Article of the Week

Message from UN Ambassadors:

Article of the Week: You should be able to keep things private, unless the law says there’s a reason you can’t. (Article 16)

This is a good article for discussion this week as Safer Internet Day 2017 will be celebrated globally on Tuesday 7th February with the slogan ‘Be the change: Unite for a better internet’. It is important that we promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.


40th Anniversary of St Ninian’s – 1st February 2017


We were very excited to welcome Archbishop Leo Cushley and Fr Tony Lappin to celebrate Mass with us on 1st February to mark our school’s 40th Anniversary. It was a beautiful Mass, very prayerful and filled with joy. We celebrated St Ninian’s past and present, involving various members of our school community in the liturgy making the celebration a meaningful and memorable occasion in the history of the school.   

All of the children were fantastic and participated so well. I was very proud of them all. I was also delighted that our school brass band provided music for the Mass.  They were impressive and I was grateful to Mrs Downs for preparing them so well.  We were joined by some of our former pupils and some special guests who have all made a great contribution to our school over the years. 

During the Mass everyone was given the gift of a St Ninian’s prayer card, produced by some of our pupils especially for the 40th anniversary.  Archbishop Cushley referred to the prayer card during his inspirational Homily. He reminded the children about  the importance of prayer in their lives as way of growing closer to God and each other.  It was so very special to have him lead us in prayer using our own school prayer. 

I am very proud to be the Headteacher of St Ninian’s and to be part of such an inspirational school family! 

Primary 5 Weekly News

What an amazing week we’ve had! Here are our comments:

Rebecca: On Wednesday we celebrated St Ninian’s 40th birthday.

Chi Chi: We had a very special Mass to celebrate.

Bea: During our special Mass we had lots of important visitors and we were so pleased to see Miss Smyth again!

Rachel M: It was also really exciting to see Archbishop Cushley who came to our celebration Mass.

Rebecca: I was able to hand a special plate to the Archbishop as a gift.

Ethan: We all received St Ninian’s prayer cards as a souvenir to remember the anniversary.

Beth: At the Mass I said a bidding prayer.

Chloe: We all enjoyed clapping for Mrs Purdie’s boss!

Lucas: On Thursday we also had a fun day.

Maxx: On the fun day we took part in an art competition, which was fun!

Joseph: We all watched the movie The Incredibles and we were allowed to eat snacks.

Brandon: We all had a slice of St Ninian’s cake during our party. Also we have had two dress rehearsals for the concert and we all performed in front of the nursery and the Primary 1s and 2s.

Vanessa: In gymnastics we learned side vaulting and we tried to challenge ourselves to build up our skill!!

Cole B: We are all very excited to go to the basketball match tonight.

Have a great weekend and we are thoroughly looking forward to seeing you all at  our celebratory concert next week!


Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves



P7 Weekly News!

We’ve had a great week celebrating our school’s 40th anniversary and leading the way by having some very important roles and responsibilities within this. Read on for more information!

Aimee – We celebrated Mass with Archbishop Leo Cushley. Lots of our class had responsibilities in this mass including:

Psalm and Gospel Acclamation sung by Natasha, Rebecca, Avelon and Paris

Altar Serving: Avelon and a St. Margaret’s student

Greeting our important guests: Nikki and Charlie

Playing in our school brass band: Dallas, Aidan, Freya, Sally, Eve Mac, Alice, Catherine and Callum

Changing slides on the laptop: Nikki

Presenting a gift of thanks to Archbishop Leo: Joshua


Nikki: We had our concert dress rehearsal and we are pleased to say it went very well! Next up is the real thing!!!

Charlie, Freya, Sally, Aidan and Eve Mac: On Thursday we had a fun day to celebrate our school’s 40th anniversary. We watched the movie ‘The Incredibles’ and then did lots of fun activities including art and craft, superhero puzzles, Sumdog and eating cake!!!

Charlie: Believe it or not we also did some real work this week even though we were busy with all the events! In Maths we continued to do work on linking Fractions, Decimals and Percentages including converting between them.

Charlie: In PE we worked with P7/6 playing Capture the Flag. Our teachers were Mr McCurdy and 2 St. Margaret’s students Michael and Nathan. It was so fun and very muddy!

