Aiming high with Primary 5!

P5 Maths 020916 027

What a busy week we have had! In maths we have continued to learn about place value and we have been rounding numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand.

We have been learning about our rights such as our right to play and have fun, our right to go to school and have an education, and we have been talking about our school Rights Respecting award.

For our topic we have started designing book covers for our class novel, The Astounding Broccoli Boy.

We have been revising the Spanish and French we were learning last year, by looking at French numbers, days and months and we have started to make Spanish passports.

In P.E. we have really enjoyed starting to learn basketball.

Finally we have now completed all the Dojos for our Class Charter and we are very proud of it!

P5 Maths 020916 025


Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Another Busy Week in P7

This week in Primary 7 has been packed with learning. Here are some of the things we have been doing:

Aidan, Sally and Lianne: We celebrated Father Paul’s last day on Thursday where we presented him with a scrapbook which the children in every class put together for him. We also had a leaving assembly for him where we sang a song we made up and then the Primary 7 children enjoyed a farewell tea party with lots of cakes!!!

Catherine, Nikki and Liam: We have continued to read our class novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This week we made our very own chocolate bar designs, tried to think of different scenarios for when Charlie opens the chocolate bar wrapper and finds the golden ticket, used the best up-levelled adjectives we could think of in writing to describe Mr Willy Wonka and then we also did a group task where we worked together to create either: a new book cover, a museum display, a wordl of emotions the children felt when they walked in to the chocolate room and different gates for entering the chocolate factory.

Kaden: On Monday we started a new thing called Monday Circles where we worked in our house groups with children from P5-7. Our task was to answer 3 questions about Anytime Anywhere Learning (AAL) and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).

Liam: In maths we have started learning about place value. So far we have been using whiteboards to put numbers in to the correct columns (Millions, Hundred Thousands, Ten Thousands, Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Units. We then did a few different activities on the netbooks, using the maths website Top Marks. After this we thought about where place value is important in real life situations and we used the football transfer deadline day to link our learning as footballers were bought and sold for huge record amounts of money this year.

Avelon: In PE our topic is team games so with Mr McCurdy we played either Hockey or Rugby depending on what we had selected last week and with Miss Ford we played a new style of the traditional game, rounders – it was very tiring!

Joshua: For homework we were doing an activity called the shoe box portrait where we put precious things in to a box and showed these to a group. This allowed us to get to know more about each other.

Charlie: Finally we did our first Literacy carousel where our activities included: handwriting, comprehension, spelling and grammar and we also gave Miss Ford our ideas about what we would like to learn this term.

Have a great weekend!

A dreamy week in P4/5

This week has been a very busy week filled with dreams. We even welcomed a new boy Maciek all the way from Poland. We have all been very kind to him and have made sure he has had a super week.

Finlay – We made dream catchers with paper plates, wool, feathers and beads. I liked doing this and it’s been my favourite thing this week.

Lukasz – This week we were reading the BFG. I like the silly nonsense words that Roald Dahl uses in his books. It is funn-a-liciousy-do!

Lewis – In the BFG story we found out that the BFG eats snozzcumbers. We then looked at healthy and unhealthy foods. We made food pyramids for our diets and some of them had many sweets and chocolate. This is something we are going to try and eat less and eat more fruit and vegetables.

Aria – In maths this week we have been learning about rounding to the nearest 10. If the unit is 0,1,2,3 or 4 we round down to the nearest 10 and if the unit is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 we round up to the nearest 10. We did a maths assessment to see what we have remembered from P3 and P4.

Tanatswa – For reading this week, we read a passage from the BFG that had some silly words in it. We had to work in trios to identify the silly words and work out what the sensible word should be.

Mirren – Father Paul has left to go to a new parish so we learned a song to sing to him. It was a lovely song and he really enjoyed it.

Charlie – We also coloured a stain glass cross and wrote many nice words to describe Father Paul. These were put into a scrap book which was presented to him during his leaving assembly.


Check us out with our fantastic dream catchers.

dream catchers

Mrs Wassell and P4/5 shining stars

A bit late to the party….a re-cap of week one in P6!

A very positive start to our first week back in primary 6. Lots of stories to tell from our holidays.

We worked in groups to share with our new teacher what we would like to learn this year and how we are going to achieve this. We shared with the teacher the qualities we value of a great classmate and of a great teacher.IMAG2622

We started to read a new class novel called Skellig by David Almond, we are enjoying it so far but it is a little bit scary! We’ll let you how we get on reading this.


We played lots of different maths games, including silent bingo- although Miss Smyth said she’s not sure how good we would be at this game, but we will prove her wrong!

We hope you have a great week!


Ready for a colourful year in P2!

Primary 2 have had a fantastic first week. We have been settling back into school and getting to know our new classroom and one another.

We started the week by launching our class charter and talking about our rights and responsibilities.

We all took a turn at using paint to make handprints and together our handprints make planet earth. We also have our responsibility rockets on display to show that we are ready to take these responsibilities on. We discussed expectations for behaviour and came up with great rules to follow.

We will share our class charter with you soon!

Our class topic is based on the picture book “Rumble in the Jungle”. We can’t wait to learn about all of the animals and this week we gave Miss Boyes our ideas for the topic plan.

