Celebrate World Religion Day – Wednesday 18th January 2017

Article 30 of the UN Convention states that: You have the right to practice your own culture, language and religion – or any you choose. Minority and indigenous groups need special protection of this right.

Whether you’re Hindu, Jewish, Catholic, Shinto, Buddhist, or one of a million other faiths, World Religion Day is your chance to share your culture with others and take an opportunity to learn from others about theirs.

World Religion Day is easy to observe, you need merely take the time and effort to study the faiths of the world around you with an open mind. World Religion Day is about learning about the religions that shape the world around you, and becoming aware of how many there are.

Take some time to share openly and learn about what those around you believe, and maybe do a little research into your favorite culture to learn a bit about its foundational religions.

Whether you’re learning about the Hindu faith with its thousands of Gods, or precisely how the thousands of denominations of Christianity grew out of the Judaic faith thousands of years ago, World Religion Day is your opportunity to broaden your horizons.

Speak to another with an open heart and open mind, and share what your religion has to say, and then take the time to listen to them talk about theirs from a place of understanding and love.

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P1M Weekly News

Literacy highlights this week:

This week we visited the library. We enjoyed returning our old library books and were given the opportunity to choose a new book. We can’t wait to read our new library books. When we were at the library we met Shona who works at the library. She was telling us lots of things that happen in the library. We were also given a bookmark to use with our new library books. Shona also read us a story called ‘Delilah Darling is in the Library’.

Our sounds for this week are ‘ee’ and ‘oo’. We participated in lots of different activities to help us use our knowledge of these sounds. We played games on the smart board; writing ‘ee’ words on play-dough mats; making sentences with ‘ee’ and ‘oo’ words; sorting out ‘ee’ and ‘oo’ words and spelling words too. Find some links below to play these games at home too.

This term we are using a reading scheme called ‘muckle reading’. In our muckle reading lesson this week we completed a task called ‘picture it’. We had to read or listen to some instructions and draw what we read or could hear. When we finished with the instructions we had drawn a picture of a pirate! We have also been working on our tricky words this week too. Mrs Stewart quickly showed us one of tricky words and then she hid it, we had to try to remember the word and write it on our whiteboard. In class, we enjoy listening to stories on the oxford owl website. Have you used this at home yet?

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Maths highlights this week:

We have enjoyed taking a break from number lessons to participate in some practical maths this week. Our focus for practical maths this week has been patterns and symmetry. We started our week by creating patterns with colours and then moved onto shape patterns. Our favourite task was creating our own patterns. We made colour patterns by using the pegs and peg boards and we created shape patterns using a range of 2d and 3d shapes. We had to finish patterns, copy patterns and match patterns too.

During our symmetry learning we initially found it quite tricky but soon grasped the concept quickly. In the pictures below Patryk and Poppy had sorted out 6 pictures into ‘symmetry’ and ‘not symmetry’ headings. We were also given the opportunity to finish a picture to make it symmetrical – these were pirate themed pictures.

This week we were introduced to our new Play: Plan, Do, Review where we were given 6 more choices. Ask your child what they completed in play this week and which play task they would like to join in our next session?

Red: Numbers to 50. We have to drive a car around a course ensuring my follow the numbers in the correct order. We try to count out loud to make our car drive even faster! We have to really concentrate doing this task as there are a few different turns we can take on the roads!

Blue: Ordering numbers. We complete pirate themed dot-to-dots at this group. We can choose some easier dot-to-dots or some tricky ones if we can manage!

Orange: We use the smart board and ipads to play our favourite numeracy and maths games and apps.

Yellow: Patterns – we use the peg boards and shapes to create patterns.

Green: Subtraction bowling. We use the game bowling to create subtraction sums

Purple: Jenga. We play the game jenga but on the end of each piece of jenga is an addition or subtraction sum which we have to say the answer to in order to keep the jenga piece.

