P3/4 and P4 Homework

Hi boys and girls,

We know how much you love doing your homework on the blog! So here it is;


Choose one of the spelling patterns below that you sometimes find tricky.

ck    ing    th    tion    ph      dge      oa    

Find 10 words for that spelling pattern of your choice.  Learn your 10 words in a creative way of your choice. Be sure to explain your activity on your blog post. You could use technology, the outdoors or any other exciting way you can think of to learn your words.


Fractions. We have been working so hard learning all about fractions. We can recognise a fraction of a shape and find a fraction of a number. Play some fraction games to see how well you understand fractions. Write about what game you played on the blog post.



Continue with your Olympics homework choice form. All 3 pieces are due in this Friday 13th May.
Health and Wellbeing

Choose one of the activities below to do this week. Write a few sentences on the blog about which one you chose.

  • Help your parents cook the dinner.
  • Do something nice for a member of your family.
  • Go to the park.
  • Help your parents in the garden.
  • Do something that makes you happy.
  • Create a new game to play.

We hope you have  fun and enjoy completing your homework this week!

Mrs Wassell and Mrs Kerr

P2B weekly news!

In class this week we have been learning how to read a calendar. We had to find out different information from the calendar. Why not work together at home with the children and find out the answer to the questions below?
“What day of the week is the 28th of May?”
“What is the third Sunday in May?”
Can you find out what day Father’s day is on your calendar?

Orla- “We played an exciting calendar game.”

Follow the link to play the game at home… http://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/261
Hasan- “We had to find the correct date on the calendar”.
Zuzanna- “We liked working in carousel groups to play our games on the netbooks and smart board.”
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In Primary 2B we really love the story book “When the Dragons came” by Naomi Kefford and Lynne Moore. Why not listen to the story together online. https://audioboom.com/boos/887854-when-the-dragons-came-by-naomi-kefford-lynne-moore
Since we love the book so much we used it as a stimulus to write our own imaginative stories about when the dragon came to our own town. Our Learning intention was: “I can use connectives in my writing.”
Here are some fantastic examples of how the children used connectives in their writing.

Andrew “In my story when the Dragons came to town they ate all of the food because they were so hungry.”
Brooke “I got to the park and saw the dragons so I got into the car and drove away”. Kasia “I ran to the town but the Dragon stopped me”.

In art this week we have been learning how to make a mosaic. We now know that a mosaic is lots of small piece of paper, stone or glass that is placed together to make one big picture. We began to make mosaics for different characters for our people who help us topic.
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On Friday we went on a visit to Primary 2M. On our visit we met two very special guinea pigs called Jinky and Joey. We loved meeting the Guinea pigs and watching their tricks. As part of our topic we wanted to learn about vets. We know that vets look after lots of animals. We learnt how to care for the guinea pigs and that if the are sick we should take them to a veterinary centre.
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Thank you to Miss Meechan for letting us visit her lovely guinea pigs.

Hope your all having a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 2B!

Primary 3/4 News!

A short but sweet week in primary 3/4.

This week we are going to tell you all about our story writing. We had a very creative time writing imaginary stories. It was a little bit different this week because we could write about whatever we wanted to.

Mrs Kerr did have a little bit of a say by adding one target however the rest we did ourselves. This year we have been developing our writing skills and on Wednesday we managed to work in groups to create our own success criteria for our story. Mrs Kerr was very proud of this as we have worked hard to achieve this target.

Here is a little bit about our stories. I bet you would love to read them…

“My story was about me being inside a Pokémon game and it was the best adventure EVER” said Jay.

“My story was about being stuck in Jurassic Park world and it was awesome.” said Joshua.

“My story was an adventure with my friend and we went to candyland. I wish it was real life.” said Brooke

“In my story I was stuck in Mindcraft and on an adventure with Stampy Long Nose. It was so awesome!” said Joseph.

“I climbed up a volcano and at the top I met a dinosaur and he helped me get back down.” said Haseeb.

