P7/6 Little Week, Big Learning!

Here are the highlights that the children have chosen to blog about this week.  I cannot believe we covered so much in three days…great work P7/6!

New Topic – We have started work on our country study of learning about the USA.  Freya said “We have been learning about the White House and Obama”.  The children have been really interested in this and were able to talk about the forthcoming election and could discuss the candidates running for office.  Well done P7/6, keep reading the newspapers and watching the televised news as it is so important to know about changing events in our world!

Writing – As part of our country study we wrote a letter to President Obama.  Mikolt said, “We wrote a letter to President Obama and we focused on our use of punctuation especially question marks when we asked a question”.  Danielle said “I’m very proud of my writing this week!”.

Maths – Sophia said “We are learning about perimeter and how to add the sides to find the answer, and we extended this to use decimal numbers.”  Luke said “We have been learning different strategies in maths to find the answer to 19+19”.  This is part of our Number Talks maths learning.  When Billie was working out the answer she turned the calculation into a tower sum in her head and added to get the answer.  Isabella rounded to the nearest 10 and then added, once she had her rounded answer she took away two.  Great responses!  If you would like to have a Number Talk at home try this one, (remember and tell the grown up how to use their thumb and fingers to show the number of strategies they have worked out).  Post a reply describing one of your strategies.

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The Path Of Peace – Jessica said “As part of International Day Of Peace the children in our school and Dedridge Primary all created pictures and these were laid as a path between our schools”.  Please see our twitter account for photographs of the event.

Committees – A new session means new committees.  Billie said “Is is great to get time out of class to work with different children from the school”.  Committee Friday looks like it will be a big hit this session again!

Well done P7/6!  Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie

P7 Weekly News!

This week has been short and sweet but we have still managed to squeeze in a lot of learning!

On Wednesday we learned about the life of Mother Teresa who was recently canonized as a Saint. We then used our knowledge to write a biography of her life and illustrated this with a story board to show some images of the main events. On Wednesday it was also International Day of Peace which linked really well with Mother Teresa as peace was one of her aims. To celebrate International Day of Peace we did some activities including making a collage of a peace sign, researching what the UN do, a peace breathing mindfulness activity and finally we watched a video which had a really good rap in it! You should watch it too:


On Thursday we celebrated our recent achievements at our monthly achievement assembly. It was great to see what everyone has been getting up to across our school! After the assembly we went to the infant hall to help P1M at their structured play stations. We had lots of fun and can’t wait to do it again! Check out our photos to see what we got up to.

Today we had fun meeting new people and planning our learning for the year in our committees. Keep a look out for lots of exciting things coming up linked to committees throughout the year. Finally, we enjoyed our second swimming session at James Young High School with Mr McCurdy. We focused on building up our fitness in the water by repetitive lengths and also practiced our floating skills!

Have a good weekend!


Nursery News

Its been a short but productive week here in nursery! We talked about the term “peace” and we discussed what this word means to us. We decided that Peace meant to be kind to each other and to play nicely with our friends. We also made class posters for the international day of peace. We were able to recognise that the symbol for peace is a dove, how clever are we!!! 🙂

Image result for peace dove


This week the AM class will be sharing their learning:

Seren- “I have painting pictures of flowers to give to my mum and dad.”

Leon- “I was building a castle with Chloe.”

Victoria- “I have been playing with Abigail.”

Christopher- “We were learning to brush our teeth, my nursery toothbrush is blue.”

Abu Bakr- “It was so much fun brushing our teeth! My nursery toothbrush is orange.”

Oliver- “I am learning to play nicely with my friends.”

Blake- “We found a book about drawing dinosaurs, I loved learning that!”

Yasmin- “I love dinosaurs too! I saw them at the museum.”


Next week will develop our interest in dinosaurs and toothbrushing! 🙂


A little update from the PM class-

The children really enjoyed a music workshop on Wednesday afternoon.. They sang number songs, learned about breathing properly while singing, listened for their names in songs and acted out a musical story. The children are looking forward to attended these workshops over the next 12 weeks. The PM class also had their first experience of a whole school assembly on Thursday afternoon and they all sat quietly and listened really well! Well done boys and girls! 🙂

Here are a few photographs from the past few days-

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Don’t forget that next week we are having our MacMillian coffee morning/afternoon

PM Class- Thursday 29th September at 2:00pm

AM Class- Friday 30th September at 10:00am

Image result for macmillan coffee morning

Please pop along with a cake and enjoy a tea/coffee and a chat with other nursery parents. We have arranged this event during the nursery session to allow you to enjoy a child free tea or coffee. 🙂

We look forward to seeing you there!

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

The Nursery Team 🙂


Primary 5 Weekly News

It’s been a short week but a busy week in Primary 5!

Here are some of our comments:

Beth: In Drama we had fun miming little scenes. We focused on facing our audience and we used facial expressions and actions to allow our audience to guess what we were doing.

Bea: We wrote a letter from the viewpoint of Rory in our class novel.

Joseph: I made a helmet during construction today.

Rachel W: We really enjoyed going to our new committees today!

Taylor: We all went to our Achievements Assembly and we found out about our new house mascots.

Chi Chi: In Art we all started to make Egyptian masks.

Toni: We decorated doves for International Peace Day and we all stood with Primary 6 to make the Peace sign in the playground.

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Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves



P4/5 Weekly News

It has been a very short week this week but we have managed to fit in lots of learning.

Abi – We went to our new committees and we had so much fun. I am in the pupil leadership committee with Miss Smyth.

