Festive fun in P4/5

P4/5 have had a fantastic week this week filled with festivities.

On Wednesday we went to see our annual panto ‘Beauty and the Beast’. It was fantastic.

Nasim – My favourite part of the panto was at the beginning when there was a lot of songs.

Abi – I loved the bit when Belle got a fright from the Beast.

We also had our Christmas lunch on Wednesday.

Jay-P – It tasted amazing!

We have done lots of fun maths Christmas activities this week. We have learned all about tesselation. We used what we learned to create Christmas cards. We also learned about Grid references. We were able to read the grid reference and colour each square the correct colour. We made pictures of Santa Claus and a Christmas tree from our grid references.

At the beginning of the week Mrs Wassell told us about a serious Crime that happened at the North Pole. One of the elves stole a  Christmas pudding. We had to get into detective groups and solve lots of problems to find some important clues. The awesome agents solved the crime first.

On Thursday we went to the achievements assembly. Mirren achieved the class award for being hard working this term.


Today we are enjoying ‘Christmas Jumper’ day. 😃😃



Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Mrs W and P4/5

Nursery are Winter Ready!


Please find below some activities to keep you busy in the event of a nursery closure due to severe weather.
















  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil
  • 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • half a cup of salt
  • food colouring

Put all ingredients in a large saucepan, and heat slowly, stirring all the time until it forms a ball.  Keep it in wrapped in clingfilm or in a covered tub to stop it drying out.





Don’t forget to record what you get up to! Maybe you could take some photos for your online learning Journal or ask an adult to help you write or draw what you have done!


The Nursery Team 🙂




P4 and P4/5 Winter Ready Activities


  • Log on to sumdog and try out some of the challenges set for you.
  • Find out what the temperature is in your local area. You can do this by using a thermometer or using the internet.


  • Write a recipe for a hot chocolate. Remember to include ingredients, equipment and method. Think carefully about the vocabulary you would use for a recipe. e.g. stir, pour, squirt
  • Watch the Snowman. Write a personal story about a time you made a snowmen. Include adjectives and similes to describe how you felt.

Link to the snowman


Write a book report for a book you have recently read. This could be your reading book. Discuss the main events in the story, characters and setting. Would you recommend this book to a friend?


Think about people who are not as fortunate as us to have a warm environment during this winter weather. Write a prayer to God to ask him to keep them safe during this time.


Watch the video and make a paper snowflake.



Primary 2/3 Weekly Update

On Wednesday, in Health and Well-being, we discussed the qualities of a good friend.  We came up with an amazing list:

  • a friend plays with you
  • a friend is loving and caring
  • a friend has fun with you
  • a friend helps you
  • a friend is respectful to you
  • a friend says nice words to you
  • a friend keeps you company

We went on to complete application forms to be a friend.  Look out for our application forms in our Learning Journals!

Our P2s have been really busy perfecting their roles in the nativity show.  They are looking forward to sharing their nativity with you next week.  We think you’ll be very impressed!

On Thursday we received a letter from Harry the Hot Dog Stand owner, asking for our help.  The roof of his hot dog stand had a leak and he needed our help to choose some materials to mend his roof.  The children used Glow first to find our more about the properties of materials then designed an experiment to test some materials.  Everyone had great fun helping Harry and we wrote back to him quickly to let him know the best waterproof materials to mend his roof.

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Everyone loved watching the video clip of Monty the Penguin then creating their own imaginative stories about Monty’s visit to the Fun Fair.  Look out for our VCOP skills in our imaginative stories.  You can see the clip too by clicking here  to visit the Literacy Shed.

Our yoga also took us to the Fun Fair this week – we went on a Fun Fair adventure with Cosmic Kids and it really helped us to focus on our learning.

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It was lovely to see parents at Ninian’s Natter this morning.  All jotters went home today for parents who couldn’t make it so please have a look at the work we have been doing and discuss this with your child.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3


Primary 7 Weekly News!

This week has been quite tricky as we have been busy doing our termly assessments which meant we had to reflect on all of the learning we’ve covered this term and try to showcase our best skills. Read on for more information.

