some different scenario’s and thought about how the children might look and feel in each scenario. We worked in groups for our role on the wall activity.



Ask your child about their learning this week. Share what they enjoyed most on the blog.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs W

P2B weekly blog

In numeracy this week we have been learning about place value. We used dienes blocks to show how many tens and units each number had. We know that 1 ten stick is made up of ten individual units.

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Our favourite station in our place value lesson was the dice and place value frame game. We had to take turns and roll the dice which had different numbers stuck on each side. We then rolled a dice which had a H T and U on either side.
H is for hundreds- Seamus
T is for tens – Zuzanna
U is for units.- Lennon

If you rolled the number 5 and the landed on the T then you would put the number 5 in this part of the place value frame.

We had a competition to find out who rolled the biggest number.
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In reading routes this week, we read a text in our trios and then working together we had to organise the facts in the order which they appeared in the text. We had different roles: the recorder, the time keeper, the reader and the checker.


Igloos- This week we made igloos. The materials we used were: marshmallows, paper bowls and glue to make the igloo.
We followed the steps from the instructions we wrote in our writing lesson last week on how to build an igloo.
– Emma
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We were very lucky this week and got to go to the Travelling Tuba performance in the hall.

“It was funny.”- Maya.

“I was so amazing.”- Kornel

I liked seeing all of the different instruments.”

Primary 6/7 News

This week we have been really busy as usual! On Tuesday all the Primary 6’s went to the Lanthorn and took part in a St Andrews Cluster assembly with pupils from several other schools. We all discussed the life of St Andrew. Then on Wednesday we had a fantastic time when ‘The Travelling Tuba’ paid us a visit and we took part in a  music workshop where we all worked together to produce a piece of Brazilian music which we later performed in front of the whole school.

Tuba 002 Tuba 006 Tuba 007 Tuba 009 Tuba 010


We have been making great progress with practising our multiplication skills in Maths this week and now feel ready to move on to some division next week! In French we wrote some Chinese portrait poems which described ourselves in many different ways. We continued to perfect our Scottish dancing in P.E. although this week we danced to modern music for a change!

Have a great weekend from Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5/6 News


We have had another busy week in p5/6. We presented our learning on ‘who was St Andrew?’; at the St Andrews cluster assembly. Linked with our class Agar.io Goals, we have added a leader board to our display as so many children in our class have been achieving their goals! In maths this week we finished off our multiplication topic and started our topic on shape, we learned how to estimate the perimeter of a 2D shape. In Literacy we all wrote an imaginative story about a mission in Space, we worked with a partner to improve our adjectives in our writing. On Wednesday we had a visit from The Travelling Tuba, everyone really enjoyed this! We had the chance to play different instruments and learned how to play salsa music. At the end of the school day we presented our piece of music to the rest of the school.


By the whole of Primary 5/6

Primary 3/4 News

We have had a great week!

On Wednesday we had ‘Travelling Tuba’ in to visit us and it was fantastic. They taught us all about the story of the tuba. We even had a chance to give some of the instruments a go. Please see our class story on dojo for some videos of Wednesday’s fun.

We received a very exciting delivery yesterday in our classroom. When we arrived back from music we found our classroom door lying open with leaves scattered on the ground. There was a balloon with a letter attached. Joseph carefully opened the letter and read this out to the class. It was from the man on the Moon and his name was Roger. He told us about life on the Moon and that he had just received a telescope from a little girl on Earth. So we decided to write a letter back. We were working on asking good questions in our letter. Here are some of our questions we asked Roger.

Jan asked “Why would you not build a city on the moon and live with the aliens?”

Ailie asked “How were you born?”

Adrin asked “How big is the moon?”

Rachel asked “How do you breath?”

Shannon asked “What do you do on the moon?”

Lukasz asked “Why don’t you build a space rocket and come to Earth?”

