P4/5 have had a very busy week. A lot of our learning has taken place outside of school this week. Some of the P5s went along to St Mary’s Cathedral with the other P5s who made the Sacraments last year. They had a great day learning all about the Cathedral and the life of a priest. Whilst the P5 children were at the Cathedral the rest of the class went to the Lanthorn for Bible World. They had a fantastic day with Mrs Reeves.
We also visited the library this week. We learned all about the library and what resources are available to us (all for free!). Many of us dragged our parents along that night to sign up. We are so eager to read lots of different books. We have really enjoyed developing our reading skills this week. We have been talking all about character, setting and making predictions. We have enjoyed having the opportunity to read with a partner.
We had our class mass this week. A big done to Mirren, Oliwier, Harry, Daniel, Finlay and Lukasz who did a fantastic job with the readings at mass. They read very confidently.
We have continued learning how to work subtraction problems with borrowing. We are becoming more confident with this. Mrs Wassell said she is going to make it even harder next week by working with 3 digit numbers. That is okay though because p4/5 children love a wee challenge. 🖒 we love using technology to help us practise our maths.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Mrs W and P4/5