A Fun Week in P3!

Fun activities have featured in class this week! We have been devoting lots of time to our Burns’ Night show practices and the excitement has been building as the big day approaches. We have had 2 dress rehearsals this week, one for the 3 classes involved and today we performed for the whole school. No stage fright at all as we have become such confident performers! Here’s to next week, you will be in for a treat!

In Maths we have continued practising our counting beyond 100 up to 1000. We have played smartboard games and we had fun using an online flip-counter which helped us. Here is the link:


We also had fun dancing to a 5 times table song. We enjoyed the activity as it helped us to learn this table through singing and dancing. We all have our own personal tables challenge sheets now, and Mrs Howley will only give us a times tables sticker if we can recite our tables fluently as well as correctly!

In Spelling we were learning nk and ng ending words. Fun activities included spelling using whiteboards, making spelling word pyramids and bending pipecleaners into letters to spell our words, as well as take photos of them using our class iPad!

In writing we had an exciting, fun time when a huge bag of tartan materials, clan badges and a shoebox filled with tartan ties all arrived in class! This generous donation came from Alexander’s gran who has a kilt shop. Everybody in class got their own piece of tartan and we had to describe it, including colours, shapes, materials and designs. After writing down our ideas on whiteboards, we wrote on our writing templates and these will become a new wall display in class. It was great fun having real materials to touch and see, especially as they were then going to be used for the school show. How lucky are we?

We rounded off the week with our first Skills Academy classes. These included Spanish games and songs, First Aid, Hungry for Success, Animal Care, Team Building challenges, Messy Play and Creation Station. Hope you like a few of our photos from this week. Have a fun weekend,

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Designing our week in P2B!


Miss Boyes started our writing lesson by showing us a film clip of a boy pushing a rocket into his garden. Next he climbed into the rocket. Miss Boyes challenged us to write the ending of the story/what happened next?

We took time to share our ideas and then we made a word bank which was visible on the whiteboard.
Here are a few of our great ideas:
– “The boy went to space in his rocket to see Mars.”
– “The boy went to space in his rocket and saw twinkling stars.”
– “He went to space but had to come home because he missed his mum and dad.”
– “The boy was scared and excited about going to space.”

Once we made our word bank we planned our own writing. We have been learning the importance of making a plan and then using our plan to support our writing.
This week we have been introduced to a new spelling pattern. We have been learning words with a consonant cluster at the beginning, short vowel and diagraph. We used our new cubes to build our words. The cubes are colour coded so that we could identify the different parts of each word.
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Although we have progressed very well in addition and subtraction Miss Boyes thought it would be valuable for us to have some time to practise addition and subtraction word problems. This involved us using the mathematical language we have learnt in different contexts.
We now feel more confident about answering word problems and discussing our understanding of mathematical language. This will feature in our homework next week!

Other areas:
We used technology to research the weather and transport from The Isle of Coll. Through doing this we also learnt how to take notes from information. We successfully worked in trios and pairs to support one another in reading the information and writing the notes.

We loved this and as you can see by the pictures we were fully engaged in the lesson… you could’ve heard a pin drop!
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We would like to tell you about our art lesson. We were learning how to plan and design an arrangement to make our own tartan pattern.
To begin the lesson Miss Boyes showed us examples of different tartan pattern designs. We discussed the different colours used in the patterns and how they blended together.

We also noticed that there are lines running through the tartan. We learnt the special words for the lines going down the way (vertical) and the lines going across the way (horizontal).
After our discussion we used the online tartan weaver to make our own designs and then we used different coloured paper to make our arrangements. This linked well with our topic as Katie Morag wears a green tartan skirt. If she ever fancies an update she can check out our designs!
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Whilst researching transport on the Isle of Coll website we found pictures of boats. Using our creative skills we designed our own boats.
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Miss Boyes- “Some of the children were so interested in designing the boats that they went home and made one. However, we will be using our designs in class next we to construct our boats from recycled materials.”
The recycled materials that we included in our designs were: water bottles, paper, straws, buttons, boxes and milk bottle lids.
We had to think of materials which would float best and decided that wood will be too heavy and plastic will perhaps be a good solution.
Check out our blog next week to see our boat designs turn into models.

