Primary 6/7 News

This has been another busy week for Primary 6/7. For our Science topic, we have all been designing and making Science laboratory shoe boxes and this week we brought them into school and started to discuss them. We also attended the Achievement assembly on Thursday, where we enjoyed listening to the junior concert band.  Sally was lucky enough to win the award for going the extra mile in our class. In Maths we have begun our new topic about time and we are going to be learning about converting 12 hour to 24 hour times next week.

We had the opportunity to watch the Primary 1 and Primary 2 boys and girls take part in their Infant Nativity which was fantastic and started to get us all in the mood for Christmas! After that we started to practise our class Christmas song in preparation for our sing-a-long next week. We also learned some Christmas Spanish vocabulary and listened to the Christmas story with Mrs Keegan.

Today was our ‘Dress as your future job’ day so most of us came to school dressed as our dream jobs. We had teachers, basketball players, vets, a swimmer, a paleontologist, a nurse, a lawyer, a footballer and even a secret spy to name but a few!

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Have a great weekend!

From all of primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves


Primary 3/4 News

‘This week has been fan dabby dozy!’ said Jan

Each week we have been working in our reading trios to explore lots of different types of texts. We call this our ‘Short Reads’ and this week our ‘Short Read Tournament’ has come to an end.

We ended our tournament with a ‘Picture It’. He said ‘We were picturing Santa’s new Sleigh’. Isabella said ‘We had to make sure that we included everything that was in the story.’

After adding up the scores the overall winning trio was the ‘The Scientists’ with 674 points. Well done to Adrin, Kacper and Brooke for all their hard work. You have worked very well with each other. There was also an extra prize for the team that had shown that they have been working on their team work. The group that won this prize were ‘The Astronauts’. Haseeb said ‘they have been working very hard in their trio to win this prize. Lukasz said ‘We have really improved from the first week’. Well done Caiden, Jay and Lukasz. Keep up the super team work.

We watched ‘Mog’s Christmas Calamity’ and we wrote a poem thinking about of our senses. Jacob said ‘seeing, hearing and smelling are our senses.’ In our poems we thought about what we seen in Mog’s Christmas Calamity.

Jay P wrote ‘A bad day for Mog and the Thomas’s’

Nasim wrote ‘Merry Christmas from the friendly neighbours’

What we heard:

Joseph wrote ‘Incredible loud cheers.’

Hannah wrote ‘horrible explosion’

What we could smell:

Ailie wrote ‘smoking turkey’

Aidan wrote ‘Ah smoke! So much smoke!’

A busy week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 3/4 and Mres Kerr

P2B Performers!

This week in P2B we received a special letter. Miss Boyes left out some magic reindeer food at our classroom door on Wednesday evening. On Thursday morning we were sent on a mission to find something that had been left for us in the classroom.
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It was a letter from SANTA!!!
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Can you couldn’t believe it? We’re not sure if it was Santa who left the letter or if it was the elves.
Together we sat in a circle and read the letter aloud for all to hear!

We wrote a letter back to Santa. We learnt all about sentence openers and our aim was to use them in our writing this week.

Santa knows all about our dojo points and he even knows how many we have. He also said we have being doing a fantastic job in the nativity.

Miss Boyes was extremely impressed and proud of our performances at the nativity. She knows how much hard work we have put in to learn our lines; sing our songs and play the musical instruments. I’m sure we will still be singing the songs at home! PERFECT PERFORMERS!


In numeracy this week we have been learning all about fact families. We have used our knowledge of addition and subtraction sums to complete the fact families. We have been learning about the inverse of addition and subtraction sums.

In maths we have been learning all about measure, so far we have measured with our feet and this week we used the scales to find out objects that weighed the same or different.


We have continued to learn our Scottish country dances. We have been learning the Virginia Reel, The St. Bernard’s Waltz and the Military two step.


Our confidence is growing with each dance and we can’t wait to show off our moves next week at our Christmas party!!




Primary 5/6 News

This week in primary 5/6 we had our P1-7 achievements assembly, with Miss Smyth. Freya from our class won the award for going the extra mile in class. In maths we continued to learn how to calculate the perimeter and area of 2D shapes. In RE, this week we wrote a class Litany and designed boarders to display these around our classroom. Our science topic for this term, ‘The Solar System’, is coming to an end. This week we learned more information about Mercury and individually came up with rhymes to remember all of the eight planets.  Joshua from our class has been on a special trip to France this week and he brought holy water back for everyone in our class from his trip to Lourdes.




