Awesome P3

Science – Last week, P3 had to decide what they wanted to learn about skeletons. Mrs Scott wrote their questions in the class Talking Book. There is a photo below that shows you all the different questions they have! Ask your child to tell you what they know about the ‘strings’ on their hand!

P3 have been learning why we have skeletons as well as the names of some of the bones and the special jobs some of them do.  Ask your child if they can tell you the special job that the rib cage does or one of the reasons a skeleton is important!

Sophie YM – I liked learning about the jobs of a skeleton.

Cameron – I enjoyed it when Kate and Emma drew an outline around Lennon and then we all took turns to cut out the bones and place them where they belonged.

Why don’t you sing and dance to this Skeleton song?

Writing – P3 were learning the very tricky writing technique of using similes this week.  Their writing was super!

Here is a Simile Song we watched and listened to on Thursday.

Maliha –  I had to imagine I was a firework and I used similes to help describe myself…

Jack – If I were a beautiful, shiny firework….. Richard – I would be as high as the moon…..

Maths – In Maths, looking at digital time and matching digital times with the analogue clock times has been a little tricky! These matching pairs are helpful.

Numeracy –  we are learning the importance of being able to think about our own strategies for doubling big numbers and talk about them.

Art – this week we were painting a picture of the rainforest and later on this term part of our topic is going to look at animals in the rainforest!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!  Mrs Scott and P3image

A Spooky and Surprising Week in P7

This week we have something really exciting to share with everyone but we will keep that for the very end of our blog so here is what we’ve been doing this week:

Rachael – In Reading Routes we used our reading skills to analyse a poem called ‘The Vampire’. We looked for repetition, metaphors and vocabulary choice and discussed why the poet had used these and what effect they had on the reader.

Nikki – On November 1st we celebrated All Saints Day Mass with our school community. On Thursday we also started to make our characters for our Term 2 class charter.

Charlie – We have been working with other teachers and other children a lot this week which has been very fun. Today we watched P7/6’s Assembly, on Monday we joined P3 for the spell your name fitness challenge and yesterday we did lots of Global Citizenship work with Mrs Docherty.

Catherine – Today we had Golden Time for the first time in ages. Not because we had lost the privilege but because our Fridays have been jam packed with swimming and committees etc.

Liam – Yesterday the football team played their first game of the season. It’s great to be back!

Sally – In writing we used our imaginations to write about a haunted house. It was spooky because Miss Ford showed us a photo to get us thinking about what it would look like and we also used scary music to focus during writing.

Alice – In maths we did some Halloween problem solving using the 4 operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and our big surprise is also maths related …

As a class we are so excited to share our new IDL topic with you all. We are going to be taking part in Virgin Money’s Make Your £5 Grow scheme. We have been very lucky that Virgin Bank have loaned us £5 each and we are going to be working in groups of 6 to try and come up with a business idea and hopefully make huge profits! We will give you more information when we have it but for now we are all busy brainstorming ideas and fulfilling our new entrepreneur roles!

Have a great weekend!

Shining examples in P7

Today I had the pleasure of teaching our P7 class. We started the morning in a reflective way with a quote from Nelson Mandela. This really set the tone for our Global Citizenship theme. The children were insightful, thoughtful and mature in their responses and attitude to the topic of “Stand as One.” I was so impressed by how they linked their learning to our Visions and Values and also our Rights Respecting Journey. The children have produced high quality reflective pieces of work while developing their higher order and critical thinking skills. Thank you so much for a wonderful, thought provoking morning P7. You are truly a shining example for our younger children and great ambassadors for our school.

Mrs Docherty

‘All about rights’ talk task

The UN Ambassadors committee have decided to start a weekly blog post that is “All about Rights”. Each week there will be an article from the UN Convention for you to discuss at home. It would be great to see some comments below about what you have discussed.

This week the Articles are:

Articles 28 and 29 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child focus respectively on a child’s right to an education and on the quality and content of education.

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Spook-tastic week for P4/5

This has been a short week however it has been filled with lots of exciting learning.


We have been working on our knowledge and understanding of addition with carrying. We are becoming more confident with this. We used the mild, spicy and hot method.

“I chose the hot activity to challenge myself!” (Abi)


This week we read a halloween story called “The Friendly Witch”.

” We used our reading skills skimming and scanning to find the information we needed to answer questions on the text!” (Louise)


We were so excited this week for writing. We came into class and Mrs Wassell had decorated our class. It was very spooky. We wrote an imaginary story about ‘The Haunted House’. It was great fun. There was ghosts, zombies and witches. Poor Mrs Wassell had nightmares that night.


This week was STEM week. We designed and created cabins for the Titanic. They were fantastic. We used a range of materials. We cant wait to share these with our parents at the showcase next week.

Congratulations to Mirren who is the class Dojo winner for the 2nd week in a row. Well done!!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Mrs Wassell and P4/5

STEM week in Primary 2/3

Everyone in Primary 2/3 has loved STEM week.  One of our favourite activities as working in pairs on a STEM maths challenge – you’ll see from the pictures how hard we had to concentrate! imageimageimageimageimage

We also enjoyed investigating the skeleton and working in teams to create a diagram of the solar system in groups – there was lots of great talking and listening here too. Our team work skills were really important.