Issei, Liam, Matthew and Kaden – We went to the library and the librarian spoke to us about different types of books and sections in the library. We also got a book to read in school.

Charlie and Liam – In our Virgin Money topic we learned about Credit Cards and Hire Purchase, both of which involved us working out percentages of interest. We also continued on from our New York budgeting trip by using calulating and converting skills to convert GBP (Great Britain Pounds) to other currencies including USD (United States Dollars).

Issei – We went outside for PE and played team tig and team dodgeball. It was fun!

Charlie – We celebrated three feast days this week, the feast day of St Nicholas, St Ambrose and the Immaculate Conception.

Dallas – On Thursday we did a reading carousel where we asked and answered Blooms Questions, read aloud in our groups and completed a book review which we were given by the librarian. Our book review will be put up on the walls of the library in the near future so look out for this when you are using the library at the Lanthorn.

Aidan and Liam – In literacy we also used Reading Routes to focus on context clues which is when there is a word which you don’t know the meaning of but you use the words and phrases around it (the context) to work out the definition.

Have a great weekend!

P5 – On a Countdown to Christmas!

In writing this week we completed our assessment. It was about one special Christmas Eve when a letter suddenly came down the chimney.  It was a Christmas wish from Santa!

Rebecca: I enjoyed the writing and I  really tried hard to do my best. I hope I will get every box ticked to achieve my goals.

Preston: That was my 2nd favourite piece of writing.

Toni: We had our bake sale on Friday and we hope we raised a lot of money. Thank you supporting us by buying our cakes and sweets.

Kalin: I liked the cakes and I’m glad people bought lots of cakes and sweets.

Lorena:In maths we have been working on a new subject (DIVISION!)Also it really helps us with our times tables.

Chi-Chi: I am excited we are doing division in class because it is interesting to learn.

Beth: I thought division was quite hard but I am going to work hard to understand it.

Bea: On Tuesday we discussed  friendship and made  posters.

We have been thinking about Advent and we are enjoying opening our Advent calendar doors.

Have a great weekend.

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves


Awesome P3

Another busy week of learning and fun in Primary 3 this week:

Seamus – In writing we were writing about what’s happening inside Santa’s workshop.

Kate – We were writing about the different jobs that the new Elf could be doing in the workshop, it was good fun.

Emily – In Art we were making Rainforest masks, we made; tiger, leopard and monkey masks.


Robbie – We were doing subtraction and I liked it.

Primary 3 were very lucky this week, we got to be the audience for the dress rehearsal of the Nursery and the Infant Nativity plays.

Cameron really enjoyed listening to the nursery singing the wonderful songs, they were great.

Ola – I liked the nursery because I liked their acting, well done.

Richard – I liked the infant singing, the P1’s and 2’s were very good at singing.


Check out our video of ‘A Dug A Dug’, by Bill Keys.  The children worked very hard to recite this in Scots language.  (Apologies for bad camera person 🙁 )  Please let me know if you enjoy it.

Fabulous week as always, have a great weekend, looking forward to next week,


Mrs McMullen & Awesome P3

P4/5 Weekly News

Wow! It is December and nearly the end of Term 2. How did that happen?

This week we have been doing many of our end of term assessments.

In Maths we have continued learning all about money. We are able to work out money word problems and recognise what calculation we need to do to work it out. We know that if we want to find a total amount we do an addition calculation. We have been focusing on change this week. We can use our previous knowledge of subtraction to work out how much change we would receive.

For reading this week, we read all about Christmas around the world. We learned lots of new facts about how other countries celebrate Christmas. Did you know that single women in the Czech Republic through a shoe over their shoulder towards a door. If the heel of the show is facing the door they will remain single for another year. If the toe points to the door they are likely to get married. In Poland, many of the families celebrate by having 12 different dishes for their Christmas dinner. Each dish represents each of the 12 disciples. Some of our children from Poland said that their families do this at Christmas. We enjoyed hearing about their traditions at Christmas.

We used our skimming and scanning skills to find information in the text to help us answer some questions about the text.

For writing this week, we wrote an acrostic poem about Christmas. We have a good understanding of the layout of an acrostic poem. We are working on uplevelling our poems by using adventurous vocabulary to describe settings and feelings.

