Viking extravaganza in P4/5

Wow! What another busy week we have had. There seems to be no end to the fun we have in school.

On Monday we had a visit from Vikings who came from Scandinavia. They introduced themselves as Thorgrim, Skulkey and the lady had an unusual name which we can’t quite remember.


Finlay: ‘they introduced us to the language they spoke, called Norse, which sounded very odd to us’.

Abi: ‘Charlie from the other class was dressed up as a Konungr. Finlay, Jay, Lauren and Mrs Wassell took part in the story that the Vikings made up. It was Finlay and Jay’s birthday and they went out hunting wild boar and Jay managed to kill the wild boar but Finlay chose the wrong weapon and was struck by the wild boar in the stomach and died a slow painful death!

Joshua: ‘after the story of the wild boar the Vikings showed us their weapons and how they used them in battle’.

Marcella: ‘the Vikings were fighting with the weapons and enacted a battle’.

We had such fun and it was a great way to learn.

1 3 4 9 12


On Tuesday we attended our assembly at the Lanthorn which was about Fair Trade Fortnight and how we can help the farmers overseas to get a fair price for the products the grow.

Charlie: ‘I was apprehensive about singing the song and saying my words’


In writing we wrote a news report about our Viking visit. We pretended we were reporters and we tried very hard to use adjectives and interesting sentences with alliterative headlines.

In maths we have been looking at division and the process of dividing a big number into 2,3,4,5,6 and 7. We had to work hard to concentrate so we could work out the answers.

On Wednesday we made Viking weapons of our own. We looked in detail about the designs of the weapons and how the more intricate the design on the weapon, the wealthier the clan was.

On Thursday we discussed Gods creation and how He made Adam and Eve to form a relationship with one another because God did not want man to be alone. We focused on how important it is to look after one another and be kind to each other and only say nice things.  If we are kind to each other we build positive relationships which results in us being happy. We know that we work our very best when we are happiest.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend

P4/5, Mrs Dunse and Mrs Wassell

P7 Weekly News!

This week in Primary 7 we have been assessing our Term 3 learning so far. Read on for more information.

Nikki – On Wednesday we did our functional writing assessment. It was a newspaper report about the outbreak of WW2.

Rebecca – On Wednesday we also did our termly 50 word spelling assessment!

Charlie – In PE we did Russian Longball with Mr McCurdy and the Illinois agility fitness test with Mrs Rankin.

Catherine – On Thursday we had an assembly with Mrs Roy which was about Catholic Education Week and Lent. At this assembly the house captains set a challenge for every class to fit every child inside one A4 piece of paper!!!! Watch this space to see our progress!!!

Avelon – This week we have been doing Number Talks style of mental maths with Mrs Rankin. At first we found it quite difficult but we are getting better!

Sally – In Art we looked at hot and cold colours and used paint and black paper to make a skyline scene which shows the contrasting colours.

Paris – We learned about the GIRFEC indicator ‘Active’ and researched information about ‘green exercise’. We also did some science work on Speed, Distance and Time and forces. We made rockets and launched them then used the time and distance information to work out the speed which they travelled at. The winning rocket was the fastest one and it travelled at 8m/s!!!

Rachael – We launched our new IDL topic WW2 and we learned about the reasons for WW2 starting, the key leaders from each country and we listened to Neville Chamberlain’s speech which he made to the people of Britain on 3rd September 1939. You can listen to Chamberlain’s speech here:

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 Weekly Update

Here are our comments for this week:

Ethan: I came first in the whole school in the Bleep test with 10.3!

Brandon: We started a new maths carousel learning about finding fractions of quantities.

Thomas: We played ‘Hit the ball’ in P.E.

Rebecca: We did our spelling assessment – it was quite fun!

Cole B: We all wrote a report about the St. Ninian’s 40th anniversary celebrations for our assessment.

Vanessa: Today some of my friends went to sing our St Ninian’s school song to some of the parents.

Matt: We started our new topic about the Highland clearances.

Charlie: We learnt that years ago many people living in the Highlands were thrown out of their houses and their farms were replaced with lots of sheep to make money.

Cole F: I learnt that the word ‘clan’ comes from the Gaelic language and it means ‘children’.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Weekly update from P2/3

Our trip to the museum to continue with our investigations into Ancient Egypt was a huge success and we would like to share our pictures.  We loved the workshop when we found out about mummies then the Ancient Egyptian trail around the museum which took us all the way from the first floor to the fifth floor!

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Our highlights included:

Matthew – I learned about mummies at the museum.

Aaron – We learned about being mummified.

Oma – We went to the shop and we bought some things to help us remember our trip.

Maeve – I liked when we did the quiz in the workshop.

Kuba – I liked seeing the huge aeroplane in the museum.

Andrew – We saw a stone coffin on the trail.

Pawel – We saw a real mummy on the trail.

Brooke – We got to hold real artifacts.

Harry – We looked for clues on the Egyptian Trail and I got to be a Pharoah in the workshop.

Levente – I liked when Harry was on the floor and we were finding out how to make him into a mummy.

Michelle – We did Egyptian investigations in the workshop.

James – I liked when we had to complete the missing half of some pictures.

Chloe – I liked it when we went to go and find the lion without the head dress.

Angel – I liked playing the ‘Man, woman or child’ mummy puzzle.

Rachel – I knew all about canopic jars and mummy brains.

Alishba – I liked filling in the log books.

Carly – I saw the coffin of a mummy with lots of drawings on it.

We all liked being on the bus in the snow and having our packed lunches!

Have a good weekend.

Primary 2/3 and Mrs Keegan


Catholic Education Week in P4/5

A short but busy week in P4/5 this week. This week we celebrated Catholic Education week. We enjoyed a very interesting assembly with Father Kenneth who shared lots of pictures and exciting information about his trip to Israel. We discussed what it meant for us to be part of a Catholic school and community.

