Happy New Year from P3

What a busy first week back after our Christmas break! P3, along with P3/4 and P4 have been very excited about our forth-coming Great Scots play for Burns’ Night. We enjoyed getting together with the other classes and we have been practising our lines and our songs for the show. 2 weeks to go and we are buzzing with excitement!

We are very grateful for your help with costumes for us, and supporting us with learning our lines. No photos for this week, as we will keep them until after the performance!

Happy New Year,

Mrs Howley

Terrific start to 2016 for P2B

In writing this week we have learnt how to write a personal account. Part of our success criteria was to write in first person. We chose a day from the Christmas holidays to write about. It is very important to include finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.


In numeracy we completed information handling tasks. We had to analyse a chart to find out what the most and least favourite toys were.

Working together in groups we gathered data by asking each other what our favourite toy was. We recorded the data by writing tally marks and then we made a bar graph.


We have learnt that for five tally marks you need to draw four and then draw one line through the middle.

Our new topic is Katie Morag. Miss Boyes asked us what we would like to learn about the topic.
Have a look at our mind map, it displays all of our ideas.


We spoke about New Year resolutions! We thought of different resolutions and chose one each to write on our star.IMG_1765
We also discussed our aims from term 1 and 2 and then decided on a new aim for our “Aim high app”.  We had to think about one or two areas of our learning which we would like to work on. We thought about the steps we can take to meet our aim.

In PE we have started gymnastics. On Wednesday and Thursday we were doing different balances and exercises to develop our core muscle strength. If we make our core strong it will help us to balance. We traveled in different ways around the hall and then stopped to hold our balance.

This week  focused on our vision and values. We chose to focus on the values of friendship and teamwork. To achieve this we went to visit our friends in P2M. We worked together in teams to present out favourite toys. We know when working as a team you must respect your peers. We used our listening skills to respect our peers whilst they discussed their toys.

Have a great weekend!

It’s been a ‘Bonnie’ wee week.

Happy New Year from primary 3/4!

We hope you all had a lovely, peaceful and restful holiday.

It has been a great start to 2016 in primary 3/4. We have been busy rehearsing for our show ‘Great Scot’s’ and can’t wait for everyone to see it. We have really been enjoying getting together with primary 3 and primary 4 to have a chance to watch their scenes and the story of their great Scot. You are all in for a great treat!

This week we have also been discussing our school values, which are important to us all. We focussed on our values of friendship and teamwork, being the best we can be; everyone has a voice and respect, honesty and equality. We thought about all the different ways that these things happen throughout our school. Next week we are going to use all of our fantastic ideas to create a poster for each value.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr

Primary 6/7 News

This has been a short week to start the New Year but we have had a very positive start!  We have all been thinking about our school values and how important they are to us at St. Ninian’s. We have been learning about the origins of New Year’s celebrations and we have also been thinking about having a Growth Mindset when writing our New Year’s resolutions for 2016! We hope we will be successful with them.

In P.E. we have now started gymnastics and our focus is currently flight and in Spanish we have been remembering the words for the days of the week and also learning the months of the year.

To finish off the week some of our Primary 7s are off on a rugby trip later this afternoon and we hope they have lots of fun and tell us all about it next week.


Happy New Year and have a great weekend.


Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves

feliz año nuevo de P7

This week in P7 we have had a great start to the New Year. We made New Year’s resolutions and learned how to say happy New Year in Spanish – Feliz año nuevo!

We started back on 6th of January which was Epiphany so the children had a go at ‘hot seating a King’ where they used drama skills along with their knowledge of the feast of Epiphany to ask and answer questions about the kings’ experience.

As it was also Vision and Values week we enjoyed creating pictures which showed what the school values looked like for us. We also linked our school values to the rights of the child and found that even in the first 5 rights we could make 3 direct links to our values.

This week we also started our new PE block – gymnastics. The children enjoyed working in groups to create sequences to music which showed creativity and confidence in performance.

Welcome Back P5!

Happy New Year to you all!  It was great to see everyone back this week all relaxed and ready for another busy term.

And we wasted no time…IMG_0437[1]IMG_0433[1]IMG_0432[1]IMG_0436[1] IMG_0435[1]

This week in Maths we have started a new focus on sequences which is part of developing our algebraic thinking skills. Our homework in Maths for the next few weeks will be focusing on written calculations using the four maths processes.