After we finished our first session of this play we spoke to a partner about what we had been doing and what we would like to do during the next session.

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Health and Wellbeing highlights:

We began our new PE block of gymnastics. This week we have been working on balancing – we try to hold a balance for 3 seconds. We have also been working on our strength and ensure when we jump that we land on our feet with squishy knees.

Our GIRFEC focus for this month is active. We completed a page in our talking book where Miss Meechan helped us to write all of the different ways we keep active in our lives.

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Did you hear about our letter we received this week? On Monday, we found a letter, in a bottle in our sink! We guessed that it might have been from a pirate, and we were right! It was from a Pirate called Pete Pigeon. Pete is part of the Squeaky Sail Ship and they are lost in the North Sea somewhere and have asked for our help. We thought of lots of different ways we could help. Then, on Thursday we received another letter in a bottle. It was Pirate Pete Pigeon again and we was so pleased with all of our ideas that he asked us to join us crew. Before we were allowed to join the crew we had to write in our Pirate Passport. Have a look for these in our writing jotter!

School-Home Learning: Here are some apps, websites and videos we have used to support our learning in class this week.






iPad app: spelling bug

iPad app: doodle app (use this to practise writing the sounds you know – make sure you use the correct colour)


Nursery News

Its been another hectic week at nursery!!

Firstly, it was international week so Mrs Caskie (Our resident Spanish expert) taught us some Spanish greetings, phrases and songs. Our favourite one was “Chocolate” which you can sing along to at home by clicking on the link below:

We really enjoyed getting to know our new friends this week and we showed them all the exciting experiences we have to offer at nursery.  We have been learning how to be kind friends and how to share the nursery toys and resources. Our kindness elves have been keeping an eye on us and telling us when we have done something kind. Very well done to all our new nursery children who have settled in extremely well! What little superstars!  🙂


The AM class this week were talking about being different. We talked about how we all have different hair colour, eye colour, skin colour, height and weight. We also thought about how some children wear glasses, some children  need to use a wheelchair and some children speak different languages.  We discovered that we are all special and unique and that we are all friends together! This inspired us to make little self portraits, don’t they look great?


We also had something very sad happen this week 🙁

It was the last week for our favourite Deputy Head, Miss Smyth. To say goodbye the children planned some very special events.

On Thursday afternoon, the PM class decided that they would like to host a little concert and sing some of their favourite songs for Miss Smyth. They also made her a beautiful memory book of hand drawn pictures and messages. It was such a special tribute that there was not a dry eye in the house!

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The AM class decided to throw Miss Smyth a “red party” because she loves her red lipstick! They had great fun dancing and eating chocolate cake!

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The entire nursery community will miss her terribly as she was one of our most favourite visitors each week.  Although we are very sad, we are also delighted that Miss Smyth has achieved this fantastic new post! Good luck Miss Smyth, we will miss you lots!! x x x x x




  • Monday will be class picture day- smiles at the ready!!! 🙂
  • Next week we will be launching our “Travelling Teddies” look out for more details from the nursery team.
  • We will be continuing our consultative planning to find out what the children would like to learn about next.
  • Don’t forget to hand in your child’s EE2 excursion form if you have not already done so.


Have a fantastic weekend everyone,

The nursery team 🙂


Awesome P3






International Week – P3 listened to salsa music and learned sentences in Spanish. They also learned greetings in different languages: Luganda, Polish, Irish & Urdu. Thank you to Emma, Bartosz, Cameron, Ola, Emily, Huda & Maliha for your contributions as well as Mrs Docherty who came to visit and taught us some Irish phrases!  Watch and listen to our soundbites – sorry but due to technical issues, some of them didn’t manage to upload!  The children also  introduced themselves in Spanish by saying and writing their names with their own character. They look fantastic as part of our display! This will be shared with school children in Spain using our 1plus2 school links.

Maths – P3 began multiplication this week and continued with their exploration of 2d/3d shape.

