Primary 5 Weekly News

Welcome back everyone and a very Happy New Year!

We have all enjoyed being back at school this week. Here are some of our comments:

Lucas: We had our Happy New Year assembly.

Louise: We started gymnastics in P.E. this week.

Maxx: We started writing our new goals.

Charlie: In Writing we wrote about our New Year’s Resolutions.

Beth: Taylor and I walked around the classroom and looked for links with the Articles from the UN Convention and we shared our thoughts with the whole class.

Matt: As part of our Vision and Values week we talked about our school Vision statement and discussed what qualities we would need to ‘grow in the image and likeness of Christ’ and thought about how those qualities might  influence our Class Charter.

Chloe: We decided to change our Class Charter to different emoji characters for the new term.


Have a great weekend!


Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Happy New Year from P4/5

Happy New Year to you all.

P4/5 have been so excited to start back school. 🙂 We have had a great week. (Especially as it was so short!)

This week has been vision and values week. This allowed us to look back at St Ninian’s Vision and Values and to talk about what they meant to us. We used the vision to create posters to illustrate what we think about when we read the vision.


Our vision is so important to let others know what St Ninian’s is all about!

Our vision is to be a vibrant community of faith and learning where together we learn to grow in the image and likeness of Christ

We also took the opportunity this week to review our ‘Class Charter’. We felt that what we had was all still very important however there was a few new rights and responsibilities to add to our Charter. Lukasz came up with the great design to have speech bubbles and children to design their body to show their personality. Here is a snap shot of our Class Charter.

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In Maths this week, we explored symmetry. We identified objects within our school environment that had symmetry.

We enjoyed circle time this week when we had a chance to share a little about our Christmas holidays with Mrs Wassell and our peers. We then wrote a personal recount including some fantastic similes. “I was as stuffed as a turkey.” (class)

“It was as delicious like a milkybar.” (Lukasz)


We are looking forward to getting back into a routine next week and are going to have a nice rest this weekend in preparation for lots of hard work.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Wassell and p4/5

Awesome P3

Welcome back everyone and a very Happy New Year.  It was lovely to see all the children today after our Christmas break.  All set for another busy term in Primary 3.

This is what we have been doing this short week:


Sophie Young Murray – We were doing tiling with shapes, looking out for which shapes can tile with no gaps in between.

Alexis had fun doing tiling as she found it very interesting.

Maliha – We used the netbooks and real 2D shapes.


Daniel – We wrote about New Years Day.

Michael – We wrote about what we enjoyed from last year and would like to do again this year, we also wrote about our resolutions for this year.


Richard  – My group got a new reading book and I am enjoying reading it.

Support resource for next week (09/01/17)

Next week our focus for writing on Thursday is the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.  If possible, could you either read this story to your child, discuss it with them or watch the story online    This will be a huge benefit to the children when writing.


We are really excited about our new term and about the new challenges it will bring.

Mrs McMullen & Awesome P3 🙂

Happy New Year from Primary 2/3!

Happy New Year to everyone.  It has been a short but busy week in Primary 2/3 and we’re all excited to be back at school and making plans for our learning this term.

Some of our highlights have been:

Matthew ‘I liked solving addition problems in our maths carousel and recording my answers on a whiteboard.  It was fun.’

Maeve ‘I was excited to start our new topic about Ancient Egypt.  I liked watching the video clip and it gave us ideas to plan our topic.’

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Annayah ‘I liked when Miss Smythe came to visit and talked about communicating.’

Oma ‘I liked thinking about our school vision yesterday.  We coloured in Jesus and talked about how we can grow in the image and likeness of Christ.’


Maya ‘I liked working on my addition skills and using my addition to make a winter picture of a snowman.’

Brooke ‘We finished reading ‘The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me’ and I liked designing a new book cover for it.’

Kuba ‘I liked  Big Writing when we wrote about the Christmas holidays. We tried hard to spell common words correctly. Our friend Terence came to visit and we had candles on the tables.’

Calvin ‘I like our new topic and I’ve been learning facts already.’

Chloe ‘I liked our ‘Happy New Year activity’ when we looked back to 2016 and looked forward to 2017.’

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Rachel ‘I liked doing our number talks because everyone does the sum in different ways.’

