Christmas Fair

Thanks to everyone who came and supported the Christmas Fair – ho ho I think it was a great success! We hope you enjoyed seeing Santa, listening to the choir, playing our festive games and winning some lovely prizes as well as snapping up some festive gifts for friends and family. Here are a selection of pictures we took. Thank you all so so very much for your generous donations – we can’t thank you enough…! And finally, thank you to all the helpers and staff who manned the stalls, wore silly outfits and made the whole event such a success.

We raised a whopping £1,231!!!. This is a great amount of money which will go towards making further improvements to the school playground.

Now the count down to Christmas begins….!

Message from Fundraising/Parent Council


Nursery News

We have had lots of exciting learning experiences this week based around our themes of Christmas and Winter. Most importantly, we have been rehearsing hard for our Nativity show on Tuesday at 10am for the morning class and Tuesday at 2pm for the afternoon class. We look forward to seeing you there! Have a look at some of our children rehearsing on our pretend stage:


We have begun our Christmas countdown which we call Advent. The children have enjoyed learning about the Nativity story and decorating our Advent tree with the very special decorations. During Advent we are learning to listen carefully for information and to take turns. We have also put up our Christmas decorations and decorated our two Nursery Christmas trees. How exciting!

Our Winter Display.
Our Winter Display.
Special Advent tree.
Special Advent tree.
One of our Christmas trees!
One of our Christmas trees!

From exploring the themes of Christmas the children have developed an interest in writing, stamping, posting and delivering letters to Santa. The children have loved using our postbox and post bag! We will be continuing this theme next week too.

Our Nursery postbox and post bag.
Our Nursery postbox and post bag.

If your child has shown an interest in writing letters at home, please bring them in to show us and we can pop them in our postbox! We look forward to seeing you all at the Nursery Nativity. Have a fantastic weekend,

The Nursery Team 🙂

Fascinating finds in P2B

To start the week we learnt about St. Andrew and watched a clip which told us the story of his life. Following this Scottish theme we listened to the story “Sweetieraptors.” The book is written in scots and it is all about different dinosaurs.

We found the story very funny! We worked in pairs or trios to make up our own dinosaur names.   IMG_1708

Since we enjoyed the story so much Miss Boyes then read us “Wee Animal ABC”. This book let us learn scots words from A to Z.


We worked together to pick out our favourite Scots words in the story and we took a guess at their meaning.IMG_1712IMG_1714


In writing this week we wrote imaginative stories.  To begin the lesson we watched the clip from the song “We’re walking in the air”. We got to pretend that we had just built a snowman and it had come to life. We had to write about where we went with the snowman and what happened when we were there.

Everyone came up with a wide variety of fascinating ideas for the snowman adventure.

We have been trying super hard to beat our big maths score. We have been practising our learn its lots during numeracy and smart starts. We are becoming faster at answering the calculations. We have continued to learn about place value and have now moved onto adding in tens. Miss Boyes was happy to hear during our learning conversations that we have really been enjoying numeracy and learning about the tens and units.


Our science lessons this week have been super fun! We completed an experiment to find out how a polar bears blubber keeps them warm. We put oil into two bags and put our hand in the middle of each bag. We dipped our hands into the chilly water and pretended we were polar bears diving.  We compared the difference of having the blubber to protect our hands and not having it. From this experiment we have discovered that our hands did not get cold when we had the oil (blubber) protecting them.
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We then found out about what polar bears eat to gain this fat that protects them from the cold. We listened to a piece of non-fiction text which told us about the food chain of a polar bear. We then recorded the information that we learnt. An interesting fat which we learnt from the book was that polar bears are “omnivores”. We have learnt that an omnivore is “an animal which eats other plants or animals.”

Another science activity which we completed was all about icebergs. An iceberg is a large piece of ice from a glacier. We had a short discussion on what global warming means and how it affects the polar bears.  We thought of different ways that we could get the ice to melt. We decided to put 1 at the window, 1 in hot water and 1 near the radiator. The largest piece of ice we wrapped in a piece of cloth.

We made predictions about which piece of ice would melt first. Half of the class thought the piece wrapped in cloth would melt first because it would be too warm. However we were fascinated to find out that this was not the case. This was the only piece of ice that did not melt.  We found out that the ice did not melt because the cloth acted as an insulator keeping the heat from getting to the ice.

Keep posted for more fascinating finds in P2B! We are super excited about our nativity shows next week!




Dissolving or melting in P5?

It was St Andrew’s day on Monday and we all took some time to revise our knowledge about St Andrew.  We watched a short video clip and then using our Letterjoin handwriting copied some information into our jotter.  We drew the Saltire flag and now fully understand how our flag represents our Patron Saint St Andrew.

In our Science we started to discuss dissolving.  Many children talked about how sugar will MELT in the water, this raised the question is melting and dissolving the same thing?  We conducted a dissolving investigation and started our first formal Science report.  We will be continuing to look at the question of dissolving and melting next week and we will try to understand why these are two different processes.  If you want to get a head start on this watch the below clip.

We will continue to link our learning next week when we complete an exercise about famous Scottish Scientists and we will appreciate that Scotland has a very rich Science background and that this is something to be very proud of and to strive to continue into future generations.

I can’t wait for next week when we will have time to share our Science Book homework projects.  I have been hearing about some of the amazing investigations and learning that has been happening, I am so excited!

There is just enough TIME left to talk about Maths.  This week we have revisited telling the time from analogue clocks and then converting this into digital time.  For your homework I wanted you to find as many opportunities to tell the time this week so hopefully everyone has had lots of practise.  This will be our Maths focus next week too.

