Nursery News

What a festive week we have had!

Firstly, for a special treat we had a visit from “Magic Christopher” who certainly lived up to his name when performing his magic show for us! It really was spectacular 🙂


Our most special event this week was our Christmas Parties!! We had an unbelievable time and a visit from a very jolly man in a red suit!!



I will post more photographs on our Nursery Parents Facebook page as I am having a little difficulty this evening adding more photos to the blog!!

On Behalf of our whole Nursery team have a fantastic Christmas break with your families and a very happy new year 2016 when it comes!


Merry Christmas P5

It has been a lovely last week of term, so many festive things going on.  Many of our class members are in the school choir and they have performed in a variety of settings this week.  Great feedback, so well done to all invovled.  Our brass players have also performed this week at our cake and carols, it was magical as always!

Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner was excellent!  Everyone was full to the brim!

Our Christmas party was a huge success…the Scottish Dancing was super!

The Christmas sing-a-long was also a hit.  The video made of us practising our song in class is too large to attach at the moment, I am hoping that Santa’s elves will help me over the holidays to work out how to make my file smaller.

Have a lovely relaxing and peaceful holiday.



Ho Ho Ho.. Merry Christmas to you all from P4

This week has been extremely exciting but very busy.

On Tuesday we had our annual Christmas jumper and lunch day. Kalin had macaroni cheese and thought it was “delicious”. Chloe had super “tasty” turkey and the best gateau ever!! Harry was very sad that we was off on this day and missed his Christmas dinner but he had a superb time at his Christmas party on Wednesday.

At our Christmas party we showed off our amazing dance moves at our disco, we did traditional Scottish dancing, played games, had some food and we even had a visitor!! Santa Claus came to see us and left a special treat in our classroom.

Kerrigan “It was great fun!!”

Brandon “My favourite part was the games!”

Louise and Beth were our P4 winners. Great job girls!

For maths this week we looked at 3D shapes and created a 3D Christmas tree. They were fantastic. We decorated them and used glitter to make them sparkle. We also did some coordinates. Thomas thought it was quite difficult but he really enjoyed making his Christmas tree picture using coordinates.

On Thursday we had lots of special treats. Our first special treat was a FANTASTIC pantomime. It was called “Jack and the beanstalk”.

Isla “It was great!!”

Preston “My favourite part of the pantomime was when Squire Bogey got poked in the eye by Jack. It was so funny!!”

Then Mrs Wassell gave us an extra special treat. We have an afternoon at the movies to watch Arthur Christmas and we even had popcorn!!! Mmmmmm… It was a lovely afternoon.

To finish off a fantastic term we had our singalong Christmas morning! We sang ‘Nazareth’ from The Nativity! We were super duper!!!!

Well this just leaves us with one last thing to say..


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Mrs W and P4

class party

Merry Christmas from primary 3/4

Well, what a fun last week we have had.

Yesterday we enjoyed our pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk. It was very funny and even had Mrs Kerr up dancing with the cast members at the end. Mrs Kerr was very happy about this…

Ailie said “it was very good and it was really funny when Gill and Jack held hands and Jacks mother pulled them apart.”

Jay said “It was very funny when the giant baby wouldn’t open the door for her dad.”

Nasim said “I thought it was yuck when Gill and Jack kissed.”

Shannon said “I liked the part when Jack and Gill climbed up the beanstalk.”

Brooke said “I liked it when the giant’s eyes moved around at the letterbox.

Jay-P said “My favourite part was when the key fell down and Squire Boggy got poked in the eye.”

Rachel said “I liked it when Jack and Squire Boggy spoke about the Gruffalo and Jack said he was like Squire Boggy.”

We all wish you a very holy and Merry Christmas and we will see you in 2016.

Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr

Primary 5/6 News

This week in primary 5/6 it has been a lovely Christmas week.

Today everyone in the school sang a Christmas song at the school sing along and our class sang half the world away, from the John Lewis Christmas advert.

We had the pantomime, on Thursday, it was ‘Jack and the bean stock’ it was really good and funny. In Science we watched a live video of Tim Peake and other astronauts launching into Space we also created fact files with all the information we have learned about the Solar System.

Here are some facts we found interesting:

Sun- The Sun is a star

Mercury- It’s the closest to the sun but not the hottest planet.

Venus- Venus is the brightest planet in the Solar System and can be seen even in daylight if you know where to look.

Earth- the Earth is unlike every other planet in the Solar System in a number of different ways.

Mars- Mars and Earth are similar in so many ways that it’s almost hard to believe we haven’t found anything alive there.

Jupiter- Jupiter is the giant of the Solar System, with a mass more than 300 times the mass of the Earth and is called after the ancient Roman sky-god, Jupiter, known to the Greeks as Zeus.

Saturn- Saturn is the sixth planet in the Solar system and, when seen through a telescope, by far the most beautiful.

Uranus- The seventh planet from the Sun, it was not known in ancient times, unlike the planets from Mercury to Saturn.

Neptune- The discovery of the planet Neptune was one of the most exciting discoveries in astronomy.

Yesterday the Primary 5 and 6 had their Christmas party, we did some Scottish dances and some disco dancing too. We all had a lot of fun!

Some people in ‘Mini Vinnie’s’ went to a local care home, sang some Christmas and gave away homemade Christmas decorations.

In French we have been working on writing Christmas postcards to another school and we all enjoyed receiving replies from our French pen pals.


We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


By Jessica and Sophia

Mini Vinnies Christmas Visit

On Thursday some of our St. Ninian’s Mini Vinnies group visited the Livingston Care Home to give the residents some handmade decorations and just to spend some time simply talking to them. It was lovely to see the children interacting with the residents and it was very evident that they really appreciated our time and small gifts. I am so proud of our Mini Vinnies for their confidence, frendliness and positive attitudes and both myself and the children would be very grateful if you could please spare a few thoughts and prayers for the ladies and gentlemen which we met, especially over the Christmas period.

Have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year from Miss Ford and all of the Mini Vinnies.



Merry Christmas from P7

This week in P7 we started the week working very hard in maths and have now finished the topic of Angles. The children have worked so hard on improving their ability to classify, name, estimate and measure angles this term and I am very happy with the progress each and every one of them have made within second level maths.

After beginning the week with tricky work we spent the last couple of days having lots of fun preparing for Christmas. We learned a little more about Advent, learned some Spanish Christma s vocabulary and did some Christmas art and craft to decorate our classroom.

On Thursday all of the P7 children were given a treat and decided to either go to our Christmas party or watch a movie. Everyone had lots of fun as you will see from the photos below!

Have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!!!

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Merry Christmas from P2B!

We have had a fantastic last week in P2B!

We have been super arty this week and have enjoyed making Christmas plates, Santa Claus faces and Christmas trees.
Tuesday was terrific, we wore our lovely Christmas jumpers to our Christmas dinner and in the afternoon we had a special visit from Santa and his elf.
We put on our dancing shoes and showed off all of our Scottish dancing. (Check out the P2 Christmas party blog for photos and the facebook page for a video of us all Scottish dancing).
Since we made snowflakes last week we wanted to make our very own snow. This was amazing and we loved seeing the snow expanding!

The Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime was great! Miss Boyes had to get up with the characters and join in on the dances; this was definitely one of the funniest parts!!

We are getting ready to sing “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” at the top of our voices at the Christmas sing-a-long today! We can’t wait for such a lovely way to finish off the term!


Have a wonderful Christmas!!

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