P4 Week 1 Home Learning Grid

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Week 11 First Holy Communion

Reading Skills

Spelling Video Links       Spelling Word List

Spelling Tasks

P4 Weekly Timetable        week 1 grid

Hi everyone,

Some people are having difficulties accessing their learning through Teams so I have uploaded the learning grid and resources you need here.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work through the first few days of using Teams together.

Mrs Brown 🙂

Spelling supports and tips for parents

As we embark on our home learning I have provided a useful link with tips on how to support your child with spelling. This gives you useful ideas and hints on how to develop spelling and encourage your child to have a go.


If anyone would like a copy of the High Frequency words I have attached a copy of the first and second hundred with ideas on how to use them. These can be extended up to the ninth hundred words if required. Please just send a response and let me know if you require further sets.



Mrs Docherty

P3 children from P3/4 Week 1 Learning Grid

Core Grid Week 1 P3`

Good Morning P3 girls,

Please find attached your weekly learning. 😀

Use your jotter you were given last week to record your learning.

Check in on the blog every day to see some extended activities and support.  You can always leave a comment for me to respond to and help.

Work hard and I look forward to seeing your learning soon.

Mrs Wassell

Primary 6 Weekly News

This week has been a very different week for all of us. We have continued with our learning but we have also tried to focus on being positive and happy over the next few weeks to come.

Learning Overview:

Numeracy and Maths:

We have been learning about finding percentages, calculating time intervals, looking at timetables and solving mysteries.


We have continued with our discussion writing and we have had a discussion about the issue of school closure as part of our Listening and Talking.

Health and Wellbeing:

We have worked on a School ‘Happy News’ Newspaper to help stay happy. This involved news stories, both in school and worldwide, puzzles, recipes, inspirational quotes and pictures.

Pupil voice:

Angel: We were up levelling our Writing, using our plans to write a perfect discussion.

Brooke: I liked writing about my ‘Wierd Day’ by explaining how I have felt today and through the week.

Emily: Yesterday we all worked hard producing and researching different pieces of information to go into our St. Ninian’s Primary School Happy News Paper.

Daniel: We went around the whole school interviewing people to discover their happy news.

Jack: It was nice to hear everyone’s kind and happy thoughts.

Orla: I enjoyed Maths because we had to solve the mystery of the Putrid Pumpkin Poisoner. We had fun working in pairs or trios to do this.

Kate: I enjoyed working with Orla in Maths being detectives, even though some of it was quite hard, it was fun.

Sophie YM: During our Maths, we learnt the useful rhyme to help us remember the number of days in each month:

30 days hath September, April, June and November,

All the rest have 31,except February alone,

Which has 28 days clear and 29 each leap year.

Sophie R: I had fun working in teams in Maths because we had to work together to solve all the different clues.

Calvin: I enjoyed playing basketball in P.E. because it was fun and we played with the P6/7s.

Carly: In Art we made a 3D paper sculpture of a face and we had to make different designs using many different paper folding techniques such as folding, crimping, curling and cutting.

Maliha: We all visited the nursery this week to meet our buddies. We all loved it even those of us who weren’t able to meet our buddies. We enjoyed playing with them.

Sophie D: I made a PowerPoint which contained lots of positive quotes for the class to make us all feel happy. I really enjoyed making this for everyone.

Home Learning:

Remember to look after each other and keep washing your hands! Learning and Teaching will continue on TEAMs from next week.

Enjoy the weekend and hopefully we will all see each other again very soon!

Mrs Reeves and P6

P3 Weekly News

Teacher News:

We have had a great week learning all about The Vikings. We have been learning about where they came from, what they ate, how they travelled and where they lived. We even did maths using Viking Fractions. We worked out the fraction using the sail of their Longship. The children are confident with reconsigning the numerator and denominator.

One of the favourite parts of the week was when the children created their own longboats using STEAM and collaborative learning skills. They were outstanding. Mrs Docherty was blown away by what the children created and how resourceful they were with the materials provided. We had ships made from lollipop sticks, Kapla and even Lego.

We have finished our class novel The Bolds which we have really enjoyed listening to. It was a funny novel with lots happening in it.

We have also reinforced our Spanish learning  the months of the year and had a special lesson all about St Patrick for his feast day on the 17th March.


Pupil Voice:

Cooper: I have enjoyed learning about Vikings because Victoria and I started making a longhouse out of Lego and we made oars and even the fire in the middle of the longhouse. The fire was used for heating the Viking home, giving them light and cooking.

Joshua: I enjoyed making a Viking Longship from lollipop sticks. The ships were very long and they were mostly sailing boats that sailed across the sea. But when there was no wind they used oars.

Mark: I liked making my Viking ship out of lollipop sticks. Mine has a dragon head and it also has oars for rowing. The Vikings travelled from Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

Micah: I loved making my Longboat out of Kapla as I worked with different people. It was 5 rulers long and it was 12 blocks high. I made the sail which was a picture of the longship and after that I took a picture if it and got to show Mrs Smith who even came down to see it. Even the Nursery children came down to see it!

