Primary 5 Weekly News

Louise: We have all been rehearsing very hard for the 40 th Anniversary Concert.

Matt: We also went to the library at the Lanthorn and we returned our finished books and we were able to choose a new book. we really enjoyed our visit!


Rachel W: We all wrote group poems using Scots language. It was fun listening to all our  poems.

Rachel M: We finished our maths carousel about fractions.

Brandon: We started new task maps for our reading carousel.


Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves


Superstars in 4/5

Oliwia – We have been doing lots of rehearsals for the 40th anniversary concert. I am very excited to perform on the stage.

Abi – We have also been busy this week preparing for our class assembly that we had today. It was great seeing so many parents came to see us.

Aria- We sang a song called ‘Unite’ that was about uniting everyone no matter what religion they are.


Mirren – This week we have been focusing on some reading skills. We had to read very carefully to find information to draw a detailed picture of a Viking in a longboat. We also worked on our task maps and explored our books to find the answers to questions.

Oskar – In writing this week we designed posters for the 40th anniversary concert.

Lewis – We had to make sure we had all the relevant information on our posters to make sure people knew where and when the concert is taking place.

Louise – In Spanish this week we have been learning directions. We had lots of fun playing games using maps.

Harry – In maths we have been learning our 6 times table. We have been learning this by playing lots of different games.

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Finlay – In PE we have been learning how to do head stands and hand stands.

Krystian- We talked lots in RE about how we are different and unique. We designed posters to show how each of us are different but very special.

Charlie – We used a variety of resources to research things about ‘The Vikings’. We then created mind maps to show what we have learned.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend

Mrs W and P4/5

P7 Weekly News!

Callum: We have been practicing our concert for the 40th anniversary of our school.

Freya: We did gymnastics in PE and we were doing vaults and headstands. We also managed a group pyramid!!

Charlie: In maths we have been linking our learning in fractions, decimals and percentages.

Natasha: Mr Reynolds (a Science teacher from St. Margaret’s) came to teach us. We made rockets and launched them. Kaden’s rocket travelled the furthest distance of 19 metres!

Natasha: On Wednesday we celebrated Robert Burns’ Day. We got a Tunnocks Tea cake each because this is a Scottish biscuit!

Paris: We looked at the Robert Burns poem ‘A Red, Red Rose’ and we linked this to our art lesson by focusing on close attention to detail to draw a rose.

Have a great weekend everyone!


40th Anniversary Celebrations


We are holding an Open Afternoon to celebrate the school’s 40th Anniversary.

Please pop along for refreshments and a trip down the St Ninian’s memory lane!

Thursday 9th February

1.30 – 4.00pm

St Ninian’s Primary School

All former pupils, families and staff members are welcome to join us.

RSVP   Mrs Black   01506 414612

A busy week in Primary 2/3

It has been another busy week in Primary 2/3 with lots of exciting learning experiences.

On Tuesday we visited the library and chose lots of books to borrow. The librarian read us a story and told us all about the different types of books including fiction and nonfiction, hardbacks and paperbacks.

On Wednesday we had a special visit from James’ and Harry’s mum who came to tell us all about her trip to Egypt. She showed us lots of interesting photographs and we enjoyed asking questions. We got lots of great ideas to develop our learning for our Ancient Egyptians topic.

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Another highlight on Wednesday was our visit from NYCOS. We had great fun singing and playing musical games with Jackie from NYCOS.

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Everyone enjoyed our literacy focus this week, the story of ‘The Snail and the Whale’. In writing we told the story ourselves and tried to use some interesting openers to start our sentences. Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan were very impressed with our writing. Next week’s literacy focus is the story of Prince Cinders.

Our focus in numeracy has been subtraction and we enjoyed playing subtraction games with dice, with cards and on the smart board.

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Our Primary 3 children have been busy preparing for our 40th Birthday Show – there’s lots of talent in our class!

Thanks for reading our news!

From Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3

Celebrating world religion day in p4/5

This has been a very busy week with lots of rehearsals for our assembly and the 40th Anniversary concert. We did manage to fit in learning lots of new things too.

Nasim – We have been learning lots about other world religions this week as it was world religion day on Tuesday. We are  going to share our learning at our assembly next week.

