Mrs Wassell’s P3 Weekly Learning Grid 27.4.20

Good Morning Girls,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend in the sunshine with your families.

Here is your learning grid for this week.

Core Grid Week 4 P3

I hope you have fun with your learning activities this week.

Remember if you have any questions just pop them into the comments for this post and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Mrs Wassell

P1 Mrs Davenport Weekly Home Learning Grid Monday 27.4.20

Hello everyone,

I hope you have had a lovely weekend and you enjoyed the sunny weather. I am looking forward to another exciting week of learning and I hope you enjoy the activities that have been set for you.

Parents, there are quite a few attachments required for the grid this week. Please get in touch if you have any questions about which resources you should access.

I look forward to hearing from you all this week and seeing what learning you have been doing.

First link is the learning grid:

Learning Grid Week 4 WC 27th April P1

This link is for information on how to access the new reading resource:
Active Learn Primary Login Information

These links are how to support your child with their reading book. Please login to Active Learn Primary (details in link above) to find your child’s reading book and then select the link below which matches the book set:

Can You See Cat Reading Book Information

Get Up and Go Reading Book Information

Goldilocks and the Big Mess Reading Book Information

King Pip and the Troll Reading Book Information

Sight words link:


This is the link for the booklet template for your writing task:

Booklet Template

Maths link for ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf’ worksheet:

What’s the Time Mr Wolf – Worksheet

Last link is for the Rights Respecting Schools article of the week information:

RRS Article of the Week P1

Have a great week P1. Please do get in touch with any questions you have.

Mrs Davenport

Mrs Wassell’s P3 daily update 23.4.20

Good morning girls!

I hope you all managed to get out in the sunshine yesterday for a while. It was such a beautiful day. Remember to take regular breaks throughout the day. Remember you do not have to complete everything.

If you would like some additional extension tasks, you might like to make a Sound Map. This is a lovely peaceful activity that you can do inside or outside.   First you find a spot you like and stay still for 5 minutes.    Mark on your paper all the sounds you hear.  How many sounds did you hear? Tell an adult what you heard and how it made you feel.

Home Learning Grid

I’ve posted the Core Grid here for you to make it easy for you to access.

Core Grid Week 3 P3

How are you getting on with your fact file about an endangered sea creature?   Try to include  a title, key facts and a picture.


I have set a literacy challenge for you on sumdog focusing on capital letters and punctuation. You can complete the challenge until tomorrow at 3pm. Good Luck!

Maths – 3D Shapes

Today you could go on a 3D Shape hunt in the house or when you are out for daily exercise.  See if you can find these shapes:

  • cube
  • cuboid
  • sphere
  • cylinder
  • pyramid
  • cone

You could always take a picture of your objects and pop it on your OneNote profile or draw a picture in your jotter.

I hope you have a great day.

from Mrs Wassell

Phonological Awareness

NHS Lothians Children and Young Peoples Speech and Language Therapy Service are posting videos and information about phonological Awareness next week through their Facebook page!

This helps to develop children’s speech and is good for early reading and writing. Tune in next week on their facebook page and see the information provided and if it could help your little ones.

Mrs Wassell’s P3 Daily update 22.4.20

Good morning girls! I hope you are managing to access your learning okay. If you do have any problems, please get in touch via the comments on the blog and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Remember to do the learning in a way that suits you and your family  and also remember to take breaks and get some fresh air. Have a great day!

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with the 2D maths task?  Remember that you can use pens, pencils, cutlery or anything else that you can find to make your shapes.

Maths – Solving Problems

Today you can use your understanding of fractions to help you solve problems.  Visit the nrich website and try to solve the Fair Feast problem.  You can draw a picture of your answers to share your learning.


Today we’re going to have fun with our spelling words by playing Headbandz with a family member.  Write your spelling word on a post it or make  a headband.  You can give each other clues to work out the word.  Have fun!

You can also read a story and see if you can answer these questions:

  • Who was in the story?
  • Where was the story set?
  • What happened?
  • How did it end?