Have a lovely weekend, from Miss Boyes and P2B!

Primary 5/6 News



This week in P5/6 during topic we worked on our drawing skills by using photographs of Mary Queen of Scots to create our own self -portraits of her.

In maths this week we have been learning more about fractions, how to recognise equivalent fractions and how to subtract fractions. We made fractions posters to put up in our classroom to remind us of our learning about equivalent fractions e.g. 2\6 =1\3. We used our cups again to play fraction subtraction and become confident with addition and subtraction with fractions. In writing we wrote a personal account about what qualities we have that make us good friends. This linked to what we have been learning about Mary Queen of Scots and the friends she had. To help us think of qualities a good friend has, we listened to you’ve got a friend in me and footprints in the sand, we took key words from the lyrics to help us. Today we got a special treat, we got to watch the primary 3 and 4 Burns show. It was fantastic!

By Kaden & Billie

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Primary 6/7 Weekly News

Another busy week for Primary 6/7! As part of our topic, have been learning about all the different types of jobs that the poor Victorian children had to endure. In particular we were looking at the children that were sent to the workhouses, those who had to go down into the mines and the children who were forced to clean the chimneys. We continued to use this as our focus for our drama this week and here we are:

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We have continued to learn about Fractions in Maths and we also were able to do some of our measurement learning outdoors with Mr Hunter which was good fun.

Today we all saw the dress rehearsal in preparation for the Primary 3/4 show on Monday. It was amazing! Very well done to everyone in Primary 3 and 4!

By Emily and  Orla


Have a great weekend.

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves

Lights, camera and action for P4!

P4 have been rehearsing lots this week and now we are ready to perform. We had a dress rehearsal this morning for the whole school! We were fantastic! There were roars of laughter and even tears! We just know you will love it!!

In Art this week we painted lots of Scottish thistles and red roses to decorate the stage. We also created our own family tartan to make buntin. The stage is looking fabulous!!

In between rehearsals and music practices we have also been working super hard. This week we started division using a standard method. At first we found it quite tricky but we think we are getting the hang of it now. We have recognised that we need to know our times tables very well in order to do division so this is something we are going to continue working on. We are ready to tackle remainders next week. We had a little flavour of this with our challenge questions this week.

At the beginning of the week we were noun detectives. We had an opportunity to look through our books and highlight lots of nouns. We learned all about common nouns, pronouns and proper nouns.

We are now ready to relax and prepare over the weekend for the big day on Monday. We are rather excited to say the least. Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs W and P4

P7 Weekly News

This week in P7 we have been learning about Suffragettes as part of our Democracy topic. In writing we created a speech which we would have presented to the government at the time when the suffragettes were trying to get the vote for women and we also enjoyed learning about some of the tactics which they used by listening to a Horrible Histories song. The link is below for you to enjoy, it’s really funny!


In maths we have been working on scale drawings which many people use in their everyday lives and jobs. We have been measuring scales used on maps and scale drawings which architects use when designing buildings.

Finally, we are using Muckle Reading again this term and this week we started our first task map. It is really important that we learn to answer all different types of questions and that we always do our reading homework so that we can keep up with the storyline. Some of the questions which we use are taken from Blooms. There is a link to some example questions below.


Have a great weekend!

Eco Award

Well done to everyone who has been involved in an Eco committee from 2013. With all of your hard work we have achieved a new ECO flag. We received the good news this week and we can’t wait to get our new flag on display.

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Miss Meechan, Miss Ford and the ECO committe.

