Hello from P2/3!

This week we enjoyed a variety of activities with Mrs Keegan, Mrs Howley and Mrs Thomson. We made beautiful ferris wheel pictures with Mrs Thomson in Art. They were very sparkly!

Here are some of the things the children said about this week’s learning:

Brooke said, “I like having a change  with Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan.”

Michelle said, “I love doing carousels.”

Aaron said, “I liked doing a letter to Amber Rudd for refugee children to stay safe.”

Maeve said, “I liked singing Feliz Navidad and singing a solo for the CD recording.”

Alishba said, “We get hard questions in Numbertalks and I like trying to answer them.”

Matthew said, “I love doing the Nativity practice.”

Everybody has worked really hard this week and all deserve their Dojo and House points!

Mrs Keegan and Mrs Howley


P7 Weekly News

Another busy week in Primary 7 with lots of new learning and life skills! Read on for more information.

Alice – Today is our last week of swimming and we are doing races!

Eve Mac – We had committees today.

Natasha – We learned about debit and credit cards and made our own bank cards. We included the chip, contactless symbol, 16 digit card number, sort code, account number, expiry date, account holder’s name, black magnetic strip for swiping the card and the signature.

Aidan- We learned how to write a cheque.

Callum – We looked at budgets and calculated savings.

Rachael – We researched people who inspire us as part of our November GIRFEC focus, achieving.

Sally – In art we made letters to hold up during our Christmas Alphabet song.

Dallas- We did number talks and learned about friendly or landmark numbers and also new strategies for word problems.

Alice – A man and woman came in from a professional recording company to record us signing the Christmas Alphabet for the school CD which you can buy soon!

Joshua – We practiced Scottish Country dancing in PE and learned a new dance called The Dashing White Sargent.

Have a great weekend!




Article of the week ‘talk task’

Did you know that it’s Scottish Inter-faith Week from the 23rd-30th of November?  If you haven’t already, it would be a great time to explore Article 14 of the UNCRC which protects every child’s right to freedom of thought, belief and religion.

Outright 2016 campaign

A huge well done to our UN Ambassador’s committee for organising this week’s Cool to be kind focus. All classes have taken part and are currently selecting evidence to send to UNICEF.


Thank you to P6 for leading a class assembly for P4-P7 and families, it was very interesting and informative.

We would also like to thank Amera and Catherine’s mum for speaking to us about her work with refugees. She very kindly gave up her time to come along and share her stories and answered lots of our pupils and staff questions.

Keep an eye on facebook, class blog posts and Twitter for further news.

P7/6 Blog Post

Here are the highlights of the week from some of our class,

Danielle – This week in P.E we did Christmas dancing and the girls had to dace with the boys!                                                                                                                                                                                                           Billie- This week was Cool To Be Kind week. I got a certificate for being kind, I was very happy and a lot of people got one as well .

Jessica- This week we made Christmas crackers some people made 2!

Aaron-in assembly we listened to p6 who were showcasing thier class assembly.

Next week we will be recorded singing a Christmas song.  We have been practising hard in class, but if you would like to get a little extra rehearsal time use the following backing track,


I can’t believe Christmas is coming so quickly!  However we still have time to brush up on our Maths skills.  We have been working on multiplying and dividing decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. Everyone has got on really well with this!  For an extension think about how would you multiply a number by 400?  What strategy would you use?  Look at his question and if you have the answer and a strategy you could describe post a reply (extra Dojo point!).

3.4 x 400

Our writing this week was linked to the Cool To Be Kind theme.  Mrs Docherty led us in this lesson and the children all developed and wrote some moving and amazing prayers!  As part of their inspiration for the prayer they used the song “We are the World” charity song that was first recorded in 1985.  Such a powerful lesson!

To round off Cool To Be Kind week the children dressed up in their PJs and had crazy hair to run their daily mile.


Next week we will be continuing to look at our Science topic which will focus on rock formation.  The children will learn about igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and will be able to classify different samples.  Can’t wait!