Louise – We got another letter from anonymous asking us to complete a mission. The mission is to rebuild the Titanic in our classroom. We have to bring in lots of junk materials and boxes to be able to do this. We will need painting shirts to protect our clothes.

Finlay – We went to Nycos and learned lots of new rhymes. We played some fun games.

Charlie – We wrote a news report about the Titanic. We had to make sure we were using the correct layout for a news report. We had to write in columns and include a picture and a catchy title for our story.

Aria – We created a piece of artwork to represent peace. We did pointillism paintings of a dove. These were laid out in a path from our school to Dedridge for National day of peace (21st September)


Lukasz – We have been working hard on our daily mile focusing pace and stamina.

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Have a great Weekend

Mrs W and P4/5


P7 Weekly News!

This week in Primary 7 we have been finishing off our Novel Study topic and getting ready for our new topic, America. We have also been learning more in other areas of the curriculum. Here are some of the things we did:

Nikki – In maths we did some work on probability because it was ‘unlikely’ that Charlie would get the golden ticket! We also made some maths posters for our working wall and talking book.

Charlie – In PE we continued with rugby and hockey and we also played basketball as part of our team games to focus on communication. We also did a Charlie and the Chocolate factory quiz to assess our learning from our novel study.

Matthew – We did the daily mile every day and I managed to beat my record!

Rachael – On Wednesday afternoon the upper area split up in to year groups and we did a maths money carousel with the other P7 children from P7/6.

Rebecca – We researched the links between chocolate and Fairtrade and worked in groups to display our learning.

Dallas – We also learned about how chocolate is made by researching where the ingredients come from using a globe and atlas and watching a documentary called ‘Inside the Factory’. It made us all sooooo hungry!!!

Callum – On Friday we celebrated St. Ninian’s feast day mass with Father Kenneth.

Natasha – We watched the videos which we made about the life of St. Ninian. Our acting skills were very impressive!

Alice – We completed our first writing assessment by writing letters to Willy Wonka asking if we could go on a visit to his chocolate factory.

Eve Mac – Finally we met Trex, the dinosaur who has arrived in P1M. We are so excited to see what will happen next!

Have a lovely long weekend 🙂

Primary 5 Weekly News

Another busy week in primary 5! Here are some comments from the pupils:


Vanessa:  In PE we’ve been playing basketball and we’ve been learning some new rules like no contact, travelling and no double-dribbling. In maths we’ve completed our first Big Maths and some of us got very high scores and we like dancing to the music!

Beth: In maths we split into groups and we took part in some activities and games. I thought it was fun to do the active games.

Taylor and Lorena: In writing we’ve been looking at a letter with errors and we corrected it and extended it. We enjoyed the French afternoon, we made a café scene and we needed to speak in French the whole time!

Rachel W: I enjoyed the maths carousel.

Preston: When we did our French carousel, most of us chose to do a French role-play and spoke in French!

Lucas: I enjoyed making the Spanish passports.

Toni: I enjoyed taking part in the French role-play.

Thomas: In basketball we were learning to pivot.

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Ninian’s Natter:

If you were unable to attend our Ninian’s Natter evening yesterday, your child will be bringing home their Profile Folder today. Please will you discuss their All About Me and Community Profile page and complete any personal achievements on the page in their profile. Could you also look at their learning goals and talk to them about how they can work towards achieving them. Lastly please write a comment on the Ninian’s Natter record sheet – thank you!

Have a great weekend!

From Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Awesome P3

P3 were excited to learn this week that baby Kelsey is able to laugh properly now. Alexis showed the other boys and girls a nursery rhyme she knows and used our Roots of Empathy doll on her knees to demonstrate! P3 can’t wait to see Kelsey again in two weeks time!

Well done P3 for your exemplary participation at our St Ninian Feast Day Mass this morning – Mrs Scott was very proud of you all.

Emily – Enjoyed working with different materials in Art to make clowns.

Sophie YM – Really liked seeing and hearing about the dream jars that Sophie R, Teegan, Ethan, Alexis, Sophie D, Bartosz, Huda and Emily made at home and brought in to class to share.

Maliha, Kate, Jack, Cameron, Ola and Daniel liked looking for unfamiliar words in story books from the library to help them learn new vocabulary.

Richard  found it interesting to learn about St Ninian’s life a long time ago.

Huda, Jack, Emma, Kate & Emily thought  our rhyming tasks were fun.

Thank you once again to all of the parents and children who were able to manage our Ninian’s Natter last night.

Have a lovely September holiday!

Mrs Scott

Secret Agents in P4/5

This week we got a letter from an anonymous person telling us that we have been selected to do a very important mission. We were sent badges to decorate for our mission. I feel excited to find out more clues. – Abi


We found out we have a new topic about Titanic. I think it is going to be interesting. – Oliwier

This week we have been continuing to learn all about basketball and handball. The P5 have a basketball tournament this year. I am excited about it. – Lukasz

We have been learning about St Ninian as it is his feast day today. We made beautiful and colourful St Ninian’s stained glass windows. – Aria

In writing we wrote a reply letter to the anonymous person to say thank you for the lovely letter and I felt happy. We don’t know who it is from so we couldn’t say their name. – Lewis

In Maths we have been learning about numbers to 10000. We can order big numbers from smallest to biggest. – Joshua


We have been working on our reading skills using taskmaps. I enjoyed the create something great question because I got to make a bookmark. – Marcella

We went to NYCOS to learn about beat and rhythm. We got to play some music games. – Finlay


We hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. We will see you  next week for P4/5 weekly update.

Mrs W and P4/5 Shining Stars

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