Transporting through the week in P2B!


This week in P2B we have been learning how to match repeated addition sums to multiplication sentences. As part of our carousel stations we completed an independent task where we had to match the multiplication sentence and array to the answer card. We also took this one step further by then writing down the repeated addition calculation on our whiteboards. IMG_1552 IMG_1548

At one of our CLIC station in our numeracy carousel this week we have used the netbooks to practise our ability to find the missing number in addition and subtraction calculations. IMG_1463 IMG_1469


This week in literacy we celebrated world book day. Lots of children and teachers came to school dressed as a book character. IMG_1538 IMG_1544 IMG_1546
As part of one of our smart starts in the morning we read a book which we chose. Afterwards we created a book mark and had to draw our favourite book character. In writing this week we wrote a character profile for our favourite character. Part of our success criteria was to write about the character’s appearance and their personality. Later in the week we up levelled our writing during our kick-start. We had to read our wish which is written in green pen by Miss Boyes. Miss Boyes discusses our wish with us so that we know what action to take to achieve the next step.

In spelling this week we have been learning about words that have a short vowel and end in ck.

We used the playdoh to write our spelling words out and then asked our friends to read the words.IMG_1447 IMG_1449

Another way that we practise our spelling words is by using the active spelling cards.

“The spelling cards are fun ways for us to write out our spelling words.”- Angel.


In PE this week we have been learning all about winning and losing in a different context. The gym hall look liked a big board game which you could move up levels. We started at the first level and had to roll a dice with a partner, if you have the highest number you move up a level and if you have the lowest you have to do laps around the hall depending on the number you rolled.IMG_1505 IMG_1502IMG_1506

If you roll the lowest number you give your partner 1 of your tokens. The winner is the person with the most tokens. Miss Boyes could see that we were all very engaged in the game and we congratulated our friends for rolling the highest number.


As part of our topic plan we wanted to learn about how things move and in particular transport. This week we started to learn about forces. We have learnt about the difference between the motions of pulling and pushing and if objects can change shape.
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To meet our learning intention we took part in 3 stations which Miss Boyes had set up around the classroom.

At the first station we were force detectives and we had to record which object around the classroom you can push, pull or both. We thought about pushing and pulling the door, pushing and pulling the shoes trolley etc.

At the next station we worked with Miss Boyes to investigate different objects. We had to decide if you push or pull the object and then if they can change back into their original position.

In pairs we took part at in the third station which was a game on the netbooks. We had to help a character move an object by either pushing or pulling it.

Also in topic this week we have been learning about transport from the past. We compared the transport of the past to the transport of today and spoke about why they are different and how we use them.

We had to order the different pieces of transport along a timeline.

For our structured play, we have been working with P2M to build a train. It looks amazing, we use the train as part of our role play station where you can make and buy train tickets. We will share a picture with you next week.

Have a lovely weekend, from Miss Boyes and P2B!

P7 Weekly News

This week in P7 we have been progressing through our history timeline with regards to our topic, Democracy. We have arrived in 1997, the year in which Scottish Devolution really began. In 1997 a referendum was held to determine the proposal of a Scottish Parliament and the ‘yes’ result meant that in 1999 the Scottish Parliament opened. Next week we will be looking at debating and holding our own class debate!

In maths we have started looking at decimals alongside fractions and percentages. All three topics link well together and it has been great to see the children making links between fractions, decimals and percentages. If you would like to do some revision of maths has some great online activities.

Finally, on Thursday we celebrated World Book Day. The children really enjoyed finding out about new books and characters which people had dressed up as for the day. In P7 we created front covers and book reviews which will be displayed on our Literacy wall so look out for these the next time you come to visit our classroom. All children also received a £1 book token which I hope they will make good use of!

Have a great weekend 🙂

P5 are hunting for lost treasure!

We have continued with our treasure map theme linked to our topic Maps.  Most of us have completed our maps and aged them using teabags, they look amazing!  We achieved our success criteria if we have included a compass and key/labelling on our map.



