Primary 5/6 News

We’ve had a very busy week in Primary 5/6!

We enjoyed the last of the sunny weather during PE running 400m races and playing Rounders on the field.  Both teams played excellently, but unfortunately Mr McCurdy forgot to keep the scores!

Our focus in Maths this week was solving word based problems, and we used our practice with these to create our own maths board games – there were a lot of interesting themes, such as pizza, Minecraft and football!  We also had a Health and Wellbeing themed Maths lesson with our visiting teacher Miss McDonald during which we learned how to add up the calories in the foods we eat in order to help us to make healthier choices with our diet.

The Health and Wellbeing theme continued during a Science on Monday with Miss McDonald, as we found out how much exercise we need and how exercise can help our hearts.  We used this information to create a weekly exercise plan for another person in the class to make sure we are all keeping fit and active!

In Literacy this week, we learned about similes and metaphors.  We used this song to help us to remember the difference between them: .  Once we knew how to use these to help our writing, we worked on character descriptions.  We watched a short film about the characters Rock, Paper and Scissors, and thought of some excellent adjectives to describe their appearances and personalities.  We then wrote a paragraph about our favourite character using our adjectives and imagery.  Here is the link to the film: .

To end our week, Mrs Purdie held an assembly about staying safe in and out of school.  Mrs Purdie also announced our new House Captains for next year, and we were all very pleased to hear that Kaden had been voted joint Vice Captain for Galloway house! Well done, Kaden!

By Paris, Jessica, Broady & Jack

Father’s Day!

A quick reminder that tickets are now available from the school office for the Community Links Father’s Day event – Beetle Drive and buffet. Tickets cost £2 per person and everyone who wishes to attend must have purchased their ticket by Wednesday 15th June! Thank you in advance, Community Links Committee.


P3/4 and P4 Homework (Week beginning 6.6.16)


Reflect on the spelling patterns you have learned this year. Choose one that you find tricky. Find 10 words for your chosen spelling pattern. Learn these words in a creative way of your choice. If you are struggling to think of a way to learn your words, look back at the last homework on the blog and read some of the children’s activities they did. List your 10 words and the way you learned your words on the blog.

Here are some spelling patterns that you may find tricky;




a_e (magic e)

i_e (magic e)






Find 5 country flags that have a line of symmetry. List these 5 countries on the blog.


Health and Wellbeing

It is very important for our wellbeing that we try to stay positive and happy. Think about 5 things that make you happy. Write about them on the blog.


Have a good week everyone and enjoy the sunshine (that is one thing that makes Mrs Wassell and Mrs Kerr happy). Make sure you look back to your homework and see the comments from your teacher.



A Jammin’ start for Primary 4

This week we had an exciting start of the week. Andy came to do Jammin Fitness with us. It was great fun. We learned lots of different traditional dance moves from a variety of countries and put them all together for a big ‘Journey to Rio’ dance for the Olympics. It linked very nicely to our current topic that we are loving!


We celebrated the children’s First Holy Communion. They children shared their pictures with the whole class and talked about their special day.  It was a lovely afternoon and of course we couldn’t have a  celebration without tasty cake. Mmmmm…. and a game of rounders in the sun!

Writing was exciting this week because Mrs Wassell let us write our own imaginative story with all of our own ideas. She can’t wait to read them all.

In Maths we learned all about area using cm2. We have gained a really good understanding of area and we are looking to challenge ourselves next week.

It’s been a beautiful week of sunshine so we had to take some of our learning outdoors. In PE we were running 400m. We had to focus on our pace and stamina to make sure we could complete the whole track. This week’s boys winners were;

1. Ethan

2. Thomas

3. Matt

Great work boys. The girls final will be next week.

We hope you enjoy your weekend.

Mrs W and P4


The end is near!


I can’t believe we are approaching the last few weeks of Primary 1!

We have had lots of fun this week and learned lots of new things!

Min literacy we have been learning about ‘ar’ and ‘or’ words! We had lots of different activities to help us but a class favourite was the ‘Pirates say Ar’ four in a row!

In maths, we have been learning skip counting in 2s and 3s and looking at odd and even numbers! We used songs, number lines, numicon and games to help us!

As part of our ‘All about me’ topic, we have been looking at healthy relationships and friendship! We have discovered that actually, we all have qualities that make us excellent friends! Two of the highlights of the week have been making friendship bracelets and playing in the park with P1R for golden time! This proves we are all great friends in Primary 1!

Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P1D!



Sun is shining for P2B!

In numeracy this week we completed our division check up to show Miss Boyes how much we understand the concept of division. We moved on to learning how to estimate.
Rachel- “The first thing you do is take a guess at how many you think there are and then you count to find out how many there actually are.”
We estimated how many cubes were on the desk.

