P4 Weekly News

A super week in P4 this week. Lots of learning going on.

We have been exploring right angles this week in Maths. We took our learning outdoors and went on a right angle adventure! We had great fun!

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In writing this week we wrote letters to Usain Bolt. We focused on the structure of a letter and ensured we used exciting vocabulary and asked Usain Bolt some interesting questions.

We have spent a lot of time rehearsing for the Thanksgiving mass on Sunday. Make sure you bring your hankies. Our singing makes Mrs Wassell cry! She thinks we are just wonderful.

We hope you all have a super weekend

Mrs W and P4

Nursery News

It’s not long until some of our children start school so we have set up a “mini school” at our nursery and we have left out uniforms for the children to role play with. It’s been so much fun getting ready for school!

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We have enjoyed lots more of our school transition activities this week. The preschool children took part in a joint Science and Outdoor learning project with the Primary 1 classes. They worked together to find and record information about Mini Beasts. We would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Caskie, Mrs Roy and Miss Diamond who planned this activity for the children. 🙂

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Next week we will continue to enjoy our school transition activities and spend time with our Primary 6 buddies. We will also be continuing with our weekly visits to the Lanthorn Library. I wonder what stories we will hear this week???


Pre School Lunch Experience
Week beginning Monday 30th May

A little reminder about the arrangements for next week’s lunch experience. We hope it will be a valuable experience for the children who are attending school in August.

Children should be brought to the main school front entrance on their allocated day at 11:50am sharp where a member of our nursery team will meet them.

AM parents are welcome to stay for tea and coffee in the school hub while their children eat lunch. PM parents do not need to stay as their children will be taken straight to their nursery session after their lunch experience.

➢ RED GROUPS- Monday 30th May
➢ BLUE GROUPS-Tuesday 31st May
➢ YELLOW GROUP-Also Tuesday 31st May
➢ GREEN GROUPS-Wednesday 1st June

As always, if you have any questions at all about this experience, please do speak to a member of our nursery team.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

The nursery team 🙂

Primary 6/7 News

This week we have been very busy as usual.

For our topic we have been learning all about the brain. We made some model brains to help us learn about the different parts of the brain and to discover which areas control the many different processes and thoughts that we have. We then created drama scenes to explain how our brain works.

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During P.E. we practised the 200 metres and continued with our Daily Mile to help us prepare for the Cross Country run next week.

We also learnt the names of different parts of the body in French.

In Maths we played some active games to help us use probability language to describe how likely something might happen.

Have a great weekend!

By Natasha, Rachael, Charlie, Freya, Aimee and Rebecca


P7 Weekly News

This week in P7 has been shorter than normal but still very busy!

In maths we have been focusing on number sets and learning about prime numbers, multiples and factors. Ask your child for a definition of each to see what they’ve learned!

In art we studied and created optical illusions. We began by looking at a science book which displayed some really amazing examples of how your brain can be tricked. We also looked at an image which is currently circling online of what initially appears to be a simple brick wall. If you haven’t already seen this please google ‘brick wall optical illusion’ and let us know how you get on!

In literacy we have been working on the format and layout of a formal letter as we completed our final writing assessment of P7. We wrote a letter to our local MSP, Angela Constance, proposing the idea of all schools in the area having a health week. All children engaged very well with this task and really focused on up-levelling their writing by using the marking criteria as a checklist and ensuring they had included everything.

We finished off the week by attending the P1R and Achievements Assembly. We always have lots of achievements to celebrate at St. Ninian’s and we felt proud of everyone who was there today! Keep up the good work!

Have a lovely weekend … CAMP ON MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Primary 3/4 News

This week we have been very busy completing all of our assessments.

We worked very hard during our writing assessment. It was very important for us to remember that we have to include all of our connectives, punctuation, openers and WOW words to make sure that our writing was very interesting.

“We wrote a letter to Usain Bolt” said Rachel

We asked him some really fantastic questions. Here are a few examples:

“What has been the biggest track that you have run on? said Evie

“Who inspired you to become the fastest runner in the world?” said Mark

“How much training did it take for you to become the fastest runner in the world?” said Adrin

“What kind of fruit and vegetables do you eat?” said Haseeb

“What are your likes and dislikes?” said Ailie

We hope he does very well in the 2016 Rio Olympics.

