Nursery News

The Nursery children have had quite the exciting week!

Firstly on Monday we celebrated Burns day by learning about Robert Burns and listening to some of his poems and songs. Our favourite song was definitely “Auld Lang Sang” as most of the children were already familiar with this one!! 🙂 We then had a Burns supper of Haggis, neeps and tatties which lots of the children really enjoyed.

Next we prepared for Granparents day, we made calendars, baked cakes and practiced our Scottish songs and poems.





We would like to thank all the families who came along to our Grandparents Day on Thursday, I’m sure you will agree that all the children were spectacular!! We hoped you enjoyed visiting the Nursery and watching the children perform.







These are just a few photographs from Thursday, I will add the rest to our Nursery parents Facebook page.

We have a couple of things that we would like your help with if possible:

(1) If you have any spare logs or bricks in your garden that you are not using we would love to take them off your hands to develop our own outdoor learning environment.

(2) Our school and Nursery Technology week is coming up (8th-12th February) and we would love to hear if you had any ideas or suggestions of any activities that we could plan for the Nursery. If you do have any ideas or expertise in this area please let us know! Any help would be much appreciated.

If you can help with any of the above please speak to a member of our Nursery team who would be delighted to hear from you.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and that you stay safe in the strong winds! Have a look at the fantastic weather display our children created this morning:


The Nursery Team 😀

P6/7 Weekly News

Primary 6/7 have all been working hard as usual! We have been carrying out lots of research for our Victorians topic and we have even been  learning facts about Queen Victoria in French! This week we  have  been finding out information about the terrible conditions of child labour during the Victorian times and we have used our facts to help us write a report as part of our writing. In drama we have started to create short scenes where we have been reporting on the issues of child labour and we peer and self-assessed our work by recording ourselves and watching the videos on the Smartboard. We are going to continue with this over the next few weeks, so that we can improve our performances.

We are all excited about the thought of next week. Some of the Primary 6s are going to be Skiing or Snowboarding at the start of the week and the rest of us are going to be involved with a mini-topic, where we will be working with some of the other pupils from Primary 5/6. On Thursday we will be able to all share our experiences, which will be really interesting.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves



We kicked off the week with 2 fabulous performances. I’m sure you will all agree that there are real stars amongst P3 and 4! Thank you for all your help with preparing costumes and props and especially for coming to see us perform!


In Maths we have started division with remainders. We can divide by a single digit using a standard method. We have been playing lots of multiplication games to help us learn our tables to help with our division. Brandon really enjoyed ‘All around the world!”.

As it was Burns day on Monday 25th of January we studied some of his poems with a focus on Scots language. We enjoyed trying to work out what some of the words meant. Rebecca learned that ‘reekin’ meant steaming. Max learned that ‘onie’ meant any.

For writing this week we wrote a recipe for making porridge. Charlie thought it was fabulous. Isla tasted porridge for the first time. She thought it was “Pure dead tasty!”


We learned all about verbs that we might use when cooking. Some of the verbs we thought of were; mix, stir, bake, cook, boil and cut. We had fun playing Verb Splat and learning a verb rap!

When we were doing the show we learned about 3 ‘Great Scots’! One of those great Scots was Robert the Bruce. We drew portraits of Robert the Bruce using line and tone. We did an amazing job!! They have made a fabby display.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs W

Primary 3/4 News

20160125_185632 show

This week has been amazing for all of us. This was because we got to perform in front of all our parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters.

Jay said “ It was very very awesome”

Aidan said “I felt very freaked out but after the show I felt very proud of myself.”

Joseph said “I felt like I was going to be sick.”

Rachel said “I was very nervous but after the show I felt tired and happy.”

Mark said “I felt like I was doing something crazy as I had never done anything like that before. I was glad that I remembered all of my lines.”

Haseeb said “I liked that I got to stand in for my friend Kacper as he was not at the night show.”

Ailie said “I just felt really excited and nervous at the same time.”

Aoife said “I felt that I was a little bit scared and after I felt happy because that I had completed my challenge.”

All of primary 3/4 would like to thank everyone who came to see us and who helped to organise our costumes. Thank you parents for helping us practice our lines.

From all the boys and girls in p 3/4

Have a super weekend! 🙂



Reading books… what a hoot!

Mrs Wassell and some of primary 1 had a fantastic first week at the lunchtime book club. We read the story ‘The Gruffalo’! Some children had heard the story before but were delighted to hear it again as it was “OUR FAVOURITE”

We could recognise the rhyming patterns and the link the animals to the sound they make.

