Sports Scotland Committee’s “Fruity Fridays Healthy Tuck!!”

As part of the Sports Committee we have a team who focus on eating healthy and making sure they have a well balanced diet. We would like to promote healthy eating to all of the boys and girls in St Ninians. Last October we held a fruity friday event where children were asked to swap their snack of chocolates and crisps for a piece of fruit. This was a great success but we are noticing there are lots of unhealthy snacks creeping back into the playground. We have decided to organise a healthy tuck every friday in March so that children have an opportunity to buy something healthy to enjoy. There will be a variety of healthy foods and drinks made available to children and all treats will be under 50p. We hope to see you all there on Friday and that you enjoy your healthy treats! mmm..

Sports Scotland Committee

fruity friday

P2B weekly news


In P2B we have been checking our knowledge of written number names and matching it to the number. We played a numeracy game (Fruit splat numbers to words) on the smart board which helped us recognise the numbers and their names.

We have been learning our two times table.
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We have been listening to a song to help us learn our two times table.

We listen to the song during our Big maths CLIC session, Miss Boyes pauses the song after each multiplication sentence and we work in pairs to write down the answer to the calculations as quickly as we can. We will continue to practise this so that we can complete each calculation as quick as a click.


Our spelling words this week were tricky words and they had the “I” sound for inky mouse. We had to take a picture of our spelling words and then we completed different spelling activities.

In handwriting we have really progressed with our letter-join. We have been learning to write our spelling words by using letter-join. We have been practising writing out spelling words in a sentence.


In writing this week we wrote a food advert. We had to use our senses to describe our favourite food. We were persuading the reader to buy the food at the supermarket. Miss Boyes wanted to buy all of the food after reading our writing.

In reading we have continued to use different skills to complete our task maps. This lets us show our understanding of our story. We read the questions together as a group and then we write our answers in sentences.
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We have started our transport topic this week. To begin our topic we discussed what we already know about transport and what we would like to know. Together as a class we made a mind map of all of our ideas.

We came up with some fab ideas…

Maya asked “How does transport move?”

Kasia “What transport do they have in other countries.”

Aaron “I want to learn about the transport which takes you to the moon… Rockets.”

Brooke “I want to use different materials to build transport.”

Miss Boyes has transferred some of our ideas onto our learning wall.

We started the topic off by learning about transport from around the world. “We found out that in Venice they have boats called Gondolas because Venice has a lot of water.” – Maya.

“To travel to Islands called the Maldives you have to go on a sea plane, I think this is because they don’t have space for big planes to land.” – Andrew.

“In Thailand they have tuk-tuks,”- Calvin.   “In San Francisco they have trams because it is very hilly there.”- Jakub.



This week we have started our daily mile. The daily mile is a run which we complete around the school.

The daily mile helps us keep fit and healthy.
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Our structured play has been updated to reflect our new topic. We are really enjoying completing the new activities throughout the different curricular areas. P2B really enjoy learning with P2M.
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Nursery News

We would like to say a huge thank you to all the parents and grandparents who attended our skills academy on Thursday evening. It was fantastic to see so many of you and it was great that some of you had the opportunity to attend workshops in the school too!! Thank you for making it such a successful evening. If you were unable to attend and would like the resources that were handed out, we have put extra resource packs in our nursery parents area so please help yourself!

This week we have started our new SPACE topic. All children had the opportunity to plan with us, and their ideas are displayed on our talking trees. Please have a look when you are in the nursery, there are some fantastic ideas!!! The most popular idea was to “build a rocket” so this will be our task next week!! We can’t wait!! Our favourite song this week has been “zoom zoom zoom, we’re going to the moon!” If you would like to hear it please click on the link below……..

A lot of our learning this week has been focused on the outdoors and we have noticed that it is becoming (very slightly) warmer! 😄 We also discovered some early signs of Spring, how exciting!! We will be looking for more signs of Spring next week when it will be the month of March!!! We also have a very special new addition to our nursery garden- our very own little Pond!! A huge thanks to Mrs Hogg for using her super strength to dig a hole for us. We are always trying to think of new ideas to improve our outdoor learning environment so if you have any ideas please let us know.



Next Thursday 4th March will be World Book Day. This year at nursery we will be having a Pirate theme so all children and staff can come dressed as pirates if they wish! We will be visiting the Primary 1 classrooms for a story time too! We will also be having a pirate breakfast for the AM class and pirate snack for the PM class. Ahoy, me hearties!!!

Finally, we would like to wish you all a wonderful weekend! Please visit our nursery parents Facebook page for lots more photographs from this week.
The Nursery Team 😄

Weekend Lent Challenges: Friday 26th – Sunday 28th February

Friday 26th February: Make a Spring flower using art and craft materials (you can either keep this at home or bring it in for Miss Ford to display!)

