Charity Committee

The Charity Committee are organising a ‘Crazy PJ Day’ in aid ofChildren in Need on Friday 18th November. Think crazy crazyPJ’s, crazy hair, crazy face paints! The crazier the better! We willalso be running a mile in our crazy attire. We are aiming to raise£1,500 for this great cause. Please note, cash donations will not beaccepted. Please share this and help us reach our goal!Fundraising link below:


Primary 5 Weekly News

Another really busy week! Here are our comments:


Maxx: We have been learning about nets of 3D shapes.

Matt: We finished our Egyptian presentations.

Cole F: We finished our Egyptian masks.

Brandon: I enjoyed the creative writing, where we described a character.

Thomas: We made some Spanish greeting posters to help us remember how to describe how we are feeling each day.

Taylor: All the people who are starting to learn brass received their new instruments this week and we were all really excited!

Louise: We started to learn about Sustainable Development Goals and we painted some posters.

Taylor and Louise: On Monday we had a look at a descriptive text about a monster called ‘The Marrog’ and we had to draw a picture of what we thought he would look like based on the description. It was really good fun and amusing to see everyone’s different ideas.

All pupils in Calder and Glasserton had a wonderful time enjoying a movie morning today!

Have a wonderful holiday!

From Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Awesome P3

Well done to Glasserton and Calder houses – we hope you enjoyed your movie morning! The boys and girls from Whithorn and Galloway had fun too when learning about Punch and Judy.img_4094

P3 designed their own Christmas cards with lots of attention to detail this week so watch this space as we might have a P3 winner!

We thought we would update you on all of our learning about baby Kelsey. We have been lucky enough to have Kelsey’s mummy and daddy both visit us!

Kelsey’s mummy sent us a clip which showed Kelsey laughing properly for the first time and everyone was so excited to watch and listen to this….(once Mrs Scott figured out the technology!).

Here are just some examples of P3 learning.

Babies can cry for different reasons: Ola & Michael – ‘needs her nappy changed or feels too hot’, Emma – ‘is tired and wants her mummy or daddy’, Teegan – ‘wants her blanket’, Robbie – ‘she might feel sick’, Kate – ‘wants a cuddle’, Ethan – ‘might be cold’, Emily, Ola & Orla – ‘is hungry’, Jack – ‘wants her toys’

How babies like to be held: Alexis & Sophie D – ‘Kelsey likes to be held on her daddy’s shoulder.’ Emma – ‘Kelsey likes to see what is going on around her’, Katie – ‘Kelsey likes being held in different ways’

Being nice and warm can make babies feel nice: Richard – ‘Kelsey likes a cuddle that makes her feel hot’

Babies like looking at objects close to them: Lennon, Huda & Cameron – ‘ Kelsey always likes looking at the black and white book.’, Daniel & Bartosz – ‘Kelsey has lots of fun looking at the mirror.’

Babies like to explore things with their mouth: Emily – ‘Kelsey likes to chew her socks’.

Some babies can get upset when in new places but others are okay:

Ava & Seamus– ‘Kelsey likes it when we sing the Welcome and Goodbye songs to her’, Sophie R – ‘Kelsey likes looking at us when she is playing on the blanket’


Have a fantastic holiday everyone!

Mrs Scott and Primary 3

P7 Weekly News!

Our final week in Primary 7 has been really busy! Read on to find out more:

Charlie – Calder and Glasserton got their prize of watching The Wizard of Oz in the hall in casual clothes and with snacks!

Catherine – We had Ninian’s Natter and our class and P6/7 donated the cakes. We managed to raised £100!!!

Avelon – We finished our time work in maths by doing a carousel and an assessment.

Liam – We made up our own games in PE which focused on the skills we have been working on this term.

Sally – We had our class mass at the Lanthorn,

Matthew – We did some research on the US Presidential Election and learned more about Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Charlie – We had an achievements assembly and Matthew from our class won this term’s class achievement!

Eve Mac – We got our letters for school camp! We are excited to go to Dalguise.

Have a great October break!

Primary 6 Weekly News!

Here are some comments from the class about our learning this week!

Ali – Christmas came early this week, we have been doing our Christmas cards and we had lots of fun.