Anna: “This has been the best ever! I can’t wait to come back!”

Julia: “I loved listening to the Gruffalo!”

Leo: “The book was fantastic!”

We can’t wait to see what the story will be next week!!


Primary 5/6 News


In writing this week we had all week to think about a significant event in our life that we wanted to write about.  We learned how to write a personal recount, the four key things we needed to include in our writing were Chronological order, Past tense, 1st/3rd person and descriptive language. We peer assessed our work and today some of the class were able to share their work with the class and also the pictures they brought in linked with their writing work.

In our short read we learned how to recognise the purpose of a text, the four purposes we focused on were, to entertain, to describe a personal experience, to inform and to persuade. We enjoyed working with our table groups to decide what the purposes of 3 different texts were.

We are learning about symmetry on our maths morning on a Tuesday. This week we were practicing how to rotate symmetrical patterns, you can see some of our symmetry work in our talking book.

In our class we have a talking book, Joshua and Mark designed the front and back cover of it. We add our learning in social studies, science and maths in to it. Here are some pictures of our work in our talking book so far.

Today during Ninians Natter we were able to evaluate our ‘’ goals, we wrote our next steps in our profiles and added new goals to our class goals display.

By: Sophia and Mark

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P7 Weekly News

This week in P7 we have been celebrating Robert Burns Day. The children used their ICT skills and worked in groups to research and create a PowerPoint on Robert Burns and then presented this to the class. We also analysed the Burns’ poem ‘A Red, Red Rose’ and even managed to draw our own roses which look really impressive!

On Wednesdays we work as a whole P7 group for writing with Miss Ford and Mrs Docherty. This week it was really funny because we got to write Scottish poems using Scots vocabulary such as: rammy, totie, nicht, minging, hame, bonnie and sleekit. Do you know what all of these words mean?

We also held a debate this week about the current government proposal of the sugar tax. This was something we heard about on CBBC Newsround and with our topic being democracy we decided to share our thoughts and ideas by having a debate. Just over half of the class liked the idea of the sugar tax because of the benefits this would have on the health of our nation although some people thought that increasing the price wasn’t the best way to create a healthier population. We would be interested to hear some of your thoughts too and we will be looking out for more information on the sugar tax in the near future.

Have a great weekend!

The “Democratic” Classroom.

I would like to take this opportunity to share my thoughts and thanks with all of the Primary Sevens for being effective contributors and responsible citizens when I am in your classroom on a Monday and a Wednesday. These are definitely attributes required to ensure we have a democratic classroom and you have displayed them in abundance.

I am really enjoying my writing slots in P7.  I have loved the topic so far and am very impressed with your participation and enthusiasm when I am in your classroom. I am finding it infectious and I feel very enthused about the learning taking place. I loved our manifesto lesson and the follow up lesson on the Suffragettes. You were clearly thinking out of the box and travelling back in time to share your feelings about women getting the vote. Your choice of language and articulation when sharing these were fantastic. I hope you liked the suffragettes songs and in particular the one from Mary Poppins as it is one of my favourite films. I was particularly pleased some of you recognised this song.  I truly feel you are all becoming confident individuals and great team players also. Well done and Thank You P7.  I look forward to continuing the writing and the topic with all of you. I will post again in a few weeks when we have completed our first set of carousel topic lessons.

Primary 1-3 Skills Academy

What an exciting morning for P1-3 pupils who left their classes to study new skills in the following groups:

Messy Play, First Aid, Thinking Skills, Animal Care, Spanish, Creation Station, Hungry for Success and Music

Look out for the children’s views about Skills Academy in our February newsletter. In the meantime, here are a selection of the photos from today.

Primary 3/4 News

This week has been busy and fabulous! said Shannon

We have been so busy doing our final practice for our show. Today we performed our show for the whole school.

Jay-P said “I felt nervous”

Caiden said “Thumbs up!”

Lukasz said “I felt proud.”

Yesterday we had time to squeeze in some writing. We made a Scottish dessert called Cranachan.

Charlie said “I likes id because it was great”

Rachel said “I liked it all except the raspberries.”

Now we can make a full Scottish dinner.

Blog written this week by all of the primary 4 children.

We hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Rachel, Charlie, Caiden, Gabby, Isabella, Lukasz and Nasim.

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