Reaching for the stars in P2B

This week in numeracy we have continued to practise our skip counting by 2. We practise this during our CLIC sessions. We enjoy using this clip to help us with our skip counting.

We have continued to use arrays this week to build on our two times table knowledge. At one station we had to pick out two numbers and make a multiplication sentence and then show what this would look like in an array.

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We love using the netbooks and the smart board during our number lessons. This week we played the “Hit the Button” game to practise our two times table knowledge. You have to quickly hit the correct answer.

Paolo the parrot here- I would just like to share how much the children like my plenary wheel. I like to check that they have learnt and understood the learning intention. One aspect that the children have been finding tricky is the difference between 2+1 and 2×1. Maybe you could ask them at home: what is 2×1?

The children kept getting confused and though that 2×1 equalled 3. So Miss Boyes made it her mission to help the children understand the difference. After checking their knowledge at the end of the lesson I can say that they successfully got it right!
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In literacy this week we learnt all about road safety. We watched a video clip which spoke about the important things we have to think about before we cross the road.


After watching the clip we wrote our very own set of instructions. Later in the week we then read over our instructions checking that we had them in the correct order. Next we went for a walk nearby school and thought about our instructions when we crossed the road.

We were able to cross the road successfully and we were all very sensible. When we came back to class we assessed our knowledge of crossing the road by completing a sequencing task. Miss Boyes has checked over all of our learning and can proudly say that we can all successfully follow the green cross code.IMG_1683 IMG_1685 IMG_1687 IMG_1690 IMG_1691

We will bring our very well deserved road safety certificates home to show off on Monday!

On our topic plan we shared that we wanted to learn about how you get to the moon. Therefore Miss Boyes taught us all about Rockets and we learnt about a man called Neil Armstrong! This was super interesting because we learnt that he was the first man to walk on the moon!


His famous quote was
“One small step for man and one giant leap for mankind”. – Emma

After learning about Neil Armstrong we used 3D shapes and mod-rock to build our very own space rockets. “We used a cylinder and cone shape”. We covered the shapes with the mod rock and had to let it dry over-night.


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Then the next day we painted our rockets.

“I really liked using the mod-rock because I’ve never used it before.”- Maya.

We used fantastic listening skills during this lesson as we had to listen carefully to the steps Miss Boyes told us.
We enjoyed using the mod-rock and although we needed some help with assembling our rockets we all worked together to make sure they were built to reach the stars!

Miss Boyes has displayed them on the wall in the classroom and it looks great!

We will show off our display next week!





Our learning is never ending in P1D!

We have had a fun filled week in Primary 1D! We are loving our new topic all about farming. We have been learning about different animals and what they give us and all different types of farms. Why not ask us what we know when you see us? We are really enjoying our table top farm made up of different foods!

In maths we have been learning about the days of the week, months of the year and the seasons. We are VERY good at the days of the week in Spanish too…can you believe it? We have been ordering the days and months and trying to figure out which months our Birthday’s are in. This was tricky!

In literacy, we have been learning a very tricky sound, the ‘th’ sound! We are making excellent progress in reading and are enjoying using letterjoin to help us practise our tricky words. sometimes we forget how important letter formation is so we have been practising writing letter in a tray of flour. We are very good at using our sounds to build words and love using the cubes to help us do this.

In PE we have been developing our control skills using basketballs but progressed this week and are now using footballs. This was much more difficult!! We had a team game at the end and, as always, had a great team spirit cheering each other on!

Have a great weekend!


P1R need your vote!

P1R need your vote!

They have entered the Easter Bonnet competition in our local Hobbycraft store. All entries will be placed on display in the store, with a public vote selecting the top three winners from Saturday 12th March. Don’t forget to tell families and friends to pop in store and vote!

Voting will end on Sunday 20th March, after which the votes will be tallied and then the winning schools will be announced.

Nursery News

This week our parents had the opportunity to stay and play with us! They got to explore all the areas of the nursery and find out what we get up to every day.




We have continued our Space topic this week and the boys and girls have been so enthusiastic about their learning! They have made rockets, an astronaut, a sun, a moonscape tray, moon rocks and lots more!! Our house corner has now become an international space station and our children have now become trainee astronauts! 😄
It has been wonderful to hear all the questions the children have been asking about space, they are so inquisitive!







Mrs Mushet has been working hard to implement a “Book of the week” at nursery. This week our book of the week was “Aliens love underpants” If you have been in nursery this week you will have noticed our story corner has been transformed to reflect this story. We think it looks magnificent!


Also this week the Pre School children have started their visits to the Primary 1 classrooms. How exciting! We got to explore the classrooms and try out sitting on the P1 chairs! This is our first step towards our transition to Primary School. We can’t wait to start our shared learning experiences with the P1 children after the Easter holidays!






Finally we would like to say a huge thank you to the AM children and families who supported our Lenten appeal this morning by wearing their pyjamas and bringing a donation for our wee box. We hope to involve the PM Class in our next appeal.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,
The nursery team 😄

Primary 6/7 Weekly News

On Thursday the Primary 6’s went on their school trip to Scotland Street Museum in Glasgow. The school was designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and we all had the opportunity to dress up in Victorian school clothes and experience a Victorian style lesson! We all had a great time.

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We also played Victorian outdoor games:

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Here are some of our comments:

Liam: “Petrifying!”

Eve: “It was epic!”

Dallas: “Fun!”

Nikki: “Horrifying, yet I would love to go back again.”

Charlie: “Interesting.”

Catherine and Aimee: “The most amazing experience of my life!”

Liam: “I’ll never forget it!”

In P.E. we played Russian long ball and we have been continuing the daily mile and starting to improve our times. We started percentages in maths this week and in writing we used our assessment scores to help us focus on the areas we need to improve.  In R.E. we designed leaves with a quote that inspired us with Miss Smyth.

We’ve had an epic week!


By Liam, Orla and Rachael.


P5 round up

This week we completed our imaginative story about finding a treasure map.  The children peer assessed each others middle section of their story which they wrote last week and Mrs Docherty and I were very impressed by the childrens ability to give really constructive feedback to each other.  The class then discussed what would make a good ending to a story and we developed a success criteria from this.  The children all listened really carefully to this input and as result we had some very imaginative endings…and there was not one single  “it was all a dream and then I woke up!” ending.  Well done everyone!

Our data handling in Maths this week has been focusing on gathering data.  We created appropriate questions which can be asked to give us good data.  We then practised recording that data in the form of tally charts and frequency charts.  We started to learn how to transfer this data into bar graphs.  To do this we had learn “what makes a good bar graph?”.  We used the following web link to a game to help us,

Next week we will record the answer to our above question in our Talking Book to showcase our understanding.  Also, working in trios we will create a bar graph which we can use to tell a Maths story about which fruit would be best to have on our Friday Healthy Snack tuck trolley.

Our Maps topic has been focusing on different ways of recording information on a map and we compared political, relief and road maps.  We watched this video presentation to deepen our understanding,

Next week the class will be going to a basketball festival on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs Thomson.  On Monday they will be given a team and we will revise the rules of play.  Basketball has already been a focus for the class in PE lessons this session and we have some very strong players.  The children will require a packed lunch for this day which they will have in class before changing and making their way onto the bus.  The festival will run from 12.45pm and we will return to school for 2.45pm.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie

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