Eve: I liked completing the Viking wordsearch as a finished task. It was quite tricky. I also liked making a card for Mrs Campbell who was our librarian. She is retiring and she has been reading us stories since P1. We wanted to say Thank You.

Milena: I liked working on my Reconciliation.

Jiya: I have enjoyed doing fractions.


We think you’ll agree lots of exciting learning has taken place this week.


Mrs Docherty and P3

P2 Weekly Update

Primary 2 Blog


This week we have a new Word Boost story. We compared words with ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ in them and continued working on fractions.

Parental Involvement

Our Word Boost words are below. Talk about what they mean and try to use each one in a sentence.

· Assist

· Escape

· Favourite

· Instantly

· Invent

Pupil voice

Michelle – I remember we did clouds yesterday. We chose something we were proud of to put on them.

Mara – In the play area I made a pirate ship with Scott.

Amelia – We did writing about what we could be famous for.

Liam – I liked doing maths with Mrs Kerr.

Joshua – Our topic this week was good. We learned about people in the past from Livingston.

Logan – We went out in the garden. We did story out there.

Anna – We did PE. It was basketball.

Shea – We did drama with Mrs Kerr and had snow.

Paul – A group of us made a robot this week.

P6 Weekly News

Learning Overview


We  continued to modify and up level our discussion planning skills to enable us to write a perfect discussion next week. In addition, we thought about our listening skills as we listened carefully to the details of an African Folk story. Then we discussed the moral of the story. 

Numeracy and Maths

We did our Maths outside this week. As part of our learning about time, we had to go into groups and measure out a few metres, then run or do a different activity of our choice up and down the line for five minutes. We used stop watches to take turns to time ourselves. 

We also started our new ‘Chooseday’ Numeracy actvities this week. We had 8 different Numeracy tasks to choose from. Some of us chose to work outdoors, some made Eat Well plates, some used a Numeracy Workout website and others played snap. All the activities helped us to practise and consolidate our learning about fractions, decimals and percentages.

Learning Across the Curriculum

Health and Wellbeing: In P.E. we learnt some new skills in basketball where we would spin the basketball around our back and lots of other fun skills. Also, we got put into two groups and played ‘Killer where you have to try and shoot and if you miss, the person behind you scores and then you are out 


Art: In Art with Mrs. Conway we were making paper sculptures. We got taught lots of different paper folding and cutting methods and we used them to make random things of our choice. Next week we are going to make a FACE SCULPTURE!  


Torness Power Station:  We had a class trip to Torness Power Station and we got a tour around the premises which enabled us to see the big machines and the control room. Then we got put into groups of six and we had to try and build the tallest and prettiest tower we could using just a roll of sellotape, scissors, A3 paper and A4  paper.  


Music: Drumming – This week a man came into school and was teaching us how to play the drums but they were special drums, they were huge! They are often used in films and in Japanese festivals. We got told how to do a drum roll and a song. It was lots of fun. 

Pupil Voice: 

Brooke: We found out the names of our buddies today and we are going to meet them next week. 

 Kate: I really enjoyed doing the art this week and all my family were very impressed with our sculptures. 

 Angel: I enjoyed taking part in the Chooseday Numeracy activities because we were able to make our own choices and do different things. 

 Michelle: I enjoyed using the drums and being taught how to play a tune. 

 Cameron: Basketball was good because we learnt some new skills. 

 Maya: The World of Work website was fun. 

  Emily: Visiting Torness Power Station was really interesting and we learnt lots and we all had lots of fun. 


Home Learning

Please ask your child to talk about their learning during the school trip to Torness Power Station.

Many of the children are concerned about the Coronavirus so please discuss this with your child and remember to talk about the importance of handwashing!

Also please ask your child if they are fully aware how to access Glow and OneNote from home, so that they can ask me next week if they have forgotten their password or login details.


Have a great weekend from P6 and Mrs Reeves

P4 Weekly News!

Learning Overview

Maths – We have been learning how to tell the time. On Monday we learned about o’clock and half past, on Tuesday we learned about quarter past and quarter to, on Thursday we learned about 5 past, 10 past, 20 past and 25 past and today we learned about 25 to, 20 to, 10 to and 5 to. Now we know all the 5 minute intervals around the analogue clock.

Literacy – We did an Explanation writing assessment. In an explanation you explain how to do something. We were explaining rules to stop germs from spreading. This links with the Coronavirus and how best to keep ourselves healthy. We included: build your immune system, wash your hand regularly and keep germs contained.

IDL – We have been preparing for our Titanic showcase by gathering together all our learning and presenting this in groups. We have also been learning a Titanic song.

HWB – We have been learning about Skipper and how to be resilient. We made a coping strategies wheel showing drawings and words about how to keep yourself calm if you are feeling stressed, sad, angry or frustrated.

Pupil Voice

Our lead learners this week are Mark and Tomasz. Unfortunately Tomasz is absent today but here is a comment from Mark:

Mark – I enjoyed doing maths. I learned how to tell the time using minutes past and minutes to.

Home Learning Opportunities

Literacy – Stay connected with the news this weekend by reading newspapers or online articles and listen to the daily news on the TV or radio. Listen for new Coronavirus updates.