As a class we decided to spend our bake sale money on getting some new goldentime toys as our old toys were very OLD. So today we received all of our new goldentime toys and we can’t wait to play with them.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Primary ž and Mrs Kerr

Primary 5/6 News

This week in P 5/6 our highlight was, the division  ‘hit the button’ competition, boys vs girls and the girls won yay!!

  • In Maths we learned how to read various pie charts and we continued to work on our division skills.
  • In writing we learned how to write instructions. We made sweet chili chicken vegetable wraps first and then we wrote our instructions based on how we made our wrap.
  • In PE we did a 200m sprint race this week for the house competition. Next week we will do a 400m race. The primary 6 children are looking forward to the cross country race next week.

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Have a lovely weekend.

By Isabella and Paris

Working hard in P2B

This week in P2B we have been learning about grouping items and linking it to our division calculations.

Here is some photos of us using cubes to find out the answer to the division calculations.
We also enjoyed playing this fun smart board game, we had to find how many groups were in each number. This game has been included in our homework for next week so that we can keep practising.
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We have also been revising adding in tens and finding the missing number. We have been working together to find the answers.

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We have loved choosing books from the library and really enjoyed our silent reading. To show our understanding of our books and our thoughts on the stories we wrote book reviews. This will help others decide if they would like to read the book too. We had to think about our favourite part and our favourite character. Most importantly we had to explain why these aspects were our favourite.


We have continued to enjoy our structured play this week. We love working with the children in P2M to complete a wide range of activities related to our topic.
Here are some photos of us at structured play.
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This week we have been thinking a lot about adjectives and have described the characters which we created using the art of mosaic. They are displayed on the wall for all to see and read. We thought of great describing words. We will share a photo of our mosaics in due course however you might have already had the pleasure of looking at our art work during parents night.

Hope you have a lovely weekend, from P2B and Miss Boyes.

Primary 3/4 Homwork

Hi boys and girls,

Your homework this week is as follows:


Purple: Pages 1 – 20

Orange: Pages 2 – 17

Blue: Pages 2 – 17

Green: Pages 2 – 20

Red: Pages 2 – 20


What was your favourite activity from health week? Why was this activity your favourite? Have any of the activities taught you a skill that you didn’t have?

Plase write your comment on our blog post.


Revise place value.


I look forward to reading your comments.

Mrs Kerr 🙂

P2B Health week fun!

This week in P2B we listened to the story “Oliver’s Fruit Salad”.
Follow the link below to listen to the story at home.


In the story Oliver, his grandparents and his mum make a healthy fruit salad. We designed our very own fruit salad bowls and they all look delicious… yum yum!!
Oliver’s grandad loves to grow fruit in his garden and Oliver is amazed by all the different types he was able to grow.
We learnt about growing fruit and vegetables and completed a sorting activity to show our understanding of what grows above and below the ground.
Maybe we could try to grow some fruit or vegetables at home.

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Also this week we have thought about a balanced meal. We looked at all of the food items and decided what would be healthy and unhealthy.
We also thought it would not be healthy to have lots of meat on your plate or only vegetables and we balanced our plates out by including a variety of things.

We have created some very healthy plates and made Miss Boyes very hungry.
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As well as learning about healthy foods we thought about our well being. Miss Boyes gave us a magic mirror and asked us to draw our face in the middle and then write all of our positive qualities around it. Miss Boyes knows that the children in P2B have millions of fantastic qualities and was happy to read all of our positive thoughts.

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We also completed a favourite fruit pictogram to find out what we thought our favourite fruit was. We had to draw smiley faces to represent the number of children who chose that fruit as their favourite.

This week we have been keeping very active by taking part in a variety of activities. We couldn’t choose a favourite activity as they were all fantastic but here are just a few of the things we have done. Micro-assault course, yoga, mini football and boot camp but really we have loved them all.

Have a look on the school facebook page for more photos.

Have a lovely long weekend. From Miss Boyes and P2B!

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