Ben – Excitement is rushing through the class for Halloween. We are all looking forward to the Halloween disco.

Declan – We had loads of fun playing tennis in P.E. We have finished our Tennis block now.

Rayn – We have learned so much about maths this week, working on rounding at different carousel activities.

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Rugare – Miss McCormack  and Mr McCurdy were proud of us at P.E for improving our tennis skills.

Shiv – We wrote letters to an Australian school that we will send out after our holidays.

Leon – Well done to Glasserton and Calder for winning the house points.

Amera – In p6 we finished our dot paintings. Everyone in the class did different animals. Some of us chose koalas, snakes, fish, crocodiles and last but not least kangaroos.

Ciara – Today we finished our class novel Skellig. Skellig is about a boy called Michael who finds this person in the garage who is called Skellig. Skellig is very strange and even has wings! Michael’s mum has a baby who was born early and then they call the baby Joy.

Emily – This week we have done our Australian presentations.  Some people used powerpoint and others made posters. We all learned something from each other.

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Mia So – This week I have learned lots of stuff about Australia. In PE I have had lots of fun playing Tennis, I was 5th last and then I managed to come 4th.

Jennifer – In tennis I was second last now I am second place to the top. We also did work on Australia and made paper boomerangs and tested them today, mine worked.


I can’t believe our first term has finished already! It’s been a great term with lots of learning and I am very impressed with everyone in Primary 6.  It has been a very enjoyable first term for me at St. Ninian’s and I’m looking forward to seeing you all again after the holiday! I hope you all have a great week and come back eager to learn lots more!

Miss McCormack

P4/5 Weekly News

Wow! What a fantastic first term we have had in P4/5. It has been filled with lots of fun and hard work. We have all thoroughly been enjoying our topic ‘The Titanic’. It has been super! We have learned so many interesting facts about the Titanic. We have shared our learning with Mrs Wassell during our learning conversations. Make sure you log into our learning journal to see what else we have been working on this term. This week has been a very busy week. Here we go…

Maths – In maths this week we used our number talks session to revise what we already know about addition within 1000. We all had the opportunity to share different strategies that we use to work out addition sums. This helps us to find the quickest way to work out calculations. We then used what we had learned in our number talks session and applied it to our carousels. We use the make, say, write and do approach. In the write table we practised calculations using mild, spicy and hot. We enjoy this as we can try out some easier sums to warm up our brains and then challenge ourselves. At the do table we were playing addition dominoes with our group. At the make table we created our own addition games that can help us to practise addition in a fun way. At the say station we worked on the netbooks with our peers and talked about what we were learning.

Literacy – We have been learning new spelling patterns this week. We work with Mrs Wassell and Mrs Docherty to learn the new pattern and apply this pattern to many words. We learn lots of new vocabulary when doing this. In reading we have been working on our own reading books and exploring them for exciting VCOP. We also worked in our TRIOS for reading this week. We know we can read a variety of texts and it can even be a video. This week we watched a video of the departure of the Titanic. It was really interesting. We talked about how the music made us feel, made comparisons from boarding a ship in 1912 to nowadays etc.

Writing – In writing this week we wrote a diary entry. We imagined we were a first class passenger on the Titanic. We used our 5 senses to help us. We though about what we saw, tasted, touched, heard and smelt. This really helped us feel like we were on the ship. We could describe how we would have felt. Lewis was our star writer this week. He did a fantastic job and used super vocabulary.

RE – We have enjoyed learning all about the life of Pope Francis this week. We learned that he is from Argentina. He likes football and supports Argentina. Before he was the Pope, he was a Priest, Bishop and Cardinal. He enjoys taking the subway and buses to socialise with all of his people.

ART – This week for art we designed a Christmas card. We put on some Christmas music to help get us in the festive spirit. We can’t wait to share them with you soon.

IDL – We have been learning all about the class system on the Titanic. We did some research about some of the passengers. We looked at some pictures and we compared their clothing, jobs and the food they ate on the Titanic. Did you know that the 1st class passengers ate a ten course meal on the Titanic?

We hope you all have a wonderful October break.

