Primary 2/3 Weekly News

It has been another busy week in Primary 2/3!  Mrs Keegan and Mrs Howley are really proud of the children and all of their hard work.

The children would like to let you know about some of their highlights:

Maya liked learning the colours in Spanish and using them to play a game.

Levente, Annayah and Zuzanna liked learning about gravity when we investigate how a helter skelter works in our Funfair topic.

James has enjoyed joining letters in handwriting.

Oma loved learning about 3D shapes in maths.

Andrew and Rachel loved exploring money in our Funfair topic and deciding which coins to use for different rides.


Carly liked writing an imaginative story about a visit to the Funfair.  We thought about sights, sounds and smells and everyone produced fantastic writing!

Maeve liked when our surprise visitor, ‘Terence’ popped in to our class on Thursday to help us with our writing.

Aaron liked learning about Advent and painting an advent wreath.

Matthew loved talking about maths to our visitors during our numeracy review on Wednesday.


Alishba has loved rehearsing for the Nativity play and thinks that our Primary 2s are doing a great job!

Calvin has enjoyed skip counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s during our maths lessons.

Chloe really enjoyed yoga because she thinks that it helps her learn better.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3



P7 Weekly News!

This week has been another busy week, especially within our maths and IDL topic – Make Your £5 Grow. Read on for more information!

Freya, Dallas, Charlie and Avelon – In our Grow your £5 topic we did a group project which was about bringing together some of the skills which we’ve learned so far including researching, teamwork, budgeting and calculating discounts and sales in the form of percentages. Our task was to book a trip to New York with a budget of £2000 each so £12000 for our group. From that money we had to search for and select the best flights, hotels and activities and the money which we had leftover could be used as spending money for food, transport and even shopping! When we presented our plans to the class we found that Group 1 got the cheapest deal and luckily everyone managed to stay within budget!

Charlie, Eve McC, Eve Mac and Joshua- This week we also did lots of fun RE because it was the first Sunday in Advent. We even have a class Christmas tree and Advent calendar!!! We learned about Jesus performing miracles in his role known as ‘teacher and healer’. We also learned about St. Andrew as it was the Feast Day of St. Andrew on Wednesday.

Avelon, Nikki, Aimee and Freya – Since we are now on the countdown to Christmas we have been doing some Christmas related art activities including making Christmas tree ornaments with Miss Ford and making crackers with Mrs Currie during our upper area carousel afternoon. We have also made lovely posters to hold up when we sing the Christmas alphabet at the Christmas singalong and we even learned 2 new Scottish dances for our Christmas party. We are so excited for all the fun things coming up in the next couple of weeks!

Eve Mac and Avelon – Today we have our Festive Family Fun Afternoon in school from 1-3pm. We hope you can make it along to help raise money for our school. There are some fantastic prizes up for grabs and please make sure you check out the brilliant posters we made to advertise the raffle stall.

Have a great weekend!

Nursery News

What an exciting and busy week we have had in Nursery! We have been very busy practising for our Nursery Nativity which takes place this Tuesday 6th at 10am and 2 pm. We are really looking forward to showing all our families our singing and drama skills. There will also be a bake sale half an hour before each performance and any donations of cakes would be greatly appreciated for these.

Our planning wall has changed to Christmas and the children have given lots of  super ideas for this. Please feel free to add any other thoughts or ideas that may come from your child at home.

On Thursday something very strange happened in both sessions. We came into Nursery to find lots of glitter on the carpet and we all wondered how this had happened! It was a very special visitor he was the Elf on the shelf! He brought along with him a very special story which we listened to. We were asked to give  him a name. The AM children decided on Sparkle and the PM children thought of Max. He explained that he was going to be in our nursery till Christmas and every day he would be watching us all to see who was being kind and he would whisper their names to the teachers who would write a letter which he would take back every night to Santa! Every day when we came into nursery we would need to look for him as he wouldn’t always be on his shelf and he might be doing something naughty! The kindness elves are his special friends. Look out for him when you are in the nursery.

Its the turn of the PM children to share their adventures with us this week.

Courtney ” I painted and used glitter.”

Mark ” I like the Artic animals”

Emalie B” I like drawing pictures at the drawing table.”

Kayla ” I made a bed in the brick area.”

Emilie M ” I like playing in the house area and looking after baby Jesus.”

Scott ” I like the trains”

Riley ” I helped make Christmas decorations.”

As well as our Nativity plays on Tuesday we have our Christmas Art Galleries on Thursday 15th at 230pm and Friday 16th December at 1030am where you will get the opportunity to buy your child’s special and individual Christmas art. Any money raised for this will go towards purchasing new nursery resources.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday!

