P5 are tired but healthy!

We have had a fantastic week!  There has been such a wide variety of activities to participate in and everyone entered into the spirit of the week.  Here are photograph highlights from some activities…

Basketball Skills

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Football Skills


Cricket Skills


Food Technology Skills


Fitness Skills


I need a lie down after all this!  The children were all amazing with some demonstrating outstanding levels of fitness and stamina, such good role models.

Well done P5.

Mrs Currie

Primary 5/6 News

Wow, what an exciting week we have had!

Here are a few comments about Health Week from our class:

“It was exhausting”- Jessica                                     “It was fun”- Joshua

“My team won the football tournament and this made my week”- Kaden

“My favourite activity was the assault course because it was interesting and fun”- Danielle,

This is what we got up to;

Monday – basketball & body combat

Tuesday – football, boxing, buddies & hockey

Wednesday- boot-camp, gymnastics & capture the flag

Thursday – cricket, assault course, Snergy & flex and buddies

Friday – fun run, netball, football tournament and tug of war


We already can’t wait for Health Week next year!!!!

By Primary 5/6

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Primary 6/7 News

What a busy week Primary 6/7 have had! We started off the week with some Body Combat, and then we really enjoyed our Boxing lesson on Tuesday. We have also taken part in Hockey, Football, Bootcamp and Gymnastics. Our highlight of the week was definitely the Micro Fitness Assault Course where we were able to play on a huge bouncy castle with a slide and basketball hoops! We also enjoyed playing Capture the Flag on Wednesday.


Aside from all the sporting events we have been learning about healthy lifestyles and had really interesting talks about the dangers of tobacco and we made some delicious healthy fruit ice lollies. We have also loved helping out with all the nursery children and playing with them in the playground.  We have been learning all about muscles and bones and produced some fabulous life-size posters displaying our learning.

we shall be sorry to say goodbye to Miss McCormack who has been a fabulous teacher for the last few weeks. We wish her good luck and every success for her future.

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Now we are looking forward to a rest after all this activity!

Have a great weekend everyone!

P6/7 and Mrs Reeves

P7 Weekly News!

WOW! What a fantastically fast paced and fun filled health and fitness week we have had!

From the minute we arrived on Monday morning we have been extremely active – in class, in the hall, on the field, in the playground and at the park! Here are some of the activities which we have enjoyed taking part in:

30 day squat and abs challenge, daily mile, group fitness circuit, Ryan Giggs Pilates, body combat, teamwork at the Lanthorn Park, boxing, rounders, football, hockey, bootcamp, gymnastics, capture the flag, micro fitness assault course and many more!

This week we also learned about making healthy choices and especially ensuring we have a balanced diet. We did lots of work on different food groups and looked at how the Eatwell Plate is made up.

We were also very lucky to visit the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh on Thursday which was part of our Democracy topic from last term. We even managed to bump in to Kezia Dugdale and of course we got a selfie in the debating chamber!!! Here are some of the class reviews:

“It was a great experience” Erin McKinley

“It was fun and interesting” Christy Simpson

“It was great” Taylor Scullion

“It was amazing” Alan Shibu

“It was very good” Emily Docherty

“It was great to hear about the history of the parliament as well as seeing how it is currently used” Michaela McDonald

Have a great weekend!

Nursery News

It has been another extremely busy week at nursery!

This week it was the PM Pre-school children’s turn to join primary 1 for a carousel learning experience. We would like to thank Mrs Roy and Primary 1R who made us feel so welcome and taught us lots about sounds and letter shapes. We particularly enjoyed making the letter shapes with play dough. Thank you P1R! 🙂

We had two very special surprise guests on Monday, the AM session welcomed Juliette from Honey Pot Ceramics who helped the children make self portraits from clay.

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The PM children were thrilled to have Gemma from Creation Station who helped them to create special treasure boxes.

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What a creative bunch of children we have at nursery!


As as you can imagine, we spent most of our time outdoors this week enjoying the beautiful sunshine! Please check out our photos from this week on our Nursery Parents Facebook Page.

Next week is Health Week!! Some of the activities we will be involved in are- mini football, yoga, traditional playground games and the daily mile. We will also be working with our Primary 6 buddies. Please remember if the weather is sunny please apply sun cream to your child before the start of the nursery session and provide a sun hat. Alternatively if it’s chilly or raining, please provide a jacket. We are really looking forward to all the exciting health and fitness activities next week!