We learned all about the Magi this week. We know that the Magi are the three wise men who came to visit Jesus. We watched a short video about the Magi and retold the story in our own words.

In IDL we learned all about the human organs. We didn’t realise there were so many organs all working in our bodies. We learned about the function of these organs. Did you know that the liver performs all sorts of vital functions in our body from helping us to break down food in digestion to ridding our bodies of toxins. We didn’t know that skin was also an organ.

We are looking forward to lots of festive fun next week with our panto, Christmas lunch and lots of other fun things to look forward to.

Have a lovely weekend.

P4/5 and Mrs W

Bonnie Bairns in P2!

In Numeracy, this week we have been learning all about place value. We understand that a whole number can be split into tens and units. We had to identify the whole numbers from their tens and units or we had to split the whole numbers into tens and units. We used the visuals to support our understanding.

Whilst learning about place value we engaged in our number talks, this allowed us to speak through our reasoning for identifying a number.
We really enjoyed our independent stations too. At one station, you could spin a 0-9 spinner twice. The first number represented the tens and the second represented the units.
You had to build the number and check if you had it on your bingo board to cross off.


We really love this counting to 10 song that we have been singing in class.

In Mathematics, we have been finding the area of a shape. We had to draw our own areas and identify which shapes would fit into which areas.

At our independent carousel station, we used the cubes to cover the area of the different shapes.
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In literacy, we focused on how to describe the setting of a story. We used our knowledge from topic to write the setting of the North Pole. We are improving our ability to use capital letters and full stops in the correct place independently.
We had some super ideas of what to write about.



On Wednesday, it was St. Andrew’s Day, to celebrate St. Andrew we learned all about his story. After listening to the story of St. Andrew we sequenced it in our groups to show our understanding. We know that St. Andrew is the Patron Saint of Scotland so we learned more about the country we live in.

The National Flower of Scotland is the Thistle, we constructed our own Thistles using wool and a pipe cleaner. This was a fun activity, we had to think about all of the steps to making the Thistle. Miss Boyes was very impressed by how realistic they looked!
To finish off our Scottish theme we learnt some words in Scots. Miss Boyes sang us Heid, Shooders, Knaps and Taes.

We followed her actions and identified that the words were Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. At first we found it funny and really enjoyed learning the Scots words. To show Miss Boyes that we had understood the Scots words we drew a picture of a person and labelled them.

Learning more about the nationality of the country we live in links to Article 7 where it states that children “have the right to a nationality (to belong to a country).” We understand that we all have our own nationalities.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend, from Miss Boyes and P2!







Awesome P3

Another busy week for Primary 3…..

The children have impressed us with their existing knowledge and understanding of Advent. They were very keen to share the Advent activities they have carried out already which we are displaying  in our Sacred Space after discussing them.

The boys and girls have been learning about similes and alliteration recently and applied their learning in writing this week to describe a winter scene – super work!

They continued their exploration of different ways to sort and display information by looking at Venn Diagrams. Using their observational skills they sorted different rainforest birds by the detailed colouring on their beaks.


In Number Talks this week, we have been talking about our strategies for adding numbers and how we can tell whether a number is odd or even.

We were lucky enough to have a visit from baby Kelsey which is sadly the last visit before the holidays. Primary 3 learned more about  Kelsey’s development.

: Kelsey is now beginning to eat mashed banana, sweet potato puree and apple puree but still has milk too.

: Kelsey can sit on her own now and only falls over if she tries to reach for something on the floor that is too far away.

: Although Kelsey still likes lying on her tummy, she is not yet able to roll over all by herself but it probably won’t be too long!

Primary 3 sang Wheels on the Bus to Kelsey (not too loudly!) and she absolutely loved it, especially the new verses she hasn’t heard before.

Here are some of the interesting questions, Primary 3 asked Leona & Neil (Kelsey’s mummy and daddy).

Michael – Has Kelsey got her first tooth yet?

Niamh – Is Kelsey grabbing things more now?

Sophie R – Does Kelsey try to move if you hold her legs when she’s lying on her tummy?

Thank you Kelsey for the lovely Christmas card!

From Primary 3 and Mrs Scott.

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