P4 Weekly News

It has been a very short but bust week in Primary 4. Our maths topic of division has come to an end. We have a good understanding of division and can apply our knowledge of our tables to more challenging division sums including remainders. We enjoyed our mild, spicy and hot activity where we could challenge ourselves which P4 love to do. Great work P4. We will continue to work on division in our smart starts to help secure our knowledge of division with remainders.

In PE we have started our new block of Tennis. We have been learning all about control of the ball using a tennis racquet. We played some fun games in pairs to help us develop our skills.

tennis 2 tennis

In Art we have been looking at Scottish artists and some of their work. This week we have been looking at Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We have created some of our own designs inspired by Mackintosh. We can talk about his work (his style, what we like and what we don’t like) and compare it to other artists.

Many of the children in the class worked very hard on their technology homework last week designing a trap to capture the big bad wolf! Each child presented their ideas and answered questions the children had. They all were able to talk very confiidently about their design and what a fantastic imagination they have! The big bad wolf should be quivering in his boots!!!!

vanessa trap Ethan trap beth trap Paige trap

We have been continuing with our Confirmation preperation this week. We are starting to think about the Saint who inspires us to live in the way of Christ. We have been given some personal research to explore the lives of some Saints to help us choose. We have also been discussing who we would like to be our sponsor to help guide us on our spiritual journey.

A short but successful week P4! Great work.

Have a great weekend everyone

Mrs Wassell and P4

P7 Weekly News

This week in P7 we have come to the end of our current maths topic – negative numbers. Children were excellent at reading thermometers and were able to confidently apply the rules involved in adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers. Next week we will be starting our new maths topic – fractions, decimals and percentages. Here is a video which you can watch to refresh your memory! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr52yfR3wGA

In PE our focus has moved from gymnastics to volleyball for the next few weeks. We have been learning the key skills in making an accurate pass focusing on body position, fingers and wrists, and have been getting used to passing over the net with a partner or group.

This week and next week we are doing our termly literacy assessments. Children performed excellently in the single word spelling test on Thursday with every child making an improvement on last terms results. Well done everyone! Next week we will be doing our writing assessment which is a functional piece. We will be writing a newspaper report relating to our topic, Democracy. Have a look at the website below which suggests the key aspects of a newspaper report in preparation for next week’s assessment!


Have a great weekend 🙂

Fun,fun,fun in primary 3!

Well what a week we’ve had, a whistlestop tour of learning and different teachers to keep us engaged in our learning. At the start of the week we worked with Miss Smyth on fractions in maths. We watched this video on YouTube which we found so funny but it helped us with our learning.

Www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMWa6dDoiccIMAG1920 IMAG1922

We worked hard to learn about halves and quarters of shapes and then quarters of numbers.

On Wednesday afternoon we had the best trip over to West Lothian College engineering department. We had a tour of the workshop and then we worked in teams to build small electronic toys. It was great fun!!!

We worked hard with Mrs Purdie on our writing and measure in maths.

Finlay summed our week up in one sentence, ‘We’ve had a great week!’

You certainly have primary 3, all the teachers who have worked with you this week have enjoyed every minute of it.

Next week you will have Mrs Currie on Wednesday, Miss Smyth on Thursday morning and Mrs Purdie in the afternoon and on Friday Miss Smyth and Mrs Purdie again.

We hope you’re looking forward to it as much as we are!


Have a great weekend !

Miss S😃


P2B Gadget show!

This week we wrote instructions on how to brush our teeth. Firstly, we brushed our teeth in groups following the instructions Miss Boyes gave us. Then we had to write our own instructions remembering each step that was taken.
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Maya “I thought it was good because we were brushing our teeth round and round.”

Kornel “You need to remember to put tooth paste on your brush and do a circular motion”.

This week we learnt spelling words that had the “ow” sound.

