Technology week in Primary 4!

Our week began with  a nice start to technology week. We have taken part in technology workshops throughout the week. On Monday we learned all about sinking and floating and how the density of an object caused it to float or sink.

On Tuesday Primary 4 took part in the cluster school Handball festival. We worked really hard in our teams and had some very successful games with great results. We have really been working on our handball skills and Mrs Wassell can see definate improvements with our team work. We loved it so much so that we are asking Mr McCurdy if we can do that for our next block of PE.

This week was Ash Wednesday. We all took part in the school mass and sang the hymns beautifully. It was a lovely service. When we came back to class we discussed what lent meant to us and decided what our lenten promise would be for this year.

Cole B – My lenten is promise is to not play on my xbox because this is something   I do a lot.

Vanessa – For Lent I am going to give up eating sweetiies.

Chloe – For my lenten promise I am going to exercise more.

On Thursday we took part in a food technology workshop where we made beef fajitas. Ethan, Preston, Paige and ChiChi were the chefs for our fajitas. We thought they were delicious.

Grace – I learned how to make salsa from scratch.

Thomas – We also learned about food miles and how we can get meat very locally.

Kalin – I learned all about the nutrients in red meat. Protein helps your muscles grow.

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We hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Mrs Wassell and Primary 4

Primary 5/6 News

This week in primary 5/6 we learned a lot about technology. Primary 6 had the opportunity to do the ‘RoboKid’ topic. We had to work in teams to build and test our robots. The teams came up with fantastic names like Robo, Wheelie and Bob. We also had to learn how to control and drive our robots round obstacle courses we created. On Monday, primary 5 went on a trip to the fourth road bridge education centre. They learned about different types of bridges and how they were built. They got to build their own mini bridges and try on safety clothes that would be worn when building the new bridge.


On Thursday a women called Jenny, from Scotch Beef, came and taught us about why eating red meat can help us grow, be strong and give us iron. She taught us how to make beef fajitas and some people in our class got to help prepare the fajitas. They were yummy. After our fajitas lesson we came back to class and took notes on what we had learned. Next week we will use these notes to help us write our own Beef fajitas recipe.

On Wednesday it was Ash Wednesday, Father Paul came along and led Mass, we received our ashes and reflected on what Lent is.

We have started our Money topic in maths. We have been learning how to solve different money word problems and we will continue this next week.

By Mark, Mikolt and James

P7 Weekly News

This week we have been super busy celebrating technologies week. We spent most of the week preparing for our visit to Sky Skills Studio on Thursday. On Monday we were given our individual roles which included camera operator, presenter, producer, director, editor, script writer, expert and eye witness. We then researched our main topic of ‘Textspeak’ and began writing our scripts. This meant that when we got to Sky Studios on Thursday we were ready to film!

– “I  thought it was interesting” Euan

– “I thought Sky Studios was fun” Scott

– “I thought sky Studios was very fascinating” Christy

– “I thought Sky Studios was very exciting” Max

– “I thought sky studios was very good and fun”Alice

All P7 children will come home today with their Sky Studios certificate and a copy of our final news report on a USB wristband. I hope you enjoy watching this with them, they all had lots of fun and worked super hard this week.

Daily Lent Challenge (For all parents and children!)

Hi Everyone!

During Lent I will be posting a daily challenge for you to do each day with your children. This is a great way to get children more actively involved in their faith and I would be very grateful if you could post your comments/answers and even bring some photos or items which you make (HINT: pre-warning for future challenges!!) in to school to impress me as we progress through the Lenten season.

Today’s Lent Challenge:

Today is Ash Wednesday – Find out what this means.

Have fun!!!! Miss Ford 🙂

Primary 5/6 homework

This week is technologies week and our homework is slightly different.

Please visit and watch the video on batteries, this is linked to our technology topic this week.


In your own homes investigate and find out the different types of batteries there are. Please post the batteries you find in your homes in the comment section of this post.


Thank you


Miss Bell

P5 photo and maths

Here are the long awaited photographs of our Highland Landscapes class display. (Thank you Alistair and Neave for my reminder!)  It was worth the wait!


Also there seems to have been a little problem with the Maths link I have given for homework, to find the game google “Funbrain perimeter” and hopefully it will come up.   Here is an additional game address.

Good luck

Mrs Currie


Showing off our artistic flair in P2B!!

This week in numeracy we have continued to learn about equal groups and we have progressed onto relating this to repeated addition. In class we played a game were you had to find how many groups there were and how many in each group. We learnt this game at one of our carousel stations and have really enjoyed it. The game has been included in our homework for next week.
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In counting we have been learning to count in one hundreds up to 1000!! On Thursday we refreshed our memory of tens and units. We feel more confident with place value so Miss Boyes gave us extra challenge and we learnt about Hundreds, Tens and Units. We will continue to work on this!

Miss Boyes is extremely impressed with our learn its progress. We are saying our learn its as quick a click! Our learn its will be updated again to match our progress!



In reading this week, we read about the two Grannie’s from the Katie Morag stories. We had to work in trios to think about different adjectives that could describe the grannies.

Previously we have learnt to write instructions for a recipe and this week we were learning to write instructions for a different purpose. We learnt to write instructions for “How to Wash your Hands”.

To begin the lesson, we looked at some examples of instructions for washing hands.
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Afterwards we completed our plans and read our Learning intentions and Success criteria.
Our instructions were super and Miss Boyes was very impressed by how many different openers we used.


The P2B boats are complete!!! We have worked very hard on our boats and we have reflected back on our designs and mind maps every step of the way.


We were very excited to find out if our boats would sink or float. Our boats were a success and they did float in the water! We think this was because we used mostly plastic and not cardboard which would become soggy.
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Last week we looked closely at the illustrations in the Katie Morag books and then we sketched some of the images.

Rachel said the next step would be to “colour in the pictures like in the books.”


Therefore this week we used water colour to complete our artwork. To begin the lesson we watched a clip of an artist painting with water colour.


Then Miss Boyes gave it her best attempt and had a go at demonstrating this technique.

She gave it a good try but our finished pieces are definitely better.
Practise makes perfect Miss Boyes!

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This week was Catholic Education week in school and the theme for the week was Learning to be Merciful! We learnt about the story of the Prodigal son. Calvin, Kornel and Cameron acted out the story to the class and then we completed a comic strip to write what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story. We spoke about the importance of forgiveness and were able to give examples of times when we have forgiven someone or when you might forgive someone.

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We have started to practise our lines for our assembly next week which will follow a technology theme.


Check out our blog to find out about everything we learn in Technologies week.



Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Boyes and P2B!




Catholic Education Week

Please find below some information regarding Catholic Education Week from the “Scottish Catholic Education Service Website”.

This year’s Theme

Catholic Education Week 31st January to 6th February 2016 *

THEME: “Learning to be Merciful”

When faced with the gravity of sin, God responds with the fullness of mercy. Mercy will always be greater than any sin, and no one can place limits on the love of God who is ever ready to forgive.

Catholic Education Week

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The Catholic Church in Scotland encourages schools, parishes and other agencies to work closely together in order to celebrate the successes of Catholic education particularly during one week each year.  The purpose of Catholic Education Week is to highlight the significance of education, not only for young people but for society as a whole.  Students, parents, teachers and others are asked to reflect on their own roles in the education process –  at home, in school, in the local parish and in other educational settings.


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