You’ll find lots of stories online at

Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine!

from Mrs Wassell

P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan 22.4.20

Good morning Primary 3. Welcome to Wednesday! Here are some additional tasks for today.  You can complete these along with the tasks in your grid. Let us know if you have any problems accessing the grid.  I have attached it here for you.

Core-Grid-Week-3-Primary 3

Remember to do the learning in a way that suits you and your family  and also remember to take breaks and get some fresh air. Have a great day!

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with the 2D maths task?  Remember that you can use pens, pencils, cutlery or anything else that you can find to make your shapes.

Maths – Solving Problems

Today you can use your understanding of fractions to help you solve problems.  Visit the nrich website and try to solve the Fair Feast problem.  You can draw a picture of your answers to share your learning.


Today we’re going to have fun with our spelling words by playing Headbandz with a family member.  Write your spelling word on a post it or make  a headband.  You can give each other clues to work out the word.  Have fun!

You can also read a story and see if you can answer these questions:

  • Who was in the story?
  • Where was the story set?
  • What happened?
  • How did it end?

You’ll find lots of stories online at

Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine!

from Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan


Mrs Wassell’s P3 Daily update 21.4.20

Good Morning P3. Hope you are all ok and have managed to access the weekly grid. Let me know if you have any problem with this.

Here are some additional tasks for you to do today.


We are looking at shape this week. Click on the links below to play shape games. Have fun.

In the above game you can play basic and 3 D shapes but there are some challenge games too.


When out for your daily walk use your 5 senses to write down on a piece of paper one or two things that you could put into a Sense Poem. You can then write this poem either in your jotter or one note. You can then illustrate your poem. The layout could be as below.

I see

I hear

I touch

I taste

I smell


We are learning about the events of Easter Sunday.

Watch the above clip and focus on the story of the empty tomb. Learn that when we die we have eternal life in Heaven with God.

Can you create your own art picture showing the empty tomb?

For a challenge, can you find a way to make the stone roll from your picture?

Here is one example for an idea.

Have a lovely day. Mrs Wassell

P3 (Mrs Wassell) 20.4.20

Welcome back to Term 4 girls. I hope you all had a lovely holiday with your families.

Please see below your learning grid for this week and your resources.

Core Grid Week 3 P3



RE Core Grid T4W1

Remember you can complete your work in your jotter or you can upload your work onto your one note profile. If you choose to do this then please let me know on the blog comments so I can go on and have a look.

Have a great week!

Mrs Wassell

P4 (Mrs Wassell) 20.4.20

Welcome back to Term 4 boys and Girls. I can’t believe we are in our last term of Primary 4.

I have included all the resources below that you will need for your learning this week.

Learning Grid – Week 3 grid P4

Literacy Resources

there, their and they’re powerpoint


blue group          green group        orange group         red group      Spelling Tasks

Reading skills


Maths Resources

12 and 24 hour chart

Converting 24 hour and 12 hour times

Introducing the 24 Hour Clock

Number Talks Cards


RE Core Grid T4W1

Week 13 FHC


Mindfulness Eating

Team work challenge 1

Team work challenge 2


Easter in Spain ppt and quiz



Global Goals

Global goals – No Poverty

Remember you can send me your tasks on teams, email or on your one note profile.

Have a fantastic week!

Mrs Wassell

P3 Easter Holidays

Hello Primary 3,

We hope that you have enjoyed this week’s learning.  It has been lovely to see all of your work on your profiles.

The next two weeks are the Easter holidays and we have attached some extra activities for you to do over the break if you wish.  The Mini Vinnies Committee are also running a lockdown appeal to make people smile.

Easter Holiday Activities

Mini Vinnies Lockdown Appeal

A final thank you for all your hard work, adults and children, not only at school over this term but at home for the last couple of weeks. We really appreciate your support and are missing you all.  We hope you have a fun, safe and relaxing Easter holiday at home.

From Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

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