P7 Weekly News

This week primary 7 have been learning and practicing our leavers’ song and the hymns for our mass next Thursday.

In PE this week we have been playing capture the flag with P6/7, it was great fun! We also have been taking part in judo with an instructor. This week also included relay races in the gym hall.

In maths this week P7 have been learning statistics and data handling. We were using the TJ textbooks for most of our work and we were so good we completed 13(!!!!) questions. We also use the netbooks to do statistics where we did different activities on the top marks and bbc bitesize websites.

Today our Ninian’s natter took place in our class room. We took part in a carousel related to Ninian’s natter and our growth mind-set.

By Dylan Mearns and Dylan Polland


Primary 6/7 Weekly News

On Tuesday we all took part in a Judo lesson and we enjoyed meeting Jake, who was a brown belt. We all enjoyed using new self-defence moves on our partners.

We finished reading our class novel Pig-heart Boy by Malorie Blackman this week and we all enjoyed it although it ended on a huge cliff-hanger.

In Maths we continued our revision and we revisited measure, rounding numbers and negative numbers which people had originally found difficult so that’s why we revised them!

We used French vocabulary for our hobbies and favourite sports to practise saying whether we liked or disliked different things and some of us played French sports and hobbies charades.

For our current topic, we looked at the history of the Olympics and the Olympic logo. We took turns to match flags to their countries within the different continents and on Tuesday we completed an Olympics short read.

During Health and Wellbeing, we all discussed the problem of Bullying and we looked at the facts and the steps to be taken if we are ever bullied or if we ever are aware of any bullying taking place. We all designed a bullying poster.

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Despite the change in weather we all thoroughly enjoyed going outside and taking part in Capture the Flag against the Primary 7 class on Wednesday even though we all got very muddy! P7 won 8-5 although we won the last 5 games in a row. That was the last ever capture the flag for our P7s


Today was the Achievement assembly where many awards were presented, including the football and basketball awards which were presented to the winners.

We also have had the last Ninian’s Natter of the school year.


By Charlie Cullion and Liam Lister

Have a great weekend from Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5/6 News

This week in Primary 5/6, we have been very busy.

We had a visitor on Monday who taught us how to perform some basic judo moves.  It was a lot of fun! In PE, we continued our races – this time practising our long distance running with the 800m. On Tuesday in PE, we had an exciting game of Russian long ball, which ended with a very close score of 20-21!

We also learned about the heart in a Science lesson with Miss McDonald and found out some scary information about what can happen to our hearts if we don’t look after ourselves.  Our last lesson with Miss McDonald was this week and we summarised everything we had learned over her 6 lessons into an informative leaflet to help encourage others to stay healthy.

In literacy this week, we’ve been learning about alliteration and onomatopoeia to continue with our imagery work.  Here’s a link to the video we used to help us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1b5kCvVBo8

Talent Show auditions were held this week and both Paris and Aurora have been chosen to perform – congratulations girls! We are all looking forward to seeing the show.

Summer is coming up very soon now, and we are all getting excited thinking about it! Today we are going to find out who our new teachers are and this is making us look forward to moving up in the school even more.


By Aaron, Moiz, Aurora, Oskar & Billie

Primary 3/4 News

We have had a really fun week this week. On Monday we had a chance to take part in learning some Judo. “In judo we had to take our partners down to the ground” said Mark

“I loved doing the judo moves on Brooke and defeating her” said Ailie

“I liked the part when I had to get Hannah on the ground and when Hannah got me down on the ground, it was so funny” said Shannon

“I liked when I flipped Hasseb over and got him on the ground and Haseeb managed to get up.” said Adrin

“Even though I wasn’t there I hope everyone had fun.” said Jay P

Yesterday we had a fantstaic day on our school trip to Murrayfield Stadium. We had a fun coaching session which was hard work and then a tour of the stadium.

“It was so much fun. The tour was quite cool because we got to see the different tropheys.” said Hannah

“I liked when we played rugby on the big field.” said Evie

“I enjoyed when we went into the stadium and it made our voice echo.” said Lukasz

“I thought the best part was at the start when we got to play rugby.” said Aoife

“I enjoyed when we got to meet the two rugby players and spoke with an Australian accent.” said Nasim

“I liked when I had a race with one of the Scottish rugby players.” said Charlie

“The trip has inspired me to be a rugby player” said Jan

Have a look at some of our highlights:

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Have a super weekend!

Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr

Nursery News

What an exciting week!!! Firstly our Pre-school children experienced life in Primary one as they enjoyed their moving up days on Tuesday and Wednesday. It was great fun for them to meet their new classmates and of course, their new teachers, Mrs Roy and Miss Meechan 🙂

We also had two children visit Williamston Primary School for their transition Day and we had a visit from a teacher from Carmondean Primary School who came to meet one of our pupils. All of our Pre-school children have been exceptionally well behaved during all of our transition activities and they have been an absolute credit to our nursery. Well done everybody, we are very proud of you! 🙂


We absolutely loved the sunny weather this week and spent a lot of our time outside enjoying the sunshine! We have had a few trips to the local park where we have been learning to manage and assess risk. We are learning how to keep ourselves safe when we are out and about in the local area.


On Monday we were thrilled to make another trip to the Library where we were treated to another fantastic story! The PM Class heard “Jack and the Flumfulm Tree” by Julia Donaldson and the AM Class heard “Llama Llama Red Pyjama” by Anna Dewdney. Both these book were rhyming books and the children were able to identify which words sounded the same! 🙂 We borrowed both these books from the library so please let us know if you would like to read them!

The children have loved role play this week about starting school. They have enjoyed dressing up in our school uniform, playing in our “school classroom”and practising writing their letters and numbers. What a clever bunch we have!