Michelle ‘I liked when we planned our Ancient Egypt topic on posters.  It was exciting when we came up with new ideas but it was sometimes tricky to work together.’

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Alishba, Dominic, Carly and Zuzanna ‘I liked PE when we were doing forward rolls, pencil rolls and rocking rolls.’

Harry ‘I liked doing lots of rolls in PE.’

James ‘I liked doing backwards rolls on the mats in PE.’

Next week our focus for writing on Thursday is the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.  If possible, could you either read this story to your child, discuss it with them or watch the story online

 This will be a huge benefit to the children when writing.

What a great start to 2017!  We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3


Christmas news from P2/3

What a busy and exciting week it has been in Primary 2/3!

All of our P2s our excelled themselves in the nativity show ‘Busy, Busy Bethlehem’. They worked so hard on learning their lines and practising the songs and their hard work paid off in three fantastic performances. Thanks too to all the parents who helped the children learn their parts then came along to see them.  Our P3s loved watching the rehearsal too!

On Wednesday we all watched a fantastic performance of ‘Beauty and the Beast’.

On Wednesday we also had our Christmas lunch and everyone loved being served by the Primary 7s.


Our writing this week centred around ‘Beauty and the Beast’ too! We listened to the story again on an E-book then sequenced a series of pictures. We used our pictures to retell the story – look out for capital letters, full stops, connectives and wow words in our writing jotters! This was a big project and everyone was very proud of their work.

Wednesday finished with a visit to the library to return our books. Everyone wants to visit again soon to borrow some more books.


Thursday’s highlight for the Primary 2s had to be the Christmas party! A very special visitor even came along to join us – although we caught him having 40 winks!! It certainly is a busy time of year.


The Achievement Assembly on Thursday reminded us all what talented pupils we have. We were all proud of Levente when he got a special award for working so hard in class.

Maths this week has been very seasonal as everyone has used shapes to create Christmas pictures. Mrs Keegan and Mrs Howley were very impressed with the creative use of 2D shapes and the children’s understanding of the properties of shapes.

Have a lovely weekend.

Primary 2/3, Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan


Busy Busy P1R

What a busy, exciting and jam packed week P1R have had. There has been non stop excitement and Christmas cheer in P1! Firstly I would like to say we are extremely proud of the children following their amazing performances in our annual Nativity. The children rose to the occasion and were confident individuals on stage. They retold this special story and made sure we all reflected on the true meaning of Christmas. Well done boys and girls.

This was just the start of our busy busy week as we also had a pantomime which was so much fun. All of the children participated in the singing and audience interaction during the pantomime and all came away with BIG smiles on their faces. The smiles never left that day as we followed the pantomime with our delicious Christmas dinner. The tables were all decorated and there was Christmas music playing to add to the festive cheer.

The next day saw us take part in our Achievements assembly. Our special prize on the day went to Dexter for all his hard work and effort. Well done Dexter. Then it was time for the big event, our Christmas Party! You will not believe it but we had a special visitor who took time out of their very busy schedule to come and see us. It was none other than Santa himself!! When we went in he was fast asleep so we had to shout SURPRISE to wake him up! We sang songs, did our Scottish country dancing, had snack, played games and then showed off our dance moves as we danced and sang the afternoon away. It was a well deserved party for such wonderful P1 children. The teachers loved it as well as they all got on their sparkly party clothes and danced the afternoon away too.

Today rounded off the week with our Christmas Jumpers. We wonder what next week will hold for us. What we do know  right now is that the boys and girls deserve a well earned rest this weekend. Have a great weekend everyone and we look forward to whatever next week holds.


Mrs Docherty, Mrs Caskie and Mrs Stewart


Awesome P3

Primary 3 have had a lovely week as they countdown to Christmas. As part of their preparation during Advent, they wrote their own lovely prayers to God to help them make good choices.  Their understanding and sincerity was very moving. They were a perfect audience for the Nativity dress rehearsal and thought Primary 1 & 2 were amazing performers!  Here are some of their other highlights….

They were all enthralled during the Beauty and the Beast pantomime.

‘I liked that the story was a little different.’ – Emma

‘We liked it when Gaston pretended to sing and his dancing was really funny.’ – Ola & Emily

‘I loved the part where they sang ‘Shut Up and Dance’’- Alexis

Everyone liked the cheeky parts as well. Hee! Hee! ‘Oh yes they did!’


