P5 Welcome Back!

P5 were straight back to it this week and have all produced a good standard of work.

This week there was a whole school focus on Creative Industries.  As a class we completed a series of activities which would help develop our creative thinking skills and “thinking outside the box”.  We linked our writing to this theme and completed a piece of work entitled “What If There Was No (or only very little) Gravity!”, and the children all developed ideas of how we would need to change everyday life, routines and objects to cope with this.  There were some amazing ideas, for example,  filling our car tyres with cement instead of air, having to use food nets instead of cutlery and using magnetic shoes on metal pavements to walk around.  It was great fun sharing these ideas.

Over the course of this week in Maths we revised our understanding of rounding one decimal place numbers to the nearest whole number, and we used smile multiplication to assist our mental maths of multiplying multiples of 10 and 100 together.

We also spent some time discussing our main learning goals for this term,

  •  In Literacy we are working on our skills in talking and listening, revising our VCOP knowledge and using Reading Routes to further develop our reading comprehension.
  • In Maths we will be completing work on measure and volume as well as revising our knowledge and understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages alongside using the four maths processes in problem solving contexts.
  • Our class topic will be “Food, Glorious Food” which will focus on healthy eating, food packaging/labeling and the digestive system in the human body.
  • In RE we will be reflecting on “The Commandments of Life” as well as completing our “God’s Loving Plan” work.
  • In PE, athletics will be our focus.


Good work P5, enjoy your weekend.

Mrs Currie


A Special week for Primary 4!

What a busy and exhausting week for P4!

This has been a very special week for P4 as we are preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. We are looking forward to Sunday to share our special day with our Sponsor, family and friends.

In Maths we have been learning all about fractions. We know that the number at the bottom of the fraction is called the denominator. This is the number of how many parts make a whole. We also learned the number at the top of the fraction is called the numerator and that’s the number of how many parts we are talking about. Next week we are going to look at equivalent fractions. It will be a little tricky but we love a challenge in P4. We have also being playing the Chase in groups. This helps us develop our mental maths skills.We absolutely love doing the chase.


We have started our new topic ‘The Olympics’!

Vanessa thinks our new topic is sporty.

Chi Chi -“I think this is a really good topic to learn about!”.

Taylor – “It’s amazing!”

Beth – “What an extraordinary topic!”

Ethan – “Awesome!”

This week is also creativity week. As part of this we had an opportunity to show off our creativity by working in groups to create a new sport or game.

Thomas “I thought this was a fun experience”

Lewis “Playing disc with my group was really good because none of us broke the disc”

Joseph “ I thought it was a very fun and exciting experience.”

creative1 creative 3 creative4 creative5 creative6

In writing this week we imagined that we were the best Olympian and won gold at the Olympics in Rio. We have written fantastic imaginary stories using fabulous vocabulary and P4 are exploring various punctuation to make their writing exciting!!!

We have all had a super week and we are looking forward to a relaxing weekend to prepare for next week.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs W and P4


Primary 3/4 News

This week was creativity week and we have really enjoyed exploring our creativity on our own and working in groups.

We think creativity means:

  • “Being unique” said Jay
  • “Using your own qualities” said Ailie
  • “Using your own mind” said Evie
  • “Using your imagination” said Aidan
  • “Creating things that have never been created before.” Said Haseeb
  • “Putting different things together to make one extraordinary thing.” Said Hannah
  • “Helps our mind grow” said Caiden

On Wednesday we all had a creativity challenge to think of a game or a sport. Then we chose to work with a partner or in a group to join with. In those groups we invented a brand new game. “This was amazing!” said Lukasz. Below are some of the games that we came up with.

  • Hannah and Shannon – Ping Pong

“I enjoyed Hannah’s idea of using the game corners in our new game. I also enjoyed it because we mixed different games together to make it more exciting.” said Shannon.

  • Mark, Joseph, Jay and Adrin – Basket dodge

“I enjoyed the game because I like a dodge ball and basketball and mixing them together makes it out of this world.” Said Mark.

