P5 Weekly Update

We have been busy again this week. Here are some of our comments:

Matt: We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes this week.

Lorena: We carried on with our drama scenes about being locked in a pyramid and we focused on facing the audience and speaking clearly and loudly.

Taylor: In maths a group of us were able to make 3D shapes using straws and marshmallows and another group used paper.

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Ethan: We talked about 3D nets in maths.

Rebecca: We listened to music in writing and wrote about how it made us feel.

Chloe: we played Dodgeball and we carried on making our Egyptian masks.

Beth: We continued with our Egypt research and we are going to present our Power points and posters to the class next week.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

P7 Weekly News!

This week in Primary 7 we have been learning more about our topic, America. Read on for more information!

Eve Mac – We learned how to draw a caricature by focusing on one feature and exaggerating it and we decided to draw wither Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump. We will be putting these on a wall display next week when everyone has finished and we will include a photo of this in next week’s blog so make sure you check back next week!

Rachael – We have been learning about Time in maths and did lots of activities relating to converting between 12 and 24 hour time.

Natasha – Within Time we have also been looking at real life links and used the Scotrail website and other types of timetables to work on our interpreting skills and the life skills involved in using timetables.

Nikki – On Thursday we linked our PE lesson with our maths lessons. We all had to run 3 laps of the perimeter of the school building and someone timed us. We were working on making sure we were using the stopwatches accurately.

Freya – Today we had our P7 assembly. We did this on America and we have had fun preparing it. We hope everyone enjoyed it and thanks again to parents who came along!

Joshua – On Wednesday 8 of our boys from P7 and P6/7 represented our school in Cross Country. The boys all ran extremely well and we are all very proud of them!

Charlie – In writing we wrote about 3 things we would do if we were elected as American president! Make sure you read these the next time you get a chance to see our jotters as our ideas were really good.

Matthew – Today was Friendship Friday so a lot of us came to school in the happy colour, yellow. It was nice to think about friendship today and have this as part of our assembly as well as helping charity by donating £1.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 6 Weekly News

It’s been another busy week in primary 6, packed with learning! Here is what some pupils have to say:

We have been given our SumDog passwords this week and have been trying it out. It’s great fun. – Aliza

In Numeracy we have been rounding to the nearest ten and hundreds. – Erwin

We have been working on ‘today’s number’ in our smart starts. This week we introduced 2 decimal places. The number was 486.24. – Neave

We have nearly finished Skellig. I have really enjoyed listening to this novel. – Leon

We have been learning about Australian bushfires.  The most devastating bushfire, Black Saturday, was 7 February 2009. – Kieran

In our topic work we learned about how to be prepared for bushfires and completed a fire safety report. – Amera

We have made origami boomerangs, they were quite tricky – Erin O
(We will be throwing them next week to see if we can get them to return to us!)

After watching a news report about the worst ever bushfire and looking at photographs we produced our own newspaper articles.- Ciara

In PE we have been working on our tennis skills. This week we were put into teams and have been competing using a ladder.  You can challenge someone who is one or two places above you on the ladder and try and make it to the top. – Erin Roy

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It was lovely to see the parents who made it along to our numeracy evening – thank you very much for coming along.  All children have been asked to give SumDog a try at home; they should all have their user names and passwords.  Well done to everyone who has already been on, I’m very impressed with all the points you have been getting!

We have also introduced Smiling Mind to our classroom.  This is a mindfulness technique used in Australian classrooms so we thought we would try it out ourselves.  This week the lesson was called ‘bubble journey’ – ask your child to try and explain it to you if they can remember.  We have used it in class and also at the end of PE. So far it has been relaxing and gives us time to reflect on our day.

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I’m looking forward to all the Australia presentations next week! Enjoy your weekend,

Miss McCormack

P4/5 Weekly news

This week we have been working very hard. It has been a very busy week.

In numeracy we have been working on estimating and rounding. We have found this pretty tricky and will continue to work on this over the next week to make sure we have a good understanding of this. We have also been practising our times tables and getting more confident with the 4 times tables.

We have enjoyed working in groups this week to research many facts about the Titanic. We used the information we researched to create fact files. We focused on the ship this week during writing where we annotated a cross section diagram of the Titanic. We were very surprised at how little space the third class passengers had on the ship compared to the first class passengers.

In Art we drew a perspective drawing of the Titanic using pencil. We used our pencil to shade different parts of the ship. Mrs Wassell thinks they are fantastic.

Do you like our Titanic display? We created the Titanic using a variety of junk materials. Some of us have done fantastic Titanic homework that is displayed up there too. titanic

Today is friendship Friday. We have dressed in yellow to show awareness of anti-bullying and friendships. We all donated £1 to give to charity.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
See you next week for another super update for the last week of term.

Mrs Wassell and P4/5 shining stars

P2/3 Weekly News

Another fantastic week for Primary 2/3.    Our highlights included celebrating European Day of Languages and making flags from other countries.

In maths, we’ve been improving our addition skills.  Our favourite activities included playing matching games and using apps on the iPads to consolidate our learning.

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In health and well-being we did our Smart Start to Cosmic Kids .  Click the link if you would like to try it at home – we all had great fun.

Our Planet Earth, Sun and Moon topic involved lots of learning about the weather this week.  We found out how rain is created and annotated diagrams showing the water cycle.

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This led us to learning phrases for different types of weather in Spanish and we’re looking forward to making Spanish weather wheels next week.   One of our favourite Spanish games is on the BBC website – you can try it at home.  Linked to our topic, we’re loving listening to the story of Plop, the Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark.

Primary 2/3 fitness is improving every day and everyone is going further and faster each week.  We find that it really helps us to concentrate on our learning.