Seamus- “It helps to think about the amount of cubes there were before and think about does it look more or less this time.”

We also learnt more about estimating by playing this game-


Also this week we learnt how to round to the nearest 5 and the nearest 10. We played a game on the smart board.
Katherine- “The game showed a number and asked you to round it to the nearest 10. ”
This week we went on a visit to the Health Centre. A lady showed us around the different areas: reception, doctor’s room, health education room, nurse’s room and waiting room. We got to see all of the files for all of the 10,500 patients. It was very interesting to be able to look at the equipment. Here is a list of the equipment we saw: “blood pressure machine, Stethoscope, the temperature gauge, sharps box and the doctor’s bag.
The lady at the Health Centre was super impressed by our behaviour and amazing knowledge so she gave us a certificate.
She also asked us to write about our trip to the Health Centre. Therefore this was our stimulus in writing this week. We gave an account of what happened and we had to use different openers.

At the beginning of the week we went on a trip to the library. We were super quick at returning our books and taking out new books because we know how to do it now.

In the sun shine we went outside for PE and practised racing around the track. We completed our races in our houses and the winners then raced against one another. The most important part is that we all gave 100% effort!



Have a lovely weekend, from Miss Boyes and P2B!




Primary 6/7 Weekly News

What another busy week we’ve had! We started off the week with a ‘Jammin Fitness’ session where we thought about having a Positive Mindset and we practised some fitness moves that helped us keep fit and have fun at the same time.

P6-7 300616 Cross Country 004 P6-7 300616 Cross Country 009 P6-7 300616 Cross Country 011

In Maths we started to learn Algebra, which we all really enjoyed!

We also continued learning about the French words for parts of the body by playing body bingo and body Beetledrive!

On Tuesday we took part in the Cross Country run and we are all really proud of our success!

P6-7 300616 Cross Country 076 P6-7 300616 Cross Country 078

In writing, we all wrote some fabulous imaginative stories inspired by some photographs.

We started to learn lots of facts about the muscles in our body and as the weather was so nice, we used Drama to practise and present the information to each other outside.

P6-7 300616 Cross Country 108 P6-7 300616 Cross Country 109 P6-7 300616 Cross Country 110

Have a great weekend!

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves


Primary 5/6 News

This week in Primary 5/6, we did Jammin’ Fitness with Andy and learned Capoeira (Brazilian martial art) and how to think positively under pressure.  On Tuesday,  Primary 6 attended a Cross country running competition at James Young High School.  Jack won the boys’ race, which means that St Ninian’s have been invited to attend the Primary 7 cross county school competition later in the year.  Well done, Jack!

On Wednesday, our visiting teacher Miss McDonald led a lesson on Health and Wellbeing.  We learned about the nutritional values of our food as well as how to determine which snacks are better for us.  On Thursday, Miss McDonald taught us science and we found out how much salt, fat and sugar are in different foods.  Did you know that 7-10 year olds should only have 24g of sugar per day and that a small packet of Haribo sweets contains around 63g of sugar – scary!

To end our week, we attended an assembly about keeping ourselves safe in lots of different situations, like riding our bikes and playing on-line. It was very useful!

We had a great week spending a lot of time learning outside in the lovely sunshine too!

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By Kornelia, Mark, Kaden and Danielle

Monkeying around…day 2 at Ford Castle

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Can you believe we’ve been away for two days already? We all slept well, even after trying to stay awake for our midnight feasts!!!

We’ve had a busy day outside, and it has been freezing, lots of layers needed today!

Our day started with Enigma, leap of faith and the zipwire, we had to be brave but we all managed to try the activities and face our fears…even Mrs Gardner!

After a really filling lunch we completed some iniative activities, low ropes course and fencing.

Tonight we all ate dinner, some even had seconds of pasta bake, garlic bread and a lovely dessert of apple crumble.

Our evening activity is egg protector! We can’t wait to see if our eggs stay intact after they’re dropped from the castle roof!!!

We’re all having a great time and really enjoying ourselves!


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What a first day at camp! We arrived to a rather dull and dreary castle but we soon made the sun shine with all our excitment!

We all made it up the stairs with our cases and to our dormitories where we unpacked not only our clothes but our midnight feasts!!!

We had a great afternoon of  archery, assault course and CSI Ford. Some of us even enjoyed a wee mud bath after the assault course, luckily we had time to shower before dinner.

Sausages, potato wedges and beans for dinner finished off with delicious donuts.

We had free time before a scavenger hunt around the castle, the teachers even had some of us singing whilst doing squatjumps to gain objects for our hunt!

Time for hot chocolate and bed now!




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