P7 Weekly News!

This week in P7 we have started doing activities related to our new topic, Transition.  To begin with, everyone shared their ideas and decided on what we wanted to learn this term. Most of these ideas were subject based e.g. Home Economics, Chemistry etc. which we will start to do over the next few weeks however some people wanted to know more about the school day, the school building or other general topics regarding more logistical aspects of high school.  For this reason we began our topic by learning about the differences between P7 and S1 and the opportunities which high school has to offer as this approach meant that questions could be answered or explored in different ways. We looked at a variety of scenarios e.g. ‘What happens if you miss the school bus? What happens if you think there is too much homework? What happens if you get lost?’ and used drama to explore several options. This meant that through discussion and sharing group performances we were able to iron out any worries and answer questions at the same time. Next week we will be looking at timetables and different subjects which high school has to offer.

In PE this week the children have been continuing to participate in athletics activities as part of the inter-house championships. We did shot-put and javelin and we did much better than we expected with the top javelin throw being over 12 metres!

Finally, in Maths we have now finished the topic of measurement and have started to look at patterns and sequences. So far we have focused on strategies used to identify and continue a pattern. Have a go at some of the activities on the website below if you fancy giving yourself a challenge!


A credit to St.Ninian’s PS!

What a great week we have had in Primary 1D!

One of our highlights this week was attending and participating in our class Mass at St.Philip’s on Thursday morning. The children were all fantastic and fully participated in the mass which was recognised and highly commended by the parishioners, parents and Father Paul. As a little reward for our hard work, we had a little trip to the park on our way home. The sun was shining and we all had a blast!

In maths, we have continued to develop our understanding of number looking at numbers before, after and in between! This was tricky but were super at it! We have enjoyed playing different games and singing number songs to help us learn. One of the activities we really enjoyed this week was during our CLIC session, we had to work out how many dots there was in a pattern and explain our answer.

We have just started our new ‘All about Me!’ topic which we had lots of ideas for to help Miss Diamond plan. We really focused on appearance and how we are all different. Two of our favourite activities were making  self portraits using torn paper and using a pictograph to record the different eye colours in our class. Are you impressed?

These are just a few highlights from our week. We hope you enjoy reading about them.

Last but not least, a HUGE thank you to the parents/carers/grannies/grandads who donated cakes for us to sell at our class bake sale. We received £45 which we can use to buy some new exciting resources for our class. Thank you again!

Have a great weekend,

Miss Diamond and P1D!


Nursery News

This week we were loving the beautiful sunshine and enjoyed lots of outdoor play and learning. The children planted seeds and potatoes that we will be watching closely over the coming weeks and months. We also used recycled materials to make wind socks that show us the direction the wind is blowing.


Wind Sock
Wind Sock
Wind Sock
Wind Sock
Planting Potatoes
Planting Potatoes
Planting Flowers
Planting Flowers


Following on from our Nursery Rhyme themed week, we have started to look at Fairytales. This week the children have enjoyed role playing with our puppets and props for the three little pigs.  What Fairytales do you read at home? If your child has any Fairytale stories that they would like to share with us at story time please send them in. We always love to hear the children’s favourite stories.


We also had time this week for Nursery Natter. Thank you to all the parents who came along to have a learning conversation with their child, we hope you enjoyed finding out what your child has been learning. Please remember that you are free to look at your child’s learners journey at any time.

Our PM Nursery class hosted the bake sale on Thursday afternoon and our final takings were £45.00! Thank you to everyone who baked, donated or bought cakes. We really appreciate your support. We will consult the children to get ideas about what we might buy with the money. We will let you know once we have reached our decision!

Please check our Nursery Parents Facebook Page for lots more photographs from this week.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Nursery Team 😄


Our skiing and snowboarding adventure

Primary 6 had a fantastic time skiing and snowboarding! I was very impressed to see all of the children persevering and encouraging one another over the 3 days. On day 1 we all learned how to put on the ski/snowboard equipment on, so that we could do this independently the next 2 days. We had a lot of fun falling over and getting used to our ski’s and snow boards. By lunch time the children were attempting to use the tow lift to go up the slope. This was a big challenge for our snowboarders but we got there in the end! By day two the children were gaining confidence and going higher up the slope, learning how to turn, stop and control their speed. On Day three most of the skiers took on the challenge of skiing down from the very top of the slope! We have a great video of this! The weather was beautiful, we all enjoyed having picnic lunches on the grass and some of us even managed to get sun burn by the end of the three days. Everyone tried their best over the three days, listened to instructions and all up for a challenge. Well done to our Skiers and snowboarders. Here are some pictures of the skiers, I will add the snowboarding pictures as soon as I have them next week.

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Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Bell

Primary 4 had fun in the sun!

What a week we have had! The sun has been shining brightly and we have been working so hard. We have taken our learning outside this week with Maths. We have continued with learning all about fractions. We have learned how to find a fraction of a number. We worked in trios to show our understanding of this outside by using chalk and outdoor resources. Here are some pictures of us having fun learning.

fractions fractions 4  fractions 2fractions 3

Preston “If you are finding a third of a number you divide the number by 3!”

Vanessa “I am finding fractions fun!”

Taylor “Fractions are awesome”

Beth “I find fractions a little tricky but each time we do it I understand it a little bit more.”

In writing this week we have linked our learning to our IDL topic ‘The Olympics’. We learned how to draw a labelled diagram. We designed a new logo for the Olympics Rio 2016! They were fantastic. We had to think about each part of our design and make sure it linked to the Olympics or the country Brazil. We wrote detailed descriptions about each part of our logo.