Have a lovely weekend, and wrap up warm!

Primary 3/4 News!

This week has been wonderful!

To end our Earth, Sun and Moon topic we presented our topics to the class.

Evie created a Sun fact file. Shannon remembered that Evie asked the class lots of fabulous questions about the Sun. One of Evie’s questions was “How hot was the sun?” We couldn’t believe that it was 5,500 degrees.

Jacob said “I really liked Ailie’s topic because the PowerPoint was good and the reading was clear.”

Mark said “I liked Shannon’s because all of her aliens were called Mark.”

Jay-P said “I really like Caiden’s interesting facts about the moon.”

Haseeb said “I liked Aoife’s because it had lots of information about living and non-living things. Hannah said “I liked Aoife’s rocket it was very big and cool.

On Wednesday for ‘Scotland Week’ we had a visit from a theatre group to tell the story about the ‘History of Scotland’. All of primary 3/4 agreed that this was great. Adrin said “you had to use your imagination”. Ailie said “I really liked when he built the castle.” Aidan said “my favourite part was when Andrew seen Nessie”

Lukasz said “I really liked the speculators. They were cool!” Jan reminded us that you had to “engage your imagination to see through them”. Kacper said “the speculators took you back in time”

We all learned some great things about the history of our country,

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr.

P6/7 News

This week in P6/7 we have had a jam-packed week and it has been brilliant! As this week is Scottish week, we researched information about St. Andrew and made posters. On Wednesday the P6s practised descriptive writing about Scottish landscapes and then we decorated our work with a tartan border. We also had a visit from a Scottish story teller who told us all a story called ‘Our Scotland’ which we really enjoyed. In P.E. we are still taking part in Scottish dancing and this week we were practising with the P7s.

We are currently completing division in maths and although it is a little bit hard, we are really enjoying being able to choose what group we go in and we are coping with it fine!

Today we had our Ninian’s Natter and this time we had 4 different carousel stations (learning conversation with Mrs Reeves or a partner, personal study and research for our science topic). We are also continuing with our daily learning conversations with Mrs Reeves.

By Charlie C P6/7

Scotland Week in P7

This week in P7 we celebrated Scotland Week. We shared our knowledge about St. Andrew in RE and played a game of charades in drama where we had to act out something Scottish and other children had to guess what we were. We also discussed some common Scottish stereotypes and compared these with the reality of living in Scotland. It was very interesting to think about what people think Scotland is like and of course we all know we don’t really wear kilts and chase haggis around the hills!!!

In literacy we thought about some Scottish words and found out some of their meanings. One of our favourites was clype! We also enjoyed researching Scottish castles and designing the ‘perfect castle’ which had all of the best defence equipment and even some more modern additions!

We finished the week with Ninian’s Natter where we got the chance to talk to each other about our learning and goals. We are all enjoying P7 and achieving the goals which we have set ourselves. Well done everyone!

A lovely start to Advent for Primary 4

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This week was a special week for primary 4 as we got to have our class mass on the first week of Advent. We sang beautifully and our readers read very clearly. Many of the parishoners commented on just how wonderful we are!!!

We also had an opportunity to look at our experiments from last week. We found that the bottom of the celery turned blue and so did the veins which meant that the water had been absorbed. Have a look at our pictures above.

We have been celebrating Scotland week. We learned all about St Andrew and were very lucky on Wednesday. We got to go and see Oor Scottish Story telling. It was fab!


It was great fun and really funny!!

This week in Numeracy we have been learning about division. We have learned a new way of doing division sums. Ask your child all about it!!

You will never believe what happened on Tuesday!!! Santa phoned Mrs Wassell!! His sleigh has broken down and he is very worried that he wont have it repaired by Christmas eve! He has asked us to help him design and make a new one for him. We have started designing them but we can’t wait to show you the final piece.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Mrs Wassell and P4

Primary 5/6 News

This week in P5/6, a Scottish story teller came and told us about the Loch Ness monster in Scotland by acting out a funny story. He also sang a song about the roman people battling and he told funny jokes. In French this week we received French post cards and letters from pupils at Pumpherston Primary School and  we wrote replies back to them. This week was our Scottish focus week, we learned lots of information about St Andrew, some new Scottish words and we designed and made Scottish place mats.

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By Aaron, Ross and Moiz

Nursery News

Firstly we would like to thank everyone who came along to our Art Gallery this week. We made the fantastic amount of 200 pounds which is all going to Yorkhill  Children’s Hospital Christmas appeal which is going towards a new heart scanner. This appeal is special to the St Ninians family this year. We really appreciated your generosity and the children were so proud to show their amazing Art work. They were all superstars.

On Wednesday morning we were very lucky to have a special visitor. Marcus’ dad who is a postman came in to talk to the children about his job and how busy he is just now getting ready for all the letters to Santa. A big thank you goes out to him especially as he had been working all night. All the children were very focused and asked lots of relevant questions.

Some of our PM children have been busy making salt dough decorations and they plan to finish these next week.  In both sessions next week also we plan to bake our Christmas cakes after discussing all the ingredients.

In our new heuristic area the children have been using their curiosity and creativity to make binoculars and games from the natural resources on our Treasure table.

As well as making things for our Art gallery this week the children have started practising for the Nursery Nativity. Next week will be very busy with lots of rehearsals.

Just a small reminder that the Nursery Nativity is on Tuesday 8th December at 10am and 2pm. Tickets costing 1 pound each can be purchased from any of the Nursery team. It is also our school Fayre tomorrow between 10 and 12.

Lastly we love to get your feedback on our Blog so please feel free to comment. Thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend.


The Nursery Team.

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