Some of our words were “Owl, the ‘ow’ sound is at the beginning.”- Brooke

“How, has the ow sound at the end of the word.” – Andrew “Crowd has the ow sound in the middle of the word.” – Seamus


Miss Boyes has told us that Paolo the P2 puppet parrot said he finds numeracy tricky and asked if we could help him. We have been writing down our strategies for Paolo and we will be using our talking book to help him with his number work!

We used our own positive attitudes to develop Paolo’s growth mind-set. We wrote our positive thoughts on speech bubbles! IMG_1323
We have been taking different steps to build our understanding of the concept of multiplication. We have been learning how to combine objects in a number of equal towers and say how many together. We are progressing really well! We have also been looking at arrays and marking the arrays along a number line to identify the multiplication sum. Marking the multiplication sum along the number line was quite tricky but because we have positive attitudes we will continue to work on it!


This week has been technologies week in school. We have had great fun practising our assembly. Miss Boyes was super proud of us for our fantastic singing and remembering our words. We spoke about gadgets from the past, present and the future at our assembly. We also showed off our boats that we designed and made in class. At the end of our assembly we received some really good questions from our peers in Primary 1, 2 and 3. They had been listening very hard and we answered the questions with confidence.
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When learning about technologies we had to sort pictures of different gadgets under the headings past and present. For the heading “future” we had to use our imagination to think about the different gadgets we might have in the future and what they will be able to do.

We thought of… televisions that listen to you “turn to channel 2 please?”

We also drew televisions that float in mid-air with wings!IMG_1227 IMG_1228 IMG_1230

We have learnt about Alexander Graeme Bell. “He invented the first ever telephone with his assistant Thomas Watson”- Kate.

We watched a video clip about Alexander Graeme bell and then we had to use the information to decide if the statements were true or false. We enjoy visual literacy tasks!

We thought about how we use different pieces of technology. We had to identify which pieces of technology you can use to: listen to music, take a picture, write a letter and send a photo.


Hope you all have a lovely long weekend!



Nursery News

We have had an extremely busy and exciting week in Nursery! Firstly, on Monday we celebrated Chinese New Year by learning about the traditions and customs celebrated in China. We made Chinese dragons and showcased them around the school. Everyone was so impressed with our musical talents! For snack we sampled Chinese noodles and prawn crackers. We thought they were yummy!! We were also really lucky to have a visit from a Mandarin teacher called Yuanyuan who taught us some Chinese phrases and greetings. We also learned that red is a very important colour for this celebration. Our favourite part of Chinese New Year was playing in our role play Chinese restaurant.





On Tuesday we were eating once again as it was Pancake Tuesday! We had so much fun making, flipping and eating pancakes! We loved adding sugar to our pancakes but we were not so keen on the taste of lemon!



Also on Tuesday one of our nursery pupils attended Mrs Purdie’s Pancake Party. This was because he had been identified by the nursery team as a reflective learner for his excellent understanding of our GIRFEC wheel. Well done Kerr! When he came back he said ” I feel proud” 😄



For the remainder of the week we have been focusing on technologies by building models, constructing rockets, making paper aeroplanes and building in our outdoor environment. We also enjoyed trying out new apps on our nursery iPads. Thank you to Miss Smyth for researching some new apps for us!! We look forward to sharing our technology learning with you at our Skills academy evening on 25th February.

We would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to the parents who came along to our Breakfast Blether on Tuesday morning, it was such a fantastic turnout! We loved hearing your ideas and feedback and we are looking forward to sharing our final nursery logo with you all very soon!

Please remember that Monday 15th February and Tuesday 16th February are school and nursery holidays. We look forward to welcoming all the children (and staff 😉) back refreshed on Wednesday 17th February.

The nursery team 😄

P5 are our bridge to the future!

What an amazing Technology Week.  It started off with a super trip to see the Three Bridges at South Queensferry.  During this trip we learned some amazing facts about the Bridges.  It was explained to us how a bridge is constructed and the reasons behind the designs and features of a bridge.  We even saw a new section of the motorway on the Queensferry Crossing being put in place!  I won’t tire of telling people from now on that I was there when it was built.  Ask your child to tell you which of these three bridge designs, suspension, cantilever and cable stay, each bridge is an example of.