Have a great weekend and we hope to see you at one of our concert performances on Monday or Tuesday next week!

Awesome P3

Happy 40th Birthday St Ninian’s from all of us.

We have had a lovely week celebrating the 40th birthday.  Primary 3 felt so honoured and delighted to attend such a special Mass celebrated by Archbishop Cushley.  They felt it was very special, especially as they make their journey towards the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Sophie YM really enjoyed singing the Hymns at Mass.

Teegan felt very happy to be blessed by Archbishop Cushley.

Ola really enjoyed meeting Archbishop Cushley.

School Show 

Final rehearsals and preparations have been made this week for the School Show next week – Primary 3 are delighted to be opening the show and are looking forward to showing off their beautiful singing voices and funky dance moves.

Dress Down Fun Day

We all really enjoyed a special day dedicated to having fun and being creative.  Primary 3 really enjoyed the movie.  It was an Awesome day.

In Maths this week we have continued to work on our Times Tables.  Still lots of practice to become more fluent with these.  All children are learning the 2, 5 and 10 times tables so be sure to quiz them at home.

We are so excited to seeing all our St Ninian’s families next week as they enjoy our fabulous performance,


Have a great weekend everyone, from Awesome P3 and Mrs McMullen. 🙂

Bookbugs in P4/5 this week

This week has been a fanatastic fun week in St Ninian’s as we celebrate our 40th birthday.

Abi – On Thursday we had a dress down/fun day to celebrate our 40th birthday. We done arts and crafts, golden time games, karaoke and cake, movie morning and  technology station. It was amazing.

Oliwier – We have been doing some Viking art .

Lewis – Our short read this week was a silly passage about the Vikings. We had to change the silly words to sensible words to make the passage make sense. We worked in trios and earned points for each sensible word.

Lukasz – On Monday we tried something new with reading. We went into trios and read to each other. We worked with children who were reading different books. I liked this because I got to hear different stories. We focused on expression and fluency.

paired-reading-1 paired-reading-2 paired-reading-3 paired-reading-4

Charlie – We celebrated our 40th birthday by having a very special mass with the Arch Bishop. We addressed the Arch Bishop as “Your Grace”.

Abi – The Arch Bishop wore a big white hat and a carried a staff.

Harley – In PE this week we have been working on our gymnastic skills. We were doing side vaults this week. I found this a bit tricky.

Mirren – We have been doing carousels this week in numeracy. We have been playing lots of maths games to help us learn our times tables. My favourite is times table jenga.

Marcella – We welcomed Mrs Dunse this week who will be working with us for 5 weeks. 🙂

Louise – We have been doing lots of rehearsals for our big show next week. We hope you all enjoy the show.

Jay P – In PE we worked in pairs and created a sequence to performance to each other. We had to include 1 jump, 2 balances, 2 rolls and we could add any other movements we were comfortable.

Finlay – This week we visited the library and got new books. We played some games to help us learn how to find a book in the library using alphabetical order.


Caiden – It was great fun.


Have a great weekend everyone.

Mrs W and P4/5

A musical week in Primary 2/3

Primary 3 have been busy rehearsing for our 40th Anniversary show. We’re singing songs from the present decade and our performance is really starting to come together. Everyone is working so hard in school and at home to learn the songs and the actions.

Our writing this week was centred around the story of Prince Cinders. We all retold the stories in 3 parts and focused on using good openers. Everyone used fantastic openers but also rememberd to use connectives and to spell common words correctly.

We thought about what it means to be a Rights Respecting School and looked at some of the rights of children. Look out for the articles which we’ve stuck all around our classroom walls. You can read more about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child here.

In numeracy we have been developing our subtraction skills this week.

Primary 2 have been demonstrating their understanding by using materials that subtract within 20 then using their understanding to complete group challenges. Primary 2 have worked hard on Sumdog this week and are proving to be very competitive!

Primary 3 have worked on recording subtraction sums within 100 and everyone worked really hard on their chimney sums.