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr

P7 Weekly News

This week in P7 we enjoyed our second visit to St. Margaret’s where we learned about how Nicholas Winton saved the lives of 669 Jewish children at the start of WW2. We also learned about the life of Anne Frank through group research using laptops.

In class we have been learning about the brain as part of our Sport Science topic and we did an experiment to see which was our more dominant side, left or right. For most of us, our right side was the more dominant!

In maths we have now completed the topic of money and will begin learning about angles next week.  If you would like to get ahead of the game feel free to watch this short YouTube clip as a reminder about angles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM6zued_V5Q

Finally we were very lucky to have a visit from a musical company called ‘Travelling by Tuba’. Chris and Stuart entertained us with their amazing musical skills and then let us experiment with some samba instruments which we made in to a short performance for the rest of the school. We had lots of fun making music and we hope to continue trying out new instruments and making our own music in the coming weeks.

Another busy week!

Primary 3 have had another very busy week. Here are a few highlights:

We were dancing to a keep fit counting in fives you tube clip! We lasted all the way to one hundred while having fun dancing.

We were spelling using our spelling pyramids and we had alien spelling where we had to teach a visiting alien how to spell our words and recognise patterns in them! This was a fun activity!

We loved our Maths activities where we had to partition 2 (and 3) digit numbers into (hundreds), tens and units! We played great smart board games and these helped with our learning.

This week was Road Safety Week and we enjoyed cutting and pasting sentences about crossing the road safely, making sure we got them in the correct order!

We had great fun at the Travel by Tuba event and we learned all about how sounds were made through tubas!

Photos to follow!

Stay tuned and happy weekend

Mrs Howley

P5 news

This week we have continued to work on our Science topic “Wonderful Water”. We followed up our work on floating and sinking and learned about buoyancy. Mrs Chirinos shared her knowledge of scuba diving with us which was really interesting. We also shared our Science learning to date with the whole school at our Friday assembly. The feedback that we have received has been very positive and the other classes were particularly impressed with the disappearing colour wheel!  Well done P5 your delivery was excellent.  I was really proud of you.

We also had a visit from the Scottish SPCA on Thursday. This was excellent! The focus was on wild animals, learning about their distinguishing features, habitats and how we can help if an animal is in trouble. We shared a lot of stories from our own personal experiences.  We had a chance to be animal detectives by  playing a game where we had to identify the animal from footprints, colour and habitat.

In our Health and Wellbeing learning this week we discussed anti-bullying and created posters showcasing our knowledge of different forms of bullying and how to seek help.

Another fantastic week P5, well done.

Come chill with P2B!

When we went into class on Wednesday an igloo had been built in our library corner. We were extremely excited and we cannot wait to read our books in the igloo.
IMG_7394 Zuzanna- I love the igloo lots!

This week we learnt about the northern lights.  After looking at images of the northern lights on the smart board we created our own chalk drawings. We focused on line and shape throughout our drawings. To begin we outlined a template of the hills and trees to create the landscape. We then chose different colours of chalk and used our finger to smudge them together.


Look at our beautiful chalk drawings displayed on the wall.

In numeracy this week we have continued to learn our subtraction sums. We played a new game at one of our carousel stations. We called this game “subtraction skittles”.

This is how you play the game.
First you have to roll the dice to find out which bottles it will hit. –Aaron.

You read the numbers on the bottle which you have knocked down and then you do an addition sum. –Cameron

Find the total number and take away how many fell down. – Kate.

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This was such a fun way to practice addition and subtraction sums.


For our writing lesson this week we watched an animated video clip of an Arctic explorer walking through a blizzard. This video clip was our stimulus for our writing. Before we began writing we thought of lots of different words that could be used to describe the explorer’s adventure. We wrote them down on our whiteboards.
Then we pretended to be Arctic explorers and we wrote a diary about our adventure. – Emma
We had to include dates and write them in chronological order.

Also this week we had a visit from the SSPCA. The officer told us lots of interesting information about her job and the equipment which she uses to help the animals.

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