P2/3 weekly news

It has been another fantastic week for Primary 2/3.  The class is working so well and really enjoying all of the learning opportunities.

One of our favourite tasks was making our spelling words with pipe cleaners then recording our achievements using the iPads.

Drama was great fun when we took turns in answering questions as George and Grandma from George’s Marvellous Medicine – lots of imaginative questions and answers.

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Our writing was  a real challenge when we wrote descriptions of George  – lots of super describing words were used and the use of punctuation was really impressive.

Yoga was great on Thursday to help us to concentrate – and we all had fun getting into stretches. We’re working hard to improve our fitness during the Daily Mile and our times are improving each time we run.

In maths we’ve been working on telling the time – there’s been lots of time-telling all week.

We’re working on greetings in Spanish.  Our short conversations were really confident and we loved using our Spanish to play games on the smartboard.  One of our favourites is all about colours.

Each of the children has now set an individual aim for the term and look forward to sharing these with you at Ninian’s Natter on Thursday 15th September.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan

Primary 5 Weekly News

Primary 5 have been talking about all the things they have been learning this week:

Paige: This week we learned about Mother Teresa with Mrs Purdie. We learned about what she did, how unselfish she was and how much she loved children.

Beth: This week we did drama about our class novel The Astounding Broccoli Boy. We split into groups and did mini scenes from the novel.

Chloe: I took pictures for our Drama. We hope you like them.

P5 Drama Broccoli Boy 005 P5 Drama Broccoli Boy 006 P5 Drama Broccoli Boy 007 P5 Drama Broccoli Boy 045

Maxx: This week we have been learning about St Ninian because his Feast Day is coming up next week. We learned all about his life.

Preston: We also did some basketball with Mr McCurdy. We were practising half court because we are preparing for a basketball tournament.

Isla: We did letter writing based on our novel. We got to write letters to the main character of our class novel Rory as he is in hospital because he turned green.

Lucas: We did Spanish with Mrs Reeves. We were learning greetings.

¡Buenos días!, ¡Buenos noches!

Rachel: Every Monday we have Monday Circles and this week we talking about the First Minister Reading Challenge.


Have a great weekend!

From Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves


Nursery News

This week we welcomed even more friends to our Saint Ninian’s family and again, everyone has settled in extremely well!! Well done boys and girls!!

Today the AM class are helping to write the blog for the first time! We talked about what we had enjoyed learning about this week.

Seren said “I was building fairy castles in the brick corner.”

Abigail said “I liked drawing pictures of my family.”

Amelia said “I liked playing cooking in the house corner, I was making eggs.”

Micah said “I dressed up like the Smartest Giant in Town!”

Lucy, Roma and Lewis said “We had fun!!” (This has been their first week at nursery 🙂 )

Abu Baker and Isabelle said “we are making plans and putting them on our planning wall.”

Doesn’t our planning wall look great????


Nursery Planning Wall
Nursery Planning Wall

Next week our PM children are going to help to write the blog, but a little update from them is that they harvested the potatoes that they planted last session and they  enjoyed eating their home grown potato as wedges for snack on Wednesday afternoon! Farmers in the making!!

PM potatoes
PM potatoes

We also had a visit today from Mr Slater and Miss McGuire who will be working with us over the next few weeks. They are teaching students from Edinburgh University and they are excited to develop their knowledge of the Early Level. We are sure they will have lots of fun with us!

Please remember that next Thursday Evening (15th September) will be our Ninian’s Natter and information evening. Please come along at 6pm to find out about all the exciting things happening in our school and nursery. We look forward to seeing you there!

Have a lovely weekend,


The nursery team 🙂



New Experiences in P7

Primary 7 have been lucky to try out lots of new things this week. Keep reading for some examples!

Eve and Sally: We turned our classroom in to Wonka’s chocolate factory and got the change to try chocolate, fudge and marshmallows (make sure you check out our photos!!!). We did this to generate descriptive words relating to our senses so that we could write a poem. It was so fun!

Dallas: We found out our topic is going to be the United States of America, and we told Miss Ford what specific things we want to learn about.

Charlie: We did a maths carousel about place value where we wrote in the talking book, did some text book questions and played some place value games using some of the Heineman Active Maths games boards and resources.

Paris: Today we went swimming at James Young High School. It was so fun and amazing to see how confident we are in the water. We can’t wait to go back in 2 weeks time!

Joshua: In RE we researched information about our school saint, St. Ninian and then used this information to record group videos on the iPads. Next week we will be showing these to the class.

Freya: In PE we did some more hockey, rugby and team games. We played Russian Long Ball where we had to show focus on the skills of teamwork in creating effective tactics.