Mrs Wassell and P4/5


Nursery news

We have absolutely loved learning about Autumn his week! Please click on the link above to hear our favourite Autumn song! We have started to go out on our Autumn walks and have collected items for our Autumn feely table, please continue to bring in items from home if you are out and about over the weekend.

We would like to say a big thank you to the parents and children who came along to our numeracy workshop on Wednesday evening, we hope you found it useful. If you were unable to make it, please speak to a member of our team who can give you a parent pack.

this week it is the AM class turn to share their learning on the blog:

  • ” I like making patterns with the coloured magnets” Abu Bakr
  • “I love playing with Roma and Yasmin in the house corner” Lucy
  • ” I can build with the bricks” Leon
  • “I love playing with my friends” Seren
  • “I had fun playing mummies and daddies with Isabelle and Oliver” Yasmin
  • “I saw Autumn acorns on the way to nursery” Chloe
  • “I saw acorns too! It’s Autumn time!” Annabelle
  • “I was helping my friend Blake at tidy up time, we make a good team” Joshua

Fantastic work AM class! They also told me that their favourite part of the week was when Miss Smyth popped in to read them a story! How exciting!


Miss Smyth reading us the Gruffalo!
Miss Smyth reading us the Gruffalo!


Our Stay and Play and Come back and Play sessions are starting the week beginning 25th October, if you would like an opportunity to stay for part of the nursery session to see what your child gets up to, please sign up for a slot using our sign in sheets in the cloakroom area. If you would like more information on this, please speak to a member of our nursery team.

Today we said a very sad goodbye to our teaching students, Mr Slater and Miss McGuire 🙁  They have both been outstanding and we will definitely miss them lots. We are looking forward to them coming back to visit us in a few weeks time.

We have lots of photographs to share with you this week so we will post them on our Nursery Parents Facebook Page.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone,

The nursery team 🙂


Racing through the week in Primary 2!

In numeracy this week we have been learning to add a single digit number to a ten.

We have been using technology lots in  to help us learn. We completed an addition game on the ipads to help us meet our learning intention. We also completed addition bingo to support our understanding of addition.


We have learnt the Science of forces through topic this week. We have created our own model car using different materials. The aim was to find out if the air from the balloon would act as a force against the car to make it move. We went outdoors to test our models. They didn’t exactly work as planned however we discussed the reason behind this.

Aaron- “The air might be escaping because I think I can see a gap between the balloon and where it is connected to the straw.”

Wojciech- “It could be that the wheels are not big enough and the car is too heavy to move.”

Vanessa- “Maybe the ground is too bumpy for the car to move.”

We will take our findings and use them to discover a way of resolving our design problem.
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Our stimulus in writing came from our car models. We thought Mrs Gardner would love to be able to make one of our cars so we wrote instructions for her. We had to make sure our instructions were in order, that we had a title and that we told Mrs Gardner what resources she would need.

We have also been learning how to navigate a website through our topic. We used the netbooks to explore the digital tour of the transport museum.  Once we had searched  for the website we had to navigate around it using the mouse and arrow keys. After we had spent time working in a group to discuss what we saw, we then shared our findings together as a class and showed Miss Boyes on the smartboard.

We all got nice new story books this week to read in class. Our story books were from the Library. We really enjoyed our trip and we will definitely be back to listen to more stories read by the librarian.

Our theme for RE is Growing and Changing. We went out to the garden to find things which we think have grown and changed.

We thought about the Autumn season and found lots of leaves which had fallen off the trees. When we came back to class we reflected and prayed for the changes that we could see in Gods creations.
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Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P2.


P2/3 Weekly Update

It has been another fantastic week in Primary 2/3 with lots of amazing learning.

Today everyone dressed in yellow for Friendship Friday and donated £1 to charity.

Our groups have got very competitive this week as we have introduced group Dojo points for sitting down quickly, tidying up well etc. It is great to see everyone working so well together!

In our Planet Earth, Sun and Moon topic we have been finding out what is inside the earth. Do come into our class to see the 2D models that we made on Thursday.

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Maeve and Pawel shared books from home to tell everyone more about our topic.

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Everyone worked really hard in our literacy carousels to improve their skills in reading, spelling and handwriting.

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Have a great weekend!

from Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3

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