The Nursery Team.

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P4/5 Weekly News

This has been a very busy week filled with lots of new learning. Over to you kids;

We have been continuing to develop our mental maths strategies through our number talks. Miss Smyth came to our class to see how well we are doing with this. (Abi)

We have been working with money this week in maths. We have been working out money problems. To work out a word problem we use 2 coloured pencils. We circle numbers with one colour and mathematic vocabulary with the other. We throw away all the other words so that we don’t get confused. –Louise

This week for writing we wrote an imaginative story called ‘The Night Before Christmas’. We watched the Sainsbury’s advert and listened to Christmas songs to find good vocabulary and descriptions to help with our writing. – Lewis

We explored a passage called ‘ The Mysterious Gentleman’ to find alliteration. We looked at other examples of alliteration and came up with sentences of our own.

Peter Piper picked a pickled pepper. Nasim

Santa’s Shining sparkley sleigh – Lewis

This week in P4/5 we have started a new Science topic ‘Forces’. We went on a magnet hunt to look at push and pull forces. Lukasz

I used a magnet to see if a mental pole was magnetic and it was. Joshua

Our tables that are made of wood are not magentic. Lewis

magnet-1 magnet-2 magnet-3 magnet-4

This week was the beginning of Advent. We learned what each candle in the advent wreath represents.

Week 1 – Purple (Hope)

Week 2 – Purple (Peace)

Week 3 – Rose (Joy)

Week 4 – Purple (Love)

Christmas Day – White.

We made our very own wreath for our class Alter. (Mirren)

We hope you all have a great weekend starting off with our Festive Fun afternoon.

Mrs W and P4/5

P5 Awesome Sciencetific Assembly

Chi Chi: Today we performed our assembly. We had been practising all week for it and the hard work paid off.

Joseph: It was a huge success and everyone had fun.

Chloe: we have started our Christmas countdown in school and we are all very excited.

Taylor: At the assembly I enjoyed performing in the drama.

Ethan: Kieron Achara the Glasgow Rocks Basketball player joined us again and we were very lucky to get signatures from him. He has also been coaching us.

Rebecca: On Monday we had a famous author join us at Monday Circles. He talked to us about one of his Spy Quest books and he showed us how an Apple iPad came make one of the pictures come to life.

Preston: At our assembly it was amazing to find out all about inventions and I was amazed at how long ago people invented cars.

Toni: In writing we created our Christmas setting using descriptive vocabulary and ly openers. We also used feelings and emotions to support our writing.

Have a great weekend and Happy Advent.

Primary 5

Nursery News


On Monday we went on our monthly visit to the library.  We listened extremely well to the story of Winnie the Witch and her cat Wilbur. Mrs Campbell had lots of props to help her tell the story and we loved looking at all the different coloured cats! It was great fun!!


Winnie the witch
Winnie the witch


It has been a very cold week, but we have loved getting outside to look for signs of winter. We saw lots of frost on the ground and frozen spider webs on the fence! We think Winter has definitely arrived! We even brought some big chunks of ice inside and put them in the water tray to see if they would melt. We decided that next week we are going to add some polar animals into our ice experiments!


We are in the process of changing our planning wall to the theme of “Christmas.” We have lots of exciting activities planned but we always love to hear ideas from our parents too! Please ask a member of our team if you would like to add an idea to our wall! We have started to make some festive pieces for our Christmas art gallery and we are working hard to rehearse our nativity show!

We have also been decorating our Christmas cakes for the Family Festive Fun Afternoon, don’t they look great??

AM Cake
AM Cake
PM Cake
PM Cake



This week we have set up a mini stage area with some microphones for the children to perform for their friends. What great fun we have had!! Our favourite winter song has been “Little Snowflake.” Please click on the link below to sing along at home. We might even add this song into our nativity show as we love it so much! 🙂



This week its the AM class turn to share their learning on the blog:

Lewis- “I made a steering wheel to drive fast like granny” 🙂

Blake- “I had fun playing in the sand with Yasmin”

Abu Bakr- “I painted my foot!”

Liam J- “I have had a fun time this week!”

Roma- “I was singing in the microphone”

Abigail- “we are practising our nativity show!”

Connor- “I painted a rainbow”

Amelia- “We saw ice on the ground”

What a busy week!!




Thursday 1st December @ 6:00pmNew P1 Parental information Evening.

If your child is due to start School in August 2017, please come along to this information evening.


Friday 2nd December 1:00-3:00pm- Family Festive Fun Afternoon

Please come along and join in the festive fun! This year the nursery will be hosting “guess the weight of the Christmas Cake” and “Carrot lucky dip” we hope to see you all there!! 🙂


Tuesday 6th December- Nativity Show

AM performance 10:00am

PM performance 14:00pm

The parent Council will also be hosting a Cake Sale before the nativity performances to raise funds. Please bring along donations of cakes and goodies on the day if you can! Thank you!