“I got sucked into a land with fairies, mermaids and princesses and we had to defeat a wicked witch. It was a marvellous adventure.” said Hannah.

Well done everybody you all wrote a very exciting story with an imaginative adventure.

Have a lovely weekend Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr.


Primary 5/6 short news

This week in primary 5/6 we have been learning to multiply 2 digits by 2 digits. We have learned two multiplication strategies that can help us solve these problems.

In topic we were investigating which foods contain carbohydrates, protein, fat and fibre. The Primary six children also had visitors in to teach them about tobacco.

At assembly the P6 children who went on the skiing and snowboarding trip got there certificate from Low Port for achieving different levels in skiing and snowboarding.


Have a good weekend

By Mark and Aaron

A short but super week in P4!

We all had a great holiday but were looking forward to getting back to school.

This week has been a busy week in RE. On Thursday we celebrated the Feast of the Ascension. It was a lovely mass and P4 sang beautifully as always. The children who are making their Holy Communion on Sunday went to the Lanthorn for a rehearsal with Fr Paul. Fr Paul was very impressed with us. We got to taste the bread however we know that it is not the Body of Christ until it has been consecrated at the mass. We are all very excited to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. We did some beautiful art work to display in the Lanthorn for our special day. Make sure you have a look to see all the children who are making their Holy Communion.

communion 1

We are all loving our IDL topic this term ‘The Olympics’. We are finding it very interesting and having lots of fun trying out the different athletic sports. This week in PE we have been doing sprints. We have learned how to do a sprint start and a crouch start. Soon we will be running faster than Usain Bolt! Look out for us in years to come at the Olympics.

We have also been designing new costumes for the athletes, designing a stadium for Rio 2016 and creating posters to encourage people to live a healthy life. We are very good with identifying healthy and unhealthy foods and giving hints and tips to keep fit.

In drama this week we worked in our country groups to create a short role play. The role play was a news interview about an athlete winning gold. We even had Andrew Murray in our class!!! What a guy!

drama 1 drama 2 drama 3 drama 4

We wish you all a very happy weekend and the P4 Children who are making their Holy Communion on Sunday are in all of our prayers.


Mrs W and P4

P7 weekly news

This week in P7 we have enjoyed only being in school for 2 and a half days!!!

This is what we have been doing:

Writing -We made an advert and compared old fashion adverts to modern ones .

Maths – we learned about linear patterns created formula.

RE – we celebrated the feast  of  the ascension at mass on Thursday.

By Scott Livingstone.

P5 Weekly Update

This week we have had reduced numbers in class due to a variety of nasty bugs and viruses…for those who were absent I hope you are all feeling better soon.

In Maths we have consolidated our understanding of factors this week through our homework and in class we were rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000.  We used the saying “five to sky and four to the floor (just leave it alone)” to help us work out if a digit in the number should round up or stay the same.

In writing we completed our reports on the digestive system and as an extension we then wrote a story from the apples point of view as it travelled through our digestive organs.  This was great fun!

As part of our IDL topic we started to look at food packaging and we are creating a large classroom display label for an imaginative product.  We gathered suggestions on what to call our product and then voted. Kalvin’s suggestion of calling our product “Ninian’s Nutritious Num Nums” was the winner.  As a class we have decided this will be a healthy product, made suitable for vegetarians (but won’t be gluten free!) and its packaging will be made from 100% recycled packaging.  When we complete the label we will post a picture of it on this page.

Hope you all have a lovely LONG weekend.

Mrs Currie

Bookworms in P2B!

This week in numeracy we have continued our topic of time. We have been learning how to read and set time on a digital clock.

We really enjoyed our new time bingo game where we had to match the digital time with the analogue time. We will continue learning more about this next week.
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In literacy Miss Boyes read us the poem “If I had Wings” by Pie Corbett. After hearing the poem, we then wrote our own poems where we had to think about what we would do if we had wings or what we would do if we could fly.

However, we had an additional challenge! Miss Boyes asked us to try and use some rhyming words.