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Have a good weekend!

Mrs Keegan, Mrs Howley and Primary 2/3





Primary 5 Weekly News

On the European Day of Languages we all took part in a language carousel and played Bingo, Hangman, a European quiz and we also searched to find the word ‘friend’ in many different languages.

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Rebecca: This week we started to make Egyptian masks.

Brandon: We have been writing about Egyptian tombs – it was fun!

Matt: This week we started to make Power Points about Egyptian facts to show the rest of the class.

Toni: This week in P.E. we did half-court matches which was fun!

Bea: We started a new topic in maths about shape. We learnt about a cuboid, a prism, a square-based pyramid and a tetrahedron.

Maxx: Our drama was based on our Egypt topic.

Beth: In our drama we had to pretend we were stuck in a pyramid and it was lots of fun.

Taylor: We learned all about mummification and we painted a mask that looked like a golden pharaoh.

Vanessa: We did some Science with Mrs Currie and we learnt that if you mix water with salt, the water evaporates and the salt gets left behind.

Kalin: I am looking forward to starting our new shape topic in maths.

Have a great weekend from Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves


European Day of Languages


On Monday it was the European day of Languages and to mark the occasion many classes took part in some language-based activities. Here are a few examples:

In Primary one they practised morning greetings in French, Spanish, Polish, Italian and English. Then Dawid and Klaudia taught the class how to count to ten in Polish. They also took part in a Spanish fitness song.

Primary three learnt to sing a Spanish song and Primary five tried to match different words for Hello to the right language. They also took part in a language carousel.

Try practising a few of the different languages using the link above!


Awesome P3


Another busy week for P3. On European Languages day, Primary 3 learned a Spanish hello and goodbye song – why don’t you try it at home?



Emily – we were learning how to use different materials to make our own clowns in Art with Mrs Thomson, I loved making mine!

In Maths, we have introduced mild, hot and spicy activities where we can choose our own level of challenge.

Katie – I chose the hot one first then moved onto the spicy one and it was fun!

Seamus – I liked doing Maths in my Maths jotter.

Using our bunny ears to show our number answers is still a big hit with everyone!

In Drama, P3 tried something new called Thought Tracking, using the stimulus of a picture of a little boy who was lost at the fun fair. Emma and Ola were in role as the little boy.

Orla – We had to say our thoughts out loud to Emma as she walked past about how she might be feeling.

Emma – It helped me feel like I was actually in the funfair and worried.

Ola – When I walked by everyone, they had to tell me what they thought I should do. It made me feel that I was somewhere else and lost.

Emma, Kate, Sophie R, Sophie YM, Ava, Jack, Teegan, Daniel & Cameron really liked writing about Pingu’s visit to the funfair.

In Literacy, P3 continued to use different media to help practise spelling words. It was shaving  foam and salt this week, so a bit messy! Apparently you have to practise spelling a word at least seven times before you can remember it – so keep practising boys and girls!

Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Scott and P3.img_0540 img_0526 img_0376 img_0348 img_0347 img_0379

P7 Weekly News!

We have had a very sporty week in Primary 7 this week. Read on for more information!

Eve Mac – On Monday we were lucky enough to be joined by 2 golf coaches from Harburn Golf Club. The coaches showed us how to stand properly when playing golf and we worked on our accuracy when hitting the ball towards a target on the ground and also on our ability to chip the ball in the air! It was very fun and interesting!

Paris – Yesterday we were invited to Craigswood Sports Centre for a Sportshall Athletics event. There were lots of children from different schools in our local area there and we enjoyed trying out different activities including sprinting, relay running, javelin throwing, long jump and speed bounce. Have a look at our photos!

Rachael – On Wednesday we did an upper area carousel where we worked as a whole Primary 7 group with the P7 children from P7/6. Mrs Reeves came in to our classroom and taught us some French including how to order in a café and the vocabulary for different food and drink.

Aidan – We have started our America topic this week and so far we have focused on Social Studies, learning about the history and geography of America. We have learned the names of all 50 states and even a fun song which we are including in our class assembly next Friday so we can’t give it away yet!

Charlie – In writing we looked at The United States Pledge of Allegiance which all American citizens abide by. We studied the key information and vocabulary in this and then made up our own Pledge of Allegiance for the United Kingdom.

Natasha – Finally, in maths this week we did lots of work on Time. We practiced telling the time, learned about equal time units, clarified lots of time vocabulary and applied our current knowledge in a variety of carousel activities.

Have a great weekend!

P4/5 Weekly News

Nasim – We have had a fantastic week building the titanic together in groups. We were sent another letter from anonymous asking us to design and build the titanic.

Lukasz – This week Mrs Wassell bought us Warrick the Worry bear. We did circle time and talked about times when we felt worried. We will be able to share our worries with Warrick every day.

Abi – We were working on place value expanded form in numeracy this week. We did lots of different activities to help us learn this. I liked the writing activity with mild, spicy and hot. I challenged myself with the hot activity.

Louise – We worked on out mental maths strategies this week. I enjoyed doing this.

Lewis – This week we have been doing basketball and handball in PE. We are learning lots of new skills.

Finlay – With Mrs Steel in Music we learned some new songs. I like Mr McGrue.

Mirren – In writing we designed a poster to advertise the Titanic. We talked about the different classes of the passengers and how much tickets would be for each class.

Jay-P – This week with Mr Glen from NYCOS we played a rhythm game called ‘Hot Potato’.

Harley – In RE we have had a lot of discussion about loving our neighbour. we talked about ways to show how we love our neighbours.


Hope you all have a fantastic weekend.

Mrs Wassell and P4/5

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