In writing this week, we wrote a new paper report about the 40th celebrations in St Ninian’s. We looked at all of the lovely facebook and twitter posts about our celebrations to add quotes into our reports.

In maths we have been continuing to learn all about division. We have been exploring different strategies that we can use to help is e.g. grouping in arrays, repeated addion/subtraction and inverse calculations. It is very important for us to keep learning our times tables to help with division.

Mrs Dunse has been working with us in Health and Wellbeing this week. We looked at lots of different foods and drinks to see how much sugar is in them. We weighed out the sugar using scales so we could visualise how much sugar was in these products. We could not believe how much sugar was in a jar of dolmio sauce. We understand that sugar not only makes foods and drinks sweet but is also used as a preservative.

We were learning about viking raids this week and talked about the weapons the vikings used. We are currently in the process of making weapons in class. We look forward to sharing the final products with you next week.

We have also been working hard this week learning all about fairtrade to share with our cluster schools next week at the cluster assembly. We watched a video all abouta young boy called Patrick from Ghana who works on his uncles cocoa farm. It is very sad that so many farmers from third world countries work so very hard yet earn very little. It has made us think about the chocolate that we buy from the shops.

We hope you have a great weekend.

Mrs W and P4/5

Dress Down For a Pound Day

Today we held a ‘Dress Down for a Pound’ day to raise money for the St Margaret’s for Malawi project. The total raised was £163, well done to everyone who took part and donated to this worthwhile cause (thank you to 2 of our UN Ambassador’s, Erin and Neave for counting all the coins!) We will present a cheque to the pupils and staff from St Margaret’s during Lent as they are going to lead an assembly for us to share their plans for the Malawi project.


Keep checking the blog and class dojo for further activities during Lent!

P7 Weekly News!

This week has been short but we have managed to fit in lots of learning and new experiences! Read on for more information.

Joshua – On Thursday we went to St. Margaret’s Academy, it was so fun!

Eve Mac – At St. Margaret’s we used Bunsen burners and different chemicals to make a flame change colour. (See videos and photos on our school Facebook page!)

Nikki, Sally and Freya – During our time at St. Margaret’s for the first part of the morning we were split in to two groups. Some of us went to Social Subjects and learned about ‘The Space Race’ between Roscosmos (Russia) and NASA (America). The other group went to Maths and did an activity where we managed to fit 17 people through one A4 piece of paper! We also managed to fit ourselves through a sticky note!!!

Dallas – On Wednesday we did the ‘bleep test’ in PE with Mr McCurdy. We will do this again at the end of term to compare our scores as we are trying to improve our fitness using the daily mile.

Charlie – Today (Friday) we are dressing down to raise money for Malawi.

Have a great weekend and please check out our St. Margaret’s photos and videos on Facebook!

Primary 5 Weekly News

A short but busy week in Primary 5!  As part of Catholic Education Week we each wrote and decorated a Faith Community poem.


We were delighted to have Father Kenneth attend our whole school assembly yesterday and he told us all about his visit to Jerusalem. We learnt lots of interesting facts and enjoyed looking at his slide show.

We also started to discuss our new topic about the Highland Clearances and we were sharing our ideas about what we would like to learn about and what activities we would most like to do.

Our writing this week involved learning the important aspects of the layout of a report. We wrote about our recent 40th anniversary school concert.

During our P.E. lesson we created some of our own gymnastic sequences and performed them in front of the class to the music from a James Bond movie! We all were very enthusiastic and we had lots of fun!


Have a great weekend.

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Awesome P3

The end to our short week, it was lovely to see all of the children in Awesome P3 today.

Catholic Education week 2017

The children have been learning about the Beatitudes.  They chose one and linked it to a movie character to show their understanding.

Sophie YM – I enjoyed writing about the beatitudes, although it was a little bit difficult.

Kate – I thought learning about the Beatitudes was very fun.

Alexis – I liked it because people were helping me and it was fun.

Father Kenneth – Assembly about Jerusalem

Father Kenneth visited us this week and shared photographs and interesting information from his recent trip to Jerusalem.

Ola – Very interesting and I liked the pictures.

Robbie – I enjoyed saying prayers with Father Kenneth.

Richard – I liked singing the hymns

Emma – I enjoyed it as I learned information about Jerusalem I didn’t know before.


This week in maths the children have continued to develop their understanding of equivalence in coins.  They have been working really hard and enjoyed using the money in ‘real-life’ situations.

Cameron – It was hard at first to use all the money but then I got better at it

Michael – We were learning about money that was greater than and less than.

Library – Primary 3 had a lovely trip to the library today, they were able to have some free time to explore the books and to choose one that they wanted to read in class.

Emily – I enjoyed choosing a book because there are so many to pick from.

Maliha – I enjoyed looking at the books to choose one I could read

Kate – I enjoyed getting to choose a book that can challenge me

Orla – It inspired me because it made me think that i should read more.

Ava – I like it as it can help me to read harder books and not get my words mixed up.


Have a lovely weekend everyone and looking forward to being back to normal again next week


Mrs McMullen & Awesome P3

Catholic Education Week 2017

Catholic Education Week 12th to 18th February 2017

THEME: “Developing as a community of faith and learning”

“What makes the Catholic school distinctive is its attempt to generate a community climate that is permeated by the Gospel spirit of freedom and love.”

This theme has been inspired by the Charter for Catholic schools and the work that school communities are currently embarking on as they “Develop in Faith”. All classes will be involved in lessons which focus on the above theme looking at different characteristics of the charter for Catholic Schools. There will also be a mass offered for the St Ninian’s family at 9.30am on Sunday 19th February in St Philip’s, all welcome.



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