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Currie


Things are electric in P4/5 this week


Abi – We have been working on our number talks this week. We talk about different strategies that we can use to work out a calculation. This week some of us used our knowledge of rounding as a strategy.

Joshua – We have been using sumdog to help us with maths. We were entered into a competition.

Mirren – We worked on our knowledge of subtraction with borrowing. This can sometimes be tricky.



Lewis – We wrote an imaginative story about our adventure to space. We had to include an act of kindness in our story as part of cool to be kind week. We have a new friend Bill who joined us for writing. We read his story and helped him correct it and uplevel it with great vocabulary.


Lukasz – This week in IDL we were learning about electrical circuits. We had 4 electrical wires with crocodile clips, 1 battery, 1 switch and 1 lamp. We put them together to form an electrical circuit so that the bulb lit up. In our class we have a display to show different object that use battery power or mains.

electricity-2 electricity


Finlay – In Nycos this week we learned 2 new songs. We are learning all about beat and rhythm.


Tanatswa – We had a visitor from the SSPCA. She came and told us all about the animals that they protect. We learned some new facts. I know that animals who sleep during the night are called nocturnal animals and animals who sleep like us are called diurnal. We played a game with our partner to learn about many animals. The card game was really fun. She left us some treats for being so good.

Cool to be kind

Louise – This week we have been focusing on how to be kind to others. We drew portraits of our peers in our class and wrote something kind about them. Today we came to school dressed in our PJ’s with crazy as part of Children in Need. We even ran a mile in our PJs. We know that there are many children who do not have as much as us and would love to raise awareness so people donate money to this charity.

pjs pj-daily-mile-2 pj-daily-mile

Achievements Assembly

Lewis got the kindness award for P4/5 because he always looks out for others and makes sure everyone in the class are happy and have a great big smile on their face.


Have a super weekend everyone.

Mrs W and P4/5

P7 Weekly News!

We have enjoyed campaigning for UNICEF Rights in ‘Cool to be Kind’ week this week. It’s important to us that we learn about and are aware of our rights. Read on to find out what else we’ve been up to!

Issei and Liam – We have created unique Christmas tree Decorations using clay as a base, spray paint to make pinecones green and a star and glitter glue to decorate the tree.

Eve Mac and Alice – Miss Smyth awarded us the best and most behaved class at acheivement assembly and now we get 5 minutes extra break in our amazing pjs.

Freya and Rachael – On Thursday morning we wrote a diary entry thinking about what life would be like if we were a refugee and used our amazing vocabulary to do so.

Dallas and Charlie ­– We had a visit from the SSPCA on Monday and the lady talked to us about what they have to do when animals get hurt.

Catherine and Paris – On Tuesday and Thursday we started Scottish dancing in PE.

Aimee, Avelon and Nikki –We did number talks. Miss Ford would give us a calculation and we would have to find as many different strategies as we could.

Eve and Sally – Today we’ve come to school in our pyjamas to fundraise for Children in Need. We are going to run a mile in our pyjamas too.

Kaden and Callum – This week we had a Literacy carousel where we looked at an anti-bullying newspaper extract and read the next chapter of our books.

Aidan, Joshua, Natasha and Rebecca – This week in music we made up our own songs and used a rhythm rondo where the first line is the same as the third, fifth, and seventh.

Matthew and Lianne – This week we looked at bills and receipts in maths.

Have a great weekend!

Caring P2/3

It has been another amazing week in Primary 2/3

In maths we are working on our addition skills.  We have used lots and lots of different materials to help us add this week.  Zuzanna liked the counting beads best and Pawel liked using the 100 squares.  Alishba liked using the ten frames to add and Maya liked using the number line to 100.  Michelle liked using straws to help her add and she found it helpful to bundle them in to groups of 10.  Matthew has loved working on Sumdog because ‘I can answer lots of questions and my maths skills are improving.   Carly loved playing Hit the Button to improve her addition skills.  You can try this game at home http://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

We have all enjoyed Cool to Be Kind Week.  We have made posters to share our ideas (Rachel).

We thought about some key questions:

  • Why do you think children need rights?
  • Why are children’s rights important to you?
  • Can you think of any barriers that prevent children from enjoying their rights?

