Primary 3/4 News

“This week there has been a HUMONGOUS amount of learning this week.” Said Gaby

Today we had pyjama day. “Pyjama day has been epic” Said Caiden. However Aidan reminded the reasin why we were in our pyjamas. He said “We are wearing our pj’s today to raise money for SCIAF.”

“This money is really important for lots of people all over the world to give them food, clothing, villages and houses.” Said Jan

“Pj day was fun because we got to wear our jammies.” Said Rachel

“Pyjama day was amazing because we got to go to school in our jammies. You might go to sleep.” Said Lukasz

Joseph said “It feels weird wearing your jammies and slippers.”

Primary 3/4 all agrees that they feel soooooooo comfortable and relaxed wearing their pyjamas to school. They wish they could do this every day.

“Writing was amazing this week because we were trying persuade a new family to come to our school.” Said Haseeb

“Writing this week has been brilliant because our St Ninian’s posters had all the great things about our school.” Said Hannah

“Our writing this week has been very successful because everyone done really well.” Said Evie

“We got to share our comments about St Ninian’s and it sounded great.” Said Ailie

“Well done to every child for producing a fantastic persuasive poster this week. It was super to see that everyone was prepared with a super comment and very enthusiastic about their own school. Aoife kindly went around each child to take a picture of their poster to share on our blog. Have a look at some examples of our successful work so far. Well done primary 3/4! Mrs Kerr J

Have a super weekend!

Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr


Primary 4 weekly news

This was a busy week for P4 as we had Mrs Young and we were learning more interesting facts about Scotland.

Vanessa:This week we have been learning all about Mary Queen of Scots and how she lived her life.  Some of the facts we were taught included all about her early life and about when she was put into prison,

Beth: She had three husbands,

Paige: She was Queen of France for a short time and her cousin was Queen Elizabeth 1st of England.

We also started lovely self portraits and we are looking forward to finishing these off next week.

In maths we were looking at our mental maths strategies and we focused on the four number processes. We thought it was like P6 work!!

We rounded off the week with Mrs Docherty and we looked at our Health and well-being indicators. Mrs Docherty was so impressed by how we could discuss these confidently and link them to our Values. We really are clever boys and girls in P4.

The icing on the cake was getting to wear our pyjamas to school on Friday to help raise money for our Lenten appeal.

Charlie: It was awesome!

Have a lovely weekend boys and girls you deserve it.


Primary 5/6 news

This week in primary 5/6 we learned how to add decimals to make a whole number in maths. One of the activities we used to help us practice this was the rolling tenths game, all you need is a dice , some counters and a list of decimals. We have added a maths vocabulary section to our maths working wall. During our Maths morning on Tuesday we have be working on solving money problems. To help us decide which operation to select, to solve the problem, we have added a maths vocabulary section to our maths working wall.


We made Spanish passport’s which included the key information that we have learned this term, Me llamo…, Soy de and Mi cumpleaños es… I am sure everyone in our class can tell you what these three statements mean.IMG_3652[1]

We are always reviewing our goals in our class and this week we had the opportunity to share our goals with the rest of the class. Our display is looking very full and colourful. It is fantastic that so many goals have been achieved!IMG_3651[1]

Everyone in our class had to pick a character from a book to be, as part of our writing task this week. We learned information about our characters personality and appearance. In groups we discussed good questions we could ask our character in an interview. Next week everyone in our class will be an interviewer and be interviewed in their character role.

Today everyone in our class enjoyed wearing their PJ’s to school to raise money for the Lenten Appeal.   IMG_3657[1]

by Mark, Aaron & Issei

P7 Weekly News

This week in P7 we have done lots of work on our topic as we are coming closer in our timeline to the present day. As we told you last week we were planning to hold a debate. On Monday we learned lots of information about the Scottish Parliament Debating Chamber and we even made our own model!

On Wednesday we debated the motion: ‘Should Scotland be an independent country?’ This originated from the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum which we have been learning about as part of our Democracy topic. We learned lots of information and reasons why people voted for and against Scottish independence and following our class debate we held a vote. Sydney and Christy were our tellers who counted the votes. They counted 16 NO votes and 7 YES votes so our class voted the same way as the referendum actually resulted in 2014 which we found very interesting.

We then created newspaper reports as if our referendum result was breaking news which was really fun because it made us realise the excitement and really important role of journalists and the media in a referendum which affects so many people. Everyone is really enjoying the Democracy topic and we are learning lots of up to date and relevant information!

Have a great weekend 🙂

P2M Weekly News

P2M Have had a fun filled week. We are really enjoying our new topic of ‘transport’ and have shown a particular interest in old transport. This week we were learning about ‘Penny Farthings’. We thought that this was a very funny name as well as a very funny looking bike. We used our art and fine motor skills to create our own penny farthings using wool and chalk. Have a look for them next time you are in our classroom on our ‘Transport’ display wall. In our structured play all children have shown an interest in space travel and rockets and we are really looking forward to learning about this next week.

We had a great day for ‘world book day’ on Thursday and there were lots of fantastic costumes. Have you spent your £1 book token yet? If you have, I would love to find out what book you bought? Thursday was our achievements assembly too. Awards were given to those who have been working really hard with their reading – well done to Sophie Douglas our winner in P2M.

We are continuing with our multiplication topic and this week we focused on an array. Ask your child if they remember what an array is? Miss Meechan is very impressed with how well we are doing with this number topic. We are all clever clogs in our class!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Meechan

(Apologies for no photographs this week – media folder is full and no more photos can be uploaded!)

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