Maths – Get someone at home to ask you to tell the time lots over this weekend. Remember if you know your 5 x table telling the time is super easy!

IDL – Practice the Titanic song using the link to the video below:

HWB – Make sure you wash your hands regularly over the weekend. Use the video below which we used for our writing to help you remember all the areas of your hands to wash. You can also try singing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice as you do this!

Have a great weekend!

P4 and Mrs Brown 🙂


P3/4 Weekly News

Teacher Voice

This has been a very busy and exciting week for P3/4 as we prepare to welcome our families on board the RMS Titanic to showcase our learning!


This week in writing we have been writing about a topic that is very relevant today. We wrote an explanation text highlighting ways to help prevent the spread of germs. This is a topic we are all very interested in and we think it’s very important to share ways to help stop the spread of germs.

We have been focusing on the reading skill ‘clarifying’ this week. This is a fantastic skill to have to help us read and understand unfamiliar words. We have been using context clues and picture clues to help us try to work out what these words might mean. We will be using dictionaries to check to see if we managed to work out the meaning using the clues.


We have been working on time this week. We have been revising how to tell the time on an analogue clock in 15 minute intervals and 5 minute intervals. We have also been converting analogue time into digital time.

We are enjoying using our numeracy blueprint boards to improve our numeracy skills during number talks.

Health and Wellbeing

The GIRFEC theme for the month of March is ‘RESPONSIBLE’. We have been discussing what being responsible means and sharing ways that we show we are responsible children.

Pupil Voice

James – “I have enjoyed practising our song for the Titanic showcase.”

Dexter – “I enjoyed learning time this week. I feel more confident with analogue time now.”

Kerr – “I am enjoying PE just now because we are playing basketball and I am very good at hooping it in the basket.”

Esmee – “I enjoyed making our book character models for homework. I made Mildred Hubble from the Worst Witch. I used paper mache to create my model.”

Kayla – ” I enjoyed doing my paper mache Mickey Mouse.”

Ephraim – “I enjoyed Maths this week converting analogue time to digital time.”

Lucy – “I liked Funky Friday this week!”

Brooke – “I liked doing the daily mile.”

Stefan “I have enjoyed preparing for the Titanic Showcase.”

Kaitlyn – “I liked Spanish this week. We learned about food in Spanish.”

Thea – “I liked writing about ways to prevent the spread of germs.”


Home Learning


Create a poster to share ways to prevent the spread of germs. Use the information you have learned in your writing.


Write down the time you do different activities at home.

e.g. I go to church at half past 9 in the morning.

Health and Wellbeing

Take on some new responsibilities at home to help your parents/grandparents.

Share your home learning on the blog post or your GLOW profile.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs W and P3/4

P3/4 Weekly News

Teacher Voice


This week we have had a big focus on reading as it was ‘World Book Day’ week. We have enjoyed DEAR (drop everything and read) time this week especially since we had our visit to the library to choose new exciting books. As a class we love to share stories together and dedicate the last part of the day to reading together. Just now we are enjoying ‘I was there… Titanic’.  We also enjoyed some online reading master classes this week with some familiar authors. We particularly enjoyed Pamela Butchart’s workshop. She wrote our last class novel ‘Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies’. Our task was to create a class story using one of the props she had given us. We chose a pug puppy. Our story had lots of twists and turns!

This week for  writing we continued to develop our understanding of explanation texts. We wrote an explanation text called ‘Why should we buy Fairtrade products?’. We used all of the information we have learned during Fairtrade fortnight.


This week we have been really enjoying using our new numeracy blueprint boards to help us develop new strategies when working out subtraction calculations. We have been using empty number lines and partitioning. Some of us have been learning how to subtract 3 digit numbers with borrowing. We learned a rhyme to help us. ‘If there is more on the floor, then we go next door!’


This week we have been exploring the different foods that people on the Titanic ate. We looked at the actual menus that were served on the night the Titanic sank. We couldn’t believe how different the food was that the people on first class ate compared to the people on third class. We then created our own menus for each class.

We have started preparing for our Titanic showcase. We are very excited to share our learning with our families.

Pupil Voice

“I have enjoyed playing basketball in PE” – Dexter

“I enjoyed more of the Titanic documentary.” – James

“I liked writing an explanation about Fairtrade this week.” – Klaudia

“I liked doing the daily mile this week.” – Lucy

“I liked going to the library this week to explore non-fiction texts.” – Kerr

“I liked doing maths this week. We learned how to subtract a 3 digit number with borrowing.” – Esmee

“I liked researching the food on the Titanic and creating our own menus.” – Taha

“I loved going to the book swap as part of world book day.” – Chloe

Home Learning


We have been celebrating World Book Day and sharing stories with each other. Can you share a story with someone at home in an exciting place and take a picture. Upload your picture to your profile.


Teach your parents/grandparents how to work out a subtraction calculation using one of the following strategies.

  • partitioning
  • empty numberline
  • tower sum with borrowing

Health and Wellbeing

Try and do the daily mile as a family for the next week!

Have a great weekend

Mrs Wassell and P3/4

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