P5 working hard

The IDL homework menu is finally here!  It will be issued on Monday.  Thank you to everyone for your patience whilst we waited for the photocopier to come back from the Christmas holiday.  Well done to all the children who logged on and looked at the list of activities which I had blogged to allow you to get started.  Please remember the expectation is that four pieces of work (one from each section on the menu) has to be completed by Friday 5th February.  It is easier if it is all handed in together on this date at which point the children will share their work with each other.

This week in Maths we have looked at sequencing numbers.  Through this topic we have explored our times tables patterns and used Maths terms like steps, rules and patterns to describe the sequence.  We have had a lot of practice on finding the next set of numbers in a sequence as it grows either up or down.  We have learned that not all patterns in a sequence follow the rule of equal jumps.  Look at this sequence,

20 , 25 , 35 , 50 , 70, _ , _ , _

Can you find the pattern?  What are the next three numbers?  If you get a chance respond to this blog with your answer.  This area of Maths will continue next week and extend into looking at Function Machines.

Two new people have joined us in our classroom this week their names are WALLACE AND BRUCE.  So far the children have really enjoyed learning about these famous Scottish figures and are beginning to create a timeline of significant events in Scottish history.  Some super fact files were created and these have formed part of the display we have started in class.


Another two wall displays we have renewed is our “Together We Learn” display which highlights the planned learning for the coming weeks and our “Goals” display where the children have carried forward goals from last term and/or written new goals for this term.  We are using a rainbow theme this term for recording a goal, which will hopefully look really colourful as we achieve our goals.

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In our PE gymnastic lessons we have been improving our core strength and agility whilst also learning tolerance and cooperation in team work.  There are some really well thought out routines being put together and i can’t wait to see the final outcome.


A really fabulous week P5!  Well done and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie

Nursery News

What a busy and exciting week we have had!! The cold weather has been a huge talking point for us this week and we spent lots of time outside investigating all things winter related!






We now have two “talking trees” in the nursery where we intend to record the children’s ideas and opinions about our learning. We can’t wait to see these trees “bloom”


Next week will be our “Nursery Natter” for both nursery classes. Please note that this will just be for the nursery children as the school natter has now been re-arranged. If you would like to come along to look through your child’s Learners Journey and find out what they have been learning please drop in during the following times:

AM Class- Friday 22nd January between 10:00am-11:00am
PM Class- Thursday 21st January between 2:00pm-3:00pm

We look forward to seeing you all there to share with you all of our recent learning experiences. Remember to bring in any of your child’s achievements from home and we can record them in their Learner’s Journey.

Have a wonderful weekend,
The Nursery Team

P5 Take Away Homework


Write a newspaper article relevant to the project we are studying.

Include specific, accurate information, with good English. You could include images and/or quotes. Have a look at a newspaper for some inspiration!

Create a power point presentation about our project.Be creative, use any computer programme, and include factual information. You could include links to other websites too.
Imagine you are going to teach part of the project we are studying. Come up with a suitable starter  activity for a lesson on this project.Create a recap task, game or warm up for the class that could start a lesson off.
Create a leaflet which summarises the project we are studying.Use key terms and images to make it informative and eye catching.
Create a factsheet summarising the project so far, but also add additional research and facts.Use correct terminology and use the internet/books to include extra facts (no copy and paste!)
Create a comic strip to retell an event from our project.Use lots of pictures and speech bubbles as well as other text.
Create a poster about one of the historical people we have been learning about.Use any key pieces of information learnt, make it informative and eye catching!
Write your top ten facts that youhave learned.

You can use pictures as part of your work.

Write a quiz about our project.Write the questions and answers (on a separate sheet) to test a peer…
Create a mind map about our topic, including any information we have learned so far and any information you would like to learn.
Identify key terms we have learnt in this project and write a dictionary definition for them Find out the definitions of the key words and write a glossary to help you learn spellings and keywords.
Write three tweets to summarise the project.Tweets must be no more than 140 characters and they must be informative. Use # for keywords.



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