‘We built 3d shapes using card although it was quite tricky to cut them out and get them to stick! We have also been going over the differences between 2d and 3d shapes, how many faces different 3d shapes have and the shapes of their faces.’ – Seamus


‘The panto was such fun that we got to retell the real Beauty and the Beast story during writing afterwards and we liked doing that a lot.’ – Seamus, Jack, Ola, Emma, Sophie YM, Lennon

Christmas Lunch

P3 thought it was great that they got served by the P7s!

‘I liked what I picked, the turkey was lovely.’ – Michael

‘The chocolate cake was huge and yummy.’ –  Orla and Ethan

Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Scott and Primary 3.

Christmas Cheer from the Perfect Performers in P2!

On Monday we learned a little bit more about symmetry. We were finding the symmetry in different shapes. Some shapes ere regular and some are irregular.

At our independent carousel station we had to complete the symmetry for a gingerbread man.



This has been a very exciting week for Primary 2. We have had great fun performing in our Nativity this week. We have been practising lots to make sure that we are the very best performers. We have loved performing our show to everyone and we hope you all enjoyed it too.
The Beauty and the Beast Pantomime show on Wednesday was fantastic, it was so funny. We all sat nicely and listened very well to the story.


This week we went to the library to return our books. We had to put our books on the machine and it knew exactly which book we had returned without having to press any buttons. We completed our returns very quickly and independently.


Although we haven’t had homework this week we have continued to read lots in class as we do love to read our books. We are focusing on reading our books clearly and with good volume.

In RE we have been thinking about why the Angels and the Shepherds went to visit the baby Jesus. We drew a picture of the Angels and the Shepherds at the nativity and wrote the lyrics to a special song the Angels sang to the baby Jesus.



Miss Boyes had to attend an important meeting on Tuesday. On Wednesday morning when we arrived in class there was a small parcel underneath the Christmas tree that was covered in snow. We opened the parcel and found out that it was a letter from Santa. He told us that the meeting Miss Boyes went to was with him. Santa was checking if we had been following the school rules and if we had lost any golden time or dojo points. Santa said we are all on the nice list and so we wrote him letters so he knows what we would like for Christmas. Miss Boyes has now sent the letters off to the North Pole.


Our Christmas party was super, it filled us with Christmas cheer as we danced and sang with all our friends. We even got to meet Santa, who had a little chat with us all and gave us a gift. We really enjoyed playing pass the parcel and the corners game.

At our party we showed off our Scottish country dancing which we really enjoyed.



Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Miss Boyes and P2! img_5756



I’m a P5 – Get me out of here…for Christmas!!!

We’ve all had another very busy week. Here are some of our comments:

Bea: We had a fabulous time at the Beauty and the Beast Panto. It was really funny.

Vanessa: We enjoyed eating our Christmas lunch this week. It was yummy!

Lorena: We all presented our Christmas class presentations about Christmas around the world. Everyone enjoyed learning about all the different traditions.

Maxx: We had fun learning some Christmas French vocabulary.

Grace: We learnt a new strategy to calculate our division questions.

Toni: We all took part in a Christmas quiz.

We also played some Christmas songs for the class!

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Have a great weekend from Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

P7 Wish you a Merry Christmas!

We have been very busy this week in P7. Please read about some of the things we did.

On Monday we did a Christmas sing along with Miss Smyth and Mrs Steele. We also watched the p1 and p2 nativity “Busy Busy Bethlehem”.

On Tuesday we did our maths revision on fractions we also did some more Christmas dancing.

On Wednesday we had the panto which was Beauty and the Beast and then we had our Christmas lunch and during that we did a bush tucker trial which involved us eating a Brussel sprout!!!! Mrs McCabe is to blame haha!

On Thursday we had our achievement assembly and we announced who won the house points of the term. We also started our jumbled word Christmas cloze procedure work sheet.

Today (Friday) we are going into the hall for a Christmas quiz and today is also Christmas jumper day.

We hope you have enjoyed reading our blog posts this term and we wish you all a very happy, joyful and holy Christmas with your families.

By Aimee, Avelon and Alice

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