Our maps are linked with our piece of writing and this week we had the challenge of writing our middle section of our adventure story.  Before we started writing we discussed how to include good description and effective speech into our work.  We compared two texts, one which was just dialogue and then the same dialogue embedded in a text with description.  We learned that dialogue in a story must be punctuated with speech marks, and you must say who is speaking.  We then used the following Sky advert to inspire us to use good description within our writing, click on the link below,

Painting Words With Pictures

In Maths we have been discussing sorting data and using graphs and charts to display data.  Our focus this week has been Venn Diagrams.  We have used both two and three circle Venn Diagrams to sort information and the children have all grasped this well.  For extra practise try the game on this link (send a reply if you play it)

Venn Diagrams

World Book Day was a huge hit.  There were some great costumes and many children had put super effort and thought into their character and also brought the book into class for reading during ERIC time.  Here are our class photos.

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To finish off our blog today try out our Five-A-Day Spanish fitness challenge.  We have been using it not only to keep us active in class but also to help us pracitse left and right in Spanish and to learn the Spanish vocabulary for up, down, forward and backwards.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Currie.




Primary 3/4 News

This week was great fun! We really enjoyed world book day.

“I loved it” said Brooke

“I loved world book day because you got to be your favourite character in your favourite book.” said Ailie

Yesterday we read a book called the Snorgh and the Sailer. This was about a lonely Snorgh who had no imagination until he met a sailor rabbit. The rabbit took the Snorgh on different adventures and the Snorgh had so much fun that he wanted to start to use his imagination.

A special letter fell from the middle of the book while we were reading. Isabella reminded us that the letter was asking if we could design a boat to help the Snorgh catch the sailor.

“My boat could go underground and it had GPS tracker that could find the sailor” said Charlie.

“We had a seat which had buttons on the front which helped him go as fast as he wanted because there were two boosters on the back.” said Evie.

“My boat had three boosters and two seats on the back. It had an invisible screen which had a tracking device on it.” Said Caiden

Mines had a safe to keep his soup warm and it was a two layer boat which could move up and down. Said Jay P

“Mines had an auto steering wheel and auto pilot made the boat go even faster. “Said Adrin

“I liked world book day because I liked dressing up as Ariel. I enjoyed making the boat for the Snorgh.”Said Shannon

Mark said “I thought that Mrs Kerr was creepy and evil when she came out dressed as Mrs Twit.”

“I liked world book day because I got to dress as Ellie’s magical bakery. It was great fun.” Said Aoife

Just a wee note to say thank you to everyone that made it along to our class mass yesterday. I’m sure you will agree that it was a lovely service.

Have a great weekend and a lovely rest.

Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr



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Weekend Lent Challenges

Today’s challenge: Draw a picture of your family and say a prayer thanking God for the love and fun you share with them.

Saturday’s challenge: Make something or do something special for someone in your family today.

Sunday’s challenge: Today is Mother’s Day! Give your mum, gran or aunt a present, a card or spend some time having fun and thanking them for everything they do for you.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5/6 News

During writing this week, we learned what key features are needed to write instructions. We used our learning to write our own instructions about how to build a robot, this was linked to our technology topic.

Yesterday was World Book Day, we had lots of great characters in our class such as Pippi Longstocking, The Maze Runner and Box Troll. We all received a £1 voucher towards a book.

In RE we have been learning all about the Sacraments, this week we created our own bright and colourful Eucharist posters.

We have continued to improve our daily mile times and in PE we continued to work on aiming and catching skills whilst playing touch rounders.

In Maths  we learned how to order decimals, to practice this skill we played some Topmark Games and Balloon Pop. Why not try this at home!

We used an App on the iPad, called Sock Puppet, during French to practice having a conversation with another person.

Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Bell & P 5/6

1 + 2 resources

Following our Curriculum evening I have been asked to list some resources which would support your child’s learning in French and Spanish. Spanish songs  French and Spanish


Spanish school bus

Learn Spanish for kids – bilingual child

Fun Spanish – language learning for kids

Learn French by Mindsnacks




GIRFEC Resources for Parents / Pupils

Following our Curriculum Evening I have posted a note of some resources which will support you and your child when discussing GIRFEC.

Your school – newsletters, weekly updates, blog

The learning cafe

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