This trip allowed us to develop our teamwork skills as we were split into groups and a group manager was appointed, a great responsibility comes with wearing the High Vis Vest!20160208_13374020160208_135634

The first task allowed us hands on experience of how important Health and Safety is in a work place, through investigating different pieces of safety clothing, we now know the reason why each of these items are essential for the workers.

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Our next group challenge was to use our knowledge of construction from the discussion and to build the highest tower possible using the least amount of bricks.  Here are some of our examples.


When we got back to class we continued our group challenges by using technology to help us complete bridge research and then prepare a talk which we delivered to the class.  There was some super group efforts, you could see collaborative skills in action with everyone managing to be successful individuals as well as effective contributors!


We used the theme of Technology Week to link with as many areas of the curriculum as possible this week, so in Maths we completed some practical work on measuring.  We discovered during our Bridges trip and our group research how important it is for the engineers to use accurate measurements when designing and constructing a bridge, so from this real life Maths context we set about estimating and then measuring in millimetres, centimetres and metres.  If you would like to impress your parents at home use our estimating trick of using our fingers to measure in cms and then check how close you were.

Our Social Studies homework presentations also took place this week.  There was a lot of independent skills on display during these as well as a lot of technology being used too, here are just some examples of the work that was produced.



Well done P5 you have out done yourselves this week with work and effort.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Mrs Currie

Primary 3/4 News!

This week has been a busy and super technologies week.

“Technologies week is the best week ever” said Mark.

“It has been really fun and awesome.” said Brooke

“It has been really really exciting.” said Ailie

On Wednesday we enjoyed our trip to West Lothian College to visit the Engineering and Science department. During this trip we had a tour of the workshop. We got to see lots of different people working to build walls, stairs, and really cool machines to cut metal.

“I liked seeing all the big machines” said EvieIMG_0322[1]


Finally we got to have a peek at the electricians hard at work. “My favourite was the electricians.” said Caiden. After our grand tour we had a chance to build our own machines.

“My team built an alarm with a horn and lights. This was tricky to build but we got in the end.” said Hannah.

“I built the siren it was really complicated even for the people helping but we got it in the end. It was fun!” said Aoife


“I built a car. It was kind of tricky because the wires were hard to put in the tiny holes.” said Adrin

Thank you WesIMG_0373[1]t Lothian College for a great trip.






Yesterday we had a visitor from Scotch Beef. During this visit we had a look at the different symbols for meat and what they mean.

“The symbols meant the animals never went out of Scotland.” said Mark

“This also meant that the animals have had a very happy life.” Said Gaby

The lady was teaching us all about the vitimans that meat can give you and how this helps your body.

“The meat can give strength, helps your blood cells, it can help with your bones and it can heal your cuts and give you extra energy.” said Jan

“We had a chance to make beef faijtas. They tasted like beef and vegetable. I didn’t really but I gave it a try.” said Joesph

“The faijtas tasted like heaven!” said Rachel

Have a lovely long weekend!

Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr 🙂


Daily Lent Challenges – Day 3, 4, 5 and 6

Hi Everyone!

I have decided to give you the daily challenges for the next few days so that if you are super busy over the holiday weekend you are able to plan ahead and ensure you continue to complete your challenges.

Today’s Challenge – Share something with someone today. This could be some information, a toy, a meal or even just a hug!

Saturday – Say an extra prayer today and think of someone special you could dedicate your prayer to.

Sunday – Research the word ‘sacrifice’. Have you sacrificed anything this Lent?

Monday – What bad habit could you give up this week? Do you bite your nails? Do you stay up too late? Try your best to stick to it!

Tuesday – What sacrifice could you make for someone today? Could you sacrifice your time playing to spend a little more time helping someone you live with?

Remember to post your comments! I am really enjoying reading them 🙂

Have a lovely February Weekend!

Miss Ford

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