Why not listen to “Rumble in the Jungle” at home by following this link.



In PE we learned to travel in different ways around the hall. We looked at the animals in the story book and tried to think about how they travel in different ways.

PE days will be on a Wednesday and Thursday. Full PE kit will be necessary for both days.

Well done to all of the children for a fabulous week in Primary 2!

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Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Boyes

A Great Start for Primary 2/3

P2/3 have settled in really well and have worked very hard this week.  We have been so impressed with their team work!  They have enjoyed all of our activities this week including writing snapshots of themselves and creating Marvellous Medicines.  Drama was great fun as we tried out lots of class building activities – there were a lot of laughs and giggles!  Lots of great ideas went into the creation of our Class Charter which we look forward to sharing with you.

Our focus in class over the first three weeks of term is George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. We’re on Chapter 4 already and loving learning about George and his gruesome Grandma!

PE days this year are Monday and Wednesday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan

The Astounding Primary 5!

Primary 5 have had an amazing first week and we have been thoroughly enjoying our new class topic based on the novel ‘The Astounding Broccoli Boy!’ by Frank Cottrell Boyce. The story is based around a boy called Rory Rooney, who is ‘Green by day, hero by night!’ We loved trying to guess what the story would be about from looking at the information on the front cover and then we have all written some fantastic stories about what it would be like if we suddenly turned green!

We have  been thinking about our strengths and all the areas we really want to focus on during Primary 5. We have put lots of thought into discussing our new class charter to ensure that we can all work to the very best of our ability and we have designed some fabulous Class Dojos to help us remember our decisions.

During Maths we have started by looking at Place Value, in particular we have been focusing on numbers up to 6 digits. We have enjoyed playing games where we each thought of a large number and then asked questions with only a yes or no answer to guess each other’s numbers.

Have a great weekend!


Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Awesome P3!

P3 have settled in really well and have worked incredibly hard this week!   We loved getting to know each other better during our fun activities such as Maths All About Me posters, our Holiday Scavenger Hunt and gathering information using our All About Me bears. We hope you like our Bar Chart display we made! Mrs McMullen and Mrs Scott were very impressed with P3’s wonderful ideas for our own Class Charter. Our classroom is already beginning to take shape and P3 deserve a well earned rest this weekend!

Mrs Scott and Mrs McMullen 🙂


A Warm Welcome Back to School from Primary 7!

Primary 7 have had a great start to their final year at St. Ninian’s and are already impressing everyone with their sensible attitudes and very smart black uniforms! Here are some of the things we have been doing this week:

Sally: On Tuesday when we first arrived in our new classroom we did a scavenger hunt to learn our way around the classroom and find out where things like resources are kept.

Eve Macdougall: At the start of every new term we make a class charter which we aim to abide by throughout the term in order to allow for the best learning and teaching to occur. This term we made presentations with our group ideas for the charter and we voted to have Pokemon as our theme. So far we have picked a character each to draw and paint and shared our ideas to create the charter rules.

Avelon: On Wednesday we wrote a letter to Miss Ford to explain ourselves. In our letter we wrote about our likes and dislikes in and out of school, ways in which we learn best and what our ideal classrooms would be like.

Aidan: We have also made P7 passports to allow us to enter our new school year! These contained important information about us and what we hope to achieve over the next year.

Paris and Rebecca: In P.E. we played reverse dodgeball where the rules are the opposite of normal dodgeball.

Catherine: In our learning we always have a goal which we are working towards and this week we made a dream tree by writing our goals on leaves.

Freya: We have also been making personal shields about ourselves. Our shields have 4 sections for us to draw and write things which are important to us or things which we like to do.

Aimee: Our first Primary 7 topic is a novel study and we have started the novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!

Charlie: Finally, this term in P.E. we are working together with children from Primary 6/7. Mr McCurdy gave us all a choice for our P.E. curriculum between Rugby or Hockey. We are excited to start this next week!

Have a great weekend everyone!


P4/5 shining stars have a great first week!

P4/5 have had a very busy but exciting week. They have settled very well into their new shiny, colourful classroom. Here is some of the things P4/5 have been doing this week.

This has week has been awesome. We have been learning all about the BFG. (Jay-P)

We have been reading an exciting book called ‘The BFG’. We learned that the author of the BFG is Roald Dahl. It is a very special year for Roald Dahl because the 13th of September he would have been 100 if he was still alive. (Aria)

We used the description of the BFG from the book to draw a portrait of the BFG. (Finlay)

I was chosen for hot seating in drama and I took on the role of the BFG. I used a funny voice. (Nasim)Nasim drama

In drama I was Sophie. I answered questions from the children as Sophie. (Marcella)

Marcella drama

On the first day of school we made superheroes and worked as a team to create a class charter. Our slogan is ‘With great power comes great responsibility’. (Lewis)

This week we did some revision maths using mild, hot and spicy. I liked that I got to chose what activity I got to do. (Abi)

We got to share with Mrs Wassell, Mrs Gardiner and our friends what we did during the summer holidays. we used describing words to describe how we felt. (Louise)

We hope you all have a super weekend and are ready for the week ahead.

Mrs Wassell and P4/5

whole class


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