In RE this week, there was a special visit from Fr Kenneth. Fr Kenneth as part of our P3 Sacramental journey towards making our First Reconciliation in March. The children discussed some of the important stories – ‘The Lost Coin’, ‘The Father & Two Sons’ and ‘The Lost Sheep’ which show God’s love for us. The boys and girls were able to confidently give examples of actions that show love and actions which don’t. Fr also told us that he is going on a well-deserved holiday to Jerusalem soon so we will look forward to hearing all about it when he comes back.

In Health, we thought that about how we can all be more active and created posters to show our learning.

Have a great weekend from Primary 2/3, Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan


Ship ahoy in P1R

IDL has been really interesting this week as another message in a bottle arrived, Ephraim did a great job of finding it and sharing it with the class. Our task this week was to think about pirate ships and make our very own ship to allow us to join in with Captain Pete Pigeon’s adventures. First, we looked at examples of pirate ships, some big, some small, some fast and some colourful. We also learned about the different features of a ship, ask us to name some of them for you. This led to us building a ship in our classroom for us to play in, we’re almost finished it! In order to join the adventures we also linked our learning to literacy and completed some application forms, we had to choose what job we would like – helmsman, cook, quartermaster, captain, etc. No-one wanted to be the surgeon as we learned that they had the horrible job of cutting pirate’s legs or arms off!!

We love Fridays as we get to share our pirate homework tasks, some examples this week were: Dawid made a treasure chest, Isla made a treasure map, Lucy made a pirate ship, James made a pirate passport and Abigail brought in pirate cakes for the whole class (they looked and tasted great.)

Wednesday was a special day as we celebrated ‘Burns Day’. We had a traditional Burns Supper which began with an ode to an haggis, it was tricky to understand some of the words as they were in Scots language. This is something we would like to look at again and learn some traditional Scots words. Everyone wore a piece of tartan and then we raised a glass(of irn-bru) to toast the haggis. It was great to see everyone having a wee taste of some of the Scottish food – haggis, neeps, tatties, oatcakes and shortbread. Check your child’s online journal for a wee video!

Subtraction continues to be our focus in numeracy and this week we have been learning about words that mean the same as subtraction, ask us to tell you all about it. Our favourite activity was subtraction smash, all you need is 10 balls of play dough and a dice to play. Try it at home, it’s great fun and can get a bit messy! We also used our hopscotch mat to practise jumping back as that’s what we need to do when we subtract – Start at the biggest number and then jump back. Some of us are now realising that using cubes is also a good way of doing subtraction sums, it makes the sums easier to work out.

In phonics we have been working on ai and oa, these are sounds from our Vowel House story. We have sorted pictures, played smartboard spelling games, circled the ai words and made snails for our phonics display. Next week is a revision week so there will be no new sounds in the red jotter. Our reading is improving every week, we are all trying hard to sound out words and use our knowledge of Fry’s words, it’s really important to practise these as much as you can. Check your homework folders on Monday to see if you have any new ones to learn.

We finished the week by going to the P4/5 assembly, they taught us more about World Religions which linked nicely to what we had been doing in class last week for World Religion Day-thank you P4/5. We also completed a task to put in the time capsule we are making to celebrate our 40th Anniversary which is next week, we are all looking forward to the celebrations!

Nursery News

This week our learning experiences were centred around Robert Burns. We worked together to decide what we could learn about and recorded our ideas on our learning wall. Doesn’t it look great?

Our Learning Wall
Our Learning Wall

We decided that to find out more information about Robert Burns we could use books or the internet.  We found a video for children that told the story of Robert Burns and we really enjoyed listening and watching for information. We learned that he wrote poems and songs for girls and that he worked on a farm. Some of us could even sing his most famous song “Auld Lang Syne!” We also learned that each year he is celebrated on the 25th January with a Burns Supper. We decided to host our own Burns supper too and we tasted Haggis, neeps and tatties and had a special visitor from a piper. What a fun learning experience 🙂


AM Class Burns Celebrations
AM Class Burns Celebrations
PM Class Burns Celebrations
PM Class Burns Celebrations

We have been linking our Robert Burns knowledge to our recent numeracy work on patterns and we have made some tartan patterns too. I wonder what we will do next??

