Mini Vinnies Lockdown Appeal

Hi everyone,

Yesterday the Mini Vinnies committee launched an appeal for children to send cards/pictures to hospital patients who cannot have their family/friends as visitors just now.

Below are 2 other addresses which your cards can be sent to – Morningside Care Home and the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow. They were chosen by teachers in our school who have close links to both and they would love some of our children to make people in the hospital and care home smile. Your card/pictures can be for the staff who work in the hospitals/care homes too.

Remember to address your cards as ‘Dear Friend’ and sign them as ‘A pupil from St. Ninian’s Primary School, Livingston’ NOT your name.

Morningside Care Home
41 School Road
Ward 1e
Royal Hospital for Children
1345 Govan Road
G51 4TF

Thank you 🙂

Mrs Brown and the Mini Vinnies Committee


Mrs Wassell’s P3 girls – Daily update 3.4.20

Good morning girls!

How are you all doing? I am thinking about you all and I hope you are enjoying all of the learning experiences you are having at home.

Reviewing our Learning

Today we are going to review our learning for the week and do some self-assessment tasks.  How have you got on with your learning this week?  Record your two stars and a wish for this week’s learning  in your jotter or on your OneNote profile.



Our writing task this week was to write a story about spring using the roll-a-story to find a character, setting and plot.

The success criteria for this task was:

  • to include a title
  • to use capital letters and full stops
  • to use past tense verbs
  • to include a main character
  • to include the setting

Year 2 Class: September 2012


Today, read over your story and self assess your work using the success criteria above.  If you can find a pink pen or pencil you can underline in pink where you have achieved your success criteria.  If you have a green pen or pencil you can underline in green an area that you would like to improve. Share your self assessment with a family member.


In Maths this week we have been working on time. How confident do you feel in your learning?  Draw a traffic light in your jotter or use your OneNote profile to review your learning. Use the picture below to help you.

I hope that you all have a lovely Easter break. A time to relax, have fun and create memories.

Mrs Wassell

Mini Vinnies Lockdown Appeal

Hi everyone,

At St. Ninian’s we have a Mini Vinnies committee who are always looking for ways to show people we care and help those in need.

We have decided to launch a Mini Vinnies Lockdown Appeal which everyone in our school can take part in.

Please see the document attached for more infomation.


Mrs Brown and the Mini Vinnies

Mini Vinnies Lockdown Appeal

Mrs Wassell’s P3 Girls – Daily Update

Good morning girls,

What a lovely sunny day. I hope you manage to get outdoors for a little while today.  I’ve included the attachment of the grid again here to give you easy access.

week 2 grid P3

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your health and wellbeing task? How many different emotions and actions did you come up with for your song?

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


We are now in the season of Spring. Can you go on a Spring scavenger hunt when you go on your walk today or you can do this in the garden? These are all the things you need to find.

Can you use all the things you have found to create an acrostic poem with the word SPRING?



Continue with your sumdog competition. Rememeber you have until Friday at 3pm to take part.

Good Luck

Have a wonderful day,

Mrs Wassell

P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan 2.4.20

Good morning P3!  I hope you had a good day yesterday.  We have loved seeing your work on your OneNote profiles and have left you feedback there – you (and your families) are all doing a fantastic job.

Home Learning Grid

Core Grid Week 2 P3

How are you getting on with our Health and Well-Being task?  What did you put in your bag of worries?   You can read the story of the Huge Bag of Worries here.  Attached is a game which helps you to talk about emotions and an activity sheet on happiness.  If you have a printer at home, you may wish to print them out or you could draw your own versions once you’ve seen them on screen.

Emotions board game

Things that make me happy activity sheet

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below or via email.


In Literacy today we are going on a Book Scavenger Hunt.  How many of these can you find?  Let us know in the comments section below or on your OneNote profile, in the Home Learning section.


Today in Maths we are exploring subtraction on Sumdog.  You are doing a fantastic job of logging into Sumdog and completing the challenges.  Today’s challenge will help improve your subtraction skills.  Have fun!

Have a lovely day!

From Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

Mrs Wassell’s Daily update for P3 Girls 1.4.20

Good morning girls, I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your learning at home.  I’ve included the attachment of the grid again here to give you easy access.

week 2 grid P3

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with learning time in Maths? Remember the big hand is the minute hand and the small hand is the hour hand. 

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Rainbows have been the symbol  many relate to this time. Some people have been drawing and painting rainbows for their window to make others smile as they walk past. Today I would like to see if you can grow your own rainbow.



I have set a sumdog competition for all the boys and girls in P3/4. This will  be some revision on all the things we have learned in Maths and Numeracy in P3/4. You have until Friday to take part.

Good Luck

Have a great day,

Mrs Wassell

P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan 1.4.20

Good morning P3, I hope you are enjoying completing some of the activities from the home learning grid.  I’ve included the attachment of the grid again here to give you easy access.

Core Grid Week 2 P3

Home Learning Grid

How are  you getting on building your own Viking Longboat from junk materials or construction toys such as building bricks?  We are loving seeing the pictures of Longboats that you have uploaded to OneNote already – the creativity is wonderful!

Once you’ve built your boat, perhaps you could  check if it will float.  Think about:

  • does your Viking Longboat meet the design criteria with a  a square sail, a figurehead and oars?
  • does your boat float or sink?
  • how could you improve your design?

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Today’s challenge is to complete the P3 Spelling Challenge on Sumdog.  The challenge will help you to learn the weekly spelling words for your group.  Your Sumdog login details are in your home learning jotter.  We love to see your progress on Sumdog!


Today’s maths task is to try this First Level number talk, from the FVWL RIC Numeracy Academy (they post a new number talk on Twitter every day).    Remember – number talks are all about how you solve a task, mentally.  For this task, you don’t need to use anything to help you, just use your brain.

Look at each number sentence and share the strategy you use to get each answer.  Did you use the same strategy each time?  You can share your strategies with someone at home.  Did they work it out the same way as you?  Share your learning on the blog in the comments box below.

4 + 8 + 2 + 6

1 + 9 + 2 + 8

5 + 3 + 7 + 5

I’m going to start my day with the Joe Wicks workout – what are you going to do first?  Have a lovely day and let us know how you are getting on with your learning.

Take care,

from Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

Daily update – 31/3/20

Good morning everyone,

It was lovely to work with our staff team in the HUB yesterday supporting children of key workers.  All the staff commented on how proud they were of all the efforts and work you have been completing at home. We are all missing your smiles and laughter, we hope you appreciated yesterday’s virtual hug on our Twitter page.

Today we are posting some ideas for Messy Play at home, a favourite for the children but often a headache for parents!! Creativity is a key skill we encourage in learners so our challenge to you all is to have a go at one of the messy play tasks together as a family.


Enjoy everyone,

Mrs Roy and Mrs Smith


Mrs Wassell’s P3 Girls – Daily Post 31.3.20

Good morning everyone, I hope you had a good first day completing some of the activities from the home learning grid.  I’ve included the attachment of the grid again here to give you easy access.

week 2 grid P3

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your roll-a-story? I would love to see some of your stories on your online profile or posted on the blog.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Today I have a little challenge for you. I would like you to go on a reading scavenger hunt. I would like you to explore your books you have at home, use your own knowledge of books you have already read or you can use the internet to help you. Can you find books that have all of these  things?



We have been working on learning our times tables over the last couple of months. Try to continue learning your times tables over the next few weeks. You can use the game hit the button to help your do this.

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Wassell

Mrs Wassell’s P4 Children – Week 2 30.3.20

Good Morning Boys and Girls,

Please find your learning grid and resources needed for this week below.

Learning Grid  week 2 grid P4

Writing Writing roll-a-spring-adventure-story-activity-sheet-

Spelling         blue group green group orange group    red group

Literacy Spelling Tasks Reading skills Reading cards Thesaurus Task Thesaurus PowerPoint

IDL Titanic Menus

Maths Clock Diagram5 Minute Intervals PowerPointTell the Time Mild Spicy and Hot

Holy Communion Week 12 FHC

I will see you all on teams!

Mrs Wassell

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