Fun filled week in P4/5

P4/5 have had a very busy week. A lot of our learning has taken place outside of school this week. Some of the P5s went along to St Mary’s Cathedral with the other P5s who made the Sacraments last year. They had a great day learning all about the Cathedral and the life of a priest. Whilst the P5 children were at the Cathedral the rest of the class went to the Lanthorn for Bible World. They had a fantastic day with Mrs Reeves.

We also visited the library this week. We learned all about the library and what resources are available to us (all for free!). Many of us dragged our parents along that night to sign up. We are so eager to read lots of different books. We have really enjoyed developing our reading skills this week. We have been talking all about character, setting and making predictions.  We have enjoyed having the opportunity to read with a partner.

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We had our class mass this week. A big  done to Mirren, Oliwier, Harry, Daniel, Finlay and Lukasz who did a fantastic job with the readings at mass. They read very confidently.

We have continued learning how to work subtraction problems with borrowing. We are becoming more confident with this. Mrs Wassell said she is going to make it even harder next week by working with 3 digit numbers. That is okay though because p4/5 children love a wee challenge. 🖒 we love using technology to help us practise our maths.

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Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Mrs W and P4/5

Awesome P3

Thank you so much to all the parents for coming along this week and discussing all your children’s strengths and next steps.  It was great to see so many and to share news and get your feedback, thanks again.

Primary three have had a very busy week, lots of wonderful learning and it has been great having Miss Ross this week to help us with our learning.

In maths this week the children have been doing lots of revision and reinforcement on telling the time.  The focus has been o’clock, quarter to, quarter past and half past.  Be sure to ask your child the time if there is an opportunity for them to use their skills.

Our Topic focus this week has been all about skeletons.  The whole class have made a life size skeleton for the class, i’m sure lots of you were able to see it at Parents Night.  Fabulous work, well done to everyone.  The children have learned about the different bones and structure of the skeleton, I’m sure they will impress you if you quiz them!


Thanks to Mrs Scott who’s been in class all week, was so nice coming back today and chatting about everything that’s been going on in class, really looking forward to next week, happy weekend everyone 😃 Mrs McMullen

Primary 2/3 News

Thank you to everyone who came along to Parents’ Night.  It was lovely to have so many positive conversations about the children’s learning.

It has been another really productive week in Primary 2/3.

The class has set an ambitious dojo challenge!   Ask your child what is going to happen when we reach 2000 points. Everyone is very excited and working together to reach our target.

We have been working hard to tell the time to o’clock and half past (Primary 2) and quarter to and quarter past (Primary 3).  There are some great activities to consolidate these skills  at Doorway Online .

In Spanish we have been trying hard to count up to 20 – there are some tricky numbers!  We really liked playing the Magician game to help us learn the numbers.  If you’d like to try it at home click here .

This week we  tried our hand at playing Hoopla as part of our Funfair topic then we produced some fabulous instructions in our Big Writing lesson, explaining how to play Hoopla.

We also  investigated how dodgems work.  We found out about forces then did an investigation in groups and wrote up science reports.  Everyone loved making the dodgems crash into each other!

In Numeracy we’ve been developing our addition skills to 20 (Primary 2) and to 100 (Primary 3).  We’ve all used Sumdog to consolidate our learning, with lots of expert help from our Sumdog experts in Primary 6.

In Health and Well-being we thought about our November theme of ‘Achieving’ and told each other how we achieve both inside and outside school and our friends reported back to the class.  What a talented class we have!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3




Primary 5 Weekly News

We have had a great week! Here are our comments:

Grace: In maths we’ve been continuing our learning about angles.

Chi Chi: Some of us went to Bibleworld and at the quiz corner we learnt about parables.

Kalin: There was also an area where we learnt about Bibleworld in different parts of the world.

Chloe: We looked at an old printer and we printed the Our Father prayer. We also learnt about the planets in space and we had a quiz to complete.

Preston: At the Space part of Bibleworld, there were three pictures, 2 supernovas and the Milky Way.

Vanessa: The rest of us went to visit the Cathedral in Edinburgh and we completed a quiz and had a tour.

Beth: We had lunch at the Gillis Centre and after lunch we listened to the priests who told us all about the life of a priest.

Taylor: We had parents’ evening this week and afterwards we went to the Book Fair and chose a book.

Bea: In writing we learnt about how to use onomatopoeia and we all wrote a poem about fireworks.