Finally, a little reminder that Monday will be the first of our weekly visits to the Lanthorn Library. If you have not returned your child’s EE2 permission form, please bring it on Monday at the beginning of the nursery session to allow your child to attend. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

The Nursery Team 🙂



Primary 3/4 News

This week we have been making the most of the lovely warm weather and taking as much of our learning outside as possible.

We have been out in the garden using our fractions knowledge to make up our own fractions games. This was lots of fun and got us running around while challenging each other with different questions.

In PE we were developing our running skills with Miss Wison and Miss Naismith.

“First we had to practice how to start a race. You could choose either a sprint start or a crouch start” said Jacob

Once we had plenty of practice we went outside to race each other on the field. This was exciting because the field has now been painted with the track lines.

We then competed against each other to win house points for sports day. The children below all won points which go towards sports day.


1st Place: Evie

2nd Place: Aoife

3rs Place: Hannah


1st Place: Joseph

2nd Place: Jan

3rd Place: Lukasz and Haseeb

Have a look of our action shot pictures.

Have a lovely weekend!


Primary 5/6 News

This week in PE we worked on our running and jumping skills by doing hurdle jumps, we are all enjoying our athletics block. In writing we wrote an informative, formal letter giving advice on how to have a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. The P6’s started to help their buddies at break and lunch. They have enjoyed starting to build a relationship with them. P6 had another tobacco session and learned what is inside cigarettes and what it can do to you. In the sunshine we enjoyed working in groups to think about as many ways as we could to have a healthy lifestyle for our topic wall. In maths we learned how to divide 2+3 digits by 1 digit and how to solve division problems.

We are all very excited about Health Week next week!

Have a great weekend!

Billie & Lianne

P4 have fun in the sun this week!

Primary 4 have had a great week this week. We have made the most of the sunshine by taking our learning outdoors.

This week for reading we spent time in the garden. We worked in pairs and trios to read to our friends. It was a great way to spend our afternoon.

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We also explored non-fiction this week by reading a passage about Brazil.

Chloe “We had to read very carefully to find the information.”

Beth “I found it a little bit tricky.”

Vanessa “I found it interesting learning all about the country Brazil.”

Primary 4 are thoroughly enjoying their IDL topic “The Olympics”. We have been learning about many athletes and looking at their personal achievements. We then discussed our own personal achievements and WOW! Primary 4 have many of them. We used this for our writing this week and wrote a personal recount. We learned some great descriptive vocabulary. We know that apprehensive means nervous or a little scared about something.

Taylor “My personal achievement was performing my hip hop dance”

Beth “I moved from level 1 in gymnastics to level 3”

In maths this week we wanted to find out what the children in the school’s favourite Olympic sport was. We talked about ways we could gather this information. We decided to do a tally chart and use the information from the tally chart to make a bar graph. They were fantastic!! P4’s favourite Olympic sport is basketball! P6/7’s favourite is gymnastics.

We also did a lot of talking in maths this week during our ‘Number Talks’.

number talks

Cole B – “This is a good way to find the quickest way to work out a sum.”

Joseph – “I like talking about numbers!”

PE was good fun this week. We focused on running. At the beginning of the week we were doing sprints. Some of us are really fast! On Thursday we were doing the hurdles. We did a lot of warm ups to make sure we were jumping over the hurdles correctly. Check us out!! Athletes in the making.


In Art this week, we looked into 3D art. It’s amazing that just by putting curves into a picture it can make it look 3D! We drew colourful hands in 3D.

As it is the month of May we have been praying to Our Lady. We have been learning all about the Rosary.

Have a great weekend everyone

Mrs W and P4

P7 Weekly News!

This week in P7 we have been really focusing on our Transition topic as our Transition week to high school is not too far way.

On Monday Mrs Downham and Mrs Sim (teachers from St. Margaret’s) came to talk to us. They told us some more information about S1 and answered some of the questions which we had. Sean and Brayan who were in P7 at St. Ninian’s last year also came with Mrs Downham so it was nice for us to see familiar faces and learn about how they are getting on.

In topic this week we also completed a personal profile about ourselves and what we like to learn so that we can talk about this with our new friends and teachers at high school.

The aim of our topic this term is to make us feel more confident and excited about the big move to high school and we are now really looking forward to our transition week and the opportunities which high school can give us.

Next week is health week so children are allowed to come to school dressed in sports wear on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. We will be going on a school trip to The Scottish Parliament on Thursday so please ensure children wear their school uniform and bring sportswear for the afternoon. On Thursday children should also bring a packed lunch and arrive at school as close to 8:30am as possible as we have to be at the parliament for approximately 9:15am.

Have a great weekend!

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