Christmas Art Gallery

Our annual Christmas Art Gallery will take place on:

PM Class- Thursday 15th December @ 14:30pm

AM Class- Friday 16th December @ 10:30am

The children have been busy making lots of festive delights! Please come along to see what we have been up to with the option to buy your child’s work.

*All money raised will go towards new nursery resources 🙂


Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

The nursery team 🙂






P5 Weekly News

Another busy week, here are our comments:

Vanessa: On Thursday Beth, Taylor and I went to Craigswood Sports Centre to take part in a gymnastics competition. Beth’s team came second  and Beth also came second individually. It was very nerve wracking but we all really enjoyed ourselves!

Taylor: We started to create our drama scenes ready for our class assembly.

Toni: In Writing we wrote a refugee diary entry following our Cool to be Kind week.

Matt: In Maths we started to learn about multiplication and division.

Lorena : We all recorded our Walking in a Winter Wonderland Christmas song to be put onto a CD.

We found out that we have raised enough money with our sponsored bounce to invite Kieron Achara back so we are very pleased about that.

Have a great weekend.

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Awesome P3

Another very busy week this week in Primary 3 – we have been working very hard and learning lots of new things.

This week we have really enjoyed….

Emma- I enjoyed writing because we were looking at different parts of a bike and writing about them.

Cameron – I liked the Eco Committee today as we were making bird feeders for the birds and we put them out in the garden.

Kate – We finished off our Christmas stockings in art this week, I liked sticking on all the sequins to decorate it.

Jack – I enjoyed Mass, I liked the singing and watching everyone taking part.  I sat next to a little boy during the Mass.

Sophie YM/Emily – I really enjoyed the Committee today, making a special box with a sweet inside.  I am thinking about who I want to give mine too.

Orla – In Committee we learned all about Graham Bell because he invented the first ever telephone.

Richard – We made candle holders today in our Committee and it was really good.  We used clay.

Lennon – Really enjoyed learning about chimney sums and also talking about other ways to find the answers.

Maliha – It was really fun to go outside and to learn about Carroll Diagrams – we were sorting stones into rough, not rough, grey and not grey.

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Wow! Such a busy and successful week with lots of different learning styles.

Primary 3 really enjoyed the Mass this week and were so thankful to see lots of family members who joined us too, thanks very much for coming along if you could, especially in this cold weather.

We have also been extending our knowledge and confidence in talking about numbers and different strategies for answering sums.

Our Topic work this week has allowed us to investigate the four different layers of the Rainforest and to find out the different animals in these layers.  Why not ask your child what they remember about the different layers, it would be wonderful to read some of the responses on our blog.

On top of all of this we have also recorded a song on CD this week!  We learned ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ and sang this in a visiting recording studio at St. Ninian’s.  It was amazing, what an experience! The children sounded like true professionals, we cannot wait for you to hear it when it’s released.  Awesome P3 have the X-Factor!!

Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend 🙂

Mrs McMullen and Awesome P3


P4/5 Weekly News

Oliwier – This week we have been talking all about numbers during our number talks session. We have been doing a sum and talking about strategies we would use to work it out in our head.

Mirren – We have been doing art this week using chalks. We did a portrait of Benjamin Franklin who discovered electricity.

Harry – We recorded our Christmas song for the school CD. I thought it was magical.

Abi – We wrote a description of a winter setting. We used similies to make our writing exciting.

“The snow was as sparkly as the stars.”

“The grass was crunchy like cornflakes.”

Lukasz – We were practising our subtraction sums with borrowing. We even tried tower sums with 3 values. I found them okay.

Louise – We had our committees this week. I am part of the community links committee. We were practising singing Christmas carols for the people in the nursing home.

Finlay – We learned some new games and rhymes in Nycos.

Oskar – We have been learning some Scottish dances. We have been working with the P4 boys and girls.

Joshua – In Spanish we were playing games and learning all about the colours. We had envelopes. Someone would pick a colour and say it in Spanish. They would then leave the room. We would then hide the colour and they would have to find it.

Aria – We were reading a passage called ‘The Mysterious gentleman’. We had to explore the passage and look for similies. This helped us for our writing this week.

Marcella – For Sacramental preparation this week we listened to stories from the Bible where the Holy Spirit appeared. We then shared times when we felt we needed help from the Holy Spirit. We learned a new prayer called ‘Come Holy Spirit’.

Have a super weekend

Mrs W and P4/5

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