By Mark and Jack

A magical week in P4

P4 have been very busy this week!! We started off the week by watching “Newsround”. We learned the great skill of note taking. We found this very tricky but we know with lots of practice we will find it easier. We then used our notes for our writing this week to write a news report.

This week we got to see the P1 and 2 nativity. Chloe thought it was very funny. Vanessa said “Mrs Wassell, it was fantastic!!!” We focused on the Nativity Story this week for RE. We made beautiful Nativity scene stain glass windows.

As we mentioned last week, Santa called us!! His sleigh has broken and he needed us to design and make a new sleigh for him! We had so much fun in our teams doing this! We hope you love our designs.

Grace “My favourite part was painting the sleigh!”

Charlie “It was FABULOUS!”

Ethan “I enjoyed working as part of a team!”

Here are some pictures of us working on our sleighs.

sleigh 1 sleigh 2



sleigh 4


We finished the week off with dress as your future job day. We all look fantastic and have enjoyed sharing what we would like to be when we grow up!!

dress as my future job

As you all may know we have been practicing our song for our christmas sing-a-long next week. We hope you are enjoying us practicing at home too.

We look forward to showing your our finished sleighs next week on our blog. Mrs Wassell said “Those sleighs are AWESOME!” She thinks Santa will recruit us as his little helpers next year!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Mrs W and P4

One week to go! Ho! Ho! Ho!

009 014 037 041 066 070 071 072 073This week we have been experts at 3d shapes. We can name shapes and find out how many corners, edges and faces they have.  Joshua: We did a class survey to find out which shape was our favourite, and most people liked the pyramid the best!

Mirren: We are doing a Spanish song next Friday at assembly. It is called los peces en el rio. I have been practising it at home. It is on youTube.

Finlay: We have been learning about the Nativity story and we had to find missing words from the story so that the sentences made sense.

We came to school today dressed as our future jobs. We were doctors, nurses, vets, footballers, a policewoman, a farmer, a ballerina, a VIP, a youTuber, a hairdresser, a hotel worker,  Santa sleigh ride helpers, artists, a baker, a rugby player and a soldier!

Batshewa: We are on the second purple candle of our class Advent wreath. I helped to paint the pink candle. It looks beautiful.

Aidan and Louise: We have been writing this week about going for a ride on Santa’s sleigh. Ho! Ho! Ho! Louise: I think my story was really good because I got to help Santa make his way to all the houses. Aidan: I loved seeing all the presents for all the children.

Happy weekend everyone,

P3 and Mrs Howley




P7 Weekly News

This week in P7 we have been busy with our termly spelling and writing assessments. In our writing assessment the genre was imaginative so we decided to focus on the current topical issues of developing countries and refugees. Within this we wrote a diary entry from a child living in a developing country during the festive season. We thought about the rights which we have compared to theirs and also how different our lives are throughout the year but especially at Christmas. In doing this we were able to share our concern for those less fortunate who we must always remember to help in any way we can even with just a prayer.

In our topic work this week we learned about the structure of muscles and even did an experiment about our muscles and how they react with our brain. It was very fun as we got to blindfold our partner and give them a heavy cup filled with marbles and a slightly lighter one and asked them to identify which cup was heavier through the connection between their muscles and brain.

Finally, this week we also celebrated our achievements assembly. It is great to see how fantastic the children in our school are so well done to everyone and a special well done to the P1 and P2 children who performed their nativity for us earlier in the week. You did so well up on the stage in front of a great big audience!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Scotland Week

Scotland Week was another very busy week in Primary 3. On Monday we learned all about St. Andrew, the Patron Saint of Scotland. We enjoyed making Scottish  flags to celebrate his feast day.

Tuesday was the last visit of the year by baby Holly and we were amazed to see her reaching for toys and holding them! Another milestone for her!

Wednesday was exciting as we had a Scottish story telling event which made us laugh.

This week we have been practising our Christmas party dances and we are really doing well with our Virginia Reel, Military Two step, Canadian Barn Dance and the Gay Gordons!

In Maths we have been learning all about shape and we have enjoyed shape quizzes and finding correct shapes to match descriptions. We did 2d shapes and started 3d too!

Tune in for next Friday’s news update!

Mrs Howley

Parental Involvement Survey

Please find below, a link to a survey for parents and carers regarding levels of parental involvement.

The survey contains only five statements to rate strongly disagree to strongly agree – there is also space to add comments if you wish.

West Lothian Council  are gathering this evidence purely to help inform an updated West Lothian Parental Involvement Strategy.

The closing date is 11th December.

Parents from every school in West Lothian will be invited to take part in the survey but there is a drop down box to select St Ninian’s. It would be great to have a high uptake from our school!

Thank you.

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