P2B weekly news

This week in numeracy we have learnt lots. We will start off by discussing our money lesson. In this lesson we were learning about the value of money and why we save money. We had 3 different learning activities to engage with around the room. Our first station was a saving money station, we had a template of a piggy bank and we had different amounts of money along the side. We had to work in pairs to lay out different ways of making the amount of money shown. We then used the ipad to take pictures of the money which we laid out.
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“I liked that we could learn about different types of money.”


Emma- “I liked the game on the netbook because you get to learn about different prices.”


“I liked how we put different money on the piggy banks and I liked how we took a photo because you can look at it later.”


In maths this week we have been learning more about information handling. At our favourite carousel station  “We got to make our own bar chart using the building blocks.”- Orla.
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On Wednesday morning mystery boxes were found in different areas of the school. The mystery boxes had holes cut out the top but you could not really see what was in the box. All that could be seen was a glowing light shining from each box. We were very excited to find out what was in the boxes. Miss Boyes challenged us to write an imaginative piece using a variety of different wow words. We came up with some fab ideas and we took photos of our fantastic writing at the end of the lesson.


Seamus- “The mystery box lesson was exciting because we got to guess what was in the box.”


Brooke- “It was fun because we put our hand in the box and we could feel the different things.”


Kate- “We used different wow words in our writing to describe what we thought was in the box.”IMG_1774 IMG_1772 IMG_1769


Calvin- “In science this week we learnt about how fast cars travel on different surfaces.”

At one station we played a forces game on the netbooks, in the game we had to find out what was making the car move at different speeds.

At another station we worked with Miss Boyes to time how fast the cars were travelling down a ramp.
Cameron- “To measure the speed of the cars we used the timer on the ipad.”


Miss Boyes covered the ramp with different materials such as tinfoil, sandpaper, cloth and the last surface we measured the time against was the wood.

We worked in a small group taking turns to push the car down the ramp and taking turns to use the timer on the ipad. We discussed why we thought the car moved at different speeds on different surfaces.

“The car went fastest down the wood because it is smooth.”- Aaron.

“The car went slowest on the sand paper and tinfoil because they are rough.”- Seamus.

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In art this week we learnt a new technique called printing. We watched a video of an artist using this technique to make a landscape picture. Afterwards we watched Miss Boyes demonstrate two different ways of printing. The first way was by covering different materials with paint and pushing them down to create a picture. The second way to print was by painting a clear sheet of film, we then used cotton buds to draw a picture in the paint. Next you put the paper on top and put pressure on it with a paint roller.


Our art work looks great!


“I thought the print making lesson was fun because it was something I have not learnt about before.”- Maya
Brooke- “It was fun to use the different objects to print the picture. We used: sponges, buttons and toy cars.”




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Hope you all have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P2B!


Primary 6/7 Weekly News

This week we had a visit from Miss Strictmore who came to give us a Victorian writing lesson. She made us all feel like we were living in Victorian times and we were exceptionally well-behaved.

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We all enjoyed writing our Victorian diaries and managed to include lots of time connectives and interesting vocabulary. Unfortunately some of us had to wear the ‘dunce’ hat!

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As usual, we have been continuing to improve our fitness by running the daily mile and playing Russian longball and gang rounders in P.E.

We built on our learning about percentages in maths, and as part of our outdoor learning we looked at  pictograms and symmetry with Mr Hunter and we drew lines of symmetry.

In drama we practiced our miming skills and tried to show specific emotions through our facial expressions and movements.

Have a great weekend!

Primar 6/7 , Mrs Reeves and Miss Strictmore

Primary 3/4 News!

It has been a busy second last week of term.

This week we were learning about how much sugar is in different drinks. It was very interesting to find out this information and we were very shocked to find out how much sugar there was.

First we were estimating how much sugar was in Irn Bru, Ribena, Chocolate Milkshake and water.

Once we had finished at this station we moved on to the research station to find out the exact amount of teaspoons in each drink.

Then we had a chance to spoon each teaspoon into a plastic cup. This allowed us to see exactly how much we would be drinking.

Evie said “I was amazed at how much sugar was in chocolate milkshake.”

Ailie said “This has made me think for the future.”

Have a look at some of our pictures to see our results.

We are so excited to come in to our class next week as it will decorated. It is looking very bare at the moment.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr




Primary 5/6 News

This week in primary 5/6 we have been working on our interview skills and answering questions as a character from our favourite book, in writing.

In maths we used different strategies to add and subtract decimals. The strategies we used are



-Take away the decimal

-Blank number line

– Formal method

We have been investigating which strategy is the most effective and we created posters to explain how to use these strategies. We will display these posters on our Maths Wall to help everyone in our class remember how to use each strategy.IMG_3704[1]IMG_3703[1]


The skills we have been working on in PE are shooting and quick passes. To practice these skills we have been playing Russian long ball.

Today we learned about the Stations of the Cross and had some quiet reflection time to consider this time during Lent. In RE this week we learned about Wednesday Word which is a website we can access to prepare us for Mass.

In French we completed our personal leaflets that will help us when having French conversations. We will be using these next Tuesday.

On Thursday afternoon we had Ninians Natter. We all created an action plan to help us achieve our current goals and we even got to enjoy the sunshine while creating our action plans.


Have a lovely weekend!


Danielle & Jessica.

P7 Weekly News

This week in P7 we have been super busy as always! We are coming to the end of lots of blocks of work which we have been focussing on this term including our topic, Democracy.

On Monday, children were given a 3 pieces of paper with the titles ‘Suffragettes, UN and Scotland’ on them and they worked in groups to add as much knowledge as they could to the sheets of paper. The paper was then passed on to the next group who did the same until all groups had written everything they had learned about all 3 titles. This was a really effective way to assess the children’s understanding of their topic as this allowed them to discuss their learning and use each other’s knowledge and understanding to encourage and share ideas.

On Wednesday we then linked all our knowledge of the Scottish Independence Referendum to write a persuasive speech which expressed our opinions. Our speeches and critical thinking was amazing and we really think there will be an MP among us one day!

We have also come to the end of our maths block on fractions, decimals and percentages so we have used this week to link our knowledge of these in order to convert between fractions, decimals and percentages. We did a really fun activity using M&Ms to understand this by actively counting and moving the M&Ms around. We were able to make fractions by counting the number of a specific colour over the total number in the bag and then used our knowledge of 100% being the full bag to work out how many were a specific colour as a decimal and as a percentage.

Finally, we have used this week to display and share our excellent skills in listening and talking this term. We have been presenting our personal talks which we created for homework on a subject within Democracy and everyone has done so well in the preparation and delivery of these, we really are Confident Individuals in P7!

Have a great weekend 🙂

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