In the PM class Stefan and Dexter’s sister Gabriella brought in her bearded dragon which was a huge hit with children! She was very confident in telling us all about how to look after him! Thank you very much Gabriella!

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Next Friday the AM class will be hosting a bake sale with P1R to raise money for new resources. If you can help, please send any donations of cakes next Friday morning with your child. You are invited to come back at 10:30am to purchase a cake or two! Our bake sales are always very popular so please come along and support us if you can!

You can find lots of photographs from nursery this week, including our moving up days, on our Nursery Parents Facebook Page.

have a lovely weekend everyone! 🙂


Growing Tall in P2B

This week we have been learning how to find a ½ and a ¼ of a shape.

We had to read and colour the shapes. If it said “colour 2 halves we would colour both parts of the shape.”- Kate

If it said “colour 3 quarters of the shape we would look at the 4 quarters but only colour 3 parts of the shape.” – Emma

We also revised our ability to find half of a number.

To do this we played a game where we had to find half of the numbers. For example “half of 30 is 15”- Seamus.
We also played a fun game where we had to design a flag by shading each quarter a different colour. http://www.primarygames.co.uk/fflags/fractionflagsres.html



– We revised our sight words and practised reading and spelling the words. We completed a word search for active spelling where we had to find all of the tricky words.

To begin our writing lesson we watched this video clip and which was our stimulus.- Partly Cloudy.
It’s a great clip which can be watched at home.
We had to use adjectives to describe a creature that our cloud made.


“My cloud is called Aaron he makes small fluffy dogs.”- Seamus
“The unicorns are soft and friendly and they live in a big forest.”- Emma
In art we looked at the work of Vincent Van Gogh and we really liked his sunflower painting. “We painted our own sunflowers in class.”- Carly.
We learnt  the difference between the paper being portrait and landscape. We had to make sure our paper was portrait because sunflowers are so tall and they took up the whole page.

“We used dot painting for part of our flower and for the sky”. – Brooke
“We used shading of the orange and the yellow to paint the petals.” –Daniel

Our structured play now has the theme of Summer.

At structured play we have been “Making fruit kebabs, planting seeds, playing in the water and sand trays and completing Spanish games on the Ipads.”

Sorry for not having photos, there have been technical difficulties.

Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P2B!


P5 Going for Gold

The whole world are on the road to Rio and are starting to get Olympic fever! So P5 have started a mini focus on “The Olympics Games” this week.  Read on to see how we have linked our learning through this topic.

Reading for information

We initially looked at the history of the Olympic Games and learned a lot of facts about how it all began.  From here we have identified the differences between the Modern Games and the traditional Games.


We became city planners and created our own Olympic Park.  We used our knowledge of coordinates and direction to complete this work.  Through this work we discussed the massive consideration that has to be given to the infra structure of a city which is hosting the Games.

Art and Design

We looked at examples of Olympic torches and medals from over the past few decades.  We were inspired by these and then used our own creativity to design our own on paper.  Our next challenge is to try and create a small scale 3D model of these designs.

With the weather being so good for most of this week we have also been discussing how to be Summer Safe.  Last week during assembly the children were all given information regarding this topic and they received their Summer Safe sticker from West Lothian Council.  In writing, they were given the opportunity to turn all the information that they were given into a poster or an information leaflet.  Many are still on going, but so far they look really good.

Another great week P5.  Well done.

Mrs Currie

Primary 6/7 News

This week the excitement in P6/7 Has BEEN REALLY HIGH!! This was due to the election for new House & Vice Captains!

WELL DONE to all those who were successful!

On Tuesday it was the first day for the nursery children moving up to Primary 1 and the same again on Wednesday. Many of us enjoyed our role as buddies, helping them all to settle in.

For Writing we began with a VCOP Learning Intention and we then had the following story starter: “Bleary-eyed, I went downstairs for breakfast, the house was empty, even the furniture had gone…” We all really enjoyed this and had lots of interesting ideas.

Thanks to all the lovely weather this week, in P.E we were outside and able to take part in Relay Races, running in teams of four and then back inside the classroom, we continued with even harder algebra in Maths, where we had to make up our own equations.

For our Sport Science topic we completed a hand model which actually worked!

Hand Model 002 Hand Model 004 Hand Model 006 Hand Model 008 Hand Model 013

By Charlie Cullion and Liam Lister

Have a great weekend!

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 3/4 News

This week our classroom has had a lovely transformation. We have received a brand new carpet in our classroom.

“It is really, really fluffy” said Evie

“Our classroom now looks better than before” said Haseeb

“I like the smell.” said Ailie

“We wish that we could always do our work on the carpet now.” joked Mark

As our carpet was being fitted we had to do a lot of our teaching and learning outside.

“I enjoyed doing our art outside because we had to sketch different object from our garden” said Jacob

“We had to feel the objects before drawing” said Aoife

“We had to feel the texture and try to show this in our picture.” Said Jan

It was lovely to be out in the fresh air although it is very nice to have our classroom back.

Sorry oictures will not upload onto the blog. I will try to send these through dojo.

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr

Exciting week in P4

This week in p4 we have been leaning about symmetry and p3/4 joined us on a symmetry hunt and we had fun exploring symmetry.

In our class we had a debate for should we wear school uniform and half of the class were for and the other half were against and after that we made posters.

At P.E. we done the 800 metres and in the finals :









Great job girls and boys!

On Wednesday we played dodgeball and we worked in teams and we had so much fun.Two days without our classroom was exciting! We also had a vote for house and vice captains for next year.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and remember get children ready for p5!

 By Toni and Vanessa!

(Apologies for no photographs this week has there has been a technical glitch. I will try to upload these next week. Thanks. Mrs W)


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