Writing  – Michael – we retold the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Jack – we had to remember to use connectives. Orla – connectives help us write longer and more interesting sentences.

IDL – Daniel – we are going to be learning about Ancient Egypt. P3  decided that these are the aspects of Ancient Egypt we want to learn more about, they are very excited!

ART – We did a very special job with Mrs Thomson as we helped her create our fantastic St Ninian’s Family Tree which is going to be at the very front of our school.

Roots of Empathy – P3 were so excited to see baby Kelsey this week. They just couldn’t believe it when they learned that she can crawl now!


We said goodbye to Miss Smyth at a lovely (and funny) Assembly which made us very sad (and Miss Smyth) but we made her a lovely collection of pictures and messages. We know she will keep it forever!

P4/5 will miss Miss Smyth lots!

Aria – This week we have been learning all about other world religions to prepare for our assembly.

Abi – We started our new topic ‘The Vikings’. I’m looking forward to learning lots of new things about the Vikings.

Oliwier – In PE we were doing gymnastics. We were learning about balance and moving our body in different shapes.

Lewis – We have been working hard in class this week to prepare a song for Miss Smyth to perform at the assembly because she is leaving St Ninian’s. We will miss her lots.

Lukasz – In Spanish we learned words for directions. We played some clapping games with a partner.

Harley – In maths we are learning about multiplication. We practiced our 3 and 4 times tables.

Mirren – We also have learning how to multiply a 2-digit number by 3 and 4. I find this a little bit tricky but will hard over the next couple of weeks.

Louise – We worked in our reading groups this week to explore our books for information. We used our task maps to answer a variety of questions.

Charlie – It was international this week. P4/5 watched a video about school in Malawi. We worked in groups to create venn diagram to show what was the same and different with schools here in Scotland and schools in Malawi.

Joshua – We used the information about Malawi schools to help us write a diary entry from a child in Malawi. We watched a video about the life of Nyamati, a little girl in Malawi.

Marcella – We have also been exploring symmetry this week. We sorted a variety of shapes into symmetrical and not symmetrical.

Caiden – We have emailed a university lecturer this week to ask him questions about Hinduism to help us with our assembly. He sent us lots of interesting facts about the religion.

 We have had a lovely morning celebrating Miss Smyth’s time at St Ninian’s. She is off on a big adventure and we just know she will be fantastic!! We wish her all the very best in her new post.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

P4/5 and Mrs Wassell


Good luck Miss Smyth from P5!

Paige: Today we had an emotional assembly as we said goodbye to Miss Smyth.

Grace: All week we practised a song for Miss Smyth and it really made her smile.

Chloe: Mrs Purdie put up some embarrassing photos of Miss Smyth that made us all laugh.

Maxx: This week we have been working on International Week and we have been learning all about Malawi, Spain and France. You can check it out on Twitter!

Bea: For international week we also did Picasso self portraits. We found out he uses hot and cold colours and he doesn’t make it symmetrical (Toni)

Joseph: We started a new maths topic: Fractions- we have been looking at how to make fractions, played a matching game and we are looking forward to working more on this next week.

Rebecca: Our writing for International week linked to our topic group. We looked at lots of different leaflets for different countries and then we made our own linked to our group’s country.

Beth: In PE we did gymnastics. Our main focus was cartwheels and if you could do it you got to do a double cartwheel.

Thomas: In PE we also had Kieron Achara back in to coach us. He was playing games and races with the ball.


Good Luck Miss Smyth and thank you. You’ll be missed. Remember to Keep Smiling!

Have a lovely weekend.

Primary 5



Primary 2/3 News!

What a busy week it has been in Primary 2/3.  We rounded off the week with a lovely farewell assembly for  Miss Smyth.  We’ll all be so sorry to see her go and wish her lots of luck in her new job.

Everyone has participated so well in International Week and we loved drawing pictures and introducing ourselves in Spanish to our friends in a school in Spain. We hope that they write back to us!