Saturday 27th February: Can you do some work outside today to help someone?

Sunday 28th February: What sign of love can you show someone today?

Have a great weekend and remember to post your responses below!

P7 Weekly News!

This week in P7 we have been focusing a lot on Health and Wellbeing. We started the daily mile on Monday and already almost everyone is able to complete the mile in 15 minutes which is the maximum time limit. All children are eager to get involved and we have lots of fun doing it. Already we are seeing an increase in children’s focus and activity levels throughout the day.

Our topic (Democracy) links well to Health and Wellbeing due to the current political agendas in Scotland. As you know we held a class debate on the sugar tax a few weeks ago but this week we extended this by looking at the media and advertising. Children researched some popular food adverts which aim to capture the attention of young people and we discussed the question: Is it fair that the media create adverts which are aimed at children when children don’t always have the skills and understanding of food and health to make decisions for themselves?

This is something which we will do more work on in the coming weeks as we would like to brush up on our debating skills so watch out for some more information. There are definitely some budding politicians in our P7 children!

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5/6 News

This week in primary 5/6 we have ran a daily mile every day; we only have 15 minutes to complete it. The class has been working on improving their fitness and really enjoying the daily mile. In maths we are continuing to learn about decimals and learning how to recognise the place value of decimals. During our maths morning, on Tuesday, we learned more about how to add and subtract 4 digit numbers using the formal method. In P.E we have been doing ‘Superman Rounders’ and it was really fun. We worked on our aiming and catching skills during the game. In writing we interviewed a member of our class, took notes and then we all wrote a profile about them in our writing jotters. Next week we are looking forward to World Book Day and seeing lots of fantastic costumes.

By Paris & Broady.

Primary 3/4 News!

This week has been amazing.

This week we have started doing our daily mile.

“The daily mile is fun because it get’s us active and helps us concentrate” said Hannah.

“The daily mile is a pain to my legs but I like it.” said Jan.

“I like the daily mile because it gives you more energy” said Shannon.

“I get tired doing the daily mile and it helps me sleep at night.” said Caiden

“I challenged myself and I ran two miles instead of one.” said Haseeb.

“Our assembly went very well today because we entertained the rest of the school.” said Jay.

“It was a good start to the day.” said Joseph. IMG_3429 IMG_3434 IMG_3436

“I liked doing the assembly today and I would like to do it lots of times.” said Jacob.

Below is an example of the Cha Cha Slide in Scots:

Alright noo, we’re gonna dae the basic stepIMG_3428

Tae the left, tak is back noo y’all

Wan hop this time, right fit let’s stramp

Left fit let’s stramp

Cha cha real sleek

Birl it oot, tae the left, tak it back noo y’all

Wan hop this time, right fit let’s stramp

Left fit let’s stramp

Cha Cha noo y’all

Noo it’s time tae get funky

“The assembly was fantastic because we all worked together as a team.” said Ailie

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr




Wit a superb week fir aw the P4 Wains!

This week in Primary 4 we have been watching news round and learning to take notes using the question; What, where, why, when and who?

We used our notes to create a newspaper article. We would make fabulous journalists. We will continue to develop our note taking skills.

In IDL we have been very busy learning about the fairy tales through Scots language. We wrote an invitation to Cinderella to attend the Prince’s ba in Scots language. We are getting very good at talking in Scots. We also created a comic strip for Cinderella and by golly those hackit sisters are the ugliest things we have ever seen! P4 are great at illustrating a story and have a fantastic imagination. We also used our ‘Wee Book O Fairytales’ to help develop our letter join handwriting. We were very lucky this week to have Miss Smyth in class for a wee change! She taught us some great tennis skills.

This week we started the daily mile. At first there was lots of panting and red faces however as the week went on we learned to pace ourselves and are able to run for longer. This will continue next week. Hopefully we can beat our times.

mile1 mile2 mile3 mile4

Next week we have an assembly at the Lanthorn. We learned about the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ and we have discussed ways that we can present the story in a fun way for the other schools. We have learned a song which tells the story. We only started this a couple of days ago and lots of us know all the words already! P4 are very dedicated.

As well as learning about the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’, P4 have been working hard on their Confirmation preparation. We are now coming to the end of our preparation and ready to begin preparing for the Sacrament of Holy Communion. We have been talking about some Saints this week and learning about their lives and how they lived in the way of Christ. Most of the children have chosen which Saint inspires them to be a better person.

In Maths this week we continued with Time. We have focused on analogue time looking at minutes past and to. Next week we will be learning about digital time and converting analogue times to digital times. Some of us are wearing our watched to school. It is definitely helping us learn the time.

We hope you have a fabulous weekend.


Mrs W and P4

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