Also this week we have really enjoyed playing outside and exploring our nursery garden. We have been looking out for birds and we decided we should take up bird watching. To attract more birds to our garden we thought of a great idea- ‘lets make bird cake!” We will make bird cake next week and think of interesting ways to record the birds that visit our garden.

Winter Bird Display
Winter Bird Display
Bird watching area
Bird watching area



We have also been learning that Saint Ninian’s Primary School will be celebrating it’s 40th Anniversary next week!! We were very kindly asked to take part in the School’s time capsule so we recorded our favourite things from 2017 including hobbies, films, songs and sports and we also added in pictures of our classes too.  What a special event to be part of!  🙂



Each term we try to host a fundraising event to raise money for our nursery. This term we are holding a Sponsored Welly Walk which will be happening next week. All we ask is that you you send your child to nursery in their Wellies and waterproofs (if necessary) and bring a little donation if possible. We will be going on a walking adventure around the local woodlands and pond and we might even have a special picnic! We can’t wait!





On Monday and Tuesday next week we will be celebrating Chinese New Year, the year of the Rooster!! We have set up a Chinese restaurant in our role play area and we are looking forward to learning all about Chinese culture. On Monday our nursery snack will be Chinese food, yum yum!!! We will also have a very special visit from a Mandarin teacher who will help us to learn some Chinese phrases, how exciting!! 🙂


Our Chinese New Year Display
Our Chinese New Year Display
Our Chinese Restaurant
Our Chinese Restaurant


Here are a few more photos from our adventures at nursery this week, have a lovely weekend everyone!

The Nursery Team 🙂




Awesome P3

Primary 3 have had a very busy week

Here are some of their highlights…

RE – Sacramental Preparation

Fr Kenneth paid us a very important and lovely visit yesterday as part of our P3 Sacramental journey towards making our First Reconciliation in March.  The children discussed some of the important stories – ‘The Lost Coin’, ‘The Father & Two Sons’ and ‘The Lost Sheep’ which show God’s love for us. The boys and girls were able to confidently give examples of actions that show love and actions which don’t. Fr also told us that he is going on a well-deserved holiday to Jerusalem soon so we will look forward to hearing all about it when he comes back.

Maths (Money)

Learning about equivalence –  many 1ps, 2ps, 5ps and 10ps are in given amounts of money. Really quite tricky… but loved being able to use real coins.

‘I liked using different coins to make different amounts – it was fun using REAL money!’ – Emma

‘I liked adding the money up in Maths’ – Sophie YM


‘I loved making Egyptian bracelets’ – Ethan ‘I loved making my own bracelet especially as finding out what Egyptians wore was something I wanted to learn’ – Emily


P3 were super this week at singing their VCOP song which is always part of our writing warm up!

The storybook ‘Prince Cinders’ was a big hit as a context for  writing, reading comprehension and listening and talking. Our writing focus was using interesting openers as well as still including a connective to write longer sentences. Super focus too! The children also worked in pairs or small groups, asking and answering different types of comprehension questions to show their understanding of the story.

‘Prince Cinders story was funny and it was fun to write about it’ – Sophie R, Kate, Niamh

‘I liked drawing my pictures first in my plan and then writing about it because it helped me remember what I was writing’ – Emma


Last week, we had a special visit from NYCOS  where we learned that the pulse in music is a steady beat. We also practised this funny rhyme when clapping to help us with rhythm too:

‘Coca-cola went to town’

‘Pepsi-cola knocked him down’

‘Dr Pepper fixed him up’

‘Turned him into 7-up’

Roots of Empathy

We had a really interesting session this morning where P3 learned about ways of keeping a baby safe, especially once a baby has started to grab things, crawl and walk. We impressed Mrs Brutin with our sensible contributions and our good examples of real life situations which demonstrated our understanding. We also had an informative discussion about the importance of keeping a baby safe in mummy’s tummy before it is born – the boys and girls displayed a very good insight into the dangers of smoking and drinking alcohol.


P3-7 Show

P3 have worked so hard this week  and have been fantastic at learning our songs with actions. They will definitely amaze you at their performance – keep up all the great help you are giving them at home!

Have a lovely weekend from Primary 3 and Mrs Scott.

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