We thought of some great rhyming words and we learnt that rhyming words end in the same sounds.
Zuzanna “We have been learning lots of rhyming words and everyone thought of lots of words”.
Cameron- “I like doing the writing because all of the words ended in the same sound.”


Here are two fantastic examples of our poems below…
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Miss Boyes was super impressed by our rhyming skills!

In topic this week we took our learning out with school and went on a trip to the Library. This was great fun as we learnt about the job of a librarian which sounds very interesting. The librarian kindly read us a funny story about a kitten named Dewey!  The story helped us learn more about the job of a librarian. We really enjoyed this story.

Brooke “I think it was nice when we went to the library because we got to see lots of books.”
Michelle- “I liked it when the librarian read us a story.”

We learn hot to use the maching to check our book out of the library.

After hearing the story we had the chance to go and choose our own books which we have taken back to school. Another trip to the library will hopefully take place soon so that we can return our books… we don’t want to get 21 letters through our P2B door for not giving the books back!
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This week we have also learnt about the difference between wants and needs. We now know that we don’t need toys but we do need important things- food, shelter, water, clothing, cleanliness, health, education.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend form Miss Boyes and P2B!

P6/7 Weekly News

This week we have started our new topic Sport Science. We will be learning about what Sport Science is and the effect sport has on our body.

To start the topic we have been learning about the function of our heart and the circulatory system. We looked at our resting heart rate and then our heart rate after exercising. We did this before and after our daily mile which is really linking into our new topic. We also learned about our 4 chambers and the functions of arteries and valves.

We enjoyed the experiment testing our muscle connection to our brains. This is one you could try at home! We worked in pairs with one partner blindfolded holding two cups with equal amounts of chickpeas. As the experiment progressed we added chickpeas to one cup gradually until we could detect the difference and work out which cup had the most chickpeas in it.

Our focus in literacy this week was the novel Pig Heart Boy and we had to write a diary entry showing empathy towards the characters in the story. This really made us think about feelings and emotions.

In maths we have been finding percentages linking our knowledge of fractions. We also looked at the properties of circles focusing on radius, diameter and circumference. We could draw accurate circles using our compass after being given one measurement.

Have a lovely long weekend boys and girls, you deserve it.

P4’s learning journey for this week!

This week has been a special week for P4. We are coming to the end of our preparations for our Holy Communion. We all feel ready to continue with our spiritual journey and look forward to our special day.

Vanessa “I am a little bit scared that I make a mistake but I am going to try my very best on the day.”

Bea “I am very excited about my big day!”

Lorena “I am amazed at how much I have learned over the last few weeks and I now feel ready to make the Sacrament of Holy Communion.”

We have been consolidating our knowledge of fractions this week. A lot of us feel very confident with finding a fraction of a number. We are able to link our knowledge of division to finding a fraction of a number.

Chloe – “I know that I can find a fraction of a number by dividing the number by the denominator.”

In writing, we have been looking at different types of poems. We have written acrostic poems using the word ‘OLYMPICS’. We used super vocabulary and lots of interesting facts about the Olympics. We also learned about Haiku poems. We had never heard of these before but now we LOVE them. We spent some time looking at some Haiku poems and discussed the features of a haiku poem. We recognise that haiku poems all have 3 lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second has 7 syllables and the last has 5. Here are some of our fantastic poems;


Five rings colourful

Gold, silver and bronze medals

Active athletes go!


Bolt is now running

Now Usain Bolt has won gold!

Now he is happy.

We are thoroughly enjoying learning all about the Olympics. We have been exploring different sports and learning about the lives of different athletes. Some of us have started to bring in our Olympics projects! They are amazing. Mrs Wassell has set up a great display in the class room.

In PE we have had the opportunity to try out some of the Olympic games. We have been focusing on throwing this week with the shot put and the javelin.

Cole B, Matt and Oskar threw the javelin the furthest for the boys and Paige, Taylor and ChiChi threw the furthest for the girls. Well done kids!!

We hope you all have a lovely long weekend.

Mrs W and P4.

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