We thought about children’s needs (Chloe) and wrote our answers on post-it notes and stuck them to our class chart.  Do visit our class to have a peek at our ideas.

Next we watched a video about a child who had to leave Syria and travel by boat to Greece.  We all felt very sad when we learnt this story (Kasia) and decided to take action!  Everyone wrote a letter to Amber Rudd, Home Secretary (Matthew), to ask her to change the plight of refugee children.  Look out for our letters appearing in our online journals.

We were all very proud of Zuzanna when she got a certificate at assembly for being extra-kind during Cool to be Kind Week.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3


UN Ambassador’s Update – Outright 2016 campaign

OutRight is a special campaign for schools in the UK that lets you speak out about children’s rights and celebrate the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

We have decided to join this campaign and speak out about children’s rights, particularly those of refugees.  All classes will be taking part in this campaign in different ways, eg. writing letters, making posters, having debates, making videos, etc. Ask your child next week what they have been learning in class.

The UN Ambassador’s committee will be gathering a selection of evidence to send to UNICEF to gain recognition for their campaign. They also hope to reach out to their local community via the P6 class assembly on Friday 18th November and through Twitter and Facebook. The committee are also hoping to make a short video which they will share with you next week. Please take the time to engage with the campaign as we really need your voice too!! It would be great to hear your thoughts on the refugee crisis via our blog page, facebook, twitter or dojo.

Nursery News


What great fun we have had this week participating in National Nursery Rhyme Week! Each day we had a different nursery rhyme to learn! We voted for our favourite nursery rhyme too, it was very hard to choose but here are our favourites:

AM CLASS- Doctor Foster



PM CLASS- Baa Baa Black Sheep



We also got our families involved too! We gave our parents a very tricky quiz to see if they could remember nursery rhymes from their childhood! Here are the lucky winners:

AM CLASS- Seren's Dad
AM CLASS- Seren’s Dad
PM CLASS- Kayla's Mum
PM CLASS- Kayla’s Mum

Well done folks!! Enjoy your chocolates! 🙂


Today we learned all about the poppy and what it means. We watched a video that helped us to understand and we stopped playing today at 11:00am so that we could hold a minute silence to remember all the people who have been hurt in Wars. We liked looking at Poppies and we thought they were very beautiful and made us feel happy.


Also this week we were “upcycling” this means to take something old that you no longer need and turn it into something new! Mrs Hogg brought in an old CD tower and we decided we would make it into a planter for our nursery garden. First we had to turn it upside down and drill holes in the bottom to make it a proper planter. These holes will let the water drain out. Then we took it outside and planted bulbs using the compost left over from our potatoes. We are very much looking forward to our flowers blooming in the springtime! 🙂

img_0775 img_0788 img_0795 img_0799img_0823 img_0824 img_0825 img_0829

We were also feeling very flexible this week during gym when Mr McCurdy and the Primary 6’s were helping us to learn gymnastics! We absolutely loved using all the equipment and apparatus and we can’t wait to do it all again next week!!

img_0809 img_0813 img_0816 img_0806 img_0804

This week it’s the Am Class turn to share their learning on the blog:

Anna- “I have like drawing pictures for my mummy.”

Annabelle- “I love playing outside!”

Abu Bakr- “My favourite thing about this week was meeting our new friend Liam 🙂 ”

Roma- “I love playing in the ice!”

Connor- “I love looking at the nursery rhymes on the smartboard.”

Abigail- “I have liked building with the bricks this week.”

Seren- “I enjoyed planting our bulbs.”

What a busy week we have had!!



Next week it’s Children in Need and we will be fundraising to support this cause. The theme this year is “Show your Spots” so we are asking the children to wear something spotty and bring along a little donation on:

PM CLASS Thursday 17th November

AM CLASS Friday 18th November

Thank you very much in advance for your support with this.


Finally we would like to give you a little advance notice that the photographer will be visiting the school and nursery on Thursday 24th November for our annual pictures.


Have a lovely weekend everyone

The Nursery team 🙂


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