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Some of our highlights have been:

Brooke ‘Learning a song for Miss Smyth from the Trolls movie’.

Andrew ‘Learning about pyramids in Ancient Egypt’.

Hasan ‘Maths carousels were my favourite’.

Levente ‘I liked writing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk because I used lots of connectives’.

Aaron ‘I liked learning about the pyramids  and the River Nile in Ancient Egypt.  I can’t wait to make a pyramid next week’.

Rachel ‘I liked drawing a picture of myself and writing in Spanish to send to our friends in Spain’.

Oma ‘I love our Ancient Egyptians topic and I’m excited to learn about mummies’.

Chloe ‘I liked scribble spelling because I like writing my words in different colours.  It helps me learn my words’.

Carly ‘I liked handwriting because we are getting faster at joining letters’.

Our writing focus next week is the Story of ‘The Snail and the Whale’. It would be really helpful if you could share the story with your child. You can access it at https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B0kSTA-ma90 When we are writing, we’ll be concentrating on spelling common words and using different openers for our sentences.

Have a lovely weekend!

From Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3

Article of the Week-Talk task

As we are celebrating all things ‘international’ this week in school we have chosen Article 30 as your talk task:


In St Ninian’s we are very proud of all the different nationalities we represent. If you know someone who comes from a different country to you, talk to each other about your language, culture, etc.

Welcome Back From Primary 7!

Happy new year everyone! Primary 7 have a had a good start to term 3. Read on for more information on what we’ve been doing.

This week we have been celebrating Vision and Values week. On Wednesday we looked at our school values and linked these to the UN Convention on the rights of the child. We also did a really fun activity where we had to draw an emoji which described each value. Have a look at our Values poster on our class learning wall to see what we came up with! On Thursday we looked at our school vision. We split the vision up in to 6 parts and each group took a part. We had to brainstorm what it meant to us. This was good as it allowed us to really pick apart our vision and understand what it means. We recorded this in our talking book so make sure you look at what we created the next time you visit our classroom. After this task we used what we’d come up with to draw a picture of what our vision looks like and means to us.

As well as celebrating Vision and Values week we also did some writing. On Wednesday we a recount of our Christmas Holidays. We tried to focus on using similes and metaphors. This was quite difficult at first but when we practiced making some up as our starter task it got a bit easier.

In maths we did an assessment question. This was actually only one question but it took a long time to work it out! In the question there were lots of different things which we had to think about including calculating money, rounding, percentages and estimating. We enjoyed doing this question as it was different from the assessments which we’ve done before.

Finally, we started discussing plans for our new class charter and created posters to present our idea to the class. We will let you know what our new class charter theme is once we’ve voted next week.

Have a good weekend!


P1M Weekly News

Happy New Year from P1M.

We’ve had a busy start to this new term. When we came back to school on Wednesday we had a circle time first thing in the morning. This gave us the chance to tell Miss Meechan all about our holidays. We liked talking about our favourite presents from Santa.

We were also learning about New Year and how this is celebrated around the world. We all made a circle and listened to the song ‘auld lang syne’ we all joined hands during this song. We then made sure we said happy new year to all of our friends in the class. We loved the idea of fireworks athe new year and we worked on our pencil control to create fireworks. Lastly, we made new years resolutions and we know that this is a bit like a promise. We had some super resolutions:

Patryk “say more prayers”

Jarred “write a song about new year”

Kaitlyn “tidy my mum and dads room”

Poppy “help my mummy in the garden”

I hope you all stick to your resolutions. We have displayed these in our health and wellbeing section in our talking book- have a look out for them next time you are in our class.


We are starting lots of new concepts next week in class. We will be learning new sounds; starting a new level with our reading books; beginning a gymnastics block in PE; starting a new topic as well as learning more about practical maths! I hope you all get rested up over the weekend because it’s going to be a busy week!

Miss Meechan and P1M


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