Lorena: One of our groups got a new reading book this week called I’m Telling You, They’re Aliens! By Jeremy Strong and we are really enjoying it so far.

Matt: Yesterday we successfully completed our Sponsored Bounce and here are some photos:

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As part of the Champions in Scotland program, we hope to have raised enough funds to continue our Elite Sporting Experience by inviting Kieron Achara back to take us for another two fitness sessions.


Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 6 News

It was great to see all the parents this week for very positive discussions about all the learning in p6 so far.  Remember to fill in the parent/pupil comments on the notes pages and return them to the yellow folders in class.

It was also great to hear what the class had been discussing at home for their ‘Talking Homework’. It’s good to see so many families doing their bit to look after the environment.  This ties in very well with our new topic and our current RE work.  Talking Homework will be included every week this term so please take 5 minutes to discuss it at home.

Here are some pupil comments about our learning this week:

Edwin – This week we were writing an imaginative story. We tried to include good VCOP and key words in our story. I wrote a winter story. It’s all about a holiday to New York but the flight got cancelled because of the heavy weather. I enjoy writing and it’s so fun too.

Rugare – We were working on ideas for our assembly for next week. Parents are welcome to come along too.

Shiv – We continued our paired reading with P1M.

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Erin O – This week we did decimals and fractions in our maths and we turned our fractions into decimal places.

Aliza – This week we learned about our new topic which is all about fossil fuels and energy sources. On Wednesday and Thursday we learned about renewable and non-renewable energy. We done a quiz as a class and we got them all right.

Kalvin – In P.E we’ve been learning different fitness workouts, that block is over now and we have to do Scottish dancing ;-; that’s all from Physical Education

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Kieran – We all did numeracy which is decimals and fractions. We did a carousel, the stations were sumdog, textbook, active maths, and 100 square.  For 100 squares we had to draw a square and colour it in using 4 colours then work out the fractions and decimals of each colour.

Another fantastic week Primary 6, well done! The current total for our popcorn challenge is 343, keep up the good work.

P7 Weekly News!

Another fun-filled week of learning in Primary 7 and very positive discussions at parents night.

Alice – We started our ‘Virgin Money’ topic where we have begun to brainstorm possible enterprise ideas.

Eve McC – We used our writing skills to write poems about bonfire night and our success criteria was to use uplevelled rhyming vocabulary.

James – We learned about the 2016 US Election as part of our America topic.

Issei – We have almost finished creating our class charter characters.

Freya – Mrs Purdie is going to Rome on pilgrimage with Mrs McGarty from St. Margaret’s and Archbishop Leo. Miss Ford and P7 have challenged Mrs Purdie to get some ambitious selfies. Can Mrs Purdie rise to the challenge?????

Aimee – Our assembly was about UNICEF and we look forward to learning more next week in ‘Cool to  be Kind’ week.

Charlie – We used chalk and blending techniques in art to create a Fireworks picture.

Nikki – For PE we continued doing fitness circuits with Mr McCurdy and Body Attack with Miss Ford.

Avelon – We did a reading carousel where we had run activities including asking Blooms Questions using a questioning fan, reading aloud to improve fluency and expression and applying our skill of the week (openers) to write great sentences.

Eve Mac – Today we enjoyed doing a standardised fitness test and trying out different types of dives in swimming.

Paris – We celebrated this week when we overheard another teacher wish Miss Ford a happy birthday on Thursday so when the classroom was quiet we erupted into singing happy birthday to her!!!!!! She was very surprised!!!

Have a great weekend!

Fantastic P2/3

It has been another busy week in Primary 2/3 with lots and lots of fantastic learning.

We have reached the last chapter of  The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark and we have loved listening to the adventures of Plop, the little barn owl. Ask your child what their favourite part of the book was and let us know in the comments.

We celebrated All Saints’ Day with a lovely whole school mass. It was great to have so many parents joining us for this special feast day.

In Spanish we have been counting to 20 and having great fun challenging ourselves to learn the trickier numbers.

In maths we have continued our work on telling the time. In numeracy P2 have been adding doubles and near doubles and   P3 have been adding teen numbers.

We are so excited that our new topic is The Funfair! We had a busy and creative planning session on Thursday when we worked in groups to plan our topic. Our first challenge was to create a price list for a Fairground food stall – you can see our  creative price lists in our Learning Journals.