  • Evie, Ailie and Brooke – Paper Ball

“Our game was like basketball, dodge ball and rock, paper, scissors. In the game you play basketball and try to hit someone, when you hit someone you have to do rock, paper, scissors and the loser gets to take a shot of scoring a basket. You win a point if your score a goal.” Said Brooke.

  • Jan, Kacper, Joshua and Haseeb – Cyberball

“In this game there are 2 teams. One team starts by passing the ball to their partner if they don’t pass then the other team get the ball.” Said Haseeb

  • Jay P, Aoife, Isabella and Rachel – Splat

“Our game was fantastic. It included rounders and dodgeball. The defenders had to stop the opponents from getting passed them. They had to try to grab the ball.”

Said Isabella and Jay-P

  • Jacob, Charlie, Aidan, Gaby and Lukasz – Dodge the rugby ball

“In this game you have 2 people that hold the rugby ball. They throw the ball without it hitting the ground; if it hits the ground then they go in to prison.” Said Charlie.


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Creativity is important because:

  • “It helps your growth mindset grow bigger and stronger” said Jacob
  • “It means you can experience new things” said Aoife.
  • “You can explore new things” said Lukasz

Have a lovely weekend!

From the awesome primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr.

We will be back next week 🙂


Primary 5/6 News

This week we revised 2D and 3D shape properties. We also revised the multiplication and division strategies we learned last term. These have helped us learn how to multiply 4 digit numbers by a single digit. Next week we will continue with multiplication strategies as our class needs to continue to learn their times tables. Why not play ‘Hit the Button’ at home! http://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

In PE we have started our athletics block by practising the skills needed to do the long jump. On Monday we also got to play capture the flag on the field.

We used our dictionary skills this week to find the definition of unknown words from our reading books and also revised how to put words in to alphabetical order.

This week was creative industries week and we enjoyed doing creative activities such as renaming objects in our classroom and creating our own games. In assembly we played ‘can you guess the object’.

Our topic this term is Health and wellbeing. As a class we decided to focus on investigating how to have a healthy balanced diet. We looked at the ‘Eatwell Plate’ and discussed the foods in each section and why it is important to have foods from every section, in your diet. Next week we will be doing a fruit and vegetable survey, creating meals with all food types in them and designing our new topic display. To help with our display we need lots of food labels. If you are finished with packaging at home please wash out and bring it in to school next week.

Primary 6 are extremely excited about their skiing and snowboarding trip next week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 5/6 & Miss Bell

Lights Camera Action in P2B!

This week we have continued to learn  how to find equivalent values of money. We were given an amount and had to think of all of the different coins we could use to make that amount. We played two different money games on the netbooks which we have really enjoyed.
Cashing in- door way online game http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/timeandmoney/cashingin/
Till we meet again-door way online game http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/timeandmoney/tillwemeet/
These games have really helped us recognise the different coins and find the amount of change that the shop keeper should give.
Our theme this week in school has been creative industries. In P2B we have been learning about the film industry. To begin we watched a clip about how the jungle book story was created, this clip taught us all about story boards. We have learned that story boards are a sequence of sketches which are used to organise the film. After watching a clip about how Walt Disney used storyboards to make his films we then made our very own storyboard.


Miss Boyes introduced us to a broken toy which she found. Miss Boyes asked us to create our own story boards to show what we think happened to the broken toy. The aim of the lesson was to be able to sketch to represent stories, our peers were able to guess our stories from looking at our sketches.

In writing this week we used our stimulus of the broken toy and our story board to help us write imaginative stories for a film. We had to structure our writing with a beginning, middle and end. Before we began writing we thought how we would make our writing successful and wrote our own success criteria. Miss Boyes would definitely pay to go and see our films in the cinema as the storylines were fantastic.


In Drama this week we worked in groups to plan how we would act out the story of a broken doll. We thought of some great roles which we played very well: the broken toy, child who broke the toy, child who owned the toy, shop keeper and toy fixer.