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In Spanish we have been working on Spanish numbers and used our numbers to play games. It was great fun and we were all really confident.

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Our Big Writing  lesson was all about Halloween – we all wrote spooky stories. We had to concentrate really hard and worked on our VCOP skills first.  We dimmed the lights and used music to help our brains work.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3


Nursery News

It’s been a hectic a week at nursery!! We have been very busy preparing for Halloween and decorating our nursery. The children have enjoyed choosing the decorations and working together to put them up.

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We had a very special visitor in nursery this week too. A guide dog called Olive came to visit us with her owner. Olive helps people who have impaired vision. They told us all about how she was trained and why she wears a collar with tags and a harness. We talked about how to cross the road safely to keep ourselves safe.

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This week it’s the AM class turn to share their learning on the blog:

Lucy “I have my own pumpkin at my gran’s house”

Amelia “I have my own pumpkin too! My mummy took out the nuts and we put a candle inside”

Abu Bakr ” This week I liked playing Spider-Man with Blake and Joshua. I played some of the new Apps on the IPads too”

Micah “I played Kings and Princesses with my friend Abigail”

Oliver ” I like playing houses with Seren and Cats with Victoria”

Roma ” I like pretending to be asleep and then my friends wake me up! I have been dancing with Lucy”

Anna “This week I have liked drawing”

What a busy bunch this week! 🙂

Don’t forget that Monday is Halloween and the children can wear costumes if they wish. (no masks or weapons please) We will be walking to the library too so please keep that in mind!

We look forward to seeing all the costumes on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend everyone 🙂

Please read the invitation below to participate in updating our nursery behaviour policy,



Parent Discussion

We would like to update our nursery behaviour policy and we would appreciate your thoughts and ideas. Please join Mrs Purdie and some of our nursery team on:


Breakfast Blether @ 10:30 am


Afternoon Tea @ 2:15pm

STEM Week in P7

We have enjoyed a week packed full of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)!

Read on for more information.

Alice – In Maths we started the week looking at symmetry in real life by doing a symmetry scavenger hunt in the playground, garden and field.

Aimee – We also looked at tessellation in real life and we found that this appears in nature in a pineapple and a honeycomb (as well as many other things).

Callum – We then used 2D shapes to tessellate our own patterns.

Avelon – We were very creative and made our own shapes to tessellate.

Joshua – We used technology to learn about renewable energy. We researched 10 facts and shared these with our group.

Rebecca – We combined our knowledge of renewable energy and 2D shapes to make model windmills!

Charlie – We also had a STEM focus in writing where we used our imaginations to think about our ideal job and linked this to STEM by considering what our lives and daily routines would involve. Our title was ‘If I Was A …’

Sally – In PE we started our fitness block by doing some Crossfit exercises.

Catherine – We also worked in groups to make a presentation on our idea for the new class charter theme. We presented this to the class and the winning team was Disney and Marvel so we will be starting to create this next week.

Aidan – Before the holidays our homework was to create presentations about an aspect of America which we were interested in. This week we have enjoyed sharing our talks with our classmates and learning even more about America.

Dallas – Today we had committees and went swimming.

Have a great weekend!

Awesome P3

The end of another fabulous week in Primary 3.  We have been very excited this week as it has been our STEM week.


This week we made some spiders webs, using string and glue on black card.  We were exploring the engineering of building a web but also the different patterns and shapes they make.  We had a lot of fun making these creepy webs.  Emily found it difficult to cut the string but really enjoyed making them.

Here are some pictures of us hard at work.

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We have also created a Robotic Finger.  Please ask your children to explain the purpose of the string and how it works.  It would be fabulous if you could post on the Blog their responses.  Good luck!

This week we also had a wonderful experience at our local Library.  We learned all about the books and also that a library card allows us to borrow up to 10 books at a time.  We were so interested and well behaved during our library visit that we were allowed time to play at the park.

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We have learned so much this week and had so much fun, even though it was only a short week.

Happy Halloween everyone, feel free to share pictures on our blog of all our Awesome P3’s all dressed up for Halloween.

Mrs McMullen & Mrs Scott 🙂

Primary 5 STEM Week

We’ve had yet another busy week. As part of STEM week we have been learning all about bridges. Here are some of our comments:

Bea: In Drama we used our hands and bodies to make a bridge and think about the strength and forces required.

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Taylor: We learnt how to draw the Golden Gate bridge.

Chi Chi: We designed and constructed our own bridges out of straws and we tested them to discover the strongest designs.

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Vanessa: We met a famous basketball player this week called Kieron Achara. He came in to take us for our P.E. lesson. We all had a fantastic time and we were all very excited!

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Ethan: Some of us were selected to be in the school football team.

Chloe: In R.E. we were singing hymns and we began to plan our Class Mass.

Have a great weekend.

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

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