Our new topic for the next five weeks will be learning about Wallace and Bruce and The Wars Of Independence. This week we learned who William Wallace was and created fact files for our class wall display. Thank you to Ciara for providing some very colourful printed photographs which we will use in our display.

At the beginning of the term we always revise our Class Charter and we discuss our school values and visions. The children are all becoming very knowledgeable on these and can see them in action in our class and school. We have began work on our new class display for this and our theme is jigsaw pieces.

Talking of themes, we have also changed the theme of our goals wall display. This term we are using a rainbow to help us record our aims, these will look really colourful as the term progresses and we begin to achieve our goals.

Your child will have a letter home describing how to access the Letterjoin Handwriting programme that we use in school.  This is a new feature so would appreciate any feedback if you log in from home to use it.  This will hopefully help anyone who needs extra practise to improve in this area of their work but at the moment there is no set work required.

Have a lovely weekend.


P2M Weekly News

Welcome to back to Primary 2! We hope that you all had a lovely holiday and we would like to wish you a happy new year. We’ve had lots of fun this week. This week was ‘visions and value week’. We know that it is stated in our school’s vision that we should live like Christ. The value we decided to focus on was ‘friendship and teamwork’. We related the school vision and this value together through the parable of ‘The Good Samaritan’. We know that through this parable Jesus teaches us to be kind to others and helps others. Based on this teaching, Miss Meechan set us a task… have a little look!


We began by looking at the value of friendship by meeting up with our friends from P2B. We worked in groups and showed each other one of our favourite Christmas toys. We discussed what was important in teamwork and we know that only one person should be talking at a time and the others in the group should be listening and Alexis told us that this is called ‘respect’.




We also started our ‘Katie Morag’ topic. We began this topic by reading a Katie Morag story and learning that Katie Moray stays on an island. Then, we made our very own topic plan about what we want to learn in this topic. Have a look at our plan.

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We learned about the differences between islands and the mainland by looking at a map on the United Kingdom. We then worked in pairs or trios to sort 6 different pictures into 2 categories of our choice. Some of the groups spotted that some pictures were of islands and others were of villages. As a class we sorted out all of the pictures into the correct categories.



Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Meechan and P2M

Primary 5/6 News

This week in Primary 5/6 it has been a short week.We started our history topic, which is focused on ‘Mary Queen of Scots’. We have already learned that when Mary was 6 days old when her father died and she became queen. Miss Bell has been reading ‘Mary Queen of Scots and all that’ to us.

In math we have been learning about fractions, numerator and the denominator. We have been practicing our skills by playing a game called “Complete me”.

In P.E we are working on flight in gymnastic we had to plan and preform a show which had to have at least 3 flights in it.

It has been Vision and Values week in St Ninians. The value our class choose to focus on was ‘Being the Best We Can be”. We discussed that we all need to recognise our own achievements and be proud of ourselves. By reflecting on last year and thinking about how we can be the best we can be, our class wrote New Year’s resolutions.

By: Sophia and Jessica

Great Scots

Happy New Year to you all. We hope you had a wonderful holiday and Santa was good to you. We all had a fantastic time.

This has been a very short but exciting week. We have come back to school all ready to rehearse our Burns supper and ‘Great Scots’ show. We think you are in for a treat. It’s super duper. We have been working together with P3 and P3/4 to make sure it is fantastic. We have all been working hard to learn our lines and the songs for the show.

This week we have also been revising the maths topics we learned in T2. We will continue with this over the next week and for homework. Luckily we have not forgotten all of our times tables that we have been working so hard on. This term we will be focusing on the 8 and 9 times tables. We think it is going to be challenging but we love a challenge in P4.

Have a great weekend and we can’t wait to perform our show for you on the 25th of January.

Mrs W and P4


P6/7 Weekly News

What a fabulous festive time we’ve had this week!

We have been learning lots of Christmas vocabulary in both French and Spanish and we had lots of fun on Tuesday wearing our Christmas jumpers and enjoying our delicious Christmas lunch.

Then we were thrilled to enjoy the Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime on Thursday  which made us all laugh so much! After that we had our Christmas party which was a huge success and we all joined in with our Scottish dancing.

Several members of our class took part in many activities involving the school choir and the brass band. We also performed ‘Walking in the Winter Wonderland’ for our Christmas sing-a-long and we were so excited to be able to sing at the Coffee and Carols too.

Now we are ready to enjoy our Christmas holidays and we wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves


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