We took turns to record our peers acting out their story. Miss Boyes brought a real clapperboard to school which is used at the beginning of filming. She told use about the different details that are on the board for the person who checks (the editor) the recording later.

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We took turns at using the clapperboard to say action and cut! At the end of the week we watched our recorded films back on the smart board.

As part of creative industries week a visitor to the school taught us how to be creative in music. We learnt a new song, then we added in different actions to different words and finally we used the musical instruments too. We thought this was great fun and really enjoyed using the instruments.
We have really enjoyed creative industries week and we will make sure that we continue to be a creative class!


Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P2B!


Welcome Back! P7 Weekly News!

This week in P7 we have enjoyed taking part in lots of Expressive Arts activities for Creative Industries Week. We scripted our own plays in groups and then performed these to the class. We shared our ideas and added some excellent props. Some groups even had sound effects and a backdrop!

On Thursday we had a great time visiting the Risk Factory. We can’t tell you too much about it because it is a secret which is only revealed when you are in P7 but you can try to work out some of the things we learned about from the photos below!

Have a great weekend!image image image image image image image image

P3/4 and P4 Homework

This week Mrs Kerr and Mrs Wassell would like you to complete your homework on the blog. Complete each task and write about your homework in the comments area below.



  1. Reading – Choose something at home to read. It could be a newspaper, fiction or non-fiction book, poems or anything else you love to read. Write a short summary of what you have read and why you chose to read this.
  2. Maths – This week we are looking at fractions. Play some games/apps online on fractions to help revise what we already know and write a comment about your favourite game and why? Here is a link for some games: http://www.maths-games.org/fraction-games.html
  3. IDL – Term 4 topic for P3/4 and P4 is ‘The Olympics’. Can you research 3 interesting facts about the Olympics and include these in your comment below.

Thank you P3/4 and 4. We look forward to reading all about your homework.


Mrs K and Mrs W


Nursery News

We have made it to the end of  a very busy term! Thank you very much to all the parents and carers who have been extremely supportive and enthusiastic during both our Care Inspection and our School Review. We are very appreciative of all your kind words and positivity! Thank you 😄

This week at nursery we had lots of exciting events! We started off learning all about Easter and we made Easter baskets and chocolate nests! Yum yum!

On Wednesday some of our dads and grandads came to school to join in with the daily mile. Who knew we had such fit and active parents!! If you would like to see the pictures from this event they are on our School Facebook page. Thank you to all those who came along.

Today was our sponsored bunny hop to raise money for our nursery and you will be delighted to hear we raised a fantastic £125.00!! Thank you! 😄  We will consult both the children and parents after the holidays to decide what we can buy for our nursery.

We finished the day off with an Easter egg hunt in our school garden, what a lovely way to end the term.

Photographs from this week will be posted on our nursery parents Facebook page.

We would like to wish you all a very happy Easter! Enjoy the time with your families!

The Nursery Team 😄

P7 Weekly News

This week in P7 we have been learning about the important events which occurred during Holy Week, the week leading up to Jesus being crucified.

P7 led Stations of the Cross on Friday last week so we already knew a lot about the events of Holy Week, especially Thursday to Sunday.

We used our knowledge of the events of each day to create painted pictures of a religious Easter scene which will be entered in to a competition. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

On Wednesday we also used this knowledge in writing. We focused on 6 pictures as a stimulus and used VCOP to create our pieces of writing which demonstrated our understanding by retelling the Easter Story from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.

I hope you have a lovely and very well deserved Easter break!

Weekend Lent Challenges

Thank you so much to everyone who has engaged with the Daily Lent Challenges over the last few weeks. I hope you have enjoyed doing the challenges! Here are the last few:

Today’s Challenge: Today is known as Maundy Thursday, what happened to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane?

Good Friday: Say a prayer thanking Jesus for his sacrifice for us.

Holy Saturday: Spend some time with your family.

Easter Sunday: Celebrate Easter! Happy Easter everyone! 🙂


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