We had a little treat this week and had some different teachers. We had Mrs Thompson for Art where we were learning about opposite colours. We also had Miss Naismith and Miss Williams for PE. We have been trying out some of the Olympic sports in PE. This week we were focusing on the high jump. Some of us could jump up to 80cm clearing the bar. We look forward to extending this next week.

This week we also had an opportunity to discuss our learning and our goals at Ninian’s natter. We had a focus on numeracy this time as we have been working so hard in Maths that we wanted to discuss and share our learning.

In reading this week we have been challenged. We have been looking at reading for meaning. We read various texts and had to answer questions using the text and our own knowledge. We found this particularly tricky however Mrs Wassell assures us we will be doing plenty more of this over the next term that we will be pros at it by the time we go into Primary 5!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Primary 4 and Mrs W

Primary 3/4 News

“This week we started our new maths topic ‘fractions’ and it was very interesting” said Rachel.

“The denominator splits things into equal parts” said Evie

“The denominator is the number underneath the numerator.” said Ailie.

“We learned that the top number of a fraction is called the numerator” said Gaby.

“We learned about halves, quarters, thirds. We even spoke about eighths.” Said Jacob

“We worked in teams to split different shapes up into equal parts.” said Shannon.

“The denominator needs to make sure that it splits shapes and numbers into EQUAL parts.” said Kacper.

“We learned that the numerator tells us how many parts are coloured in a fraction.” Said Hannah and Jay.

Next week we will be moving on to how to find out a 1/2 and ¼ of a number.

Mrs Kerr was even pretending to be a robot denominator and numerator. “I will be back next week.” said Mrs Kerr.

Well done to Jan who won this month’s award at our achievements assembly.

Big congratulations to all the primary 4 children who made their Confirmation last Sunday.

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr

Time flies when you’re having fun in P2B!

Our new topic in Mathematics is time. To begin with we recapped our knowledge of sequencing the day to night and o’clock. We had to sequence a variety of cards which had different times of the day. When then used these cards in Drama, we had to act out the different times of the day in our groups and our peers had to guess what time it was. We really enjoy drama.

To continue our time topic we played different educational time games to revise our knowledge of o’clock. We really enjoy playing this board game where the times are in both analogue and digital. To further our understanding of o’clock we have learnt about digital time which is on the hour and the difference between am and pm. We wrote the times round the big clock on the whiteboard.


On Thursday we learnt about half past the hour. We really enjoyed being the teacher at one of our stations. The “teacher” read out a time card in words (half past 6) and the other children in the group then had to find the time on their number fans. The teacher chose someone to come and write the hands on the whiteboard. We recorded our learning by taking photographs of the different times with the ipads. Miss Boyes was then able to check our photographs to make sure all of our time were half past the hour.

To begin our plenary we used our spinning wheel and Paolo the parrot to check our understanding then we took our learning outdoors since the sun was shining. We used the dotted circle in the playground as a clock to show Miss Boyes that we had learnt how to set the time to half past the hour. It is great fun learning outdoors.

We played some very good time games and Miss Boyes has included these in our homework next week.


In literacy we have been developing our knowledge and ability to read our sight words. We played a game where we read a word to our partner and they had to identify it on the table. The words have the vowel house icons to help us identify the sounds.

Our new topic is “People Who Help Us”. As always we started our topic by making a class plan. We then completed a reading task where we had to read the passage and guess who the person was. Once we had guessed correctly we drew a picture of them.

Our structured play has been updated to meet our new topic, we had great fun learning through play with our friends in P2M.

We are looking forward to our trip on Monday  to the library to learn about the job of a librarian and to learn how to find the books.


Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P2B!

P7 Weekly News!

This week in P7 we have been creating our new class charter. Each term we review our charter and remind ourselves of the rules which we should abide by in our school. This term we have chosen the theme ‘video games’. Each child in the class has selected a video game or app to represent them on our charter wall.

In maths we have been learning about units of measure. We did a fun carousel based on estimating then checking for accuracy where we used real life concepts. We learned about postage costs based on weight and what product information is included on food and drinks packaging.

On Wednesday we had some visitors in to talk to us about how negative it can be do prejudge others before we really know them. The activity was called ‘Unique Potato’ and the man began by telling us how all potatoes look the same but up close they have many differences. We then made our potatoes in to characters by giving them names, life stories and drawing on them! This was a valuable lesson in preparation for going to high school as it will be very important for us to try to get to know lots of new people.

Finally, on Thursday we had our first Term 4 Ninian’s Natter. The children had a chance to discuss their learning and set new goals. Ask your child about theirs!

Have a great weekend!

Rhyme Time!

We have had a busy first week back in Primary 1D! We worked closely with the nursery on our ‘Rhyme Time’ week where we had to chose our favourite nursery rhyme and perform it for the nursery boys and girls! ‘Rhyme’ can be very tricky but we are getting good at it! We had lots of fun making pictures, puppets and most of all masks that we used during our performance! We even wrote our very own nursery rhymes which blew Mrs Caskie away! We really enjoyed working with the nursery and look forward to showing them what school is about over the next few weeks!

In maths, we have been ordering and sequencing numbers! We enjoyed playing different games on the smart board which we could show you next week as it is part of our homework!

We have enjoyed learning about athletics in PE and have been focusing on jumping, running and throwing! You should see how good we are at long jump even though our legs are not that long yet! You would be amazed!

Have a great weekend😊!

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