Avelon: Finally when we had written our senses poems, Mrs McCabe took photos of us making ridiculous faces!!! We can’t wait for you to see what we have on our wall display when you come to our Ninian’s Natter on Thursday evening (6-7:15pm).

Have a great weekend!

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Awesome P3

Lennon – enjoyed making the healthy meal plate and thinking about all the different food.

Emily – Enjoyed handwriting and learning ew joins

Sophie – Enjoyed finishing Maths About me to display our pictures

Emma – I enjoyed writing about the Dream Jars

Maliha – Really enjoyed Art with Mrs Thompson, finishing the Hot Air Balloons.

Alexis – Is really enjoying her reading book.

Richard and most of the class found the Maths test too difficult but are excited about learning new maths skills.

Bartosz enjoys doing maths.

Robbie finds things tricky until he gives them a go and then he can do them.

Well done, another great week of learning.  Looking forward to next week,


Mrs McMullen and Mrs Scott

A fun BFG week in P4/5

This week have been learning lots of new things. Here is what the children have to say about their learning this week;

Aria – “This week we have been making dream jars. We used glass jars, glitter, food colouring and twinkly stars. We designed our own labels. It was really fun and I made a rainbow label.”

dream jars 3dreamjars2dream jars1dreamjars4

Finlay – “This week we were making birthday cards for Our Lady. It was her birthday yesterday (8th of Sept). I put flowers and a cross on mine. We also said the Rosary for Mary.”

Oliwier – ” This week we were making proper sentences. We had lots of mixed up words and had to make them into sentences with a capital letter and full stop.”


Lewis – “This week we had a great assembly all about St Ninian because it is his feast day next week.”

Abi- “On Wednesday Mrs Purdie came into our class and told us some sad news. She said she was changing break time from 15mins to 5mins. I felt shocked. Mrs Wassell then got us to write a letter to Mrs Purdie to share our views about the change.”

Charlie- “We learned how to multiply by 10 and 100. I know that when we multiply by ten we add 1 zero to the end and we multiply by 100 we add 2 zeros to the end.”

Lukasz- “This week in PE we had a game of basketball. We have been learning how to control the ball and pass to other people.”

We hope you all have a super weekend and look forward to telling all about our learning next week.

Mrs W and P4/5 shining stars

Keeping Our Children Safe

wellbeing wheels
During the month of September children in all classes will be learning about being SAFE.

Here are some links for parents to help promote and discuss safety with your child:

General Safety


Internet Safety



Pokemon Go Safety


Fire Safety


Road Safety


Activities for Nursery children 


Dangers in the Home (4-6 years)


Alcohol and Tobacco (7-11 years)




Awesome P3!

Well what can we say? Another very busy week for Primary 3 who have continued to impress us both with their positive mindsets and enthusiasm. Lots of excitement and anticipation ……..P3 had a very special baby girl as a visitor.

 Through the Roots of Empathy programme, P3 are learning all about what she can do and what she can’t do yet as well as her different needs. They were super at singing the Welcome and Goodbye Songs for her and followed all the rules about listening well and not shouting in case it was too noisy.

We are enjoying our learning focus on the BFG story and wrote fantastic Acrostic poems using all of our own ideas. We also had lots of fun using measuring tapes to measure our arms and legs – we even had to measure Mrs Scott’s arm and leg when we were comparing all of our measurements! IMG_0143 IMG_0146 IMG_0147 IMG_0149 IMG_0151 IMG_0156

Sadly, we said goodbye to Fr Paul during a lovely assembly prepared by the P7s. We drew detailed pictures of Fr Paul saying Mass for his special book and we hope he remembers us when he looks at them. We will miss you Fr Paul!

Mrs Scott and Mrs McMullen

Nursery News

This week we have welcomed eight new friends to our nursery classes! All of them have been absolutely fantastic and have settled in really well. We hope they have enjoyed their first week at Saint Ninian’s Nursery 🙂

We have continued to use our visual planning wall to showcase our ideas and plans. The children have expressed their interest in going shopping and building bridges so far! We love to hear their ideas and we would love to include the suggestions of our parents too!

Also this week we have had lots of discussions about making new friends and sharing our toys and resources. As a follow on from this, our book of the week will be “The Rainbow Fish” and we look forward to planning lots of experiences around this theme.

This week we also said goodbye to Father Paul as he moves on to his new Parish. We thought about all the ways he has helped our school community and we made him a thank you card by painting our hands to make flowers.

Finally we would like to remind you of a few up coming dates-

Wednesday 7th September at 8:45am- parents helpers information meeting
Thursday 15th September at 6:00pm- Ninian’s Natter evening

Please ask a member of our nursery team if you would like anymore information regarding these events.

Have a lovely weekend,

The nursery team 🙂


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