Everyone has been busy setting their targets in literacy, numeracy and health and well-being. Our targets are all in our online learning journals – please log in and have a look.

In writing we thought about firework safety and created rules to keep everyone safe at the weekend. Look out for our stories appearing on our Learning Journals.

The highlight of our week was the multi-sports festival at James Young High School. We tried badminton, rugby, basketball, football and a mini assault course and we loved all of the activities. It was great to try so many new skills!


Have a great weekend.

Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and P2/3

P4/5 Showcase their learning

P4/5 have had a fantastic week. It’s been really busy with lots going on. We celebrated All Saints day with a lovely whole school mass. It was great to see so many parents join us for this special feast day.

We have been doing lots of preparation for our big Titanic banquet that we hosted yesterday. It was a fantastic afternoon. We were so over whelmed with all of the support from our families. So many passengers came on board our Titanic showcase!😆

We thoroughly enjoyed our food technology this week. We prepared so many delicious foods. We researched some of the Titanic menus and chose some foods that would have been served on the Titanic. We learned lots of new skills that we will be able to use at home to help make the dinner. Some of the skills we learned were cutting, peeling, whisking, mixing and spreading. We even learned how to use a food processor. Now we can make our very own  homemade hummus. We hope you enjoyed sampling some of these scrummy treats washed down  with some welcome ‘champagne’.

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Some of us had very important jobs to do on board the Titanic. Charlie was in charge of collecting the tickets. He looked very smart as a 1st class passenger. Daniel and Louise were meeting and greeting all of the passengers as they made their way onto the ship. They did a super job!


Lewis and Oliwia made sure all of the passengers enjoyed a welcome ‘champagne’ and guided them around our ship.

We loved sharing all of our knowledge about the history of the Titanic. We have learned so many interesting facts.

Harry – The Titanic was built in Belfast in Ireland.

Nasim – The Titanic was so luxurious. It even had a golden staircase.


Finlay- There was only enough lifeboats for roughly half of the passengers.  

Thank you again to all who came to our showcase. We all really appreciate your support.

Have a very happy and safe Guy Fawkes weekend.


Mrs W and P4/5

Visitors at work in P1R

We don’t know where to begin with today’s post, we have been so busy and have so many things we want to tell you about!

Reading has been the topic of discussion as we are all really excited about our new reading books and the Fry’s words we have been learning. Everyone enjoyed the Fry’s word challenge to see who could spell the most Fry’s words correctly before the timer ended – the highest score was 14!! During our reflective reading time we read aloud and spoke about the stories. Mrs Roy, Miss McGuire, Mrs Stewart and even our buddies were really impressed with us all!! We can’t wait to see what next week’s books will be about…

In phonics we have been learning 2 new sounds – b and f. Ask us at home where in our mouth these sounds come from. We did lots of blending work using the new sounds are getting more confident at wordbuilding.

Storywriting was very mysterious when Mrs Roy turned up in our classroom dressed as a witch! She showed us an animation of a Haunted House and we had to think about WOW words to describe what we saw. Then we worked on a story about the animation. We all tried our best to write the sounds we could hear in words and some of us were also using our Fry’s words in our sentences.

Miss McGuire has been leading our number lessons and she has been teaching us all about number stories to help us with addition. Ask us what number stories we know for 3,4 and 5. We have used different resources in our carousels to help us with this – ladybird pictures, counters, cubes, smartboard games, pumpkin seeds, ipad games and lots more. Next week we will look at missing number sums using the facts we have learned to see if we can make links in our learning.

IDL was our favourite this week as we had a visit from Elvis the Elf with a letter from Santa. Santa has asked us to be honorary elves this term and help him get everything ready for Christmas. He asked us to write down our ideas on our visible plan and in our talking book. Remember to have a look at these next week when you visit the classroom for Parent’s Evening.

In RE we are learning about God’s Holy Book and have been listening to some Bible stories – The Great Flood and The Secret Baby. We also learned about the Feast of All Saints and attended a whole school mass. We all tried really hard to join in with the prayers and hymns. Mrs Roy was very proud of us all!

We also started our structured play afternoon on Thursday, we all got to plan, do and reflect, ask us what we chose for our play afternoon. Have a look at our learning through play display next week to see some of our pictures. Mrs Roy, Miss McGuire and Mrs Stewart enjoyed playing with us and having fun!

Phew, what a week, well done everyone!!! Can’t wait for more exciting learning opportunities next week…




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