Daily Lent Challenge – Thursday 25th February

Today’s Lent Challenge – We are very lucky that we have families who love us and we live in a peaceful town where we are surrounded by many friendly and helpful people. This is not the case for all children across the world. Some children have to leave their homes because it is not safe to stay in their home towns and countries. Say a prayer for peace in the world and ask God to be close to children who are scared and frightened that he can bring peace and love to their lives.

Primary 3/4 News

This week we have been continuing with our ‘time’ topic in maths. We have been working in small groups to design a time device. We had to make sure that we stuck to the success criteria. This which was to make sure that our time device had an analogue or digital clock somewhere on our design. We also had to create a special feature on our clock. We didn’t disappoint! What a collection of interesting clocks we have created.

We have had:

  • Clocks with a rewind and fast forward button.
  • Clocks with a magic portal that transport you to another place.
  • Clocks which change from a watch to an alarm clock.
  • Even a clock that can wake you up for school and then get you ready.

That’s only naming a few; it has been fantastic work from everybody.

Next week we will be moving on to being able to tell the time using o’clock, half past, quarter past/to.

We have also made a start to rehearsing for our class assembly which will take place next week and we are really excited about telling the story of ‘The Three Wee Pigs in Scots’ for the school. We are feeling very confident after the success of our ‘Great Scots Show’.

It has been a short week however we have managed to squeeze it all in.

Have a lovely and restful weekend.

Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr

Primary 6/7 Weekly News

This week in maths we have started a new topic, learning about decimals. We revised how to read and interpret decimal numbers and we practised how to put them in order. We all discussed the importance of decimals in our daily lives, in particular whenever we want to spend any money!

For P.E. we have now started to play Rounders. This week we learnt how to play ‘Gang Rounders’, which meant that several players could be waiting on a mat at a time, hence the title. We all really enjoyed participating at this.

As part of our Primary 6 topic we have prepared some research about Victorian inventions and discoveries for homework.  Today we began presenting our findings to the class and we gave encouraging feedback to each other.

During French this week we all practised singing a French song about food. We made a recording of our singing and we are going to enter it into a competition so please wish us all good luck with that!

Have a great weekend!

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves

Storm P2B has hit Scotland!!

In numeracy this week we have been learning about repeated addition and how it links to multiplication. We have also been learning about arrays and how we can track our array in different ways along the number line. We made up multiplication sentences to talk about the arrays.

We played a fun game to help us learn about our multiplication sums. You have to draw two circles on your whiteboard or paper. Then your friend gives you a number (same number for each flower) and you draw that number of petals on the flower. This has helped us think about how many flowers there are… how many petals and how many petals altogether. Then for additional challenge we had to write the multiplication sentence.

This is a fun activity that could also be completed at home.


Many different storms have hit Scotland recently but we bet you haven’t heard of “Storm P2B!”

This week we have listened to the story of “Katie Morag and Tiresome Ted”. In the story there is a big storm on the Isle of Struay. To begin our writing lesson we watched 2 short film clips from “Pocahontas and The Little Mermaid”. In the clips  a big dark storm hits the boats in the sea.

We used this as our inspiration (along with the Katie Morag story) to write our own storm descriptions. As part of our success criteria we had to use wow words to describe what a storm would look like and sound like.

Miss Boyes has really enjoyed reading all of our storm descriptions. Lots of great wow words were used such as: crashing, splashing, gloomy and screeching.


Following on from this lesson, after lunchtime we had an “exciting” music lesson. We began the lesson by listening to a piece of music written by Beethoven called “The Storm.” We had to guess what the music was about and we spoke about the loud and quiet parts of the music. Then we were split into two groups and took part in two different stations.

Our learning intention for station 1 was: “I can sort instruments into the different ways we use them.”

At station 1 we sorted different musical instruments into two hoops. We had to decide which instruments you could bang and which instruments you could shake. Zuzanna made a good observation and said “Where would I put this instrument because I can bang it and shake it, would it be in the middle?” This showed great identification skills.
After this we moved onto working in pairs and played an instrument sorting game on the netbooks.

At station 2 our learning intention was:
“I can explore the different sounds that the instruments make.”
To do this we looked back at our writing of the storm from before lunchtime. Miss Boyes helped us pick out different descriptive sentences and we used these to build our music around.

We all had a turn of playing the instruments.

We presented and evaluated our musical creations by watching our recordings back and using peer and self-assessment evaluation sheets.

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Have a lovely weekend and we hope you don’t get caught in any stormy weather!

Miss Boyes and P2B!

Another short but busy week!

We have been busy in P1D even though we have only had a short week at school. We started the week with a visit to our Nursery following on from technologies week. We took our ipads over to share some of our favourite learning apps with them and in return they showed us some of their favourites.

We introduced the ‘igh’ sound this week which is really tricky. We were learning what it sounds like, what it looks like, how to use it in a word and how to write it…wait for it…using joined up handwriting! You could challenge us to see if we can remember what the name for a sound with 3 letters is called!

We have had lots of fun in maths learning about number names and trying to work on our shape names. We still love using the ipads to enhance our learning in maths.

We have been learning all about the weather and enjoyed acting out the different types of weather. Can you guess what types of weather some of our action shots are showing?

We finished off the week with our final infant skills academy. We all enjoyed our block and should have some new skills we could teach you. This is a snap shot of the ‘Hungry for Success’ skills academy with Miss Diamond.

Have a great weekend,

Miss Diamond and Primary 1D

We squeezed lots into our week in Primary 5/6…

This week in primary 5/6 we were doing Robokid, a project we started during technologies week. We made a course with black tape and our robots had to follow the black tape along the course. We directed them using our remote controls.

For our writing assessment we wrote about beef and vegetables fajitas that we made with Quality Meat Scotland during our food technology sessions during technologies week.

In maths we played games about money, learning about using money at the shops. We can transfer skills that we learned playing this game into everyday life! We also played checkout challenge and speed grid challenge to help us with our mental maths.

We completed our task maps to help us understand our reading books.

Today we had Miss Smyth, Mr McCurdy set us a sports quiz challenge which we completed with Miss Smyth.

We hope you have a fab weekend!

By Moiz and Paris

Weekend Daily Lent Challenges

Today’s Challenge – Put a coin in your SCIAF ‘wee box’ and say a prayer.

Saturday’s Challenge – Tell someone special how much they mean to you.

Sunday’s Challenge – Say sorry to someone you may have upset over the last week.

Remember to keep posting your comments! I enjoy reading them and finding out what you’ve been up to!

Have a great weekend, Miss Ford 🙂

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