For our short read this week we read a passage about the Jewish celebration Hanukkah. We learned lots of new things about Hanukkah and how the Jewish people celebrate with having a big family meal with lots of oily foods and play dreidel. We used our reading skill skimming and scanning to find the answers to some tricky questions. Some of us decided to highlight the main points to help us.


In Maths this week we have been learning how to multiply a 2 digit number by 1 digit. It has been quite tricky. We played lots of different games to help us get more confident with our times tables.

Mirren – I loved playing the chase this week. It helped us to practise learning our 3,4 and 6 times tables. 

We continued to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation this week. We reflected on our baptism when the priest anointed our head with oil and discussed the promises our parents and God parents made. We are looking forward to our Confirmation to make these promises ourselves.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend

Mrs W and P4/5

UN Ambassador’s update

Today we had some visitors from St Margaret’s Academy to speak to us about the ‘St Margaret’s for Malawi’ project.

We learned about a school in Malawi and how cramped some of the classrooms are. They are not brightly decorated like ours and rely on natural light as there is no electricity. The children are fed one bowl of porridge and for many of the children this is their only meal for the day, often eaten outside on the dirty ground. There can be over 90 children in a P2 classroom with only one teacher compared to our P2 classroom of 25 pupils and one teacher.

St Margaret’s staff and pupils have been working on the Malawi project to support these children in their lives and education. They are going over in July to help build a classroom and are planning on raising funds and taking over bags for every child that they visit. We are going to support them with this project during Lent. Watch out for more information on the weekly updates, dojo and Facebook.

A huge thank you to our visitors for taking time in their busy prelim week to come down and speak to us!

Primary 5 Weekly News

We have had another extremely busy week in Primary 5. Here are some of our comments:

Vanessa: I really enjoyed finishing the Picasso pictures. Here are the finished portraits:

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We are all really proud of our work!

Brandon: I enjoyed completing the Country Research leaflets in Writing.

Taylor: I enjoyed finishing and presenting our International Week dramas, Power Points and posters to the rest of the class.

Brandon: I really enjoyed the International Week activities too!

Chloe: During our Committee time, the Sports Leaders group were able to design our own games and play them.

Rebecca: We started preparing for the school concert and the two songs we will be singing are ‘You’ve got a friend in me’ from the Toy Story movie and ‘I just can’t wait to be king!‘ from The Lion King movie.

Cole: We are looking at and researching the 1990’s for the school concert.

Beth: We carried on with our gymnastics for our P.E. lessons.

Here we are showing off our partner-balancing skills:

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Brandon: In the Health and Well Being Committee we made a Power Point for the ‘Blog of the Month.’

Vanessa: In the Ambassadors Committee people from St Margaret’s Academy came to talk to us about Malawi.

Toni: We talked about our school prayer in the Pupil Leadership Committee.

Lorena: We started our new maths carousel about fractions and division.

Maxx: We learnt that fractions are like division.

Taylor and Brandon: We enjoyed doing our number talks.


Have a great weekend.

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Awesome P3

Good afternoon,

I cannot believe we are at the end of another week, and what a great week it has been.

Pupil evaluations.

Kate – I enjoyed reading and writing about the ‘Snail on the Whale’.

Ola – It was nice to have a chance to talk with Father Kenneth about the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Niamh – It’s been fun practising the times tables.

Kate – I liked making an Egyptian Bracelet – pictures to follow when they are finished.

Primary three also really enjoyed learning the different parts of the body in Spanish – quiz them at home and let us know how much they remember, I’m sure you’ll be as impressed as I was.

Friday Committee Day

Teegan – enjoyed the STEM committee.

Sophie YM – enoyed being in Mrs Young’s committee today.

Cameron – felt proud to make posters about reminding the children to keep our school tidy by using the bins for litter.

Richard – Is really enjoying making the Chinese Dragons

Bartosz – It was good fun to make posters for the bake sale.

This week we have also been learning the songs we will be singing for the 40th Show in February.  The children are sounding great already but it would be great if they could also practise at home, please see links below.



I will send out a Dojo next week to confirm the costumes we will need for the show, any problems or questions feel free to post here or on Dojo.


Have a great and safe weekend, looking forward to Monday,

Mrs McMullen and Awesome P3 🙂

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